Chapter 797: tell you something heartfelt


Uchiha Kai, who was on his way to the frontal battlefield of the Land of Wind, showed a dignified expression on his face, and then he couldn't help but raised his head to look at the sky.

Time has come to night unconsciously, the bright moonlight scattered the earth, and they have come to the land of the land of wind.

The terrifying chakra is everywhere here, the smell of blood and burnt smell is everywhere, and the sand is flying all over the sky. This kind of feeling is really very bad.

To be honest, Kai Uchiha's mood is worse now, because he really didn't expect to get such information.

The foreign Otsutsuki actually came to the ninja world again at this point in time, not only that, but even the one-style guy seemed to come out.

If you add the Otsutsuki Peach and Otsutsuki Gold styles, the Otsutsuki Kaguya that is sure to come out is basically counted together, which means that they may face five Otsutsuki at one time!

This kind of pressure is really unprecedented, even if Uchiha is confident, even if he still has the help of Kenta Imai, Aya Hyuga, Sasuke and Naruto, even Minato and Obito, this battle is also impressive Feeling extremely uneasy inside.

Shaking his head helplessly, Madara Uchiha has been resurrected, so what he has to do next is to devour the immortal chakra and seal the ten tails to himself.

Although he didn't see all this, or even released it, he could guess it.

The breath on the moon that belonged to Kaguya Otsutsuki has begun to fall. This is exactly what Uchiha Kai thought. After all, the seal of this woman has been weakened.

That trace of crack gave her a huge opportunity, even if she didn't need Infinite Monthly Reading to condense Chakra, she could pass through that crack, plus Hei Jue's cooperation to make her own will come!

"Ki, you look a little uneasy." Imai Kenta also noticed the terrifying Chakra, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Uchiha Kai: "I felt that you were in a bad mood before, what happened? "

"Liu Dao Xianren sent me a message just now, this time our trouble is indeed a bit big." Uchiha Qi shook his head helplessly, and then he said everything he knew as he walked, and finally he said faintly : "I'm afraid, this time we all need to work hard."

"The situation is so serious." Hyuga Aya heard the situation and couldn't help but be a little stunned: "At one time, there are five Otsutsuki? What about Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Hamura? Will they take action?"

"I asked this question before, and their answer was, yes." Uchiha Qi said directly: "However, the timing of their shots will be very extreme, and once they do..."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai also shook his head and did not intend to continue.

They shot, which means that this operation failed in some sense.

After all, part of this action was to make Kaguya completely admit defeat and finally become one of them.

Once they make a move, it is equivalent to them admitting defeat to Kaguya, admitting that the ninja world has no way to resist the invasion of Otsutsuki, and it is also equivalent to the belief and plan of the Yui brothers for thousands of years, completely collapsed.

Of course, the words are said, if the real situation is endangered to the point of being uncontrollable, then they will do it when it is time to take action.

It's just that Uchiha Qizhen didn't want them to take action, and he didn't want them to come out to fight. The ghost knows what will happen when things really get to that point.

Although it can be expected that even if they don't make a move, the breath of this battle will be transmitted to the starry sky, allowing those Otsutsuki to perceive the situation.

But it's better to expose a little less. He doesn't want to be stable for a few years, and a lot of big tsutsutsuki will come, it will be really troublesome.

"It seems that you don't want them to take action." Hyuga Aya nodded knowingly: "I understand, this time we can only rely on ourselves."

"If according to what you said, this time is so dangerous." Imai Kenta also swallowed: "So, how are we going to distribute our opponents this time? We only have three people, and there are five opponents, especially two or Reincarnated from the filth!"

"Sasuke and Naruto, with Kakashi and Captain Minato, they can deal with Kaguya." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said, "Six Path Immortals didn't do anything, it doesn't mean they can't do something secretly, but Don't forget that those two little devils are Indra and Asura."

