Chapter 796: gather together

"Who is this guy?"

In the country of fire, Uchiha Sasuke thought inexplicably that he had just been stabbed by himself, and he was a little dazed.

That old guy's name seems to be Shimura Danzo. In fact, no matter what the guy's name is, he feels to Sasuke that he is a guy who only talks big.

Before I started, I said how much hatred I had, and that force seemed to swallow Sasuke, and Chakra was so cold and terrible, which really made Sasuke a little worried.

In the end, that guy was actually sealed by the Ten Fist Sword that he inherited from his brother.

He didn't cause any trouble to himself at all, and he didn't show much strength. Such a huge difference before and after really made Sasuke Uchiha's face full of weirdness.

Thanks to him, he used all his strength with great vigilance. He turned his head and didn't go all out at all. He just tried it out, and he was solved by himself like this?

Sasuke knows about the reincarnation of dirty soil. After all, it is said that Orochimaru used this technique three years ago, and summoned the first two generations of Hokage to fight against the three generations of Hokage.

The final result is that the three generations of Hokage stopped Orochimaru with his own life. Even Sasuke, who is not so cold to the three generations of Hokage, has to feel great respect for the old man of the three generations of Hokage.

Especially in order to prevent Orochimaru from continuing to harm Konoha's Hokage, he directly used the most terrifying seal, sealing his soul together with the soul of the previous Hokage into the belly of Death.

Such decisiveness and determination, perhaps the inheritance of the will of fire, such an approach, such a will, also moved Sasuke.

Not only him, who wouldn't be moved by the entire younger generation of Konoha?

"Forget it, leave this guy alone." Sasuke blinked, then closed his eternal eyes: "Just treat him as a lunatic, really, waste my time."

In Sasuke's view, the guy named Danzo was simply wasting his time. He was still in a hurry to rush to the front line to support him. How could he have the time to entangle with a dead person here.

It's just that Sasuke was about to put away his weapon and turn around to leave, when suddenly his body stopped, and then his chakra surged, and his eyes once again burst into the light of eternal eyes!

"Come out!" Sasuke shouted in a low voice: "I didn't notice it just now, but now you actively exude your breath, do you think I can't find it?"

"It's not bad, Sasuke." When Sasuke's voice fell, Obito slowly walked out from behind a big tree: "It seems that your eyes blend well."

"It's you? Lin... Uncle."

Sasuke couldn't be 100% sure when he saw the person in front of him. It was only after he glanced around with his writing wheel eye that he was 100% sure that the person he knew was in front of him.

Obito used the name Uchiha Lin to leave some traces in Konoha, especially in the Uchiha clan, most people knew of his existence.

Sasuke was no exception. He naturally knew this man who often met with his father and Lord Kai. Obviously, he was Uchibo Lin under Lord Kai's command.

Just why, this guy is here, why didn't he go to the front?

However, just for a moment, his eyes were slightly enlarged, because in his eyes a guy who disgusted him came out!

That is Orochimaru. He still hasn't forgotten this guy's attack on Konoha three years ago. Why is this guy here and with Uchiha Lin?

In addition, three Hokage also came out with this guy. Sasuke knew from their appearance that this was definitely the reincarnation of the dirt!

But Sasuke didn't say anything, he just looked at the people in front of him calmly and vigilantly, especially Obito.

He needs a reasonable explanation, otherwise he will definitely do it!

"It's another Uchiha kid, and these eyes are still so evil." Before Obito or Orochimaru could say anything, Qianshou Tobirama snorted coldly: "The current four generations of Hokage are really Fallen, actually..."

"To shut up!"

Before he could finish speaking, Senju Hasuma interrupted Tobirama's words directly, and then he looked at Sasuke slightly embarrassed.

"Sorry, my brother has always been like this.

How should I put it, both of them are the subordinates of the Lord Qi as you say.

And we were resurrected to help the frontline battlefield. "

Lord Kai's subordinates?

Sasuke looked at Obito and then at Orochimaru, and suddenly he was a little unsure of what these guys said, because no matter how you look at it, it seems that this guy's words are too outrageous, right?

Sasuke is 100% sure that Uchibo Lin is the subordinate of Lord Kai.

Orochimaru, this insidious guy, is also the subordinate of Lord Qi?

As for what Reincarnation said, Sasuke didn't dare to believe it easily. After all, Reincarnation of Dirty Earth can be controlled. The ghost knows if this guy is being controlled.

