Chapter 790: dance

With one punch, a Chunin from Iwa Ninja Village flew upside down, and under the tremendous force, more than a dozen companions behind him were all crushed.

Then he took a step forward gently, and the long knife with a cold glow slashed against his back.

The right hand flicked forward, and the Kunai stabbed in front of him and his arm were precisely grasped.

Immediately afterwards, the ninja felt that his arm was out of control and was dragged in the other direction. With a soft sound, it collided with the long sword of the ninja just now.

In an instant, both of them felt a pain in their hearts at the same time, and they flew upside down without seeing what was going on.

The writing wheel turned slightly, and a ninja with a knife suddenly appeared in a trance. The long knife in his hand was easily snatched away with a knife, and then blood splattered and fell to the ground.

Wandering among thousands of ninjas, Madara Uchiha's posture was easy to do.

No matter anyone's attack, he seems to be able to predict in advance, that elegant posture accompanied by his dancing, completely blooming on this battlefield.

Only a few minutes later, an unknown number of people fell under Madara's hands.

His movement was so fast that other people were like wooden stakes in front of him, unable to catch him at all.

And he rushed into the large army, so that these ninjas did not dare to use ninjutsu to attack, because it is likely to kill their own people.

Such tactics and dismissal really made many Kirigakushi ninjas feel cold sweat.

The mysterious Uchiha they faced back then used the same tactics and methods to beat them so that they were powerless to fight back!

In fact, they didn't know that when Uchiha Kai attacked them, he actually referred to Uchiha Madara's fighting style.

In addition to his own writing wheel eyes reaching this level, the second is that this tactic is really the best way to give full play to his own advantages, and let the enemy have no way to accurately attack him.

The battle continued, Madara Uchiha kicked the ninja in front of him with one foot, and then grabbed with his right hand, and a Kunai carrying a detonating charm appeared in his hand.

Half a second later, Kunai shot in the direction from which he came, and the detonating talisman was attached to the ninja beside him.


Kunai pierced into the body of the original master, and the ninja with the detonating talisman was also knocked out, and fell into the crowd with a violent explosion!

His body moved quickly, and he didn't know how many people fell into his hands, but at this moment, he suddenly found that his ninja knife was entangled in yellow sand.

But he didn't pause at all, and directly discarded the ninja sword in his hand, and then kicked the ninja's chest in front of him to collapse.

A ninja dressed in Yunyin's costume also rushed over, and the ninja in his hand slashed at him quickly but in a panic.

Such an attack was no threat at all to Madara. He easily avoided all attacks, and then grabbed the ninja by the neck.

"You want to dance too?"

His voice was unusually cold, giving people a shuddering feeling, but at this moment a water gun shot at him, Uchiha Madara didn't look at it at all, but jumped up to avoid the water gun At the same time, it also jumped out of the crowd.

"The ghost of the ghost lamp family?" Madara's eyes locked on the full moon, and then he shook his head indifferently, his hands were lightly interlaced, and chakra surged: "Fire escape · Huohuo extinguished!"

The fire suddenly broke out, and the fire escape light beyond the understanding of the ninjas appeared, boundless, and attacked them like a sea of ​​fire.

Such a terrifying fire escape, a few people have seen it on Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue, but today they have to face such an attack again.

"Is this guy... really human?"

At the rear of the coalition forces, Gaara watched all this with a shocked expression.

Behind him are the medical ninjas from Sandyin Village. They are constantly helping him recover from his injuries and chakra. The same is true behind Ohnogi.

And Naruto also looked at all this solemnly. At this time, his immortal chakra had been exhausted when facing the modern shadow, and now there is no way to make an effective attack.

Ghost Dengmanyue couldn't help swallowing. He wondered if he had stabbed in a basket and made such a brutal guy notice him. No matter how you look at it, it's not a good thing.

Madara Uchiha's battle is really beyond imagination, and it can be said that it is the first time they have seen such an attack.

There was a legend in the ninja world that the top Uchiha ninja fighting is an art, and they have no way to understand it.

But when this art of fighting came about, they already had to believe the legend was true.

To rush to kill the ninja army with one's own strength, he can show a one-sided situation, and he himself is not even injured at all.

Not to mention the injury, even a ninja can't touch the corner of his clothes, this is already a complete massacre!

"The legendary Uchiha Kai is also a member of the Uchiha family. Can he do this?"

Many ninjas who have never seen Uchiha Kaiwei, or guys who don't believe in Uchiha Kai's strength at all, can't help but think secretly in their hearts.

