Chapter 791: Have you experienced despair?

On the battlefield, Madara Uchiha stood among a blue giant with his arms crossed over his chest. His expression was indifferent to the life of the Reaper Ninja Allied Forces, but his mind was long gone.

The chakra that burst out not long ago made it difficult for him to calm down for a long time now.

He really never felt that kind of chakra, even when he opened his eyes of reincarnation at the last moment of his life, he never had such a terrible chakra.

"It seems that after my death, a lot of interesting things happened."

Uchiha Madara thought to himself, to be honest, he was really dissatisfied with this resurrection this time.

In the predetermined plan, his resurrection is a complete resurrection, and it is still resurrected in the best way to fully exert his strength.

But what about now?

He is simply a manipulated puppet, even if this state does not affect him too much, he has a way to unlock the control of this technique, but now the feeling of being out of his control really makes him very uncomfortable. of discomfort.

"There are some things that have to be speeded up, let's get rid of these guys first, and then go get my eyes back."

Thinking like this, Madara Uchiha's speed became even faster. The blue giant more than ten meters high was raging among the coalition forces. Each of his four arms had a curved Chakra sword. It will definitely stir up dozens of feet of yellow sand, and I don't know how many ninjas will follow.

The ninja troops in front of them are being consumed at an outrageous speed.

They also tried to counterattack, but whether it was ninjutsu or taijutsu, after hitting Susanoo, there was no use, not even a ripple.

"Too big... The gap is too big, can we really win this kind of monster?"

Seeing that their companions fell one by one, countless ninjas could do nothing at all, and the fear spread wildly in their hearts.

But at this moment, the mighty yellow sand rushed towards Madara's Susanoo, and suddenly the entire desert was filled with yellow, as if a natural disaster of sand flow broke out.

"Huh?" Madara Uchiha raised his eyebrows: "Is that kid who uses sand again?"

While he was thinking about it, the sand under his feet rose violently, wrapped around him like a flexible arm, and then pulled him out of Susanoo.

"Can you control such a large amount of sand? No, there is more than one type of chakra on this sand. It turns out that it's that little devil Onogi."

Madara Uchiha's eyes saw everything in an instant. More than one type of chakra was mixed on the sand, and the sand that held him was extremely light. There was really no one else except Ohnogi who could do this.

Moreover, Ohnogi really made a correct choice. Although Susanoo claimed to be a combination of offense and defense, it was only aimed at external attacks.

If the people inside want to go out, they will not be stopped.

"It's now!"

At the moment Madara Uchiha was pulled out, Naruto's shadow clone also instantly activated the immortal mode.

He jumped high, and the spiral shuriken that had been condensed in his hand suddenly threw out, a clear trajectory appeared in the air, and flew towards Madara Uchiha's position quickly!


Madara Uchiha watched this scene and thought silently, but to him it was just a little interesting.

To be honest, if he could be defeated by such a low-end combination, then he would not have been able to fight against the brothers of the Thousand Hands.

Even in the current situation, he has a hundred ways to smash this move, but he finally chose the easiest one.

The eternal kaleidoscope changed strangely in an instant, and his right hand stretched out, touching the spiraling shuriken galloping.

In an instant, the spiral shuriken that originally cut everything dissipated, and everything returned to peace!

"Disappear...disappeared?" Oh Yemu's face was full of shock: " is this possible?"

Gaara's face was ugly, and he said solemnly, "It is more appropriate to say that it is absorbed rather than disappear. Look at his eyes."

"That's..." Naruto also looked at the past, and then he exclaimed incredulously: "The eye of reincarnation? How is it possible? The ninja world has the eye of reincarnation, but only..."

Naruto didn't dare to say the latter, but he knew that there were a few double reincarnation eyes in the ninja world. Although he only knew a little about it, his information was more complete than others.

He knew that one of the people with Samsara eyes was Kai Uchiha, and the other one seemed to be his father's fellow disciple, the guy named Nagato.

As for other people's eyes of reincarnation, he didn't think about it carefully at all, and even if he heard about it, he didn't think too much about it.

Now suddenly seeing these eyes, he is not surprised that it is impossible, and he does not dare to say the same words easily.

Madara Uchiha jumped back, and the figure returned to the side of the second generation Tsuchikage again. He knew that the mouse named Dou had not left.

"What have you done to my body?" Madara Uchiha looked at Pocket with cold eyes.

"It's very simple, I brought the powers of Indra and Asura together." Touchi looked at Madara Uchiha calmly: "Of course, if you don't understand, you can also understand that this is the fusion of your power and Qianjue. The body is built with the power of the pillars, so it is not surprising that you have the eyes of reincarnation."

