Chapter 789: Sweep!

"It seems that the results ahead are not very good."

In Obito's Shenwei space, Obito, Orochimaru and Yaoshidou stood here together, and their faces could not be seen to be unhappy. In their opinion, this was not a strange thing at all.

After a day of fierce fighting, the performance of the Ninja World Alliance was still very good.

Bai Jue's army's offensive during the day was overcome by them, and although it also brought them huge trouble at night, with Naruto's help, everything became easier.

Even if Naruto left behind only a shadow clone, this shadow clone contained a lot of power, allowing him to easily discover the traces of Bai Jue.

Therefore, for now, Bai Jue's offensive has reached a limit, and it is not practical to continue to cause trouble to the ninja coalition.

"It's true that the results of the battle were not very good. It can only be said that the coalition performed very well." Orochimaru licked his tongue indifferently: "But from another perspective, this is also a good thing, isn't it?"

"I don't know if it's a good thing, I just know if it will make them feel too relaxed." Obito shook his head, his tone seemed very indifferent no matter how he looked at it: "I remember, you didn't prepare some comparisons. Something interesting?"

"You mean, Madara Uchiha?" The pharmacist tilted his head: "Do you want to use it now?"

"Then, when do you say it will be used?" Obito spread out his hands: "I remember you said before that the eight guys who went to find Qi, after regaining their self-consciousness, only two attacked him without fear of death. , everyone else is restrained."

Orochimaru and Toudou had already told Obito about the actions of those eight guys, so he naturally knew what had happened.

I have to say that some people's ideas are indeed different from others, and some people really see clearly,

Except for a very small number of guys who were dazzled by hatred, Orochimaru and the guys who thought they had hatred for Uchiha Kai, really no one did anything.

Maybe it's a sense of reason, Orochimaru and the others don't know, but no matter how he looked at his arrangement at the time, it really didn't have any effect, and the powerful units they invested in have now almost been cleaned up.

Whether it is the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, Chiyo and the others, or the modern filmmakers, they have all been sealed up. It can be said that the troops they are now investing in are basically finished.

"It seems that Uchiha Madara can indeed be used." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "But there is one thing I must make clear, and that is a fatal flaw in the reincarnation of dirty soil."

"Fatal flaw?" Obito frowned, "What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple, that is, this technique has shortcomings, that is, when the person who is summoned knows how to seal the technique, then..." The pharmacist raised his eyes and said softly: "Then He can unlock the control of this technique and keep himself in the state to continue to act in the world."

"Such a defect..." Obito frowned, and then he said calmly: "Forget it, it doesn't matter, I think this guy can still handle it."

Infinite chakra, and the power of immortality, this kind of existence also made Obito feel a little frowning.

However, when he thought of Uchiha Kai's terrifying power, he finally decided to release Uchiha Madara.

The current battle situation did not meet the requirements he wanted at all, and everything seemed too simple.

However, in order to ensure that the ninja coalition is not without the ability to resist, he still made a decision.

"You said, can the first Hokage and the others still be released?" Obito thought for a long time before slowly asking: "I remember you said that they were in the belly of Death, and it was extremely difficult to convert them. "

"Yeah, it's very difficult." Orochimaru nodded lightly: "However, it's not impossible. Do you want me to try it?"

"If you could, that would be great."

"Then, we're going to Konoha..."


In Konoha Village, Sasuke sat up slowly, then took off the cloth strips in front of his eyes, and a pair of strange kaleidoscopes appeared in his eyes.

Sasuke didn't seem to accept his brother's eyes at first, but in the face of his father and brother's request, and it was still the order of Lord Kai, Sasuke really had no way to refuse.

In the end, he accepted this power, but he didn't know why, when his eyes were constantly changing, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a person in his body.

A person who is indifferent like Lord Qi, with a strange costume but a terrifying power in his eyes.

This person is not conscious, he just stands there quietly, standing behind him, like a statue.

But the oppression brought by this person is also clearly visible, and... Sasuke seems to feel that this person is himself!

"What exactly is going on?"

Sasuke clenched his fist, and he could sense that the person seemed to be still there and had an unimaginably close connection with him.

But Sasuke didn't like this feeling very much. He didn't know what was going on at all. Just think about it, and suddenly found that there was someone else's consciousness in his body, it could even be called a soul.

And this soul also has an unimaginable connection with himself, as if he is him, he is himself, whoever finds out all this will feel very uncomfortable.

But Sasuke didn't have time to think about it, and soon his door was pushed open, and it was his mother who came in.

"Mother mother." Sasuke immediately suppressed the puzzlement in his heart, and he lowered his head and said softly.