Obito naturally saw Sasuke's doubts, which made him glared at Orochimaru, and Orochimaru shrugged indifferently.

He knows his own situation, after all, his identity has never been exposed, and he doesn't bother to do any disguise.

Faced with such a situation, I can only say that I want to believe it, and I can't help if I don't want to believe it.

"It seems that Sasuke-kun doesn't intend to believe us." Obito shook his head helplessly: "It doesn't matter, you will know when the time comes, then we should act separately, and we must dare to go to the front."

"You said that Orochimaru is a subordinate of Lord Qi, and Orochimaru is also a member of Xiao's organization." Before Obito and the others left, Sasuke suddenly said: "Then, Big Brother Zhishui and Orochimaru should know each other, right. ?"

"I know." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "If you have any questions you want to ask me, just say it."

"Three years ago, you attacked Konoha..." Sasuke said directly, but he was interrupted by Orochimaru before he could finish.

"Sorry, it wasn't me who attacked Konoha three years ago, but Sandyin. This was just a plan."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, his voice was still hoarse, but with a special charm.

"Of course, your father knows about this plan, Qi knows it, and the person next to me knows it, as well as my teacher, the three generations of Hokage.

Can I tell you, you should go and ask Kai, as for what you want to ask me, it should be about Shishui, right?

Shisui went to attack the fourth Kazekage three years ago, and he has always been our man, Konoha's man, even the battle between you and him...

We've all been watching, Sasuke-kun..."


"Kakashi-sensei, let's be faster than Uncle!"

In a forest, Naruto said anxiously to Kakashi and Kirabi, and after separating from Jiraiya, they have been accelerating towards the frontal battlefield of the Land of Winds.

Their speed is already very fast, but Naruto can't let go of his heart at all. Now he really regrets that he just didn't learn Flying Thunder God?

If he learns this technique and relies on the shadow clone to mark, they can directly teleport there, and there is no need to rush here.

It's a pity that if you don't learn, you don't learn, and Naruto has no good way.

"It's fast enough, Naruto." Kakashi looked at Naruto with a face full of helplessness, his only exposed eyes turned into a pair of dead fish eyes: "If you are too anxious, adjust your state. That's fine, and didn't you also hear the message from the headquarters just now?"

"It's just that I know, so I'm anxious, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto clenched his fists, although he didn't say much, he just kept his head down and continued on his way.

Not long after they separated from Jiraiya, the general headquarters in the country of fire issued the battle order, and Naruto and the three naturally knew what was going on on the front line.

In addition, Naruto's original shadow clone had been to the battlefield of the Land of Winds, and he had even faced the terrifying meteorite. Of course, he was more anxious than Kakashi and others.

It's just that he also knows that their speed is fast enough, and if they are fast enough, they may only be a drag if they reach the battlefield.

Marching is inherently exhausting, especially with their way of marching, or it may have been unbearable for other ninjas.

That is to say, their strength is strong enough to keep moving forward at such a speed, but I am afraid they can't stand it any more.


Naruto gritted his teeth and scolded silently. He felt that he was really useless. Nagato was not rescued, and there was no way to support the frontline battlefield. This feeling is really bad.

"Naruto." Just when Naruto was extremely regretful, Kakashi's voice suddenly came over: "Are you very regretful?"

"Huh?" Naruto came back to his senses, then he seemed a little silent, but in the end he nodded: "Yeah, Kakashi-sensei. I'm very sorry, I think if my strength is stronger, if I can Learn to fly Thor, then I can....I can..."

"Did you make a mistake?" Before Naruto could finish speaking, Kakashi suddenly interrupted him: "Do you think you are the savior? You can control the battlefield? Without you on the battlefield, there is no way to win. Yet?"

Kakashi's words directly hit Naruto's heart, such words made Naruto speechless all of a sudden.

He has indeed become strong enough, even if it is his father, I am afraid that if he really fights him seriously, he may not be able to defeat him 100%.

Even his cooperation with Nine Tails is even more powerful than his own father.

Naruto fell silent, but Kakashi was not silent, his expression became serious:

"I tell you very seriously, Naruto, your thinking is wrong, and it is very wrong!

I know that you have a wish from childhood to adulthood. You want to prove yourself, you are yourself, and you are Konoha Renbo Feng Naruto.

It's not because your father is the fourth Hokage, or when someone mentions Naruto, they will say that you are the son of the fourth Hokage!

You have been doing very well all these years, you have set Hokage as your goal, and you are constantly proving yourself, but I didn't expect your mind to change.