"Understood, in this case, one is solved." Hyuga Aya thought for a while, and then continued: "Then how do we distribute the rest, Yi Shi, Tao Shi, Jin Shi, and that mysterious guy?"

"I'll deal with the first move." Uchiha Qi thought for a while before he said: "You two go to contain that mysterious guy, collect his information, and I'll come when I've dealt with the first move. As for the last two dirty soils reincarnated...

Then leave it to Reincarnation to deal with it! "

Uchiha Qi has long felt the three familiar chakras, and there is no accident that they are the three Hokage.

After all, he had felt it three years ago. Although he didn't know why Orochimaru would resurrect the three Hokage, since he survived, he must make good use of their value.

It's a fact that the peach style and the gold style are terrible, and even the peach style guy accidentally learned an ultimate life-saving ability through his own power.

But this guy is reincarnated in the dirt, as long as the three Hokage contain this guy, then when Sasuke Naruto and the others deal with Kaguya, the two of them will naturally be out of the game.

Unless, they know the seal of the reincarnation of the filth.

Of course, they must also be careful. It's Otsutsuki. If they don't need to think about these messes at all, they can release the control, which is a little dangerous.

After all, Otsutsugi is not Uchiha Madara, if it is Uchiha Madara, it doesn't matter, but once Tao Shi and Jin Shi are out of such control, the destructiveness that can be caused is simply unimaginable!

But none of this has happened yet, and Uchiha Qi is too lazy to think about it all with the worst idea, he believes that there is always a way.

"Well, since the arrangement has been made, then we will just do it."

After listening to Uchiha Kai's words, Hyuga Aya was silent for a while before she nodded seriously.

"Exactly, since my Tenseigan completed three fetal movements, I haven't really fought, and I'm looking forward to this fight."

"I'm about the same." Imai Kenta spread his hands: "Although I don't want to encounter such trouble, but my tailed beast Chakra has also completely completed the fusion, if I can't fight well, I don't think I will either. happy."

"In that case..." Uchiha Kai showed a smile: "Then, let's go.

I'm afraid this will be our toughest battle..."


"Oh? It seems that this kid is a little interesting."

Otsutsuki Kiura-style standing in the void with Jin-style, Peach-style and Yi-style, watching Madara Uchiha come back to life and fight fiercely with others, he couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Madara Uchiha was completely resurrected under the body of Nagato controlled by Hei Jue.

And this guy also got the Samsara Eye from Nagato's hands. His strength has completely transformed at this moment, and he has completely surpassed his own strength during his lifetime.

When he was alive, he actually didn't have a clear understanding of his own strength at all, after all, he was too old at that time.

But now it's different, young body, extreme strength, although he is not used to these things, but he also has the opportunity to adapt to these strengths.

Namikaze Minato, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, and even Senju Hasuma, Senju Tobirama and others, as well as the large number of ninja allied forces, are his best opponents to quickly adapt to his own strength.

He showed everyone in the world his power, almost unmatched power!

Under the impact of his resurrection, the entire ninja coalition was almost powerless to fight back. At this moment, everyone discovered one thing in horror.

That is the living Uchiha Madara, even more desperate than the Uchiha Madara reincarnated in the dirt!

His strength is unbelievable, and his body recovery ability is even more incredible. Under the condition of manipulating the ten tails, he easily defeated everyone, and even if he was injured, he recovered very quickly!

Qianshou Hashima was knocked over by him, and he even forcibly absorbed the immortal chakra in his body.

Qianshou Tobirama was nailed to the ground by him, humiliated but unable to fight back.

Sarutobi Hiizhan was beaten to pieces by him, and has not been fully resurrected yet.

Minato Namikaze was beaten by him and vomited blood. He fell to the ground and has not fully recovered yet. The situation of the other kage is also extremely bad.

Especially Naruto and Sasuke, the two of them showed super combat effectiveness, but such super combat effectiveness has also become a thorn in Uchiha Madara's eyes.

