Chapter 795: crow mouth

"Where are we going now?"

On the way to the battlefield of the Land of Winds, Aya Hyuga asked with a frown.

"Our current speed, depending on your route, is to go to the battlefield of the Land of Wind, why don't you just teleport there? With such a slow speed, you can only collect corpses wherever you go."

The speed of the three of them is really not fast, it can even be said to be a little slow, even if their speed is very exaggerated in the eyes of others.

But in fact, the three of them can be said to have no effort to hurry, at least for this guy Uchiha Kai, he has never thought about speeding up.

If he has such an idea, I am afraid that he will directly open the space channel and let them cross the country of the river to the battlefield of the country of wind.

Uchiha Kai is really not in a hurry now, Uchiha Madara's appearance is completely in his expectation, and even waiting for this guy to be completely resurrected is a matter of course.

It is very important to let the whole world feel the power of Otsutsuki and pour out their power to the ninja world.

If he rushes over now, I'm afraid it doesn't take much effort from Minato Namikaze and the others, and it's impossible for the ninja world to feel how terrifying their enemies are.

The meaning of Hyuga Aya and the others is actually very simple. They are the ones who follow Uchiha Kaizai to complete this matter from beginning to end, and they naturally understand his thoughts.

They didn't say they wanted to help, but they were more inclined to arrive at the scene quickly, but decided when to attack according to the actual situation on the scene.

This is the safest and most convenient, but unfortunately, Uchiha Kai did not intend to do this, which also made them feel very helpless.

"Actually, we are not slow anymore." Uchiha Kai shook his head with a smile: "Also, you should always give Captain Watergate a chance to perform, right?"

"Captain Minato is very strong, there is no doubt about that." Kenta Imai spread out his hands as he walked: "I'm afraid Madara Uchiha, who was just reincarnated from the dirt, is really not his opponent, right?"

"It's definitely not an opponent, but don't forget, Madara Uchiha won't die." Uchiha Qi nodded gently: "Besides, there are two other key people who don't seem to be present, so I don't need to worry now. "

"You mean, Sasuke and Naruto?" Hyuga Aya reacted extremely quickly, she immediately thought of something: "I think you should have sent them to the battlefield before you came out, and you should have gone to Nagato before. , You should know that changing the road now, they are heading for the battlefield, right?"

Uchiha Kai smiled and didn't say much.

He did find Naruto's trail, and Sasuke should set off now. His eyes were originally expected to be completely integrated like yesterday and today.

When these two arrived on the battlefield, this was the most crucial plan!

That guy Hei Jue seems to be moving a little too fast. When Obito did not control Samsara Eye, he chose to control Nagato without hesitation.

This approach is something that Kei Uchiha himself has not thought of, but it has to be said that it is indeed the appropriate approach at present.

And Uchiha Kai has been using his natural chakra to explore the surroundings after being 'shaded' once, so he can be regarded as either Naruto, Nagato, or Hei Jue. action, it is still relatively clear understanding.

Even that guy from Hei Jue has already obtained the chakra of the eight tails, which he will not doubt at all, because his Susanoo has the power of the eight tails, how could he admit that this kind of thing is wrong?

Now they are only worse than the nine-tailed Chakra, and Hei Jue has already controlled Nagato's body towards the frontline battlefield.

Where to go, Uchiha Kai also has some guesses, it is very likely to recover the chakra of the nine tails?

He controlled Nagato, who still had the eye of reincarnation, and at the same time recovered all the chakras of the tailed beasts. The most important thing is that the body of the ten tails is still in his hands.

It means that the power of the ten tails has basically been mastered by Hei Jue, and Madara Uchiha will also embark on that unusual path!

"Kaguya Ji couldn't get out of the seal, and she wanted to leave the seal without breaking the seal.

I am afraid I can only choose to use Madara Uchiha's body as a descendant, so as to reproduce the world.

If it works well together, Madara Uchiha can still survive, and Kaguya can leave the seal.

However, none of this is easy, so it's better to be careful, especially since the two guys, Otsutsuki Peach and Otsutsuki Jin, have been summoned. "

Thinking like this, he suddenly felt a chakra attached to him, and this chakra really made him very familiar.

This made him a little more vigilant. He knew who the owner of this Chakra was, and he knew that he was not malicious, but doing so still made him more depressed.

This guy was attached to him, and he felt it. It seems that the gap between himself and this guy is really big.

"what happened?"

Uchiha Kai closed his eyes slightly, and he had appeared in his own consciousness space in an instant.