"It looks like you've recovered, Sasuke." Mikoto kept a smile on her face, she walked slowly to Sasuke's side and touched his head: "Thank you."

"No, it's my brother who works the hardest." Sasuke shook his head gently: "If it wasn't for his eyes..."

"This is your father, your brother, and Qi-kun's decision." Before Sasuke could finish speaking, Mikoto interrupted him: "Just don't let them down on your expectations, Sasuke."

Sasuke nodded earnestly. Indeed, it is useless to say more. It is better to gain the approval of his father, brother, and Lord Qi through his actual performance.

Especially with his eyes now, which condensed his brother's eyes, he must not live up to all of this, absolutely not!

"By the way, what about my brother and my father?" Sasuke looked left and right when he thought of his brother: "Why aren't they here?"

"Your brother and your father have gone to the headquarters of the front line." Mikoto said softly, "Because Naruto has already gone to the battlefield, and Qi-kun asked him to go, your father and your brother are going to explain."

"Is that so?" Sasuke nodded, then he stood up: "Then, I'll go too."

"You..." Mikoto couldn't help opening her mouth slightly when she saw Sasuke's actions, but in the end, all the words turned into a single voice: "Well, I see, you have to be more careful, do you understand?"

As a ninja, protecting your homeland is a matter of course, and with so many people on the battlefield, Mikoto couldn't stop Sasuke's actions.

But as a mother, she naturally has her own worries, but these worries come together, and there is only one word of caution.

War is always the beast that devours life...


Thousands of miles of yellow sand, the red-hot light of the sky illuminates a figure wrapped in bandages.

If you look closely, this is the second generation Tsuchikage who was sealed by Gaara, Onogi, and Ghost Lantern Manmoon not long ago!

However, at this time, neither his breath nor Chakra seemed as strong as before, as if he was torn apart, giving a very strange feeling.

Standing on the yellow sand with his eyes blank, his hands began to quickly form a seal. After a while, he slapped the ground with his palm, and the pattern of the psychic array quickly spread.

"Secret Art Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"

With a surge of chakra, a coffin rose from the yellow sand.

In just one second, there was a loud bang, the door of the coffin shattered, and a figure walked out of it impatiently.

"It looks like that kid Nagato has grown a lot, and he finally returned to this world."

The summoned figure said with some emotion, but with his appearance, Wuyao regained his consciousness at this moment, and he was really startled when he saw the figure in front of him.

"You are.... it's actually you!" Shaking his head with no abnormal emotion: "I didn't expect that, with the passage of time, even you were summoned by the caster of the reincarnation of the dirty earth. It's really refreshing. Emotional and surprised."


The figure paused for a while, he turned his head to look at Wu, a cold aura came from the three-gou jade writing wheel in his eyes, and Wu took a step back subconsciously.

"You said, this is the reincarnation of the filth?" His voice was extremely tough, yet extremely indifferent.

"Yes, Madara." Wu nodded: "I didn't expect you to be dead for so long, and you still have such a momentum after you come back to life."

Madara Uchiha didn't have the mind to pay attention to Wu at all, and his mind was still thinking about what was going on.

According to his original plan, at this moment when he wakes up, he should be in a human state, not a puppet like a living dead.

But Madara Uchiha is a hero in the end. If you don't understand, don't think about it, because he believes that with his own strength, he can figure it all out.

"How is this going?"

The large army below, at this moment, a perception ninja suddenly raised his head in fear and looked at a hill left by the battle in the distance. His expression looked extremely frightened.

"What's the matter?"

Onogi, who had just gone through a big battle, looked at him inexplicably. He didn't have the terrifying perception of the second generation of Tsuchikage, and naturally it was impossible to detect anything unusual.

"It's over there! That...that kind of chakra..."

This perception ninja looked a little frightened, his finger pointed to the hill, and in the base camp of the country of fire, the perception class responsible for the transmission of the entire battlefield information, the faces of these ninjas were also extremely solemn, and they also noticed a wave The terrifying chakra is brewing.

However, they haven't received information from the front line, so they didn't convey information casually, but just by feeling such chakra, they were already sweating coldly, let alone the perception ninja on the front line.

"What?" Naruto's shadow avatar turned his head suspiciously, at this time Gaara and the others were already looking over the rock.

Gaara's eyes were quickly locked on the figure slowly walking out from behind the hill, and he couldn't help frowning: "Second generation soil shadow? What's the matter, isn't he sealed?"

Oh Yemu seemed to remember something at this moment, and he said helplessly: "It seems that it is the split of no adults. I didn't expect that he could complete the split under such circumstances. I was too careless!"