The care they received was unimaginable. Madara Uchiha's attack was indeed resisted for a long time under their joint efforts.

Even Uchiha Madara's arm was interrupted by them, but the price they paid was unimaginable. Sasuke's chest was pierced by Uchiha Madara with a ninja knife, and Naruto was almost taken away. Nine tails.

If it weren't for Uchiha Fuyue and others to save their lives, Naruto would have died at this moment, but he also lost half of his tailed beasts, and his life was in danger because of the previous battle.

"Sure enough, you guy still betrayed."

Madara Uchiha proudly put his hands around his chest and looked indifferently at the few people from the Uchiha clan in front of him.

However, his eyes first converged on Obito. This guy was cultivated by him, and Madara Uchiha could only shake his head for this guy's betrayal.

The feeling of being betrayed by others is always uncomfortable, even if he is determined to be alone for a lifetime, he hates this feeling very much.

"What did you do, don't you have a clear mind?" Obito looked at Madara Uchiha with resentment, his fists were completely clenched: "Everything back then was just your scam! You know me How long have you been waiting? I've been waiting until now, just to kill you myself!"

"Oh? Do you know?" Madara Uchiha raised his brows, and then he smiled slyly: "Okay, if you know it, you will know it, it's not a big deal. In the end, you should actually thank me more, Otherwise, based on your talent, do you think you can get to where you are today?"

"I'd rather not come to this day!" Obito's eyes were full of killing intent, and the tailed beast Chakra and Yin-Yang Chakra in his body had begun to surge.

"Cut, it's really boring." Uchiha Madara shook his head silently, and then he looked at Uchiha Fuyue, Shisui, Itachi and others: "I have to say, Uchiha is really interesting now, you guys Is it interesting?"

Madara Uchiha is indeed somewhat interested in the current Uchiha clan. After all, so many pairs of kaleidoscopes and even eternal kaleidoscopes came out at one time. How could he not be interested?

In his day, if he had asked for the help of so many powerful people, he wouldn't be like this.

However, he did not intend to recruit these people. Since he has left Konoha, he will naturally not have any nostalgia for Uchiha. The past has passed, and what he said to Uchiha Fuyue was just to express his feelings. That's it.

"I don't know if it's interesting, but I know that if I don't get rid of you, I'm afraid the entire ninja world will be uneasy!"

Uchiha Shishui looked at Uchiha Madara indifferently, his hand holding Itachi tightly.

Sasuke's tragic situation happened in front of his eyes, and what made him extremely regretful was that he had no way to prevent it from happening.

If possible, he would rather have this knife on his chest!

Now Sasuke is being treated, and he doesn't know exactly how, but this can't quell his hatred for Madara Uchiha. He really wants to kill Madara Uchiha now!

"Oh? Want to get rid of me?" Uchiha Madara shook his head: "I just want to say, you are really naive. Kaleidoscope Shaker, Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker, they are indeed very good and very strong. But these eyes are far from enough."

Having said that, Madara Uchiha may be tired, or maybe he is too lazy to continue talking, and his eyes are turned to Juwei behind him.

Although the Ninja World Alliance was beaten a little bit badly by him, they still attacked the ten tails without fear of death.

But their actions against the ten tails controlled by Hei Jue were like moths, and they couldn't make any waves at all.

But with the seal, the chakra on Uchiha Madara suddenly began to soar, and the Ten Tails seemed to be summoned, turning into a vortex and absorbing it towards Uchiha Madara's body.

The violent shock wave caused everyone to step back, a strange feeling permeated the whole world, and everyone felt that a catastrophe was imminent!

Suddenly, Juwei's eyes widened, and his body underwent an astonishing change again.

It swelled in a circle at first, and then shrank in an instant. The huge body showed irregular changes, completely covering up the Uchiha Obito on his body.

And where Uchiha Madara stood, there seemed to be an invisible black hole from which a powerful suction came.

