Chapter 794: The old man Shimura Danzo!


Qianshou Zhuma glanced around in confusion, and then his expression became a little helpless again.

"Looks like I'm back in the world again."

He had been reincarnated once by dirty soil, and naturally he still had the memory of three years ago. Of course, for him, the so-called three years were probably only a momentary thing.

Even in the belly of the **** of death, he has a vague awareness, but strictly speaking, such awareness is only for a moment, he was almost sealed by Sarutobi Hibiki, and it didn't take long for him to wake up.

He didn't want himself to be regaining consciousness, because it could only mean one thing, that he was summoned again, and it was the way he least wanted to be summoned.

Sure enough, when he saw one of the two young people standing in front of him, his expression went down.

He didn't forget that he was summoned by this guy back then, and now he seems to be summoned by this guy again, which is really not a good thing.

Qianshou Tobirama clasped his hands, and his eyes were directly fixed on Orochimaru. He snorted softly: "Is it that kid named Orochimaru again? It's really getting more and more daring."

Qianshou Hasumaru spread his hands helplessly. This time, he didn't refute his brother's words. Although he hated his brother's reincarnation technique, he hated this daring Orochimaru even more.

It's just that before she had time to speak, he noticed that there was another person beside them, and after a closer look, he suddenly realized that this was not the kid Hiruzen Sarutobi?

At this moment, he remembered that Sarutobi Hidden Zhan seemed to be Mito's technique, the technique that perishes with the enemy. I'm afraid this kid also died at that time, right?

Just how did this spell get lifted?

Suddenly, Qianshouzhuma saw the white mask thrown on the ground. At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

Any technique is actually designed with a back door, or there is a way to unlock it.

He seemed to remember that Mito had said that the corpse-killing technique was actually not unsolvable, but the cost of unlocking it was too high, and it was almost necessary to rely on life to complete such a method.

However, before Senju Hashirama had time to say anything, Sarutobi Hizan, who was beside him, also came back to his senses. He looked left and right and finally locked his eyes on Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru?" Sarutobi Hizan looked a little stunned. He asked inexplicably: "What's the matter, I'm not dead? How did you summon me, no, how did you break the ghoul seal?"

"Mr. Sarutobi, I haven't seen you for three years, and I miss you very much." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and his eyes turned to Hizan Sarutobi: "Actually, I should have released you earlier, otherwise you would have been can be resurrected."

"Resurrected?" Sarutobi Hijian frowned, and the next moment he seemed to think of something: "Uchiha Kai! I remembered, two strange guys came before I died, very terrible, they were with Uchiha Kai fought, how was the final battle? And..."

"Are you OK?"

The last sentence, Sarutobi Hizan said very tangled, after all, his death was voluntary, not really as seen on the surface, he was brutally killed by Orochimaru.

It's just that he was too angry at the time. He used forbidden techniques to resurrect and manipulate the first and second Hokage. This way of playing with the soul, especially playing with Konoha's first Hokage and Konoha heroes, let him Extraordinarily angry.

Therefore, when he was about to die, he chose to seal the hands of Orochimaru to teach him a profound lesson.

From Sarutobi Hizan's point of view, Orochimaru has a way to save his hands anyway, so it's a good choice to go to Tsunade, isn't it?

In his opinion, I am afraid that he will not meet Orochimaru again, although there is some regret in his heart that he cannot see the changes after Konoha, especially how much impact his death will have on Konoha.

But he also believes that Konoha, the leader of Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato, will definitely develop better.

But now he has come back to life. Although it wasn't what he wanted, he was still alive after all, so he was really embarrassed to see Orochimaru again.

After all, he was very decisive at the time. Although he is very excited now, he is inevitably a little embarrassed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Orochimaru's expression became a lot more serious, and he didn't have the cynical look of licking his tongue like before: "It's you, teacher..."

"Hey?" The two Qianshou brothers looked at the two of them suspiciously, and finally asked Tobirama, "What's going on, monkey. I remember the last time we met, it was clear that we were enemies, and even we were attacked. Control and fight with you, what the **** is going on?"

"Teacher, I'm sorry." Sarutobi Hizan said a little embarrassedly: "In fact, everything that happened at that time was designed by us, not really desperate."

Having said that, Sarutobi Hiizhan simply said what he had agreed with Uchiha Kai back then.