Huo Dun was so exaggerated that the coalition forces did not stagnate in the slightest.

Dozens of ninjas came out, and their hands quickly formed a seal, and the water was sprayed out by them, and then they merged together and attacked Madara's fire at the same time.

Chi Chi's water and fire mingled incessantly, and a large piece of water vapor rose.

A ninjutsu at hand requires more than fifty ninjas here to fight together. Such suppression is unimaginable.

However, this scene suddenly made the misty ninjas who had been attacked in the past feel bad.

"Watch out for these mists!"

Many Kirigaze ninjas began to shout loudly, but there were not many of them, and their voices could not cover the battlefield.

Moreover, their actions were also late. In the next moment, Madara Uchiha's figure fell with a high-speed falling fireball, and fell into the crowd again to start the killing.

More tragic killings appeared in the crowd. The movements were always so simple, the posture was always so elegant, and the expression was always so indifferent, as if everything could be done easily by him.

"It can't go on like this, he must be stopped!" Gaara said in a low voice, Chakra had just recovered and almost stood up.

With their hands together, a large amount of yellow sand appeared in the gourd behind them, and Oh Yegi and Naruto also stood up.

However, at this moment, a vast chakra burst out suddenly, and the huge power instantly invaded the entire battlefield.

The earth was shaking, and then it shattered, and a crack with an almost invisible end traversed the battlefield, forcing the battle in front of you to stop!


Madara Uchiha frowned. He really didn't expect such a terrifying Chakra to appear. What the **** is going on?


"It's you!"

Otsutsuki Momo-style and Jin-style walked out of the coffin together, and when they saw Uchiha Kai in front of them, the anger was no longer able to bear.

They will never forget this guy, if it weren't for him, the golden style would not be swallowed by the peach style!

If it wasn't for him, the peach style wouldn't have been killed at all, and they didn't even have a wedge left.

This kind of hatred can be said to be hard to remember. They who had eternal lifespan ended because of this **** guy in front of them. How could they bear it?

It's just that they are also a little puzzled. They obviously died without leaving a wedge. Why can they still be resurrected now?

In an instant, they immediately noticed the condition of their bodies. They were controlled by a very special technique that could awaken the dead!

However, this kind of control is very weak, as if there is no complete plan to control them at all. In fact, even if you want to control them, it is not a simple matter.

As Otsutsuki, their understanding of the art is unimaginable. Even if they have come this far by devouring life, it is not something that ordinary people can control if they want to control it, even if it is the fusion of Yin and Yang, Hei Jue!

"Yes, it's me." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly: "Speaking of three years have passed like this, I really didn't expect you guys to be able to climb out, it seems that this guy really didn't do anything to deal with me. So little blood."

"Ki Uchiha, you are too dangerous, too dangerous to believe."

Hei Jue probably felt that with the protection of two people from the same family as his mother, he became a little more courageous, and then he stuck his head out and said.

Since I felt the breath of my mother in the sky, and although Uchiha Qi has been quiet in recent years, every time he makes a movement, it can be regarded as a shock to the real ninja world.

Although Hei Jue is not strong in combat, his perception ability is very strong, and almost every movement of Uchiha Kai will be perceived by him.

Whether it was the battle with Ci Xian, or the battle with Otsutsuki Jin-style or Peach-style, he clearly felt the terrifying breath.

Therefore, he made a choice, that is, to explore the scene, and when he explored these scenes, he also gained a lot of money - various traces left after the battle.

In addition, Orochimaru has been researching and improving the art of reincarnation of the dirty earth, and Hei Jue has been quietly watching and learning. Naturally, he also has the ability to use this art, and only now has the peach and gold styles to see the light of day!

"So, did you find two of my defeated men?"

Uchiha Qi looked at Hei Jue indifferently. At this moment, his eyes kept turning on Hei Jue's body. In an instant, he had already recorded this guy's breath and all traces of the yin and yang in his body.

"A defeated general?" Tao Shi suddenly laughed out loud.

"Yes, I did fail and was killed by you, but now you think you can kill me?

Although I don't know how to use this technique, I can feel that I will not be killed at all now, and my chakra consumption recovery is not a problem at all.

I'd like to see how you're going to kill me now, with the power of your time? "

The power of time, Otsutsuki Momo-style will also, even if it is not as good as Uchiha Kai, and the manipulation is so skillful.

But to resist him using time to reverse all this, Otsutsuki Momo-style can still be done, he will not be afraid at all in normal fighting, you must know that he is immortal now!