However, all of this was completed in a very short period of time. When the violent Chakra was completely assembled, Madara Uchiha's body completely changed!

Crystal clear chakra aggregates appeared on his surface, and Madara Uchiha turned pure white.

The reincarnation eye slowly rotated in his eyes, and the unfathomable Chakra breath came out of his body.

"This.... this is troublesome..."

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Fuyue and others couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. The current state of this guy is really terrible!

Such a terrifying atmosphere is almost the same as what Uchiha Kai had when he was in Konoha three years ago. The most terrifying thing is that Uchiha Madara looks like the two aliens who attacked Konoha three years ago, almost. it's the same!

What the **** is going on with this guy?

"Oh?" Otsutsuki raised his brows. He seemed to have found something interesting: "That guy, relying on the strength of the ten tails to restore himself to the state of Otsutsuki, is really interesting."

"Because they were originally the descendants of Kaguya." Otsutsuki looked at all this indifferently: "Relying on the power of the ten tails to awaken the power that belongs to Otsutsuki hidden in his body, naturally he will also move towards us. change in direction."

"It seems that Senior Yi Shi knows them well." Pu Shi kept a smile on his face: "But thinking about it, Yi Shi has lived here for thousands of years before, so understanding is natural."

"Don't speak so yin and yang." Yi Shi turned his head and glanced at Pu Shi, and then he said disdainfully: "I admit that I failed and paid a heavy price, but at least I didn't become a toy for other people, did I? ?"

"Are you courting death?" Tao Shi glared angrily, while Jin Shi also looked at Yi Shi silently.

The words of this guy, to put it bluntly, are mocking the two of them!

In their current situation, they are really puppets being manipulated, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are toys.

But saying such words in front of them, especially since they are extremely arrogant Otsutsuki, how did this make them suffer?

Even if they are not controlled now, even if he still maintains his own will in action, he is indeed resurrected by a special technique.

He even speculated whether his resurrection was just to deal with that Uchiha Kai.

This kind of feeling made him very ashamed and angry, and now his scar has been opened, how can he bear it?

"It's settled, it doesn't make any sense to say this now." Just when the three of them were fighting, Pu Shi interrupted them with a smile: "Seniors, haven't you noticed that the situation doesn't seem to be very good now. It's the same."

"Hmph." Tao Shi snorted coldly, and then his eyes turned to Madara Uchiha, who had completely transformed in the distance: "What's the difference? It's just an ant who uses ten tails to gain power, he himself is completely different. The power of it is not worth mentioning at all, there is nothing to pay attention to.”

"Senior Peach, what I'm letting you pay attention to is not him, but the guy behind him." Pu Shi spread his hands: "Didn't you find out, that black guy, it's not a simple thing."

In fact, there is no need for Pu Shi to say more, they also realized how different the guy who is attached to others and has a dark body.

That thing is a creature that mixes the original power of Otsutsuki, but lacks substantial power, and is only a creature formed by the condensed yin and yang.

This existence is obviously a masterpiece of Otsutsuki, and they can even guess who left it behind.

Looking at the high-spirited Madara Uchiha, they couldn't help showing a sneer.

Those who don't know are fearless, this guy can basically declare the death penalty, and this guy is probably just a wedding dress.

I learned from Yi Shi that the woman Kaguya seems to be sealed, and this guy is obviously the best carrier for Kaguya to come, and he has no chance of resisting!

"Have you seen it, this is my power." Madara Uchiha proudly looked at the others in front of him: "The Uchiha Kai you mentioned doesn't seem to appear at all."

Uchiha Fuyue and others were vigilantly on guard against everything. Facing Uchiha Madara in this state, they really had no chance of winning.

Three years ago, the two people in the same state as Uchiha Madara, how easily they destroyed the entire Konoha, they still remember it fresh, they really don't think they can resist Uchiha Madara.

It's just that even if they know they can't resist, they will never be caught!