He said it in great detail. He was worried that the Thousand Hands Brothers didn't know the situation at the time and the situation of Konoha, so he simply told the rise of Uchiha Kai and his failure in the struggle against them.

Whether it was a political failure, a strategic failure, or the change in Konoha after the failure, or the change in his own mentality, he said it.

Hearing these words, Qianshouzhujian's eyes lit up slightly. He really didn't expect such a pair of people to appear in Konoha after his death.

Such a pair of existences like him and Madara Uchiha back then, and such a pair of people transformed and developed Konoha to an unprecedented height, how could he be unhappy!

It's just that Qianshou Tobirama's face became very stinky. He didn't expect such a Uchiha, such a Hokage, to appear after his death.

He overthrew the Hokage inheritance system that he created with the master and apprentice as the link, and reused a Uchiha.

Even if this Uchiha is very unusual, he has come up with a lot of system construction, and cleaned up the main combatants in the family, but this cannot change that this guy is a Uchiha.

"Humph!" Qianshou Tobirama put his hands around his chest and said indifferently: "Monkey, you really...just let Konoha..."

"Tobirama, I said long ago that your prejudice against Uchiha is too great."

Before Senju Tobirama could finish speaking, Senju Hasuma interrupted him.

"Actually, after I died, I was very worried about how you would treat Uchiha. I didn't expect you to come to the step I was worried about. Fortunately, there are such people, otherwise..."

"Big brother!" Qianshou Tobirama glanced at his big brother dissatisfied, and finally he quietly shut up.

There's no point in discussing these things with your brother, because no matter what you say, it's not even possible to convince your brother.

After so many years, Senju Tobirama has long been accustomed to these situations, so he has also figured out a method that suits him best.

That is, just ignore it and just do whatever you need to do, just like now.

"Then, Orochimaru." When Sarutobi Hizan finished explaining all this, he couldn't help but look at Orochimaru and Obito: "This is... Forget it, I just want to know that you took us this time. What's the situation when you wake up? Also, is Konoha like this now?"

"Everything is fine in Konoha, even better than you thought." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "As for waking you up this time, it's because we encountered a trouble, a super big trouble... .

After all, Madara Uchiha also came out! "


"Yes, I understand."

At the other end of the frontline battlefield, Darui closed his eyes and nodded lightly, then he opened his eyes and looked at the people who were sealed by their unit, and he couldn't help but start to think.

The previous battle was too dangerous, and those guys who were reincarnated from the dirt were too terrifying.

In this battle, they really suffered heavy losses. Those Bai Juehan were not afraid of death, and their resilience was really terrifying.

In addition, the golden horn and silver horn brothers of Yunyin Village are also extremely terrifying. Not only do they have weapons that are suspected to be left by the immortals of the Six Paths, but they also have nine-tailed chakras.

Such opponents really caused unimaginable difficulties to them. In addition, there were two other guys who seemed to be immortal, but they were living people.

Of those two household jobs, one had his heart pierced and could still survive and continue to fight, the other had his head chopped off but his mouth was broken, and his head was sewn up and he could still fight.

What kind of monsters are these?

Fortunately, they worked hard, and finally solved the White Jue Legion and the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers who were reincarnated in the dirt, even if it was temporary.

The only pity is that the two undead guys ran away, which made them a little depressed.

However, their results are not bad, at least for now, their results are still good.

"What's wrong?" Shikamaru walked behind Darui curiously, and he looked a little tired too.

After all, after such a big battle, he would also feel tired, but compared to being tired, he paid more attention to the situation on the battlefield.

Judging from Darui's appearance, he should have contacted the headquarters, and he was very curious about the specific situation.

"The headquarters asked us to go to the front of the Land of Wind." Darui turned back to Shikamaru and said, "It is said that there is a big trouble there, and the last main force of the other party is also there."

"Oh?" Shikamaru raised his brows when he heard this sentence: "Is that so? How is the front line of the Kingdom of Wind now?"

"The five shadows have all reached the front of the Kingdom of Wind, and the people who appeared there used to belong to your Konoha."

Speaking of this, Darui's expression became unusually solemn.

One person fought against five shadows, and almost killed all the large troops in the Land of Wind with one technique. Such an existence is shocking no matter how you look at it, which makes Darui sigh how Konoha grows old monsters.