In front of him, an old man was staring at the sealed Otsutsuki-style consciousness. This guy's consciousness seemed to feel something and started to make trouble again.

It's just that he just had the idea of ​​making a noise, Uchiha Qi snorted coldly, the next moment this guy's seal was completely strengthened, and he was completely suppressed.

"It seems that this guy is still dishonest." The old man turned around and revealed his face, it was Yui Otsutsuki.

"I've never been honest, I'm used to it." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "But with me, he can't get out, and I've also asked people to study a better sealing technique. You haven't said it yet, What are you doing here this time?"

"I went to give my two children their strength." Yui Otsutsuki shook his head: "Originally, I didn't intend to come to you, but something went wrong."

"Problem?" Uchiha Qi suddenly had a very bad premonition: "What's going on? Don't tell me, someone has come to the ninja world again? Or, Otsutsuki came out in one style?"

"I have to say, your crow mouth attribute is really strong."

"Which one is it?"

"It's all, everything is what you said."



"But.... Damn!"

On the frontal battlefield of the Land of Wind, Ohnogi couldn't help swallowing when he saw Madara Uchiha's god-like performance.

" this really something a human can do?"

Gaara and Temari both took a step back involuntarily. They had never seen such a powerful force, and they had never seen Uchiha activate his hand. In the face of this god-like existence, they really couldn't resist.

"Sure enough, this guy's Susanoo is really scary, just like back then..."

People like the fourth Raikage also clenched their fists.

When there was a war with Konoha, that mysterious Uchiha—in fact, he guessed that it was Kai Uchiha, who also showed the terrifying Susanoo.

Although it is not as scary as it is now, he has calmed down a lot after having a similar experience.

It's just that he has the same doubts in his heart, can such power really be possessed by human beings?

How much is the gap between this guy and Uchiha Kai?

In other words, he and Uchiha Kai, who is more powerful?

Just when they were thinking about it, Susanoo suddenly pulled out his sword, and in an instant... the sky was tilted to the ground!

The blade is vertical and horizontal, the power is like destroying the world, and the earth makes a rumbling sound, and Wuying and Gaara can't help but bow their heads at the same time.

In the huge smoke and dust, a bottomless canyon appeared in the earth.

In the distance, two mountain peaks broke at the same time, the incision was smooth, and fell to the ground with a loud noise, causing a large earthquake.

"Sure enough, it's as terrifying as Susanoh of Kaidan."

Namikaze Minato recited a sentence quietly, this kind of power is really scary, even if he has faced it before, and even the people he is facing are even more scary than at this moment, but he also has to admit that Uchiha Madara is indeed powerful enough !

"Are you ready, Kurama?"

Namikaze Minato suddenly showed a smile, although the opponent's strength is not necessarily stronger than when he faced Kai at that time, but this is also a respectable opponent!

In the face of such an opponent, he naturally has to go all out!

"Of course I'm ready!" Nine tails' voice rippling in his brain: "I've wanted to beat this guy for a long time, Minato, let's work hard and teach him a lesson!"

"A lesson?" The smile on Minato's face became brighter: "Then let's go!"

The voice fell, and the majestic chakra suddenly appeared on Minato's body. The nine tails, which blended yin and yang, were intertwined with the yang chakra that Minato had been continuously strengthened through training. At this moment, even the arrogant Madara Uchiha couldn't help turning his head to look. come over.

Minato's power exploded completely, stirring up the world. As his momentum became stronger and stronger, Madara Uchiha's expression became more and more dignified.

"This kind of power..." Uchiha Madara murmured: "It's a bit like Hasuma, but it's definitely not Hasuma. It seems that some interesting guys did appear after I died!"

When Minato's chakra is completely intertwined, intertwined, synchronised, and resonated with the nine tails, a golden chakra coat appears all over his body.

This time his chakra coat has completely restrained, unlike the golden light fluttering before, his chest is the same as Uchiha Kai's immortal mode, there is a black hook jade.

Like a necklace hanging around his neck, it looks very mysterious.

"I haven't done this for a long time." Minato still kept his smile on his face, looking at the super stupendous statue not far away, he said softly, "Susanohu, then..."

With the continuous influx of his chakras, the golden chakras began to swell wildly, and suddenly a 100-meter-high nine-tailed phantom appeared, stood on both feet, and completely transformed into an existence equivalent to the complete body Susa!

"Fourth Hokage?" Others were surprised when they saw this scene.