Behind them is the coalition that carries the will of the entire ninja world, and after the coalition is their home, their family.

If they give up resistance at this time, then their homeland will be destroyed, and their family will be worse than death!

"Oh? What kind of eyes do you guys have?" Madara Uchiha raised his head and said mockingly, "It looks like you guys still have to resist."

"This is our world." Minato Namikaze stood up with difficulty, he glared at Madara Uchiha and said word by word: "You who have been abandoned by the times, you are a product of the old times, you should recognize the reality clearly. !"

"Drink, you will never understand what I am going to do." Speaking of which, Madara Uchiha's expression suddenly became serious: "I want to cut off the cause and effect of this world, and I want to make the whole world peaceful!"

"That kind of false peace is what you want?" Obito showed a powerful chakra. Although it was far worse than Madara Uchiha, it was definitely not much weaker than Minato.

"I don't expect you to understand the peace I look forward to." Uchiha Madara said indifferently: "I want to separate people's distress, pain and emptiness, and I will not let you hinder the happiness of others.

As long as I fulfill my dream, there will be no more wars in the world, and I will turn this long hopeless **** into heaven.

Hasuma, the mistakes you made will be corrected by me.... Well, although I heard that it has been corrected a lot now, it is only you Konoha, and the same is true everywhere else.

Let the children have to go to the battlefield, you, Obito, should feel the same, and it was even more so in our time!

So, Hasuma and I established a Shinobi village, but this could not bring true peace, just like Konoha now.

People can't be honest, fear, doubt, and hatred are impossible to stop, and my ideal was opposed by Hashima, and the ninja world is also moving in the direction of his ideal.

And the facts also proved him wrong, the battle of the ninja sword never stopped, not only that, the establishment of the ninja village improved the military theory.

The battle expanded to a scale that could be called a big war, and the dead were countless, the first ninja war, the second ninja war, and the third ninja war.

The war never ceases, and this is the ideal ninja world of Hashima.

But in the end, this fourth ninja war was provoked by me..."

"No, you are wrong."

Before Uchiha Madara could finish speaking, Minato Naikaze stood up, his eyes turned to Naruto who was being treated, and then he looked at Madara Uchiha with a serious look.

"The Fourth Ninja World War was not provoked by you. In fact, you know everything you did. It can even be said that it was simply provoked by him indulging you!"

"Oh?" Madara Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and then he frowned: "I haven't seen that Uchiha Kai since the battle, and what do you mean by your words."

"It's very simple..."

Just at the moment when Uchiha Madara's attention was completely attracted by Minato Namikaze, suddenly Hei Jue controlled Nagato and walked slowly behind him, and then he inserted his hand into Uchiha Madara's chest without hesitation!


Uchiha Fuyue and others looked at all this in astonishment, and even they couldn't help but cry out.

"This.... what's the situation?"

Minato Namikaze and others were also dumbfounded. They didn't understand what was going on at all, how was this guy betrayed, and what was going on?


Madara Uchiha felt that he couldn't move at all, and a force that he had no way to resist spread quickly within his body.

"Don't think about struggling, you can't struggle at all." Hei Jue said in a hoarse voice, but he could hear a smile in his voice: "It's really not easy to get to this point, but no matter what. I've finally completed my mission."

"What the **** is going on..." Madara Uchiha said with difficulty: "Aren't you my will? Why, why do you want to..."

"Who told you that I belonged to your will?" Before Uchiha Madara finished speaking, Hei Jue interrupted disdainfully: "My will is Kaguya!"


Madara Uchiha couldn't agree with this unfamiliar name. He didn't know what was going on at all, and he couldn't even understand why he was controlled by Hei Jue.

All of this seems to be a huge conspiracy, a huge conspiracy that completely entangles him and does not give him the slightest chance to resist.