"Indra, Ashura?" Uchiha Madara frowned: "Why do you know so much, and who are these two people in your mouth."

"Well, don't worry about it." Dou shook his head decisively: "You know, if you can do this, others can do it too. For example, my boss can do it."

other people?


Madara Uchiha took a deep look at the pharmacist pocket, and he could feel that all this seemed to be completely out of his control.

But now he doesn't have much time to think about all of this. No matter what, he will be resurrected, and then he will be able to...

Go meet this guy's boss for a while, and see what kind of person brings such a surprise to you after your death!

Thinking of this, Madara Uchiha planned to speed up. He raised his head slightly and locked his gaze on the ninja coalition, or the short old man.

"Oh Yegi, right? If I remember correctly, it's called this name. I want to ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Have you... experienced despair?"

"What... what do you mean?"


Far from the battlefield of Ohnogi, in the forest in the direction of Nagato.

Let's call it a forest, after all, it was indeed a forest a few minutes ago, but at this moment it has become a hell!

The magma has emerged from the ground, and the originally flat terrain has now turned into an abyss. The huge crack that spreads in the sky like a spider web seems to tear the entire earth apart.

This place, which was full of life, has turned into a **** in an instant.

The figures of Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai appeared, and they couldn't help frowning when they saw everything in front of them. The battle that broke out here was really unimaginable.

They really didn't expect that the "rehearsal" of the ninja world this time would develop to this point. Such an explosion of power has surpassed three years ago. Even if they face such a power, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.

"What the **** is going on here?" Kenta Imai asked with a frown, "Is it hard to see what's going on inside?"

"I can see it, but I'm afraid the result is a little unimaginable." Hyuga Aya sighed slightly: "It's Kai and Otsutsuki Peach and Otsutsuki Kim fighting."

"These two people?" Imai Kenta's expression changed slightly: "Aren't they already dead?"

"Well, they are indeed dead." Hyuga Aya nodded: "It's the reincarnation of the dirt, I really didn't expect that someone would actually summon them."

When it comes to these two people, their thoughts are really uncontrollable and recall the battle three years ago.

At that time, the battle with these two people turned the entire Konoha into ruins, and even the entire Konoha was almost destroyed.

If it hadn't been for Uchiha Kai's reincarnation technique, they couldn't imagine what it would be like.

And this time, the two of them came back to life, which made people really feel an incomparable headache.

It's impossible for them to not know what the reincarnation of the dirty earth is, and they will feel troublesome if they know it, even if Kai Uchiha is not the guy from three years ago.

"How is the battle now?" Imai Kenta sighed: "In this situation, it is very difficult for us to enter, and the time inside has been changed. If we enter easily, we may die directly."

"Indeed, everything inside has been changed." Hyuga Aya nodded: "All I can see are....some afterimages, and that speed completely exceeds my limit. But the situation is limited. Look, it seems like..."

"Like what?" Imai Kenta asked urgently, "Please, he's your fiancé."

"Shut up, I care more about him than you." Hyuga Aya glanced at Imai Kenta indifferently, and then said: "His condition is not bad, it can even be said that he suppressed those two guys by himself, it's incredible …”

It is indeed a bit incredible. When Uchiha Qi faced the Otsutsuki Peach style one-on-one, he still needed Otsutsuki Yui to help.

But now, he directly suppressed two people by himself, and even in the perspective of Aya Hyuga, he didn't even turn on the chakra mode. Such an increase in strength is really unbelievable.

"It seems that we don't need to take action here..."

Hyuga Aya thought silently, and suddenly the world changed color, and the whole world seemed to be enveloped by a beam of light at this moment.

The huge chakra rose into the sky, and at this moment, the time barrier was completely shattered...


Violent chakra turns around in endless time, and the technique invented by Otsutsuki Yui, God Time Slash, using Uchiha Kai's body, has already been learned by Uchiha Kai himself.

Use all of your own power to combine them at one point, and then burst out together with the power of time, to achieve a move that can cut off time and even cut off infinite life.

It's just that Uchiha Kai himself didn't expect that he used this trick in the time barrier, and the effect would be so terrifying!

The characteristic of time enchantment is that he uses the advantage of his pupil technique to cut time into countless nodes that can be controlled by him.

He attacked Otsutsuki Peach Style and Otsutsuki Golden Style before, and he used this feature to achieve countless clones, but each clone was himself, and each one had his own power.

He has only mastered dozens of such overlaps and uses at the most, and there is nothing he can do if there are more.

