Chapter 793: Naruto

"Come on, it's you who should go back to sleep, this brand new world doesn't need an old antique like you a hundred years ago!"

"Hmph, it's still hard to talk to this level, then let me see how far you can dance!"

Madara Uchiha is too lazy to talk nonsense with these guys. Although he doesn't know what the phrase 'don't talk too much', he still has a general idea.

Although these guys look very good, Madara Uchiha has gone through so much and no longer believes in anyone, and he only believes in himself!

Maybe Senju Hashima could convince him back then, since he was stabbed in the back, he no longer believed in these things.

He wants to use his own strength to make the whole world peaceful again, and he will use his strength to accomplish what no one has ever done before!

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up and attacked the crowd, aiming directly at Ohnogi.

Wuya jumped up and followed at the same time, he didn't go to fight, he went to dodge.

Although Kazuo felt that things were a bit big, he was even thinking about whether to release the reincarnation of the dirty earth. After all, Madara Uchiha's power really made him feel shivering.

If the fight goes on, the ghost knows how far it will develop, and he is a little worried about whether it will come to the end, these shadows are all dead, then it's over!

He provided the imprint of the Thunder God of Namikaze Minato, otherwise Minato would not have come quietly behind Uchiha Madara.

It's just that Madara Uchiha's power is so terrifying, and it's still immortal. Fei Lei Shen really doesn't necessarily have any effect.

"Also, what about Lord Qi? Why haven't you come yet?" Dou thought to himself, but soon he shook his head again: "Forget it, if it really doesn't work, I'll just remove the reincarnation of the dirty earth. Although there may not be a way to complete the reincarnation of Lord Qi. The characters are gone, but it's better than all the actors are dead."

Seeing Madara Uchiha's movements, Minato Namikaze swelled up the golden chakra on his body. Although Gaara recovered a lot, he was obviously not as good as him.

Others are either terrifyingly high in attack power, or their speed is not that fast, and they are not good at defending against Uchiha Madara's offensive at all.

The golden light shone, and in an instant he had collided with Madara Uchiha, and in an instant, sand and rocks flew behind him.

Madara Uchiha looked at Namikaze Minato with a little surprise, and then he showed a smile: "I didn't expect that someone could keep up with my speed? It's interesting."

"Don't underestimate people!" Temari took out his fan and waved it fiercely, and the powerful wind attribute chakra quickly condensed, and then fiercely fanned at Madara Uchiha: "Wind escape · Long Luozi!"

"Water Escape, Water-Iron Cannon Art!" Ghost Lantern Manyue also launched an attack at this moment.

Wind and water blended together, and the bullet-like water dungeon cooperated with the overhand mari's wind dun, and quickly shot towards Uchiha Madara.

"Small tricks." Uchiha Madara felt the threat behind him, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, and then he let out a cold snort: "It's really no threat at all!"

However, at this moment, the fourth Raikage appeared in front of him like a teleportation, and then he punched down.


Madara hummed softly, the chakra in his eyes flashed for a while, and then a blue chakra appeared on his body, and the light of Susanoo bloomed on his body.


The fourth generation of Raikage saw this Chakra, and immediately understood that when he dealt with Uchiha Fuyue, he suffered a lot from this trick.


With a violent chakra in his left hand, he slammed the sequel on Noh, and even Susanoo had some cracks at this moment.

"What a powerful force." Uchiha Madara chuckled: "You guys from Yunyin Village are really savage enough."


The fourth Raikage ignored Madara Uchiha's words, and he thought about Thunderbolt to stimulate the cells of the whole body.

Immediately, his physical activity has reached an unprecedented level, and his speed has surpassed the limit of the human body.

But Naihe Susanoo's defensive power is too strong, and his kick did not cause any damage. Susanoo's offensive and defensive integration is really no joke!

"Uncle Raiking, I'll help you!"

Naruto's shadow clone maintained the appearance of immortal mode, and quickly threw a spiral shuriken again.

"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

Onogi floated in the air and quickly formed a seal with both hands, and the transparent chakra showed a diamond-shaped state, and then the devastating chakra shot directly at Uchiha Madara.


Gaara raised both hands, and the yellow mad sand swirled and shot towards Madara Uchiha.

It can be said that at this moment, the seven people are attacking Madara Uchiha without any dead ends, and even he feels some pressure.

Five shadows, plus an imp who is good at using fairy mode, and an imp who overrides sand and has a huge chakra.

With such a combination, he did feel a little pressure.

But this kind of pressure is only a trace, and he has a way to deal with it.