"Although that is the case." Uchiha Qi stared at the peach and gold styles of Otsutsuki, and the chakra in his body had begun to jump: "But the defeated general is still the defeated general, I don't think you can really deal with me. ."

"Then try it!"

Tao Shi angrily let out a roar, and then his body underwent some changes.

"God Poway!"

Accompanied by his roar, although he was still his original appearance, he did not become that inhuman monster, but his forehead and eye sockets, as well as the horns on the top of his head, all turned gray-black at this moment.

At the same time, a red ring appeared in his inner back, and a red sharp blade appeared in his hand. The state of this weapon was the same as the golden color around him.

It's just that the chakra difference between the two is too great. Obviously, this guy has completely absorbed the power of gold!

"You don't think that when I die, I really die!"

Otsutsuki's face full of madness looked at Kai Uchiha, and the Great God smiled wickedly.

"Death is indeed terrifying for Otsutsuki. It's like being locked in a deep secret room and never see the sun! But now that I'm out, I naturally won't go back!"

Did Otsutsuki go to a deep secret room after his death?

This sentence made Uchiha Qi's brows raised involuntarily. He didn't think that Otsutsuki's death was the real death.

After all, when human beings die, souls still have a place to return to, and they can even reincarnate.

Then an Otsutsuki who is so powerful that he ignores death dies, what will happen to them if they die?

Now he seems to have an answer, that is, his consciousness will be locked, in a place where they themselves are extremely afraid, there will never be any chance to come forward, right?

"From this point of view, the technique of reincarnation from dirty soil is really too much. No matter how you look at that place, it will not be pure land. This technique can actually pull them out. It's really interesting..."

Thinking like this, Uchiha Kai's speed was not slow at all, and a quest jade quickly appeared behind him, and one of them flew into his hand and turned into a ninja sword.

The ninja sword in his hand was slightly raised, and he blocked the peach-style attack in an instant. In an instant, the world shook, and the power spilled from the collision between the two of them directly turned the surrounding forest into powder!

"You two, do you want to dance too?" Uchiha Qi looked at the two of them indifferently, his voice extremely soft.

Hei Jue was taken aback by such a terrifying collision of power. He knew that these guys were strong, but he didn't realize that these guys were so strong.

His current situation could not bear the impact of the scene at all, so his body slowly sank into the soil, and he had other things to do.

"Just fight here, just as I'm going to make the final preparations for my mother's resurrection."


"Huh? You actually became stronger?"

Feeling the strength coming from Uchiha Kai, Otsutsuki Momoshi looked at the guy in front of him in disbelief. He really didn't expect this guy to become stronger again.

In just a few words from being resurrected, he has learned a lot about the situation, for example, it has been three years since he was killed.

For Otsutsuki, three years were just a split second.

But in three years, Uchiha Kai seems to be a lot stronger than the last time he killed himself!

You know, the last time this guy fought with himself, he still showed a very special state.

And in the previous battle, this guy was just like a flea, constantly dodging his forehead attacks.

But now this guy not only doesn't need the slightest change at all, but he can also resist his own attack head-on. For Otsutsuki, who has had endless years, this kind of progress is simply unimaginable in three years!

"Didn't you also become stronger?" Uchiha Qi looked at the opponent in front of him calmly, his voice still indifferent and soft: "Standing still is never a virtue, at least for me, it's not."

"You guys are really special, but..." The madness on Otsutsuki's face became even stronger: "This is just the beginning!"

Suddenly, a violent chakra fluctuation suddenly came from behind Uchiha Qi. He didn't need to look back to know that it was definitely the guy from Jinshi who did it.

With a cold snort, his body deflected slightly, and time seemed to be frozen in an instant. The blade that was so fast did not touch him at all, and he was easily avoided.

"Playing with time? Do you think you can?"

Tao Shi roared, and then a long black blade appeared on his other hand. This black long blade followed Uchiha Kai's movements and looked at it almost simultaneously!

However, at this moment, another figure of Uchiha Kai suddenly appeared in the void, and I saw that he also held a ninja sword with an indifferent expression, and mercilessly slashed towards Tao Shi.

The powerful and desperate Chakra bloomed in an instant, and there were more than one person. When this Uchiha raised his sword, dozens of the same figures appeared together, and they shot at the same moment!

Time enchantment, as Uchiha Kai's strength increases, the effect of this technique becomes more and more terrifying.

He can almost instantly attack himself who can be counted as staying in the time unit at the same time.