His strength has not yet reached that level, and his perception and understanding of nature is only the beginning.

Time is the most difficult thing. The reason why he can do this is simply that he has his own eyes as a support. Even if he does not have a deep understanding of time, he can use time.

But when using God Time Slash, his Time Barrier was still intact, causing something he didn't expect to happen.

"The power of this move has actually spread to all the time nodes that I can use and control, and then achieve an overlapping effect?"

Uchiha Qi didn't even think about it himself, but he soon became thoughtful.

Time Slash originally contained the power of his pupil technique, and also combined with the 'Blade of Time' he had invented, whether it was 'Station of Time', 'Leap of Time', and 'Backward of Time' in this move. It is also reflected inside.

The result is that, beyond his own control, all the power spreads into every time node, thus creating a knife that makes him feel threatened!

"It's really, really scary."

Uchiha Kai sighed, and he couldn't help swallowing as he watched everything around him continue to cycle endlessly in destruction and reunion due to the influence of time.

But soon his eyes changed slightly again, because he suddenly discovered that the Datongmu Taoshi and Datongmu Jinshi were still alive?

"This is..." Uchiha Qi frowned: "How come these two are still alive... Cut, that's what happened."

After a little observation, he instantly understood what was going on.

It turned out that the reason why the two were not destroyed was entirely because their time barrier saved them!

They directly placed the influence of the time enchantment on themselves, and continued the fatal blow just now indefinitely.

I have to say that the talents and abilities of the Otsutsugi clan are beyond imagination.

In Uchiha Kai's memory, Otsutsuki Momo-style can be killed by a guy like Boren, which can be said to be humiliating to an unimaginable level.

But facing himself at this moment, he seems to have brought back the lost IQ.

Three years ago, he could understand the principle of Time Barrier, and now he uses Time Barrier to save his life is really emotional.

But I have to say that his approach really made Uchiha Kai's eyes light up.

But in any case, now is the time to fight, so he directly touches the time enchantment.

In an instant, the power that was continuously condensed at various points in this enchantment was madly overflowing, and a violent roar resounded through the heavens and the earth!


Have you ever experienced despair?

As soon as the words fell, Madara Uchiha's hands suddenly formed a seal, the indescribable chakra broke out from his body, and the blue Susanoo appeared again, with four arms on both sides, and the arms made different seals at the same time.

Chakra, which is full of destruction, fills the world at this moment, the world falls into silence at this moment, and the earth is shrouded in a layer of dark clouds.

"On.... are you kidding?"

Under the cloudy sky, the ninjas of the coalition army were silent at the same time.

They stared blankly at the scene of the sky. This time, their hearts have been destroyed, and they finally realized what fear is!


The ninja sword in the hands of a ninja fell to the ground, and he fell to the ground helplessly.

The other ninjas beside him all have the same expressions as him. They are either absent, fearful, or sluggish, and their hearts are full of despair!

"Bastard, why is there such a monster!"

"It's a lie, why is this..."

"This....this is not a dimensional battle at all..."

Naruto's shadow clone also raised his head, and cold sweat slid down the immortal lines at the corner of his eyes.

He didn't say a word, because it was futile to say anything at this time, and he couldn't think of a way to stop this move.

Man Yue looked at everything on his head with a cold sweat on his face, and he couldn't help swallowing.

If it wasn't for the fact that he is now the fifth generation of water shadows, I'm afraid he really ran away immediately.

What kind of monsters are these Uchihas?

A Uchiha Kai has made him desperate enough, and now a dead man has come out, and this dead man has such incredible power.

In terms of his current expressiveness alone, it is even more outrageous than Kai Uchiha, who has not become the so-called "God in the World".

What the **** is going on with these guys? Could it be that Sharinyan is the strongest bloodline limit in the ninja world?

Oh Yemu also trembled, staring at the sky and muttering to himself, "Is this the so-called despair? This is really despair..."

The sky darkened at this moment, a huge shadow hidden behind the clouds.

When this shadow completely passed through the clouds, a huge meteorite that enveloped the entire battlefield slowly fell.

Everyone knows that once this meteorite landed smoothly, then it will be a real no one who survives!

Uchiha Madara and the others are indeed shrouded in the scope of meteorites, but they are not afraid of death at all, they are originally dead.

And the ninja coalition are all living people, they really can't accept all this!

Just when everyone thought that he was dead, Oh Yemu's body suddenly stopped shaking, and his eyes became firm.

"Everyone, it's not over yet. Are you planning to give up your life for nothing? Do what you can!"