"In that case..."

Madara Uchiha murmured softly, and then the chakra on his body surged wildly, and the chakra giant on his body began to grow madly.

Although he still really wanted to play with the masters of this era, but in the face of such an offensive, he knew that there might be a real problem with playing.

In addition, the terrifying chakra from the distance really made him a little worried, and he also decided to end the battle here early. Anyway, the nine tails were sent to him. If he doesn't do something, then Weird.

"I was going to have fun, but now it doesn't seem necessary, after all, time is running out. However, I have to say..."

Madara Uchiha raised his head, his chakra became stronger and stronger, making the earth tremble more and more.

Namikaze Minato didn't do his best, he planned to let everyone else feel the pressure, so he could resist.

It's just that Madara Uchiha's chakra is getting stronger and stronger, which makes him seem to realize something.

"Could it be, is it the complete Susanoo?"

Just thinking about it, other people's attacks also hit Madara Uchiha's Susanoo, and Namikaze Minato immediately avoided the area with a blink technique.

With so many high-intensity ninjutsu bursting out at the same time, it's not that he can't resist, but he doesn't want to waste him and Nine Tails' Chakra in such a place.

In particular, Madara Uchiha's current situation is also very special, and he must prepare for everything that follows.

The fourth Raikage also evaded quickly, and he also knew that such an attack would affect him, and I am afraid that he would also die.


Just as the two of them had just avoided, a violent roar sounded quietly, and thick smoke rippled in this area.

The rock on which they stood has long been broken, and even the surrounding area has collapsed, and the violent Chakra is constantly echoing around.

"Did it succeed?" Onomu asked softly as he watched all this.

"I'm afraid not yet." Naruto's expression was very solemn, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Minato Namifeng: "Dad, do you feel it?"

"Of course." Minato Namifeng nodded lightly: "Your Uncle Qi used to use this trick often, and I encountered him when I was fighting. It seems to be in trouble."

Naruto nodded lightly, and then he lightly touched Minato Namikaze's hand, and the chakras of the two of them were instantly connected to each other.

"Dad, why didn't you go all out?" Naruto asked through Chakra: "Do you still have any arrangements?"

"Oh?" Namikaze Minato's expression remained unchanged, and he also responded with Chakra: "There are indeed some plans, but these plans can't be said casually, you don't need to know so much when you are young."

"Then what should I do now?" Although Naruto was a little dissatisfied, he didn't dare to question his father: "The only one who can deal with him is you. When are you going to take action? Also, where is Uncle Qi?"

"I don't know if I can deal with him." Minato Namikaze's voice also became serious: "But I will try my best, and Uncle Qi must have his own things to do, and he can still help the entire ninja world. matter."

"Is that so?" Hearing the words, Naruto nodded slightly.

Although Uchiha Kai never showed up, he really didn't think that Uncle Kai would leave the ninja world alone, and even the big explosion just now was probably caused by Uncle Kai.

There is no nine-tailed body in the shadow part, and even Naruto did not assign the nine-tailed chakra to come over. With only the immortal mode, he has no way to perceive the specific situation of the chakra.

"And you, where is your body now?" Minato Namifeng continued to ask: "Why haven't you come yet?"

"I don't know that either." Naruto was also quite helpless.

He doesn't know what the specific situation of his body is now, but the body has not solved Nagato so far, and no one knows what happened.

And that suffocating chakra seemed to come from there, and he was really curious about what happened there.

"You still don't waste Chakra." Minato Namikaze said suddenly, instead of using Chakra to pass: "You can touch the shadow clone, and leave it to us here."

"But..." Naruto hesitated: "But here..."

"Don't you still believe in your father?" Minato Minato Namikaze said with a smile: "Come on, gather Chakra to solve the problem at hand, and then come here. Come on, do you know?"

Speaking of this, Minato Namikaze gave Naruto a thumbs up. Naruto couldn't help but be a little speechless when he saw this scene. He never thought that his father would imitate Uncle Nongmei.

But in the end, Naruto nodded seriously and gathered Chakra to quickly solve the problem on the main body, so that he could go all out to solve the problem here.

"I understand Dad." Naruto said seriously: "I will speed up the solution to the problem on the other side, and then come back soon!"

"Come on." Minato nodded with a smile: "Come on!"

"Yeah!" Naruto also gave Minato a thumbs up, and then turned into a cloud of smoke with a 'bang'.

Watching Naruto disappear into a cloud of smoke, Minato Minato also restrained his smile.