It's true that you yearn for recognition, but I'm going to tell you another truth now.

Don't you have a Naruto dream?

Do you know what a real Hokage is?

Only those who are recognized by everyone will be Hokage.

Instead of becoming a Hokage, it will be recognized by everyone! "

When everyone recognizes people, they will be Hokage, not Hokage, and they will be recognized by everyone!

Naruto was stunned when he heard this sentence, yes, only those who are recognized by everyone will be Hokage.

Just like their own father, just like the current Uncle Kai, they are all recognized by everyone, so they are Hokage and lead Hokage.

This order cannot be wrong. If you want to get everyone's approval, it is not simply because of strength.

You also need to learn to trust everyone and recognize everyone.

Naruto gained powerful strength and subconsciously ignored everyone. He didn't have any malicious intentions. He just felt that his strength was strong enough, and he hoped that everything would be solved by himself.

This is almost subconsciously ignoring everyone, and it can even be said to be very distrustful of everyone!

Thinking of this, Naruto couldn't help but become more silent, but Naruto was Naruto after all, he quickly raised his head, and the blue eyes seemed to become clearer and firmer.

"Yeah, only those who get everyone's approval can become Hokage." Naruto said softly: "And to become Hokage, you must recognize everyone and trust everyone. I'm sorry, Kakashi-sensei, if you make a mistake, you must Sorry, sorry!"

"You can figure it out." Kakashi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Naruto like this, and his exposed eyes also turned into crescents at this moment: "I believe everyone, they are also very strong, because This is the will of the entire ninja world!"

"Yeah, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto smiled and nodded, his mood also changed at this moment: "Of course I have to trust everyone, because everyone represents the entire ninja world!"

Naruto smiled, and he smiled very brightly. The sunset continued to fall, and the red brilliance shone on his face, making him look as vibrant as the early sun.

But soon, Naruto's smile solidified, because at this moment, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be a shadow standing there in his heart!

The shadow didn't say a word, it seemed to be just a sculpture, but the chakra, which was as radiant as the sun, kept synchronizing with the power on his body and resonating continuously!

"Who is this...?" Naruto's smile subsided, and his heart was extremely doubtful.

It's amazing that he didn't have the slightest sense of vigilance against this person, and he didn't have the slightest sense of danger.

He even felt that he and himself were one person!


"Things have become troublesome!"

Minato looked at the huge ten tails in front of him, and his eyes became a little deeper.

The appearance of the ten tails is really scary. The huge body and the terrifying Chakra really make him feel endless threats.

It's just that Minato is also very puzzled. Uchiha Kai told him that all the tailed beasts must be gathered in order for the ten tails to come out!

Could it be that something happened to Kirabi and Naruto?

Or, is something wrong with Kushina?

In fact, compared to the problem with Kushina, he felt that it should be the situation on Naruto's side, because Kushina is now in the headquarters.

The Headquarters did not encounter any trouble, and still maintains the state of communication, and the enemy must get the power of the eight tails when summoning the ten tails, but Naruto has always been with Kirabi!

"Damn, Naruto!"

Minato Namikaze is a little confused, Naruto is his child, if something happens to Naruto, then...

"Don't worry, Minato." At this moment, the voice of the nine tails echoed in Minato's mind: "It's not Naruto, don't worry."

"Huh?" Minato heard this sentence, and immediately seemed to grab a life-saving straw: "Kurama, what's going on, why can they summon the ten tails?"

"It's very simple, they got our chakra." Nine tails said helplessly: "Actually, you can feel it, didn't you leave the mark of the Thunder God on Naruto? As for why I know, because his inner body The chakra that belongs to me is very rare."

Flying Thunder God's Mark?

Namikaze Minato would make him scold himself for caring and become confused. If it was someone else, he might be able to keep a calm mind, but when it comes to his family, he really has no way to keep calm.

Taking a deep breath, Minato quickly sensed it, and he breathed a sigh of relief the next moment.

Indeed, the Flying Thunder God on Naruto still exists, and it can be clearly perceived that they are rushing in this direction.

With such a clear message, Minato immediately regained his composure, and he began to seriously think about what Kuo said.

"What do you mean, he got your chakra, and he also got the eight-tailed chakra?" Minato quickly thought of something: "Like Kai, through these chakras, you can gather the power of the ten-tailed, right? ?"

"Yes, the current ten tails are not complete, but they are strong enough." Nine tails nodded: "It seems that we are in some trouble."