"Split?" Everyone turned to look at Ohnogi. It was the first time they heard this word, or it was a special technique.

"It is the ability of no adults, and it is a split that is different from the shadow clone. Both are the main body, but the corresponding power will be reduced by half." Oh Yemu said this matter helplessly.

"Ah, isn't that similar to Orochimaru's clone?" Naruto touched his head, and the information about Orochimaru that he had seen from his father appeared in his mind.

"That's too far away." Onogi shouted in annoyance: "How can my teacher be comparable to a rat like Orochimaru?"

"'s not him!" The perception ninja shouted again just now, looking at Wu's side in horror.

The sound of footsteps treading lightly on the sand sounded, and a figure calmly walked to Wu's side, looking towards the crowd with their arms around them.

His face was expressionless, and he was wearing red armor. His black hair that stood up swayed gently in the wind, and his long drooping hair covered his right eye. Only the blood-red left eye stared at everyone with contempt.

His gaze was unusually flat, and there was no deliberate contempt, but the gaze that looked down on all beings appeared naturally, without any abruptness.

"This... is this guy?"

Onogi, almost like his teacher, took a step back subconsciously.

There was also cold sweat on his forehead. Among all the people present, he lived the longest, and he was also a witness to history.

Especially back then, when he and his teacher Wu went to Konoha, he was ruthlessly persecuted by Madara Uchiha, and such a painful experience still haunts his heart.

"Who is this guy?" Naruto asked curiously.

"He is definitely not the person we hope to foresee, absolutely not! And we may be in big trouble with him, his name is..."

Ping Onomu was silent for a long time for two days, and then he said a name in a heavy tone, and this suddenly caused an uproar.

"Uchiha Madara!"



Uchiha Ki, who was walking in the forest and slowly walked towards Nagato, suddenly frowned.

After eliminating the eight guys—actually two, the remaining six made the same choice without exception, which is to help out on the battlefield.

I don't know if it's the characteristics of this world, or this era created these characteristics. Unless these dead people have special grudges, they really don't want to embarrass young people.

Especially when they are still against the entire ninja world.

Uchiha Qi briefly told them about the current situation, such as the ghost lamp full moon in the village of Wuyin has become a water shadow, and their family has begun to shine again.

For example, in the current situation of Konoha, Uchiha has become the absolute core of Konoha, and he himself has become the agent Hokage.

This kind of news made these six people feel the changes of the years and the changes of the times.

All of this is developing in a good direction, and they naturally don't have too many hatreds.

They all died because of different positions and different values.

Even if the five patriarchs of Wuyin Village have enemies, but the four generations of Mizuying have long since died, they have no chance to take revenge.

So they separated, Uchiha Ke continued to look for Nagato and Heijue, while the six of them rushed to the battlefield to help these young people alive.

It's just that Uchiha Qi didn't expect that after parting, he suddenly felt a strong chakra covering the sky, and even he couldn't help frowning with such chakra.

Gloomy, terrifying, and full of destructiveness, especially in the destructive part, before stepping into the Six Paths, Kai Uchiha was definitely not as terrifying as the current Chakra!

His chakra is so cold and chilling from beginning to end, which may be closely related to his character back then.

Even now, he has become more natural, and his chakra is definitely not a sunshine that makes people bathe in the spring breeze, but a bit of natural aura in the cold.

And the strength has reached his level, and he will hardly make people feel his chakra easily.

If he wanted to, even a top sensory ninja standing in front of him might not be able to detect the chakra aura on him.

"This kind of chakra is really surprising." Uchiha Qi murmured to himself: "It fits the characteristics of the Uchiha clan. Could it be that Uchiha Madara came out?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi has basically determined that it is this guy. After all, he doesn't think that there is anyone else in the ninja world who has such an insolent Chakra.

I have to say that Uchiha Madara is Uchiha Madara. His power is really terrifying, and there are really not many people in the entire ninja world who can deal with him.

Naruto and Namikaze Minato, who went all out, plus Sasuke might be able to suppress him, but that's still his dead state, not a living state.

All I can say is that there are pros and cons.

In the state of reincarnation, he is not afraid of death, and has infinite chakra.

However, Uchiha Qi doesn't think this so-called infinite chakra is really infinite.

After all, his strength has reached his realm, and he also has a certain level of entry into the perception of nature. He knows that everything in the world is relative, there is no absolute immortality, and there is no truly infinite chakra.

When the power used by a certain person completely reaches the upper limit, such as a spell, then he will also feel that his chakra cannot keep up with the operation.

It's just that after this technique is cast, his chakra will return quickly.