At this moment, Madara Uchiha's chakra has become incomparably huge, and the hard armor appears on top of his Susanoo, and Susanoo's body is constantly rising.


I don't know if I haven't used it for too long. Madara Uchiha doesn't seem to be that skilled, but he still remembers such chakra fluctuations in his heart.

As one hand clenched his fist, the terrifying Chakra immediately froze on Susa, and the 100-meter-high Demon God underwent the final change.

The wings stretched out, and two palms appeared at the end, holding the two knives firmly.

Directly in front of Susanoo, the armor like a **** of war covered his whole body, his face was like a ghost, and his face was extremely ferocious.

Madara Uchiha, on the other hand, stood in the prismatic chakra space on his forehead. He looked at everyone below him indifferently, and completely finished what he had not said before.

"Are you still able to do it?"

"Looks like it's really serious..."

Minato Minato also clenched his fists, and the violent Chakra rushed out of him...



Just came to a cave, Naruto suddenly stopped.

Following the Chakra of Nagato, they quickly rushed to this place, but he did not expect that just after they arrived, Naruto noticed that his shadow clone was back, and he also knew what happened on the front line.

He didn't expect Madara Uchiha to be so exaggerated. Although his shadow avatar couldn't go all out, he definitely performed well.

The immortal mode is not something that ordinary people can use. Even Kakashi-sensei's performance in immortal mode is not necessarily better than himself.

But even so, his own cooperation with Gaara, or his father's five shadows against Uchiha Madara, actually had no effect on him, one can imagine how terrible this Uchiha Madara is.

However, his father was right. Only by completely solving the problem at hand can he go all out to fight the frontal battlefield.

"Also, Uncle Qi is really near here." Thinking of this, Naruto couldn't help but turn his head to look into the distance, which is the place in front of Chakra Violently: "I don't know who Uncle Qi is fighting, but he actually And make such a big move."

"Naruto, what's the matter?" Kakashi realized that Naruto's situation was wrong, and couldn't help but ask: "What did you find?"

"No, it's not." Naruto shook his head and said quickly: "The situation on the front side of the battlefield is a bit complicated. Let's quickly deal with the situation here, and then quickly go to the front line to join forces."

"We are really going to speed up, we still need us on the front line." Jiraiya also said, he took a deep breath, his eyes were full of solemnity: "Let's hurry in, I want to know what happened inside! "

After saying this, Kakashi, Naruto, Jiraiya and Kirabi swarmed up, but when they entered, only Xiao Nan was found alone in a pool of blood...


"Xiao Nan?"

Jiraiya looked at Xiao Nan, who was lying in a pool of blood, and rushed over immediately, but Kakashi didn't hold back even if he wanted to.

Therefore, Kakashi can only open the kaleidoscope and look around vigilantly. Through the insight of the kaleidoscope, he easily found the traces of a battle experienced here.

This is a battle without suspense. The woman named Xiao Nan who fell in a pool of blood has no strength to fight back at all, or she has no intention of fighting back at all.

It seems that the person who shot her should be the person she is most familiar with and most unable to resist. In other words, it is probably Nagato's hand.

Combined with what Naruto said before, Kakashi can judge that the guy Nagato is probably being controlled by someone.

It is because of this situation that the current situation occurs.

Kakashi knew about Nagato's situation. This information was given by Uchiha Kai. Kakashi knew very well the feelings between them, especially the good things that Danzo did back then led to everything now, and he also knew very well.

With such a feeling, Xiao Nan probably wouldn't attack Nagato at all, even if she knew that Nagato was under control, she would never attack.

When Yahiko died in Nagato's hands, it was to save Xiaonan, but now Nagato is controlled to attack her, and she won't have any resistance!

"It's really a group of people worthy of sympathy." Kakashi whispered softly: "Their feelings are really impressive, but this kind of situation is too helpless."

"Oh?" Kirabi was also looking around vigilantly. Hearing Kakashi's words, he couldn't help turning his head and asked, "Yo~ Kakashi, what do you say? Stupid, stupid."

"Uncle than Uncle, Xiao Nan didn't resist." Naruto also saw it very clearly, he clenched his fists and said in a low voice: "It was a frontal attack, and from the chakra on the scene, Nagato is probably really under control. Do something like this. And..."

Having said this, Naruto paused, and his expression became more solemn.

He also felt a very terrifying chakra that appeared in this area, and these chakras were very terrifying, even he felt a little worried.

Not only him, but even the nine tails in his body are very annoying and uncomfortable. These chakras are fused together, and these chakras are fused with all the chakras except the eight and nine tails!

