Chapter 792: respective actions


Xiao Nan didn't have time to react at all. The huge roar and vibration made her focus on the outside. No one knew that there was such a sinister guy lurking beside them!


Nagato let out a painful wailing. At this moment, he quickly realized that his will and body were detaching, his body was being controlled, and he had no way to stop this!

"You...that black guy, you actually..." Half of Nagato's face had completely turned black, he asked in pain.

"Why, the reason is very simple." Hei Jue's voice came from Nagato's body strangely: "Because you were originally one of our chess pieces."

"Chess... chess pieces?" Nagato resisted frantically, but he sadly found that he seemed to have no way to resist all this.

His body became more and more immobile. Even though he still had this clear will, his body had been taken away from control. This feeling made Nagato extremely uncomfortable and painful.

Hei Jue was originally a fusion of yin and yang, and the person who created him was Kaguya Otsutsuki. Even if he had no strength, his control over Chakra was probably beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to dig Madara Uchiha's heart and talk to him well.

The powerful control made Nagato unable to resist at all, but in just a moment, Hei Jue completely mastered Nagato's body.

"Your resistance is weaker than I thought." Hei Jue's hoarse voice sounded again: "But that's right, after all, your eyes are not yours, so what strength do you have to fight against me."

"You...what are you talking about?" Nagato said with difficulty, his tone was full of wonder.

"Hey, although I don't want to hit you, it's almost over now, and it's no big deal to say it." Hei Jue chuckled and said, "Reincarnation Eye, what do you think this is, you can open it too. ?"

"What do you mean?" Nagato's voice seemed to have changed a little: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Hei Jue had basically taken control of Nagato's body, and suddenly he jumped and broke away from the life transmission of the outsider golem, and then he stretched out his hand and stuck it on the outsider golem.

In an instant, the vast Chakra rushed out and poured directly into Nagato's body.

Although Nagato lost control of his body, he still had a sense of his body. This vast chakra made Nagato so painful that he almost wanted to cry.

But he still gritted his teeth and insisted not to make any noise. He didn't understand something, and now he had to figure out what was going on.

"In the entire ninja world, there are only two that can open the eye of reincarnation. So far I know of only two." While repairing Nagato's body, Hei Jue said slowly: "One is Madara Uchiha, and the other is Madara Uchiha. Uchiha Kai."

"Uchiha Madara.... Uchiha Kai!" Nagato couldn't help but move when he heard these two names.

He is very familiar with these two people, one is a person who wears a mask and claims to be Madara Uchiha, and the other is a person who admits that he is the savior of the world!

It's just, why does Kai Uchiha also have a reincarnation eye, and I haven't seen him use it at all?

And Madara Uchiha, that masked man, he also has reincarnation eyes?

"Yeah, it's just the two of them." Hei Jue said calmly: "Oh, yes, Madara Uchiha is not the guy wearing the mask, that guy is just a chess piece like you. The real Madara Uchiha has already Dead, but he also came back to life, reincarnated from the dirt."

The real Uchiha Madara is dead, did he come from the dirt?

In an instant, Nagato seemed to understand something. Combining his own experience, a series of conclusions quickly appeared in his mind.

The guy with the mask and the reincarnation eye that I met before is probably Madara Uchiha who was reincarnated from the dirt!

No wonder she was wearing a mask all the time, because she was worried about being seen.

And this black guy said that there are only two people who have opened the eyes of reincarnation in the ninja world besides the six realms, and his eyes are not his own, so does it mean that his eyes are actually Uchiha Madara's?

That guy didn't kill himself, purely because he still had the value of being used?

And Uchiha Kei is a poisonous snake. Although Nagato has planned to rely on him, this evaluation will not change.

This guy has the eye of reincarnation, but he has never revealed half of it, so he hides that he can launch a fatal blow to the enemy at any time, what is not a poisonous snake?

Although Nagato couldn't accept all this, he didn't know why, but he suddenly realized that this seemed very reasonable.

It turned out that he was not a savior from beginning to end.

No wonder, that mysterious Uchiha at that time, or Uchiha Kai, said that the power they control is not their own power. It turns out that they all know that the eyes of reincarnation are not their own eyes!

In fact, what Nagato didn't know was that Hei Jue was also a little emotional when he talked about the two people who opened the eyes of reincarnation.

Especially when talking about Uchiha Kai, this guy actually said that his reincarnation eye was opened with the help of his mother?