No, it's the Uchiha family to be precise, how come there are some monsters so old?

The Uchiha Kai, who made the four generations of Raikage stunned, belongs to the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha Fugaku who once broke the right hand of the four generations of Raikage, is also a monster.

"Who is that?" Shikamaru used to belong to Konoha one day, so he couldn't help but be more curious. Not only him, but other ninjas who were also from Konoha couldn't help but come over.

"It's Madara Uchiha." Darui sighed: "It is said that the situation over there is very bad, and the headquarters has asked us all to go to the front of the country of wind. Also, according to reliable information, all Akatsuki organizations The living members have all passed away."

"Uchiha Madara..." The name also caused quite a stir among Konoha ninjas.

In particular, there are some ninjas from Uchiha among these ninjas, and they are naturally very interested in this name.

They also knew exactly what the name meant, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, in their opinion, Madara Uchiha couldn't compare to the current patriarch and Lord Kai!

However, Uchiha's power is indeed terrible, and the power of that Uchiha Madara is absolutely unimaginable. One person almost killed so much, so you can imagine that he was the former patriarch.

"Is that so?" Shikamaru nodded: "It seems that we have to act fast, and this place is a little far from the Land of Wind. If we move forward at full speed, I am afraid it will take a lot of time. Also, we also need to arrange manpower here. Take care of these sealed guys, or help Bai Jue to unseal the seal..."

"It's not a loss to the Nara family." Darui nodded seriously: "I will arrange.... Be careful!"

Before Darui finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and then he pulled out his big sword and slashed at the black stick that suddenly came from the sky.


The symphony of metal was unusually harsh, but his broadsword seemed to have no way of resisting the black stick at all, and the broadsword in his hand broke off in just a moment.

Then a black guy with half of his body closed his eyes suddenly fell down.

He opened his hands, and the majestic chakra began to surge in an instant, and then a powerful repulsive force spread in the crowd instantly, and all the ninjas couldn't help but fly out.

"This....what kind of monster is this..."

Darui fell to the ground and looked at the figure in front of him in disbelief. He had no idea that such a terrifying guy would come to raid them.

It's just that he didn't have time to say anything, the guy went directly to the place where the golden horn and the silver horn were sealed, and then he put his hand directly on it, and the orange chakra was quickly absorbed by him...


Sasuke quickly ran towards the battlefield of the Land of Wind. He set off directly from the Land of Fire, without any stop at all.

The specific situation on the front line also made him very worried. At the headquarters of the country of fire, he had already understood how the front line was, and he was now very urgent to rush to the front line.

Especially that Uchiha Madara, while making him feel threatened, it also made him feel an urge to fight with him in the depths of his heart.

However, he is not a fool. He almost destroyed a large army by himself, and then fought against the Five Shadows by himself. He really cannot fight against such a monster by himself.

Even if his eyes are already eternal eyes, they are the eyes that carry the hope of his father and the hope of his brother, but he does not know that above these eyes, there is also this more terrifying eye of reincarnation.

That Uchiha Madara possessed the eyes of reincarnation. He already knew about this. The only person in his family who possessed these eyes was Lord Kai.

"With such eyes, I really can't deal with it." Sasuke thought silently, and his eyes couldn't help but look forward: "However, if that guy Naruto is with me..."

For some reason, Sasuke thought of Naruto again. Although he was his best friend, he always regarded Naruto as his competitor in his heart.

Their competition has been started since childhood, and it seems that such competition has never stopped since they met.

The most important thing is that, for some unknown reason, he suddenly thought of the shadow behind him, the shadow hidden deep in his heart and standing behind him.

He had a feeling, I'm afraid that Naruto guy has such a shadow in his heart, right?

This kind of feeling is very inexplicable, but it has taken root deeply in his heart, so that he can't forget it at all, and even more and more he has a special sense of affirmation rippling in his heart.

That is, Naruto must be in the same situation as himself!

"It's just, who is that figure?" Sasuke thought to himself that there were other people in his body, and it was impossible for anyone to think too much about such a situation.

However, at this moment, Sasuke suddenly stopped, his eyes glanced around, he seemed to notice something.

"Come out." Sasuke said calmly: "I have found your traces, you come out by yourself, or I 'invite' you to come out!"