They all know that there is a super master in Konoha who decides the direction of the entire ninja world, and that person is Uchiha Kai.

Maybe ordinary ninjas have never experienced the power of Uchiha Kai. Except for Konoha's ninjas, other people don't know it at all, and I'm afraid they won't believe that there is such a terrible existence in this world.

And although Namikaze Minato is very strong, after all, he is able to oppress Ohnogi, the old stubborn man who ended the third ninja war.

Such a guy will never be weak, but his strength is definitely not as intuitive and powerful as Uchiha Kai.

However, today, this person who seems to have been suppressed by the light of Uchiha Kai has burst out with a light that is not weaker than Uchiha Kai, which makes them really heartfelt emotion, Konoha is really outstanding!

"The chakra of the nine tails, and the power of Yangdun." Madara Uchiha stood in Susanoo, looking at everything in front of him, he had already obtained the result: "Such power is better than that woman in Mito. Even stronger, even...reaching the column, maybe it has surpassed the column...

In that case, let's take it! "

With the last sound, Madara Uchiha almost roared out. He wanted to see how powerful the ninjas of this era are!

It was like the air was being split, and the space was chopped off. After a piercing sound, a bottomless crack appeared on the ground, winding endlessly, leading to the end of the world.

"This kind of power is stronger than the Qi of the year, I don't know how much, but it can't compare to the Qi now. And I am not the me of the year! Ku Lama!"

"I know, come on!"

The golden giant nine-tailed hands clasped together, and in an instant, his mouth has condensed a giant chakra, which spun frantically and finally formed a tailed beast jade.

Immediately afterwards, the tailed beast jade was sprayed out by him, and in a moment it collided with Madara Uchiha's blade!


It was as if the end of the world had come, the dazzling light shone on the ground, and the thick smoke had covered the entire battlefield in an instant.

All the evacuated ninjas watched this scene from a distance, even if they were several kilometers away from the battlefield, but this area was originally a plain, and as ninjas, their line of sight was very good, and they could naturally see a lot of them vaguely. How many.

Except for Konoha Ninja, the other ninjas have been dumbfounded, and they have no idea that the battle has been completely dehumanized.

The violent loud noise continued to surround, and the smoke dissipated, revealing the figure of the full body Susa and the huge nine tails constantly fighting.

Susanohu's ninja sword and Nine Tails' tail kept intertwining, and under the force of a hundred miles, they broke out and collapsed.

This kind of battle, even the remaining four shadows and Gaara are already a little dull, this kind of battle is not something they can participate in...


Otsutsuki swiftly moved towards the place where the peach and golden auras emanated, and he was very puzzled now, because he also found that Otsutsuki's peach aura was very strange.

Mixed with the breath of the golden style like that, it is completely like the golden style as a pill, and it is swallowed up.

But the question is, why does the chakra of the golden guy still exist?

Such a strange situation made him a little puzzled. Could it be that Tao Shi, the ambitious guy, has also come up with some unknown but very interesting things?

Or, Jinshi has already used the wedge to complete his reincarnation, but before he was resurrected, he gave himself to Momo as Dan?

He couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it at all, he just went to the front line to see it, didn't he know?

His speed is very fast, Ci Xian's body has been completely repaired and his strength has almost recovered.

It's just that he also knows that the damage to the body caused by such repairs is actually even greater.

This body is already very bad, and the talent is not good. There is no way to withstand the transformation of Otsutsuki, nor can it withstand his strength.

After a thousand years, this body has actually completely decayed, no matter how powerful his power is, there is no suitable carrier and no way.

This body is now like a piece of clothing, and his repairs are just constantly patching up scars on this piece of clothing.

These 'scar patches' have actually completely covered every corner of this 'clothing', especially this time I entered the different space to fix it during the solidification time. It was simply throwing this 'clothing' into the 'stove' to try to fuse it.

The result of burning the clothes can be imagined. The environment in the different space and the surging of the violent chakra can also be imagined the damage to Ci Xian's body.

But he couldn't do anything, and the condensing of the wedge is not a simple matter, and it is also a difficult thing to give the wedge to talented people and wait for them to transform.

Therefore, if Otsutsuki wants to maintain enough strength, he still needs this body, which makes him really distressed.


Just when he was thinking about his body, suddenly his brows wrinkled, because he suddenly found that in this area ahead, time became abnormally chaotic!

Such a chaotic time can be said to be unprecedented, which is the deliberate result of some powerful forces.

"Uchiha Kai?"