And his current strength, even if he doesn't need to use other modes at all, his casual attack almost surpasses the strongest attack that he opened Susanohuo back then!

The world seemed to collapse completely at this moment.

A complete Susanoo can cut through the earth, and dozens of powers even surpass the power of a complete Susanoo burst out in an instant. Such destructive power is simply unimaginable!

Time and space seemed to be completely messed up at this moment, the big tube wooden golden stance had been turned into ashes, his body was still collapsing, and endless scraps of paper floated out from his body.

However, the speed of these confetti falling is frighteningly slow. At this moment, this silent Taijutsu master seems to be familiar with Uchiha Kai's fighting style. Although he was hit several times, he was able to survive at this strange time. Inside action.

The same is true for Otsutsuki Momo-style. Last time, he could grasp the law of Uchiha Kai's time enchantment and evolve the same counterattack method, and this time he was no exception.

It's just that the two of them either simply can't allow themselves to attack at different time periods, or there are too few time periods to attack.

However, their strength is not weak. In the face of siege and the influence of time, they are not afraid. After all, Uchiha Qi has no way to reverse and erase them!

In the near-solid time, the three of Uchiha Kai, Otsutsuki Momo-shi and Jin-shi started to fight frantically.

Endless gravel and sand fluttered and solidified in the air, but they did not affect them in the slightest.

The golden stance that should have been completely scattered and waiting for reorganization, the scraps of paper on his body also fell very slowly, even if one piece of scraps fell, but the scrap of paper had not left his body, he had already activated it I don't know how many times s attack.

Extremely quiet to extremely fast, time is only relative to them, and the shackles of time can no longer stop them.

Their powers are in full bloom in this short to unimaginable time!

The earth could not bear their power at all, even the space became extremely fragile at this moment, the earth kept collapsing repeatedly, and the distorted time kept going forward and backward.

The violent power is constantly being transmitted outwards. This is a terrifying and extreme picture. No one can get close. Even if they get close, they cannot see the three people who have fallen into the depths of time and are fighting frantically.

Suddenly, Uchiha Kiman's figure in time began to disappear, and the next moment his figure seemed to be condensed together.

The ninja knife in his hand burst into a dazzling luster, the blue and dark chakra intertwined, and the charm of time bloomed in his ninja knife!

"This trick again?"

Tao Shi's face is full of madness, even if his body has been chopped to pieces, but in a world where time is almost equivalent to freezing, he is still attacking without any scruples.

"You think I'm in this state, can you kill me?"

"It's really unlikely, but haven't you discovered one thing?" Uchiha Kai's figure flew into the air, and a dazzling light burst out from him: "Even if the reincarnation of the dirty earth gives you the ability to be immortal, it also makes you The power is almost infinite, but is this really not going to die?"

Won't die?

This question hit the heart of Otsutsuki Momo-style, and they fought in this state for so long-even if the outside time may not have passed ten minutes, but for them, I am afraid that this fight has been fought for an unknown amount of time. node.

He naturally noticed his own problems, and death is still okay.

Whether it is reversing time or other methods, it can be done, just like his chakra.

When he uses his chakra cohesion technique endlessly, he also feels powerless, which is a concept of an upper limit.

The same is true of life. Once the attack hits the upper limit that one can achieve with this technique, then everything will be different, and death will become extremely possible!

"But can you attack my upper limit?" Tao Shi stared at Kai Uchiha, the madness on his face was faintly pushed down.

Although Jin Shi has remained silent all the time, his white eyes are also full of solemnity.

"I don't know." Uchiha Kai shook his head, the ninja sword in his hand has been condensed to the extreme: "But, this doesn't prevent me from trying it, does it? So..."

"God Time Slash!"

In an instant, the ultimate light shines on the land of the ninja world like day...


"Just now, what was that?"

In Konoha Village, the country of fire, Obito brought Orochimaru to the gate of the whirlpool house.

It's just that they had just landed, and a vast and desperate power suddenly invaded, which made them both stop involuntarily.

Such chakra explosive power, such deterrent power, they only felt it on Uchiha Kai three years ago, but at this moment, this power seems to make them feel more terrified than the one three years ago!

"Maybe, it's Kai, right?" Obito said uncertainly, "Could it be that he shot Madara Uchiha?"

"No." Orochimaru shook his head: "Although Uchiha Madara's resurrection was not controlled by me, I left him very good. I can perceive his condition, and he has not disappeared."

Uchiha Kai can directly obliterate the existence of the reincarnation of the dirty earth, and Orochimaru is very clear about this.