"Youngsheng, you are very good." After Sasuke's voice fell, a figure slowly walked out from behind a big tree.

This person has a dark Chakra on his body, and there are obvious cracks all over his body, and this guy has bandages wrapped around half of his face and even half of his body.

He was holding a cane, there was a scar on his chin, and he seemed to be older. Sasuke felt very dark, but Sasuke really didn't remember seeing such a guy.

"Who are you?" Sasuke looked at the old man in front of him vigilantly, and his wheel-writing eyes had been quietly opened: "Reincarnation of the dirt? It seems that you are the enemy, and we don't need to talk so much."

"Indeed, I am a reincarnated person." The old man looked at Sasuke indifferently, and his eyes were full of killing intent: "I didn't intend to trouble you, but I am surprised that you are a Uchiha clan. , this makes me unable to bear it any longer."

"Oh?" Sasuke raised his eyebrows when he heard this sentence: "You hate Uchiha? Which village are you from? I mean, before you were alive."

"The old man is a ninja, Shimura Danzo!" The old man - Danzo clenched the cane in his hand, he glared at Sasuke and couldn't bear it anymore: "The old man hates Uchiha, you Uchihas are a bunch of evil guys, A bunch of villains, a bunch of despicable and shameless guys!"

When Sasuke heard this, his brows could not help frowning even deeper. This guy seemed to have a very heavy hatred for the Uchiha family.

This made Sasuke, who didn't like this old man named Shimura Danzo, even more hated him.

As for the name Danzo, he doesn't seem to have any impression at all in his memory, and he doesn't seem to have heard of this person at all.

It's normal for Sasuke to have no impression, because when Danzo died, he had just been born, and he hadn't even been born yet.

After Danzo was reincarnated from the dirt, he was controlled by Orochimaru, but because the place where he was placed was different, he and Uchiha Shin were not together.

It's just that Orochimaru didn't bother to control these guys, and followed Obito to deal with the guys in the first Hokage, giving them complete freedom of action, just like Uchiha Shen and the others.

Therefore, Danzo quickly left the main force and ran towards Konoha alone.

His heart was full of anger, but he never forgot the result that he was tricked by Uchiha, which caused him to be killed in Konoha by this guy.

Such a result is absolutely unacceptable to him, and he is extremely resentful of such a result. He still has countless plans that have not been completed, and he still has a dream that has not been realized.

He wants to become Naruto, and he wants to lead Konoha to become the strongest ninja village in the ninja world!

But everything was wiped out with Uchiha Qi's use of Susanoo, and with that shocking knife.

This filled his heart with hatred. Death was like yesterday, and the pain seemed to leave deep traces on his body.

He only has one obsession now, that is to kill Kai Uchiha, kill the Uchiha family!

It's just that he, who has just come back to life, doesn't dare to move at will after knowing the strength of Kai Uchiha now.

But he also learned a piece of information, it seems that Uchiha Kai has gone to the front line, not only this guy has gone to the front line, but many Uchiha masters have also gone to the front line!

With this information, he quickly made a decision.

Since I can't find your trouble, I will find your family, your clan's trouble!

I want to kill your entire Uchiha, I want to destroy your entire Uchiha, he wants you to completely exterminate your clan!

It's just that Danzo didn't expect that he found a young man on the way, and this young man was actually a member of the Uchiha clan.

Although this young man seems to be a little difficult to deal with, he found his existence easily, but this is better.

If such a descendant of Uchiha, who is full of talent and looks good in strength, dies in his own hands, it will definitely be a deep blow to the Uchiha family!

Thinking of this, Danzo didn't hesitate at all. As soon as his voice fell, the whole person had already launched a flashing technique and rushed towards Sasuke.

However, just as he was halfway through, he was stunned to notice that the eyes of this young Uchiha had changed!

That is.....

A pair of kaleidoscopes!



In the galaxy outside the Ninja world, a person with pale skin and long blue-white hair stared at the blue planet at that moment.

His eyes are all white eyes, there are two dots on his forehead, and two horns in the shape of a guard grow on his head.

With such a face, it is obvious that this guy is a big tube wood!

His expression looked a little weird, because just now, he felt a huge chakra that was similar to his breath bursting out on this blue planet.

And there are quite a few such breaths, some of which are familiar to him!