Suddenly, the young man appeared in Yi Shi's mind. When he was fighting against him, this guy showed extraordinary control over time.

If it was this guy who made the move, it would be completely understandable to achieve this level. After all, time has passed for so long, and it is natural for this guy to make some progress.

"It's just that the two guys, Tao Shi and Jin Shi, are trapped inside. Did they know each other before?"

Yi Shi frowned, he was a little reluctant to set foot in this area.

In such a chaotic time zone, if his body enters, the ghost knows whether it will turn into gray in an instant.

Although he himself can control time, his control strength is far worse than that of Uchiha Kai. The most important thing is that his understanding of time is based on his perception and his own strength.

And the guy Uchiha Kai, simply relying on his own eyes to be born with the time, can use such power at will.

Even if he is unconvinced, Yi Shi can't do anything. The power brought by his eyes is innate, just like he can adjust his size at will and give the opponent a fatal surprise. This is also an innate ability.

"It's a little troublesome, it seems that I can't control these two guys."

After thinking for a long time, he shook his head and planned to turn around and leave. Ci Xian's body had no way to resist the erosion of such time, and he didn't want to take risks even if he could.

He didn't know what happened to the other wedges. If he couldn't control it at all, then the wedge on Ci Xian's body was his only wedge, the only wedge that could be used at this stage.

If Ci Xian's body collapsed, then he would be completely dead!

Shaking his head slightly, he planned to leave here. Originally, he wanted to see what happened to these two guys. If possible, he could find some helpers to deal with Uchiha Kai.

Even if it is shameful to do so, Yi Shi is still a wise man to choose between shame and death in the true sense.


But just as he was about to set off, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations in the sky, and just for a moment, a dark space crack appeared beside him.

Shishi recognized what this crack was almost immediately, this is Huangquan Hirazaka!

And he also sensed the familiar breath behind the crack at this moment, he really didn't expect this guy to come.

"Pu Shi?" Yi Shi frowned, "Why are you here?"

"Senior Yi Shi, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to look like this." A pale man in white came out of the crack, he was the one outside the starry sky!

"I was attacked by that woman Kaguya, and I've fallen to this point." Yi Shi knew about Pu Shi, so he didn't pay attention to what he said, but said simply: "What about you? You haven't answered me what's going on with you."

"Senior, don't worry."

Pu Shi smiled, looking at the time-chaotic area in front of him, he said softly.

"I was originally with the peach senior, but we separated a hundred years ago.

Later, I noticed Kaguya's aura, and I came to this star field, but I didn't expect to feel the aura of Senior Peach.

His breath was weird, and I didn't know what was going on, so I came down.

But now it looks like..."

Having said that, Pu Shi won't say more, but no matter how he looks at his smile, there is a bit of yin and yang in it.

Shishi glanced at him, but there was no nonsense. He knew the character of this guy Pushi very well, but his mouth was more annoying.

"Okay, don't talk so much." Yi Shi shook his head, and he said directly: "So what are your thoughts now?"

"Instead of talking about my thoughts first, why don't you talk about what happened to you?" Pu Shi casually spread his hands: "I'm curious now, what happened to you, and when you saw Senior Tao Shi and Jin Do you look like a senior?"

"It's weird?" Yi Shi frowned, and then his white eyes opened quickly: "This is... they are not themselves at all! But their souls are, wait, this is not a wedge! What the **** is going on? thing?"

"You don't know?" Pu Shi was a little surprised, but soon he spread his hands: "Well, it seems that you don't quite know what happened. Forget it, I'll get him out first, I I always feel that I am afraid that something interesting will happen this time..."



A huge roar resounded throughout the battlefield. On the frontal battlefield of the Land of Winds, Madara Uchiha and Minato Namikaze were fighting hard.

The scale of the battle and the spread of the battle have completely subverted the ninjas in the four major ninja villages except Konoha.

They really have never seen such an exaggerated combat mode, they really can't imagine why the power of the individual reaches this point!

This is simply the existence of a single person who can sweep the entire ninja world. Now they have already echoed a sentence in their minds, is this really what humans can do?

But soon they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because with people like Minato Namifeng, they could become safer and have the opportunity to deal with such a terrible guy.

If it were them, I am afraid that they would have died in a random technique of the other party without knowing when, and they might even be dead!

"Come on! Hokage-sama!"

"Come on! Kill this guy!"

"Hokage-sama! Come on!"

I don't know who started it, but the sound of refueling the water gate in this unit started to get louder and louder, and then the sound of refueling resounded through the earth.