In addition to these chakras, there is also an aura that makes people feel very uneasy. This leftover aura is very disgusting to the nine tails, and it is also very disgusting to Naruto.

"And what?"

Kakashi doesn't have such a strong perception ability, he really doesn't know what other terrible things are here, what other important things.

Just as Naruto spoke, orange chakra suddenly appeared on his body, and at the same time, a look of chakra appeared on Kirabi's body.

Immediately afterwards, one of the two chakras turned into a mini fox, and the other turned into an octopus with a bull head. Obviously, the two of them are the incarnations of eight and nine tails.

"Moreover, this very important thing is also stored here." Nine tails said directly: "But unfortunately, this thing was taken away, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome."

"What?" Kirabi looked at the eight tails on his body inexplicably, but this guy rarely ran out: "Little eight, what's the situation?"

"It's the body of the ten tails." At this time, the eight tails did not have the usual laugh with Kirabi, and it looked very serious: "That is a great, but extremely evil thing."

"Accurately speaking, it should be a cage." Nine tails also grinned and said: "An existence of its own that imprisoned all our tailed beasts and fused together to resurrect. That is, the final form of the tailed beast, that is ten tails. !"

Ten Tails, Kakashi naturally knows a little about this legendary existence. In fact, Kakashi already understood a lot of things the moment Nine Tails opened his mouth.

This also made him fall into a cold sweat. Ten-tails, only eight-tails and nine-tails can gather and resurrect the ten-tails, such a thing is too scary!

If this thing is resurrected, the ghost knows what will happen, and Kakashi becomes more vigilant when he thinks of this.

He thought for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Does the resurrection of the ten tails require a complete tailed beast?"

"I'm not sure about that either." Nine Tails thought for a while, and then he said, "But there is one thing I have to say."

"What is it?" Kirabi asked curiously, "Just tell me if you have anything, Xiao Jiu, yo yo~ Now is the time to exchange information, idiot, there is nothing to hide now."

"Shut up! You sing so badly, God knows how this idiot can stand you."

Nine tails yelled at Kirabi in dissatisfaction, and then his eyes turned to Naruto.

"Actually, some of you Konoha have done similar things. You still know these people very well, one of them is Kei Uchiha and the other is Kenta Imai.

These two guys have already carried out the fusion of the tailed beast Chakra, especially both of them have the chakra of all our tailed beasts on their bodies.

I don't know what the final result is, especially the guy Uchiha Kai, whose chakra doesn't seem to be on him at all.

But Imai Kenta is different, his chakra is in the body, just like a light bulb.

The last time I saw him, he had almost merged the eight types of chakras, although I don’t know how the nine types of chakras were merged, but here are some things…”

Having said that, Nine Tails didn't say too much, but this news also made Kakashi's face turn pale.

He still knows a little about Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta's fusion of the tailed beast Chakra, but they didn't tell him too much about these things, and he didn't ask too much.

After all, this matter was approved by his teacher, and that's why so many chakras came into their hands, and even nine-tailed chakras were handed over to them.

According to Nine Tails, the two of them can fuse the tailed beast Chakra, and it also achieved a good effect.

So does it mean that as long as the chakras with these attributes are added, it can actually achieve a fairly good effect?

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying Kakashi felt.

Even if the ten tails are resurrected because there are not enough eight tails and ten tails, it is still ten tails, and the strength is also a qualitative improvement.

This guy went crazy or was sealed into his body, which is also unimaginable.

With such strength, no matter how you look at it, I am afraid that it is more powerful than a simple tailed beast. It will become easier to go back and collect the eight-tailed and nine-tailed again.

Thinking of this, Kakashi couldn't help swallowing. Their current task was really unimaginable.

By his side are the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails. If something goes wrong with these two, then everything is unimaginable.

Besides, he still remembered that he had fought Nagato before they came, and...

"That's great!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came from Zilai, and his emotions seemed a little excited: "Xiao Nan is fine, great, great!"

"Are you all right?" Naruto and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard the news.

Although this woman, Xiao Nan, has always been on the opposite side of them, after listening to what Nagato said before, they also understood a lot.

Especially since this woman was still a disciple of Jiraiya, if she died here, the blow to Jiraiya would be unimaginable.

And still died in Nagato's hands, even if it was not done voluntarily by Nagato, but this is also an unimaginable blow to Nagato.

You must know that Yahiko is already in Nagato's hands. If there is one more person who is closest to Nagato, then he may really be better off dead.