"It's Xiao Tao, and that stupid big guy Jin Shi." He muttered to himself: "It seems that they should have come to this place, but..."

Just why does the peach-style breath seem so weird?

In the peach-style breath, not only does he have the breath that he should have, but also has the breath of gold style!

There is basically only one explanation for such a situation, that is, the peach style has already swallowed the gold style.

But these are of course unlikely, not to mention what kind of powerhouse on such a planet can force Tao Shi to make such a choice, just because he clearly feels the golden type of Chakra, which means that the golden type is obviously still alive. of.

"What the **** happened?" He tilted his head and thought silently, "Could it be that Xiao Tao came up with a new way to refine pills?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a smile. If it was the same as what he thought, then this is really good news.

For them, it is really difficult to improve their strength, and swallowing Dan is one kind, because Dan is actually condensed with the essence of each life.

The other is to devour one's own guardian.

In fact, this can be regarded as a means of devouring life, but for him, he is unique to every existence of Otsutsuki, and they are all eternal and inevitable existences!

He is completely indifferent to other lives, but he has a completely different attitude towards Otsutsuki. He respects every Otsutsuki life very much, after all, they are his kin.

"Let's go and have a look." He thought for a moment, and finally made a decision: "I should have been with Xiao Tao anyway, but since I separated from them, I don't know where they went. And... ."

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly changed, he stared at this blue planet, thinking silently in his heart.

"Also, I seem to feel a power similar to Kaguya. Is she here too? Just, why didn't I feel the same chakra?"


In the endless dark space, Ci Xian slowly floated in it.

Everything around him seems to be frozen, but he can still do something in this frozen space.

The chakras around him are constantly rippling, and the chakras that seem to have life are constantly repairing his body.

But his physical condition is too bad, even if these chakras full of vitality are rippling in his body, they still can't dissipate the decay that he radiates all the time.

However, the chakra that he spilled was very strong, and in the end, the rotten aura was suppressed, and Ci Xian slowly opened his eyes.


He took a deep breath and seemed to want to spit out the rotten breath in his body. His expression was also a little blurry, but he soon returned to normal.

"It seems that it has been repaired."

Repair, in her view, this is a means of repair, not recovery.

For Otsutsuki Ichishi, Cixian's body really doesn't have much value. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't find a more suitable body, he would never choose to use Cixian.

"I don't know how many years have passed." He sighed faintly, and the figure of the guy could not help but emerge in his thoughts: "Ki Uchiha? He is really a powerful guy, but this guy seems to have resisted me. the wedge, otherwise..."

Even if he didn't leave this different dimension, Otsutsuki Ichishi could know what the current situation was.

He arranged the wedge in the end, and he naturally knew it all too well. If the wedge on Uchiha Kai's side played a role, then his main consciousness should be awakened there, definitely not on Ci Xian's body!

Such a situation was within his expectations, but it also disappointed him a bit. Ci Xian's health was really bad.

Even if he is repaired, using this body to revive to fight, I am afraid that in the second half of the highest-intensity battle, it will be the limit, and it may even be completely destroyed in a few hours!

"However, it's time to go out and take a look."

Shishi mentally muttered silently, and then his body trembled slightly, this different space seemed to be shattered, and a huge hole appeared in front of him.

He still has a lot of things to do, such as he wants to see what happened to that Uchiha Kai.

Maybe it's exhausted now, and it's impossible to continue to resist?

It's just that when he just walked out of this different space, he felt the waves of fluctuations from the sky and the earth, and the huge chakra rushed towards him with various breaths!

"This is..." He frowned. This kind of feeling made him familiar, but also felt a little strange These clarity contained a huge smell of blood, all kinds of messy The chakra soared into the sky, and this situation instantly made him understand a lot of things.

War, an unprecedented war is underway!

"Huh, the inferiority of human beings can never be changed." After Otsutsuki felt these breaths, he instantly understood a lot of things: "War, death, destruction, rather than eliminating yourselves, you might as well be my nourishment and become I'm on top of the ingredients. It's just..."

Thinking of this, Otsutsuki's expression became a lot more dignified.

Because he noticed Uchiha Kai's breath, that guy's breath seemed to become more terrifying, and at the same time he also noticed the breath of some acquaintances.

That is.....

Otsutsuki Peach Style, and Otsutsuki Gold Style!


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