This kind of battle is too shocking, and this kind of battle is really too morale.

Before their entire army was suppressed by Madara Uchiha, they were helpless, and even almost wiped out the entire army, but now Minato Naikaze has helped them out with a bad breath, how can they not get excited?


Suddenly, many perceptual ninjas suddenly turned their heads and looked into the distance, and soon, a huge army rushed towards them in the horizon.

The ninjas of these troops are wearing the unique clothes of each country, but they all wear the same forehead protection, and the big "Ninja" character tells their identities.

The other ninjas also noticed this scene, but after getting accurate information, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally arrived!" Terumi Mei looked at the huge fighting figure in the distance, and couldn't help but sighed in relief.

Originally, she was a member of Daimyo's protection force, but now that the entire line is assembled to fight, she naturally won't miss it, so she followed the main force and rushed over as soon as possible.

"It seems that there is no problem." Uchiha Chuan, Uchiha Ryuying and others looked at the distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind them, the troops prepared by the Security Department quickly followed. They belonged to the Fifth Brigade, and they had just arrived quickly from other battlefields.

"It looks like we're not late." Akai breathed a sigh of relief as he looked into the distance with a smile on his face.

Xiao Li, Neji and Tian Tian quickly followed, and they were a little breathless. Obviously, it was very tiring for them to travel so fast.

But they still have high fighting spirit. Such a battle has never been experienced by them. Even if it is very cruel, they will not be shaken in the slightest to save the entire ninja world!

"Looks like I'm not late..."

Shikamaru and the others also arrived, and they looked a little weak, not only him but Darui also had a gray head and a gray face.

They were raided before they came. The guy was so exaggerated that it was unbelievable. Fortunately, the guy didn't seem to have too many plans to fight them, otherwise the ghost knows what it will be.

"That guy just took away the weapons and props of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers, that is, the weapons of the legendary Six Path Immortals, but what is their purpose?"

Shikamaru couldn't think clearly, and he also knew that he had better stop thinking about it.

Even if he is annoyed by such a big mistake, he has no way to change it. He can only say that he is going to take a step by step and see what the purpose of those guys is.

"It's really troublesome, I didn't expect it to turn out like this." Shikamaru sighed helplessly, but soon he noticed two figures rushing over not far away: "That's... the patriarch Fuyue? Captain Itachi? Are they here too?"

That's right, Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Itachi have already arrived on the battlefield, and they can't help but take a deep breath as they stare at everything in the distance.

This battle seems to be more terrifying than they imagined.

The number of troops arriving one after another is still increasing, and the large troops of more than 70,000 people are quickly gathering, and the densely packed sea of ​​people has created a magnificent momentum.

Several figures also quickly came before the ninja coalition. If they fought alone before, now they are fighting the enemy together!

"Does it look good?" Madara Uchiha controlled Susanoo to smash Minato Naikaze back with a fist, and his eyes turned to the large army that gathered together: "This is this group of rabble, What do you think it could be useful for?"

"The rabble?" Minato Namikaze couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words: "They are not the rabble, this is the ninja coalition."

"Is there a difference?" Uchiha Madara said proudly: "In my eyes, you are the only one who has given me a lot of surprises now, and the others are nothing, but your power doesn't seem to be a big deal. I'm a little disappointed."

"No, you are wrong."

Minato Namikaze floated above the Nine Tails, and his eyes became extremely serious.

"As I said, this is the ninja coalition, this is the coalition that unites the will of the entire ninja world, this is the coalition that yearns for peace, and will create our own peace with our own hands!

Madara, you are very strong, I am afraid that the real ninja world who can say that they are 100% sure of defeating you is only Kai.

But we're not going to throw in the towel, and you're only one person, and it's a myth that you want to fight the whole world.

You will not succeed, you will not have the ability to resist the will of the entire ninja world! "

Namikaze Minato said sonorously and powerfully and Uchiha Madara rarely seemed a little silent.

Qi, he has heard this name many times, is he confident to defeat him?

What a fool's dream, does he know what his peak has reached?

Moreover, the guy who hasn't appeared until now is simply a shame for Uchiha!

Shaking his head slightly, Madara Uchiha's Samsara eyes suddenly showed a hint of playfulness, and he said slowly with a chuckle.

"Kai? Uchiha Kai? I heard you say he is very powerful, but where is he now? And...

Who told you that I have no reinforcements? "

At this moment, a huge chakra surged in an instant, a huge monster rose from the ground, and the roar resounded through the ninja world...


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