Death is the same, Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Osamu are actually in a state of death.

But the two of them were killed by Uchiha Qi, and irreversibly erased the traces of their reincarnation from the dirt from time!

But unfortunately, Namikaze Minato and the others should not be able to do this, so they can suppress but not necessarily kill Uchiha Madara.

And when Madara Uchiha is completely resurrected and his power is completely returned, then everything will be different.

At that time, unless Sasuke and Naruto get the plug-in of the guy from Six Paths Immortal, otherwise there may be no way to get this guy.

"Speaking of Immortal Six Paths, what is that guy doing now?" Uchiha Qi stopped and looked into the distance, thinking silently, but soon he smiled indifferently: "Forget it, if everything is so easy, this time four What's the value of fighting, and..."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi took his eyes back, his eyes instantly turned into a pair of scarlet three-gou jade, and his eyes fell on the ground aside.

"Did I take you out, or did you come out on your own?"

As soon as the voice fell, a vast chakra spread in this forest in an instant. This chakra was controlled to the extreme, and there was no tendency to spread outward at all. Just gathered in his area.

In this area, time and space seem to be frozen, and an indescribable sense of depression pervades here.

For a moment, the ground began to loosen, and then the two coffins slowly rose. Along with the rise of the coffins, a black and white guy and quietly appeared in front of Uchiha Kai.

Black absolutely?

He really didn't expect that he was looking for this guy, and he actually took the initiative to run to him.

It's just that he is also a little vigilant. This guy came to him, and I am afraid that he is fully prepared to have this scene.

Hei Jue is notorious for being cautious. After all, from being able to go a thousand years ago to the present, he really couldn't get to this step if he was not careful.

He couldn't guess who was in the two coffins, but it was not easy to get it here, no matter how he thought about it.

"Uchiha Kai..." Hei Jue looked at Uchiha Kai with a complicated look, his voice was so hoarse: "I didn't expect that a person like you would appear in the ninja world."

"Speaking of which, I don't even know who you are." Uchiha Qi said knowingly: "You know, there is no creature like you in my memory, which is completely composed of yin and yang, especially..."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Qi deliberately paused, and then said leisurely: "You still have the breath of this Otsutsuki."

"You too." Hei Jue stared at Uchiha Kai, his voice was terribly low: "You have the breath of a mother, who are you!"

Hei Jue can't understand why there is a mother's breath on this guy Uchiha Kai!

He had felt such a strange aura several times, but he never thought in the direction of Uchiha Kai from beginning to end, because in his opinion, Uchiha Kai was a lucky guy, and he used others Eye Guy.

How can someone whose future has completely collapsed, how can he invest too much time and experience?

However, the fact gave him a resounding slap in the face. The guy Uchiha Kai seemed to be completely different. When he really faced him, Hei Jue could feel the fear from his heart.

That is absolutely unimaginable, and it has completely reached an incredible state!

At this moment, Hei Jue seemed to understand completely, or to say that he completely solved the doubts in his heart.

No wonder, so many strange breaths appeared in the ninja world, and the vigorous power broke out.

No wonder, I can find the blood of the same family as my mother.

That strange, people of the same bloodline as their mother are so strong will die.

No wonder...

There are too many things that he couldn't understand before. At this moment, Hei Jue wants to understand. The biggest problem here is not me, but this me who has never cared about it before. It seems that he has a stronger desire for worldly power. There's something wrong with the guy who doesn't have any room for improvement!

"How did you get these powers?" Hei Jue couldn't help but ask: "Your breath is a bit like... Yui, but your Otsutsuki's essential power is like Yumura, but you have a mother's in your body. Breath, who are you!"

"I have to say, you are really sharp." Uchiha Kai chuckled.

"I have the chakras of Indra and Asura, that's probably why I look like Yui-senpai.

And the power of the original source of Otsutsuki in my body comes from the seniors of Hamura, as for me taking this step....

This is Kaguya Otsutsuki's help. "

Having said that, the three hook jade in Uchiha Kai's eyes began to spin quickly, and in just a moment, his eyes were already covered with the imprint of reincarnation.

His three gouyu also completely turned into nine gouyu at this moment, which is showing his unparalleled strength!

Hei Jue saw the change in Uchiha Kai's eyes, and instantly he felt a chill all over his body, as if endless murderous intent had locked him in.

Without the slightest hesitation, Hei Jue instantly activated the two coffins in front of him, the coffins were blasted open at this moment, and then two figures came out of the two coffins.

"Uh..." Uchiha Qi couldn't help but stunned when he saw the two, and then his expression became a little weird: "I really didn't expect that the two of you would end up like this... ....