Although Hei Jue has a lot of questions, such as why the two **** guys Yui and Yumura are still alive.

Although Otsutsuki has an unimaginable lifespan, haven't they disappeared from the ninja world long ago?

As for the mother helping Uchiha to open the eye of reincarnation?

He wouldn't believe this kind of bullshit, how could this kind of thing happen, this guy really wants to meet his mother, it would be weird if he didn't kill him!

"But Uchiha Kai is hiding too deep, we have to speed up!"

Indeed, Uchiha Kai was hiding too deep, and it was only now that he discovered that such a terrifying monster had appeared in the Ninja world!

But Hei Jue is not desperate, he still has a way, he doesn't know what step that **** guy can achieve.

But he felt that as long as the plan went well, then the moment his mother came, everything would be on the right track!

"My Samsara Eye belongs to Madara Uchiha?" Nagato asked with some difficulty: "All of this is your plan, what is your plan?"

"Well, it is indeed Madara Uchiha, that's not wrong."

When Hei Jue used the ten-tailed chakra to completely repair Nagato's body, he looked indifferently at Xiao Nan, who was on guard in front of him, and said casually,

"As for the plan, you will see. Also, Xiao Nan is a very smart woman. She knows that if she attacks, you will also die. I have to say that your relationship is really deep..."


"This.... what the **** is going on here?"

Naruto looked at Yahiko, who was slumped to the ground in front of him, and asked inexplicably.

Not only because Yahiko suddenly fell to the ground, but also because of a very important reason, that is, the explosion just now.

The explosion just now was unimaginable, and they had never encountered such a chakra shock.

Everything around them is constantly repeated and circulated in the process of destruction and restoration. This strange scene even makes them think that they are already dead!

It's just because of this weird flow of time that they keep going back and forth between life and death.

These people are too close to the center of the explosion. If Kakashi didn't use the Flying Thunder God to completely take them out of this area, they themselves don't know what would have happened.

But one thing that made them feel weird was that the body of Yahiko controlled by Nagato fell to the ground completely, and there was no movement anymore, looking like a real dead man!

"I don't know, but he looks like something is wrong." Kirabi said with some doubts, hesitating for a while, he walked slowly to Yahiko's body, and then poked his hand: "Hey, what's the matter with you? It's okay. Bar?"

"He..." Zilai also watched all this, even if he didn't approach, he felt that everything was different.

And Naruto suddenly widened his eyes, the Nine Tails in his body had already told him the situation in front of him.

The person in front of them has completely lost contact with Chakra at this moment.

Nine tails told Naruto, in fact, even if nine tails didn't say Naruto, he knew that the person standing in front of them before was a dead person.

It's just that he used a special technique to keep him alive, but now, the chakra that should have been linked to him has completely dissipated, and this guy can be said to have basically turned into a corpse.

Thinking of this, Naruto gritted his teeth. Although he didn't know what happened, he also felt that he should do something.

Running quickly to Yahiko's body, Naruto began to investigate the situation, and soon he found that there were many black short sticks on Yahiko's body.

He quickly pulled out one of them, and regardless of the blood that came out, he gritted his teeth and inserted it into his own hand.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Kakashi cried out when he saw this scene.

It's a pity that Naruto didn't pay attention to it at all. It's a pity that he closed his eyes and began to perceive it.

He has already undergone a transformation, and his perception ability has long since become worlds apart.

And he also has the support of Nine-Tailed Chakra, they can feel a lot of things that others can't, such as malicious emotions, such as the source of chakra that is farther away.

Although Nagato has broken the link of Chakra at this moment, Naruto can still find and catch some things, such as.

"I found it!" Naruto opened his eyes and said quickly: "Although Nagato has disconnected the chakra, I still found some traces, but..."

"Just what?" Jiraiya asked quickly: "Naruto, what's the matter, tell me quickly."

"It's just that Nagato's chakra seems a bit strange." Naruto frowned and said, "It seems that his chakra has become very complicated, just like we faced him before."

Having said that, Naruto pointed to Yahiko on the ground. Although he did not clearly feel the Chakra of Nagato, he could only feel some feelings through Nagato.

But through what was left in the black stick, he could also find the original chakra traces of Nagato.

His current strength can do all of this, but after he remembered this chakra, he followed this subtle chakra to find the source, and he was a little surprised to find that this chakra situation was very delicate.