"Since it's okay, that's fine." Kakashi sighed softly: "Lord Jiraiya, this is the end of the matter, we might as well do things separately."

"Separate?" Jiraiya frowned: "Kakashi, what are your plans?"

"Xiao Nan's situation is not very good. I think you can take her to the rear hospital quickly to get effective treatment."

Kakashi said calmly and quickly: "And just now Jiu....Kurama said that the tailed beast Chakra may be effective. Do you remember that Nagato cut off a tentacle of Yatai before!"

"Yao's tentacles?"

Kirabi was stunned for a moment, and the next moment his eyes widened. If it wasn't for the sunglasses that blocked his eyes, his expression would be absolutely scary.

He remembers the previous battle clearly. Although the tentacle is not the body of Yawei, the chakra contained in it is absolutely enough!

Thinking of this, Kirabi couldn't sit still. It can be said that they sent the eight-tailed chakra to each other's hands.

If the opponent gets this tentacle, then it means that the opponent only has one chakra left!

"I understand." Zilai also knew the priorities of the matter. He put Xiao Nan behind his back and said quickly: "Then, I will go directly to the hospital at the rear, and you will go to the place where you fought before. Where do we gather?"

"Frontline." Kakashi said directly: "No matter what the final result is, we will rush to the frontline directly. After Lord Jiraiya has arranged everything, you can come directly to the frontline to find us."

"Okay." Zilai also nodded: "You must be careful."

After saying this, Jiraiya turned around and left, and Kakashi and the others also returned to the original road for the first time.

However, at the place where they were fighting, a completely recovered Nagato walked in front of Eight-tailed Tentacle. Half of his body was the original color, but his eyes were tightly closed.

And the other half of the body is black, and the eyes are open, this is completely controlled by Hei Jue!

He squatted down slowly, picked up the tentacle on the ground, and a strange smile appeared on the black half of his face...


"Come on, release the Bai Jue you caught."

When the three white **** of light floated out from the belly of the **** of death behind Orochimaru, he clutched his stomach and quickly shouted at Obito. He didn't pay any attention to the way Vortex Xiangcai was covering his mouth.

This woman is not a ninja after all, her ability to bear is not that strong at all, and it is very normal for such a problem to occur in the face of such a situation.

He and Obito came here fully prepared. Bai Jue, Obito prepared a lot, many of which were for Uchiha Kai, but Uchiha Kai didn't receive all of them, and he also left a lot of them. .

Obito nodded, then his eyes turned slightly, and all of a sudden, the four bodies of Bai Jue fell out of the void.

"The Art of Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"

Orochimaru's current situation is very bad, but he still quickly made a mark with his hands, and then slapped the floor.

The three virtual white light spheres suspended in the sky were immediately sensed, and then fell directly on Bai Jue.

The grayish-white dirt that came from nowhere shrouded Bai Jue, a hazy white light appeared, and quickly grew taller, waiting for the appearance of the first Hokage and others to gradually emerge and gradually stabilize.

Orochimaru took off his mask, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood, but soon he opened his mouth wide, and the next moment a large white phosphorus snake jumped out.

Obito's eyes turned slightly when he saw this scene. Bai Jue, who was lying on the ground, was already under his control. This time, Bai Jue opened his mouth directly.

The white snake slammed into his mouth directly, and then his body changed, quickly changing to the appearance of Orochimaru. In only three seconds, he completely became the new Orochimaru and stood up directly.

"The way you use it is too disgusting." Obito and Orochimaru have worked together for so many years, they are very familiar with them, he will not give Orochimaru a little face: "Why don't you try another method, So disgusting is unbearable."

"Maybe you feel disgusting, but to me it doesn't make any difference at all." Orochimaru licked his tongue He ignored Obito's taunting, his eyes locked on the newly born Sanwei Hokage: " Well, our mission is complete, Hokage of all dynasties, but resurrected."

In front of them, the appearance of the three Hokage has been completely condensed.

Standing in the distance, the breath is calm, but it seems that they are not fully awake and need a little time to adapt to the world.

"Is this the Hokage of all dynasties?" Obito looked at the three people in front of him and couldn't help but smiled softly: "I could only see them on Hokage Rock in the past, but I didn't expect to see the real person now. It's really interesting."

Uchiha Obito's voice just fell, and suddenly the three people who were reincarnated by the dirt seemed to have changed a little.

They seemed to suddenly become conscious, and the obscure Chakra also circulated on them at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, they slowly opened their eyes, and their eyes slowly became clear from confusion and insanity...


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