"It's a lot of trouble." Minato smiled wryly and shook his head: "By the way, why doesn't the ten tails have such powerful malice?"

"Ten-Tails can't understand it with common sense." Nine-Tails said helplessly: "He has no concept of good and evil, and he doesn't even have a clear self-awareness. What he has is endless power!"

Without self-awareness, pure endless power?

Minato took a deep breath, and if he absorbed it into his body, he would become a human pillar. As long as he could conquer him, he would be able to exert 100% of his power. Such an existence is really terrifying to the extreme!


"What's the matter, why is it so slow?"

Madara Uchiha jumped up and landed on Juo's head. In Juo's body, a slender connecting tube stretched out and inserted into his brain.

He turned his head to look at Nagato who was being controlled, and asked directly, this guy is really slow enough, and his resurrection method is completely different from what he expected, which made him very unhappy.

"No way, I encountered some trouble." Hei Jue said in a hoarse voice: "Besides, the pieces you are looking for are not worrying, especially this one, he even wants to use your eyes to resurrect everyone who died in this war. Woolen cloth."

"Hmph, the kindness of women." Uchiha Madara shook his head indifferently: "Apart from him? Isn't there another guy who should assist him in his actions?"

"That guy seems to have his own selfishness, and it's hard to control him, so I don't dare to ask him to help." Hei Jue shook his head and said quickly, "Okay, don't talk about this, I'll be resurrected now. You, what do you think?"


Hearing this, Madara Uchiha nodded indifferently, although he noticed that Hei Jue seemed a little strange, and that eagerness was even more exaggerated than Madara Uchiha himself.

Does this guy have any other ideas?

This idea just appeared in Uchiha Madara's mind, and he quickly shook his head.

how is this possible?

This guy, Hei Jue, is condensed by himself, which means that he is basically his own consciousness. How could this guy have any bad thoughts?

"Are you going to be resurrected now?" Uchiha Madara said indifferently: "Unfortunately, I haven't seen Hashima until now, and there is still some lack of chakra without immortal art."

"Don't this guy in front of you have Immortal Chakra?" Hei Jue looked at Minato Namika in the distance, he couldn't help but said softly: "Also, we're probably in big trouble, if we don't hurry up, I'm afraid We're all screwed."

"Huh?" Madara Uchiha frowned: "What's going on? Could something uncontrollable have happened during this time?"

"Speaking of which, this guy is still your junior." Hei Jue was a little confused, he thought for a while and then slowly said: "That guy is Uchiha Kai, his strength is beyond imagination, he has even reached the sixth level. The power of the immortal!"

Six Paths Immortals?

Madara Uchiha raised his brows. He was still very vague about the concept of Six Path Immortals, but now that he heard his conscious body say this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

That junior, did he also get the power of the pillars, the power of all things?

Thinking of this, Madara Uchiha has a sense of crisis. Bai Jue has the cells of Qianshouzhuma, and if that guy gains such power due to some accidents, it is not impossible.

"Where is he now?" Madara Uchiha pondered for a while, and then asked solemnly, "Has he obtained the eye of reincarnation?"

"Yes, he has obtained the eye of reincarnation." Hei Jue nodded: "And his eye of reincarnation is no trivial existence. If you face him in the current state, it is very likely that he will be completely killed by him. There is no chance of resurrection at all."

"Is that so?" Uchiha nodded, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Then, let's revive, I'm really looking forward to what level that guy can reach, and..."

"Hashima has already come, that kid Obito has completely betrayed us."



In the rear of the ninja coalition, a pitch-black vortex suddenly appeared, followed by Obito, Orochimaru, Sasuke, and the three Naruto reincarnated from the dirty soil.

Their appearance did not immediately attract the attention of the coalition forces, because none of them were as public as Uchiha Madara, and they did not mean to hide their chakras at all.

They are relatively low-key, so even if they are noticed, they are not completely concerned. The chakra that they spill out is really not that much.

"It seems that you really didn't lie to me." Sasuke looked at Obito and said plainly: "And you don't seem to be Uchiborin, right? I was thinking just now, why does this guy give me a familiar feeling? , I didn't confirm one thing until now."

Having said this, Sasuke paused for a while, and then said with a serious face: "You are the guy who attacked us at the Five Shadows Conference, aren't you? This space ninjutsu is really not known to everyone."

"You want to ask why I attacked the Five Shadows Conference at the time?" Obito didn't deny it, but asked directly: "This is a plan, didn't you realize that Lord Hokage has already discovered me, and his strength is not weak. , but he never made a move?"