Speaking of this, Oh Yemu suddenly flew up, and then he greeted the meteorite falling from the sky without hesitation, his face was full of absolute expression.

"Everyone, run as far as possible!" Gaara also woke up at this moment, and he immediately shouted: "Run as far as you can, leave it to me and Tuying!"

On Gao Yan, Dou, who controlled the second generation of Tuyingwu, looked up at the meteorite carrying the vast Tianwei, and sighed softly.

"It's a terrifying power, but have you noticed that even our meteorites will be killed together."

"Reincarnation of filth is originally a technique of perishing together." Madara Uchiha looked at all this indifferently with his arms crossed over his chest: "In the end, I'm curious about one thing, you said that your boss has the same power, who is he?"

"Speaking of which, he is still your junior." Dou chuckled: "He is also a member of the Uchiha clan. Moreover, he has achieved things that even you have not done."

"Oh? What did he do?" Although Madara Uchiha was a little wary of this so-called junior, he still asked, and with some mockery from Uchiha: "Did he destroy Konoha?"

"No, he is Konoha's agent Hokage, and a Uchiha is about to become Hokage."

"Hmph, so boring."

Uchiha Madara said that he no longer has the desire to continue talking, except that the kid, Ohnogi, has desperately withstood the meteorite, and in his opinion, this is really boring.

If that Uchiha's descendant has such power, why is he still clinging to the position of a Hokage?

Could it be that the so-called 'will of fire' has not been brainwashed yet?

With such power, and making full use of such power to complete the Moon Eye plan to make the ninja world completely peaceful, isn't it good?

In his opinion, this so-called junior is probably nothing more than that, although this guy is very strong-according to this guy, he has the same strength as him, no matter how you look at it, it is not a character that is easy to deal with.

But in terms of the difference in the pattern, they are really far apart.

How can a person who lives on one side compare with a person who has the world in mind and hopes to bring peace to the whole world?

Their wills are completely different, Uchiha Madara believes that his will is stronger!

After all, he was the one who climbed out of **** to bring peace to the world.

"Tu Dun, the technique of super light and heavy rock!"

Just as Uchiha Madara was thinking, Ohnogi touched the meteorite with both hands.

Although his body is like an ant compared to the meteorite, he still has no hesitation at this moment, using all the chakra in his body and vowing to stop the meteorite from falling.

He desperately poured all the chakra into it, and the weight of the meteorite was reduced hundreds of times.

On the ground, Gaara raised his hands heavily, he roared with all his strength, and the Chakra in his body did not hold back at this moment.

The yellow sand swelled and turned into two giants that supported the sky, extending towards the meteorite in the sky, like the arms of two giants.

He wants to protect everyone, he wants to protect everyone!

"Stop for me!"

Onogi let out a roar, it is hard to imagine that he can make such a sound at his age.

It seems that he is not simply burning Chakra, but burning his own life.

Finally, under the circumstances of his and Gaara's desperate efforts, the meteorite's falling speed slowed down and gradually stopped, hanging high above the heads of many ninjas.

This scene made all the ninjas below breathe a sigh of relief, and a feeling of the rest of their lives rippled in their hearts.

I don't know how many ninjas fell directly to the ground, and they were soaked in cold sweat.

That scene just now was so desperate!

On the boulder, Madara Uchiha couldn't help but nodded as he watched all this: "That kid from the Lilian family in two days, has his ability increased. It's just..."

"What are you going to do with the second one? Onogi?"

"It doesn't bother you anymore!"

At this moment, a voice rang from behind Uchiha Madara...


"Teacher Jiraiya..."

Nagato looked at the person who suddenly rushed out, and his eyes couldn't help but change.

Although Yahiko's body is still as sluggish as a dead man, and his indifferent expression is like an ancient well that has not changed at all, but he himself can't be like this body at all.

Jiraiya, this name has always run through Nagato's life, if he wants to say who is the most important person to him, I am afraid he will only answer three.

Yahiko, Konan, and their teacher, Jiraiya.

It was Jiraiya who made him feel at home for the first time. It was Jiraiya who protected them and gave them peace. It was Jiraiya who taught them the practice of ninjas and gave them a way to protect themselves.

Moreover, Jiraiya's thoughts have always run through their lives. This was also Nagato's inner creed, and he planned to implement it together with Yahiko.

However, all this has changed. With the attacks of Danzo and Hanzo, and with Yahiko's death, his inner creed has long been fragmented.

People understand each other and build a bridge of communication, all of which used to be so beautiful, and they also firmly believe that all this can be achieved.

But when the dream and reality corresponded to each other, Nagato no longer believed in these things, he had a more extreme idea, he had a more terrible idea.