The current chakra seems to be mixed with some other things, very cold and evil, this feeling is very wonderful, just like the Yahiko he met before!

"Is it under control?" Both Jiraiya and Kakashi frowned, and after thinking for a moment, Kakashi said, "Can you find his location?"

"I have found it." Naruto said seriously: "Mr. Kakashi, shall we go?"

"Naturally we have to go." Before Kakashi could speak, Jirai said quickly: "If I don't understand what's going on, I will definitely not feel at ease."

"Well, I know." Kakashi nodded, he naturally knew what Jiraiya meant.

I'm afraid, this also has something to do with his teacher and Danzo.

After all, his teacher back then had a terrifyingly tolerant attitude towards Danzo, which also led to a lot of tragic things.

Nodding silently, Kakashi felt that he had no need to object. After all, if it could be handled well, it might be good for the entire battlefield, right?

Thinking of this, Kakashi said directly: "Then, let's go."



Uchiha Kai turned his head and frowned at the figure behind him.

He really didn't feel how this guy came here, but he soon noticed one thing, that the blond kid in front of him actually had nine-tailed chakra on his body.

This is not a big or small accident, but this kid's nine-tailed chakra is so well integrated, almost reaching a point where it is completely synchronized with his own chakra, which is very rare.

"I didn't expect that a character like you would appear in this era." Uchiha Madara said indifferently: "Even Uzumaki Mito doesn't have this ability, you are very interesting. Besides, you appear here as Flying Thunder God, right? "

"Well, yes." Minato Minato Minato nods his head, and his expression is a little indifferent: "It's Fei Lei Shen, but before dealing with you, there are still some important things to do."

"Oh?" Madara Uchiha raised his brows: "You are really confident, in front of me, do you think you can leave? With Fei Lei Shen?"

"No, because..." Minato Namikaze raised his head slightly: "I'm just a shadow clone."

Shadow clone?

Madara Uchiha noticed just now that the situation of the guy in front of him seemed to be a little unusual. This was the second time he had missed his eyes. The first time he could not distinguish clearly was the wooden avatar of Senju!

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and then countless gravel fell down. Obviously, the meteorite in the sky had been shot down by Minato Nami!


"Oh? Did you perform well?"

Madara Uchiha looked indifferently at the meteorite that had been completely turned into pieces in the sky, and nodded lightly.

He can see it, the guy in front of him is really careful enough.

Use the shadow clone to draw your attention, while the main body directly attacks the meteorite in the sky!

Although I don't know how he came behind him by relying on the Flying Thunder God technique, Madara Uchiha didn't pay too much attention to this kind of thing.

All he knew was that he seemed to have met a very interesting person, and the technique used by this guy seemed to be very interesting.

How to defeat the two meteorites, he did not see, but there was a strong spiral chakra in the air, and some of these chakras also had the breath of nine tails, he basically guessed something.

Just now, an equally blond kid threw a spell at him, and it seemed that the principle was very similar to this one, or it was originally a spell.

This thing seems to be called a spiral shuriken?

I have to say that this is a very creative technique, and it is also a very dangerous technique, but that's all.

If it is in the resurrection state, maybe I still dare not absorb the chakra of that kid with the immortal technique, but now he is different, unless they have yin and yang escape!

"Thank you for your compliment."

Namikaze Minato looked extremely vigilant, and he didn't dare to be careless in the face of such an opponent.

Madara Uchiha, this name seems to have a spell. Namikaze Minato has been Hokage for so many years, and naturally he knows how terrifying this person is.

Although Konoha has sealed his information, as Konoha's shadow, he can naturally read these materials, and there are also materials passed back by Uchiha Kai and Obito. He can say that he knows Madara better than anyone present. need more.

It is because he knows that he is so vigilant, this person is really terrible!

At this moment, seven figures suddenly appeared on the hill together, and the shadow clone of Namikaze Minato also turned into a cloud of smoke at this moment.

The five shadows and the shadow clones of Gaara and Naruto are all here!

"Oh? It's interesting."

Seeing this scene, Madara Uchiha didn't panic at all, and he even showed a smile.

"Although you all wear Ninja forehead guards, I can judge something from your appearance.

A ghost from the ghost house, from Wuyin Village.

Onogi, rock hidden.

You strong and dark guy, you don't need to look at me to know that you are Yun Yin.

As for the two of you younger guys, look at the costumes from Sandyin Village.

Naturally, the two of you with yellow hair should be Konoha.