The five patriarchs of Wuyin Village and the three Uchiha clan were all summoned by him. Why didn't he know what was going on there?

The pair of Uchiha brothers directly lost their minds and inspired the attack against Uchiha, and the final result also made Orochimaru look sideways, because those two guys were actually wiped out!

It's not a simple kill, but a real erasure, erasing the fact that they were summoned.

Unless they are summoned again, the two of them can only obediently sleep in the Pure Land, because their time has been reversed to a node that was not summoned at all.

How Uchiha Kai did all this, Orochimaru doesn't know, but he knows it's not something he can imagine at all.

He knew that Uchiha Kai had completely walked towards the path of 'God', a path that truly belongs to 'God'!

Although it is a pity that his role in it is not that important, but he can be regarded as a real witness that a mortal has crossed over to what God has experienced.

He was also a testimony to what kind of power God should really possess.

That is the power that he cannot understand at all, at least there is no way to understand and grasp it at this stage, that is the power that he desperately desires!

Shaking his head, Orochimaru drew his attention back.

Now is really not the time to think about this, because the more he thinks about it, the more chaotic his heart will become. This is not what he expects.

All he has to do now is to prove another thing.

For him, Madara Uchiha's appearance is not only to complete Kai Uchiha's mission - training the ninja world, he also has his own ideas.

He has witnessed the extraordinary path of Uchiha Kai, but there are still many things that he can't understand. He plans to start with another person.

And this person is Madara Uchiha.

Even someone who has to be careful of Uchiha Kai, I'm afraid this guy is not far from the real "God", right?

"I think we should not consider these issues." Orochimaru licked his tongue and said in a hoarse voice: "We still have tasks, and Uzumaki Xiangcai knows me, so let me handle this matter. ."

"It was originally up to you to deal with it." Obito shook his head indifferently: "Do you think I would do this kind of thing?"

"That's right." Orochimaru nodded lightly: "So, let me do it.

I'm looking forward to this happening..."


"What? Madara Uchiha?"

The commander-in-chief is that Minato Namikaze turned gloomy when he heard the name. Not only him, but the Nine Tails in his body also roared.

The name Madara Uchiha has a very strong impact on both Namikaze Minato and the Nine Tails in his body.

This guy was reincarnated from the dirt. Although he expected it, after hearing the name, he found that he couldn't sit still at all.

How strong is Kai Uchiha?

He is clear in his mind, even if this guy doesn't use any fancy abilities, just relying on this insight to the extreme, and his graceful physique like a butterfly, can make the entire ninja army immobilized.

Madara Uchiha used to be Shura Konoha, and that guy's writing wheel has long reached the pinnacle, and Uchiha Kai's physical skills, to put it bluntly, are things that he has inherited!

And this guy has unlimited chakra and immortality. The ninja army wants to seal this guy, which is simply a difficult thing to accomplish.

"The most important thing is that this guy not only has the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, he also has the reincarnation eye!"

Minato Namikaze thought to himself that the more he thought about this information, the more he had a headache. Why did he have to summon this guy? Did he feel that the previous challenge was not enough?

"Where's Kai?" Shaking his head helplessly, Minato Minato Naikaze asked directly, "When Madara Uchiha appears, he should deal with it. Even if he doesn't deal with it, he should show up, right?"

"Master Kai, he..." The perception ninja just spoke, but in an instant, an aurora flashed in the sky.

This ray of light was more dazzling than the sun, and its existence instantly shone through the entire command room.

Not only this light, the roaring sound began to appear along with the earthquake, and at the same time, a suffocating chakra began to spread wildly.

Such power is completely beyond imagination!

And the perception ninja suddenly fell to the ground at this moment He trembled as if he had sensed something extremely terrifying.

This kind of illusion is not only the perception ninja, but everyone present has this feeling, but they are not as profound as the perception ninja!

"This power is Uchiha Kai." Nine tails in Minato Namikaze said at this time: "I'm afraid he has no way to deal with Uchiha Madara, because he may meet an opponent now."

"Well, I see." Minato Namika nodded solemnly. If he can't guess what happened to Chakra with such an intensity, then he is too unqualified.

Waiting for this aurora to dissipate, he has already made a decision: "Lei Ying, Feng Ying, let's go to the front line together, I am afraid that Qi is not free now.

Also, when the people in the perception class wake up, inform Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai to let them go to Kai Uchiha's location.

I'm afraid, the gaffe has gotten a little out of control..."


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