"I just thought of this now, and I haven't done it." Sasuke looked at Obito indifferently, and finally he shook his head helplessly: "What are you planning, and what is your purpose?"

"I won't tell you all of this, sorry." Obito spread his hands indifferently, and he said nonchalantly: "Although I want to say, you can actually see it slowly. But if you really want to understand, you If my father is not there, you will find out if you ask."

Sasuke glanced at Obito, then at Orochimaru, and finally shook his head after thinking.

Asking your father can indeed get the answer right away, but Obito said that these answers can be understood quickly over time.

That being the case, he didn't need to go to his father for verification. It wasn't a question of trust or not.

Because before talking about trust, Sasuke is more willing to keep an eye on these guys. The ghost knows if they will do anything that is difficult to deal with, it is very important to keep an eye on them!

"No, I'll watch you here." Sasuke said calmly, "I want to see what you guys want to do."

"It's up to you, you can do what you like." Obito spread his hands indifferently, and then he looked at Sanwei Hokage: "Okay, the battlefield is here, then it's up to you."

"Well, don't say it, all of this is really a bit emotional." Qianshou Hashirama sighed slightly, but soon he showed a smile: "However, this time the war is really the same as ours back then. different."

"Yes, they all wear forehead guards with the word 'Ninja', but the style of clothing is different from each village." Sarutobi Hizan also noticed all this, and couldn't help sighing: "It seems that this is the first ninja world. Once united, it's really different from what we were back then."

At this moment, the ten-tailed giant beast in the distance suddenly let out a roar, he raised his head and the majestic Chakra gathered frantically, and then it spit out a begging jade at the ninja coalition.

Seeing this scene, the three Hokage brows couldn't help but wrinkle together, especially Qianshou Hashirama couldn't help but want to rush up, but he still didn't forget that he was being controlled.

"Go." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "I didn't control you, and if I let them destroy it, I'm afraid I'll be unlucky in the end. Go do whatever you want."

"Is this also the arrangement of the so-called Uchiha Kai?" The second Hokage Senju Tobirama put his hands around his chest, his eyes ignored Orochimaru: "There are so many plans, we don't know what you plan to do, completely recover Our strength is to let us stop Madara Uchiha?"

"Some things, you can slowly understand, slowly understand." Orochimaru's voice was still so hoarse, he said with a smile: "As for where Qi has gone, I don't know this question, but I'm afraid he is also very busy now. Well. Also, do you really intend to let the four generations of Hokage resist all this?"

"Hmph." Chishou Tobirama snorted coldly, and then his voice instantly became blurred.

In the face of this terrifying tailed beast jade, Minato naturally couldn't let it explode in the crowd, so he decisively condensed Spiral Pills to fight against it.

But his strength, the chakra upper limit he and Nine Tails added together, are not at all the opponents of Ten Tails. Ten Tails are about to condense the second Tailed Beast Jade, and his Chakra has not fully recovered.


At this moment, Naruto's voice suddenly came from behind him, and then Naruto jumped up behind Minato.


"Fourth Hokage."

Not only him, Kakashi and Kirabi also arrived here one after another.

"You are here."

Minato showed a smile, and at the same time he was relieved, facing this ten tail alone, his pressure is really not ordinary.

Even he is now thinking about how much pressure Uchiha Kai is fighting against when facing those Otsutsuki.

"You are the fourth Hokage? Does it look good! Konoha is under your leadership, it is said to be great, right?"

"Hmph, you let out Uchiha's ambitions?"

"Watergate, long time no see."

At this moment, Senju Hasuma, Senju Tobirama, and Sarutobi Hiizan also came to Minato Minato. Their appearance made Minato also stunned. After all, these three were reincarnated from the dirt. .

It's just that Minato knew about Orochimaru's situation Although he was surprised, he also showed a smile.

This time, it was really a battle that gathered the will of everyone in the ninja world!

"Looks like it's all here."

Madara Uchiha watched all this from a distance, and the sarcasm on his face became even more intense.

It just so happened that he was still thinking about how to get the immortal chakra of Qianshou Hasuma. As a result, this guy from Hasuma has come to the door himself, so he can't miss it!

"Resurrect me." Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "It's now, everything should be over!"

"As you wish..." Hei Jue controlled Nagato and nodded, his voice was still hoarse, but this time it was a little weirder.

"Uchiha Madara..."


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