Let me think about it again, aren't you the shadows of these five villages today? "

"Yes, we are the shadows of the five major villages today." Ohnogi gave a positive answer directly: "Uchiha Madara, stop! If you don't have a chance, you can't have a chance!"

"It's a good character to be stubborn, but it's stupid to not know whether to live or die after understanding the gap."

Madara Uchiha put his hands around his chest and shook his head indifferently.

"I remember that when you were in Konoha, you and your teacher didn't have the slightest resistance to face me together, but what kind of performance can you do now?"

Ohnogi clenched his fists. Madara Uchiha left an indelible shadow on him back then. To this day, he has no way to forget the terrifying figure and the look in his eyes that made him shudder.

However, Onogi's eyes soon became firm.

He is not what he used to be. From the time he dared to face the meteorite that destroyed everyone and made people feel hopeless from the heart, Onogi has transformed.

Although he will not completely walk out of the shadows, he is full of courage now!

It was a power that came from within, a power that was reborn.

"Sorry, I'm no longer the me I used to be." Oh Yemu said firmly, word by word, "I promise, I was really frightened by you back then, and even lost myself, but now it's different, I also have me Faith, and now is the time to regain yourself!"

"Oh?" Madara Uchiha tilted his head slightly, and then he smiled casually: "It's a good look, but this kind of look really disgusts me. Oh Yegi, and a few of you, I admit the expression of 'despair' just now. It's kind of bad, but you know what...

I haven't tried it yet! "

Speaking of this, Madara Uchiha's chakra became even more suffocating, and the huge chakra seemed to devour everyone in front of him in an instant.

Like the destructive power escaping from the abyss, such a suffocating feeling even caused a cold sweat to appear on the forehead of Temari, who was slightly weaker.

But all the people present did not step back, which made Minato, who originally wanted to step forward to help everyone resist this aura, also stopped.

A strong enemy is very scary, but if you don't even have the courage to face a strong enemy, what future is there for the mission?

Oh Yemu closed his eyes, and opened them abruptly after a while, the light in his eyes did not dissipate at all, but became more intense.

"I admit, you are very strong, especially you with the eye of reincarnation is unfathomable!"

Ohnogi said in a deep voice, and his voice became louder and firmer.

"I've already understood the gap, but at this time, it's not that you can shrink back when you understand the gap.

We ninjas have always fought infighting, fighting for the interests of our own country and village. Ignoring other countries and villages, I just blindly put the disaster on the head of others.

In these battles, some are active, some are passive, but no matter what, these things are happening.

Plundering, being plundered, something is taken away, and it is taken back again, and hatred gradually expands.

For this reason, we even fought three ninja wars, and the whole world is riddled with holes. This is not the world we want! "

"Humph!" Madara Uchiha snorted coldly, and he shook his head gently: "It makes a lot of sense, but Ohnogi, you have lived for so long, and you haven't been able to learn from the pain of the past, You really lived in vain."

"No, I've already been involved in pain." Onogi waved his hand fiercely, and he said loudly and firmly: "I have lived longer than you, and I have learned more about pain. Only thinking about what to do next to get the best results in the future..."

Madara Uchiha opened his eyes, he raised his chin and asked mockingly, "And then, is this fourth ninja war the result you said?"

"The big war is happening, but don't you see a change here?"

Speaking of which, Oh Yegi's tone became somewhat calmer.

"Everyone is united, an unprecedented union, an unprecedented alliance, this is an opportunity for peace, this is the foundation of peace!"

Madara Uchiha silently looked at Ohnogi and everyone in front of him, and finally he shook his head helplessly.

Do you want to have a few words with a fellow who is considered to be his own generation, and discuss what "peace" means in various hearts, but the results he got left him speechless.

He is also a ninja who likes to try 'mouth escape'. Back then, he had a lot of 'mouth cannon' with Qianshou Zhujian.

Of course, this can only be regarded as one of his ways. Anyway, he has never persuaded anyone, whether it is Senju Hasuma or the Uchiha family.

This probably has something to do with his other character, which is 'instead of being long-winded with you, it is better to convince you, and you will be honest and obedient'.

"Well, it seems that you are really hopeless." Uchiha Madara sighed: "Then, I can only use my way..."


The time barrier shattered, the power of the turbulent flow was instantly detonated, and Uchiha Kai flew out from another space.

He knows how much power has been condensed in this space and has not been completely spilled out, so the moment he unlocked the barrier, he shattered the space in front of him and let himself step into it and leave this area.