Otsutsuki Peach, and Otsutsuki Gold..."


"Have you seen the strength of my heyday?"

Madara Uchiha stared coldly at the second-generation Tsuchikage who was controlled by the caster. According to the guy himself, his name seemed to be Dou.

"I haven't seen it, but I thought you could show it to me, right?"

Tou said calmly, facing Madara Uchiha, he still felt a lot of pressure, so he didn't dare to go too far.

In particular, he also learned about the flaws of the reincarnation of the dirty earth through Orochimaru, and he is really not sure whether this guy Uchiha Madara knows how to reincarnate in the dirty soil, so he really can't be too arrogant.

Through Uchiha Kai he learned that the Kai-sama attaches great importance to Uchiha Madara, and even if he is sure to win, it may not be easy.

Dou's cognition of himself is still very clear. He does not have the perverted experience as in the original book, such as injecting the blood of Orochimaru and the four-member group to become Orochimaru.

Similarly, his strength is not as strong as in the original book, at least he does not have the immortal mode, which allows him to fight two Uchihas who are comparable to having eternal eyes.

Just as the two were talking, Huang Sha suddenly struck.

They didn't look back at all, the two jumped up at the same time, and the yellow sand didn't cause any trouble to them at all.

Madara Uchiha landed steadily on the ground, his scarlet eyes stared indifferently at the thousands of ninjas in front of him, and then he spoke slowly.


Wanli Huangsha, Uchiha Madara is independent, and his opponent is an unknown number of ninja coalition forces.

He just stood there quietly, even though there was only one person, it seemed like a thousand troops, actually suppressing the momentum of the other party faintly.

Suddenly, Uchiha Madara moved.

He stepped lightly, slowly stepping forward, one step, two steps...

Then, his pace quickened, turned into a trot, and then got faster and faster.

The allied ninjas looked different, subconsciously clenching their kunai, and some even dripped with cold sweat.

Madara's age is too long. For the ninjas of their generation, most of them don't know this ninja Shura so well, but have only heard of his legends.

But at this moment, they are under unimaginable pressure.

The imposing manner of the other party is really too strong, and standing there is like a Shura, quietly waiting to harvest people's lives.

Thousands of ninjas stood together, but they did not feel any sense of security.

Kiriyin Village had experienced the ninjas who were attacked fifteen or sixteen years ago, and at this moment, he was suddenly in a trance.

Because in front of them, as if there was the mysterious Uchiha figure of the year, the same makes people suffocating, the same makes people tremble, and the same makes people desperate!

When Madara Uchiha was about to approach, someone suddenly shouted loudly.

This voice instantly exploded the entire ninja coalition. It was so depressing and so desperate!

Everyone roared, and then they rushed forward frantically.

The mighty army is like a tide, as if looking down from the sky, you can see a piece of darkness, the two sides are not a quantitative ratio at all.

But ninja battles, even if they can be changed with numbers most of the time, there are always exceptions.

Just like Uchiha Kai and others, like Uchiha Madara!

After a while, the two sides collided, and the screams of the ninja coalition suddenly rose and fell to each other.

Madara Uchiha rushed into the flock like a wild beast. Whether it was speed or strength, he crushed everyone present!

Therefore, in the first moment of the confrontation, countless ninjas have been thrown high.

Madara Uchiha was like a dancing red butterfly in the crowd, and the movements on his hands were light.

All the ninjas who had a little contact with him flew out backwards. Under his hands, fighting seemed like an art, and every movement was extremely simple and natural.

"This is....that mysterious Uchiha?"

The ninjas of Kiriyin Village couldn't help but exclaimed at this time, like, so similar!

Although that mysterious Uchiha was wearing a mask back then, he couldn't see through his true colors at all, but their movements, fighting styles and fighting skills were almost the same!

"It was him who attacked Wuyin Village more than ten years ago?"

Ghost Lantern Manyue raised his brows He remembered that the person who did this was the guy Uchiha Kai.

"It was Madara Uchiha who attacked Kiriyuki back then?"

Onogi also Gaara, and Naruto are a little incredible.

Although this guy Obito has a history of swindling around with Madara Uchiha's name, he hasn't used it since he was taught by Uchiha Kai, and he really hasn't used it.

Naturally, not many people knew what was going on, and their eyes were basically locked on the clue of Samsara.

I have to say that Uchiha Kai's intervention really helped Uchiha Madara a favor. The world doesn't know his existence at all, and only a small number of people know what's going on.

And while Naruto and the others were still thinking and preparing to fight, Madara Uchiha had already completely started killing people in the group...


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