"Are you confused?" Perhaps seeing Madara Uchiha's unwillingness, Kuro Jue said with a smile: "Actually, you see Nagato and Obito as pawns, but I don't see you as a chess piece. What about the chess pieces?

Although I don't know why the mother's seal is weakened, but in this case, there is no need to complete the infinite month reading to focus on the chakra, and we save a lot of things.

Infinite monthly reading is actually just a technique we use to collect chakra and use it to create a war machine like Bai Jue.

Do you think that Infinite Monthly Reading is really used to bring peace to the world?

No, no, I know that you have always believed in the authenticity of Infinite Moon Reading, because it was left by your ancestor Yuyi.

Oh, by the way, Yu Yi is the immortal of the Six Paths, but also the son of the mother, but he betrayed the mother, and even sealed the mother!

My existence is to let my mother leave the seal. From the time of Indra and Asura, I know that between you and Senjuzhu, the infinite reincarnation has continued.

And I finally found an opportunity. I induced Indra a thousand years ago. Naturally, I am very familiar with him, just like you and me now.

And that stone tablet was found by me long ago, so I made corrections on that stone tablet.

Unexpectedly, I finally waited, waited for this day.

Madara Uchiha, you should be grateful, because you can reshape the world together less as the carrier of the greatest person! "

Maybe it's because there are too many things buried in the heart, maybe it's a thousand years of waiting, Hei Jue said everything about himself at this moment.

He didn't hide the slightest bit, and he didn't hesitate in the slightest, and his words caused everyone present to sweat coldly.

Except for Minato Minato, who already knew a lot of information, and Fuyake Uchiha, who were relatively calm, those who didn't know what was going on were already full of despair.

"What the hell....what did I do wrong..."

Madara Uchiha was covered in black ink-like chakra, and he was very at a loss.

He suddenly found that the ideal he had held on for so many years was just a nightmare!

He was wrong, he was so wrong, and even because he was wrong, he felt that he might have released a demon!

Suddenly, he saw that Uchiha Fuyue and others had solemn expressions, but it didn't seem to be an accident. When he recalled the Uchiha Kai they mentioned, Uchiha Madara suddenly thought of something.

"You.... Do you know anything!" Madara Uchiha asked with difficulty, the black chakra was about to devour him completely.

"It's not surprising that they know something." Hei Jue said hoarsely, the black ink covering Nagato had begun to fall off: "They didn't say it before, the Fourth Ninja World War is actually not your credit. , at first I didn't want to understand, but now I seem to understand."

"What do you mean..." Uchiha Madara's breathing has become more and more difficult, and he is no longer as high-spirited as before.

"Ki Uchiha, that guy is even more terrifying than you, a more powerful being than you." Hei Jue said without shyness: "I have never seen that guy so terrifying, even if I live for a thousand years. so is the time.

I don't know how he did it, he has gained the power to be close to his mother without relying on the power of the ten tails at all.

He even killed two of his mother's clansmen, probably because he knew the horror of the mother's clansmen, he would indulge the birth of this ninja war. "

"He is.... does he long for the entire ninja world to unite to fight the enemy and achieve peace at the same time?"

Madara Uchiha instantly understood what Hei Jue meant, and Hei Jue quickly guessed Kai's purpose by relying on him to see the power of Uchiha Kai's power.

I have to say that although these two are enemies, their knowledge and their ability to respond have not changed at all because of the devouring of time!

"Yeah That's why I said he was a terrible enemy."

Hei Jue laughed hoarsely, he had completely covered Uchiha Madara's body.

"It's a pity, although he is strong and smart, in the end he inherited the weaknesses of your Uchiha clan.

That is he is too proud, he thinks he can control everything, but he will know how stupid he is after all.

Forget it, that's it, it's time to end it.

Come, mother! "

With Hei Jue's roar, Madara Uchiha was completely engulfed by black ink at this moment, and the suffocating chakras gathered in an instant.

And at this moment, Otsutsuki Yui quietly sighed...


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