In front of him, the space is really like a piece of paper. As long as he wants, he can open the void at any time, and then go anywhere he wants to go.

Just now, this guy Otsutsuki Momo really surprised him. This guy really occupied the high ground with IQ and showed him a way of using time that he had never imagined.

"Delay the power of death indefinitely?" Uchiha Qi silently looked at the exploding area, and thought to himself, "Is it inspired by the time barrier? It's really interesting."

I have to say that inspiration is really important, and sometimes you just don't think about it.

But once you get some inspiration, a lot of things become incredibly easy.

Even if time was Kai Uchiha's strength, Otsutsuki Momoji gave him a demonstration, and he naturally thought of more possibilities.

"The power of death is delayed infinitely, in fact, it is waiting for its own strength to be strong enough to offset all this."

Uchiha Qi thought silently.

"This is really effective, but if you take such lethal damage to the extreme.

Then in the infinitely extended timeline, it unfolds little by little.

In this way, even if the strength is not so strong, it can resolve all this! "

With this kind of thinking, Uchiha Kai is really happy in his heart. It can be said that he really has an important ability to save his life.

Although there are not many people who can really threaten him at this stage, no one knows what the future will be like. With such an ability, he can better deal with everything that may happen in the future.

And this kind of move really didn't have any difficulty for him, even the Otsutsuki Jin-style could do it, there was no reason why he couldn't do it.


At this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly frowned, and then his figure disappeared again.

By the time he appeared, he had already arrived at the outskirts of the forest, and came to the side of Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta.

"Why are you here?" Uchiha Qi asked strangely, "Is there any problem in the back?"

"There is no problem with us, the biggest trouble is Madara Uchiha." Imai Kenta said quickly: "It's you, why did those two four dead people run out again, and someone called them?"

"Well, it's the Black Jue." Uchiha Qi nodded lightly, and then he turned to look at the two people: "It's really a bit troublesome, those two guys are very strong, especially the reincarnation of the dirty earth. Their strengthening is much more difficult to deal with than before."

It's really hard to deal with, in fact, it's not a big deal to die without death, and wireless chakra.

But the problem is that these two guys can be regarded as their strongest posture when they are alive.

The peach style guy still devoured the golden style, and the golden style can also help.

The most terrible thing is that this guy seems to be familiar with the power obtained after swallowing the golden style in the three years after his death.

His control over his own power is not the same as it was three years ago. It can be said that the degree of difficulty in dealing with the Otsutsuki Peach style now is much more troublesome than three years ago.

Especially what this guy realized with the help of his own time enchantment, it was really troublesome.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's eyes couldn't help but look at that area.

Although the time barrier exploded, it still had a certain impact on the two of them. The two of them are now constantly repairing and destroying, and because of the extremely disordered time, even he did not dare to set foot there easily. slice area.

"It seems that there is some trouble." Imai Kenta sighed slightly: "The area you created is too dangerous."

"Indeed, even if I use Tenseigan's Chakra mode, I don't dare to easily get involved in it." Hyuga Aya nodded: "Are these two guys coming out?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't come out, let's go to Hei Jue." Uchiha Kai didn't think too much, his eyes seemed a little dignified.

"I don't know what level the battle will be today, but everyone, be mentally prepared.

These two guys came out, and our battle just now didn't hide any breath, so..."

"Are you worried, Otsutsuki senses the breath?" Hyuga Aya responded very quickly: "Did it come so quickly?"

"I'm not sure, but I have a bad premonition." Uchiha Kai shook his head, his eyes still fixed on the two: "Besides, don't forget that there is a big tube in the ninja world. It's a wooden style."

Otsutsuki is in the ninja world, and they really dare not forget this If this guy makes trouble, then in terms of top combat power, they really recovered a lot... .


Konoha, in the basement of the whirlpool family, whirlpool Xiangcai looked at Orochimaru and Obito worriedly.

Orochimaru put on the mask calmly, and then quickly formed the seal. As the surrounding air became more and more gloomy and cold, it became less and less like the breath of living people.

This situation made Uzumaki Xiangcai tremble. She was afraid of Orochimaru, but she could resist.

But the guy named Uchibo Lin came with the instructions of Lord Kai, so she had to cooperate.

But the next scene made her eyes widen, because she saw Orochimaru suddenly get a vicious belly cut, this scene almost didn't make her faint...


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