Although all this was slammed by Uchiha using different identities, he clearly realized that he was not a 'chosen person', but he still planned to do something.

In the same way, he no longer believes in Jiraiya's ideals, and he believes more in what Kai Uchiha wants to do.


Nagato stopped attacking, and Jirai also quickly approached, but when he saw the appearance of the person in front of him, he let out a somewhat unbelievable cry.

"No, I'm not Yahiko." Nagato shook his head indifferently: "I am Tiandao Payne, of course, I am also Nagato."

"This.... what the **** is going on?" Jiraiya gritted his teeth: "I heard Uchiha Kai say that Danzo caused us a big problem, he attacked in the Land of Rain and Hanzo. an organization, and..."

"Well, that's our organization." Nagato nodded lightly without waiting for Jirai to finish speaking: "They captured Xiao Nan and threatened that as long as I killed Yahiko, they would let Xiao Nan and us go. ....but they broke their promises. That's what made me who I am today."

Nagato explained calmly, but there was a strange flash in his heart.

Uchiha Kai again?

Did he actually know about it?

However, it seems normal, his status in Konoha is almost equal to Hokage, and he also masters the huge department of the Security Department.

Danzo is a member of the three generations of Hokage, and I heard that this guy is extremely hostile to the Uchiha family, so it is only natural for Uchiha Kai to pay attention to him.

And at the end of the day, Nagato would like to thank Kai Uchiha.

Not long after Danzo did this, he died at the hands of Kai Uchiha.

This is what Nagato knew after many years. His purpose is that the tailed beast will naturally pay attention to the situation of Konoha, and naturally he also learned this information.

It is said that the guy in Danzo died extremely tragically, and after his death, he was dealt with as a traitor - although it was not fully announced, he was not allowed to enter the Heroes Cemetery for burial.

"Feel sorry....."

He was also shocked to hear this news. He knew that there was such a thing, but he didn't know exactly what it was.

Now hearing such details, his heart is also full of sadness, this guy Danzo is really damn!

"Sorry?" Nagato shook his head gently: "I didn't expect you to apologize so seriously, Teacher Jiraiya."

"If you do something wrong, you naturally have to apologize." Jiraiya said firmly: "But I'm curious, Nagato, how did you get to this point."

"Do you want to hear my story?" Nagato didn't seem to have much desire to attack, he slowly fell from the sky, and then he said softly: "Then I'll tell you, you and I Everything after the parting. I just don't know what Mr. Jiraiya will think after listening to it. "

Maybe it was because he saw the only two people in the world who were most important to him, and he had changed his mentality, and Nagato couldn't restrain his feelings.

Although he really wants to do it, he will never be soft-handed. Anyway, if he kills them, he will resurrect them, but now he is also willing to say something that he has held back for a long time.

Just like a child, pouring out everything about himself to his father.

In soft words, Nagato slowly told his story, everything that happened after Jiraiya left, including Akatsuki, including his decision at that time, including the person who called himself Madara Uchiha, including Kai Uchiha and his present. decision.

His narration was not fast, and he explained each item in detail. After he finished speaking, time had passed quietly.

And Kakashi, Naruto, Kirabi, and Jiraiya all listened to his story seriously.

Especially after they heard Nagato express their current purpose, and their current heartfelt voice, they were even more shocked.

Especially Kakashi, his face has become extremely strange now.

He knew that in the past few years, Uchiha Kai would receive a strange piece of information, a piece of information that revealed the inside of the Xiao organization, but no one knew who sent this information.

Moreover, Akatsuki still needs information?

The actual controller of Obito is their Konoha person, and this information is of no use at all.

But now, he was embarrassed to find that the number of internal ghosts in the Emotional Xiao organization was really unimaginable.

Not only the current leader is an insider, but even the leaders of the previous generation have defected. The key is that they don't even know that the other party is an insider.

Which one is this playing?

"This is my story." When everything was finished, Nagato looked at Jiraiya and the others: "I don't know, UU reading Do you have a better answer for me?"

"This..." Jirai was also very embarrassed, and he knew a little about the current situation of that organization.

But he didn't expect his disciple to surrender in a subtle way, and he also made so many decisions.

So, what are they doing now?

But just when he was organizing the language to say something, the world suddenly shook, and a brilliant white light shone the world.

Such a violent vibration has made an incredible burst of chakra, leaving them with no room to speak at all.

At this time, in the cave where Nagato was hiding, a black figure suddenly came out from the ground in the distance.

He rushed towards Nagato at a very fast speed, and then he split like a liquid, covering his body...


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