Chapter 799: Showdown (Part 1)

As Otsutsuki Kiura-shiki's flat voice fell, an unimaginable battle began in an instant.

Yi Shi, Tao Shi and Jin Shi, originally had old grudges with Uchiha Qi, they didn't do it before, they just wanted to see what this guy wanted to do.

In other words, with the experience of the last battle, they have been extra careful with Kai Uchiha.

But unfortunately, they didn't collect what they wanted, so they didn't bother to continue to struggle.

They didn't believe that with the strength of four people, there would be no way to fight this guy.

In their eyes, there is only Uchiha Kai, and as for the other guys, they are not in their eyes at all!

"go to hell!"

In just an instant, Pu Shi, Yi Shi, Tao Shi and Jin Shi, they rushed towards Uchiha Qi and others in an instant.

Qianshou Hasuma and Qianshou Tobirama glanced at each other, and they already understood what Uchiha Kai meant. These guys are obviously people who have great harm to the entire ninja world.

And their power is unbelievably powerful, and even for now, they seem to be no worse than Uchiha Keirai.

If what the juniors around them said were true just now, then wouldn't these guys have no way to deal with them?

However, Qianshou Zhujian is Qianshou Zhujian, he did not hesitate at all, and planned to rush up.

It's just that before he could act, he was grabbed by Qianshou Tobirama!

"What are you doing?" Hasumi looked at his younger brother inexplicably.

"Brother, haven't you noticed that those guys are heading towards that Uchiha?" Tobirama's voice was indifferent and indifferent: "We don't need to go to this muddy water..."

"Shut up!" Before Tobirama finished speaking, Hasuma's expression changed: "Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know what your identity is?"

"But..." Tobirama's face was also a little ugly: "That's Uchiha, they dog ​​bites dog..."

"I knew at the time that after my death, according to your character, I am afraid there is no way to tolerate those Uchihas."

Hasashima's expression became a little cold: "I told you long ago that Uchiha is also a member of Konoha.

You dared to act like this when Madara was still there, because you thought he wouldn't dare to do anything to you with my protection, right?

Don't take me for a fool, although I don't know what the purpose of these guys is, I can hear what the black figure said.

Tobirama, you have disappointed me so much! "

It can be said that Hasuma's words were very serious, and these words made Qianshou Tobirama's face extremely ugly.

It was the first time he had seen his brother treat him with such a tone and attitude.

He took a deep breath. It wasn't that he didn't want to fight, but he wanted to use Kai Uchiha and their battle to observe and understand the enemy's weaknesses.

Of course, he also hopes that both the enemy and Uchiha will suffer, and he can solve these troubles at one time!

These guys in white clothes and inexplicably white eyes, they are obviously malicious, smart and cunning in their hearts, of course he can think of them.

It's not that he didn't plan to really watch the show, he just had his own plans, but now his brother doesn't agree with his thoughts at all.

Maybe it was a real misunderstanding, maybe it was because he knew what he was thinking that he seemed so disappointed.

Sighing deeply, Qianshou Tobirama didn't dare to say anything more.

The disgust for the Uchiha family has been deeply buried since his other brothers died in the war with Uchiha.

Even after Konoha was established and Uchiha Mirror was accepted as a disciple, such hatred would be hard to let go of.

After that, through Uchiha Mirror and some research on the Uchiha family, his disgust for the Uchiha family also became deeper and deeper.

Such disgust is likely to be passed down along with his construction of the Hokage system.

He still has this confidence. After all, he is very familiar with Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo.

But now he also has to admit one thing. Judging from the words of his younger generation, he seems to have some problems with his own disciples' judgment, some very serious problems.

He sighed helplessly, and saw that his brother had already moved forward resolutely, and the same filth had reincarnated. The five patriarchs from Wuyin Village and Uchiha Shin from Konoha also rushed forward. He knew that he was afraid. This is a real shame.

Gritting his teeth, Tobirama moved forward quickly, he knew he couldn't be ashamed.

"It seems that this time, you will definitely lose in this battle."

Tao Shi looked at Kai with a grim look on his face. He was defeated by Uchiha Kai twice in a row. He really had no way to let go of such hatred, and he did not intend to let go.

"Uchiha Kai right, don't you want to protect this planet, I want to see how you protect it!"

Ci Xian's body also changed at this moment. The wedges on his body had covered his body in an instant, forming strange runes.

In addition, his image has become closer and closer to Otsutsuki, and there is even a huge horn on his forehead.

His body has also become unusually strong, and it can be seen that he is already desperate.

In fact, for him, he is desperate now, and he has found that the wedge on Uchiha Kai has no consciousness of his own.

Even if he doesn't know how this guy did it, he has such talent and strength.

Coupled with the wedges that I originally left behind, this is definitely the best body for me!

"Is your name Uchiha Kai?"

Uraishi pulled out a weapon similar to a fishing rod, and the scarlet chakra formed a fishing line. He looked at Uchiha Kai indifferently and said softly.

"You don't even use Otsutsuki's surname. It seems that you really won't admit your bloodline, so you should die."

"Don't dream!"

At this moment, a purple eyeshadow appeared on Hyuga Aya's face, and her eyes instantly turned blue.

The green chakra completely covered her whole body, and there were six jade beads behind her.

The Tenseiyan chakra pattern after three fetal movements bloomed at this moment.

"Your opponent is us!"

Imai Kenta also showed some changes, his face also appeared with stripes, and the whole body showed the breath of the ten tails.

It's just that this breath is not strong, and it can't be compared with the ten tails summoned by Madara Uchiha.

But in terms of the purity of Chakra alone, the ten-tailed breath in his body is not far behind.

In the end, he was the fusion of nine tailed beasts, and because of chance and coincidence, he completely condensed these chakras, and his strength is definitely not weak, and it can even be said that he is terrifyingly strong!

"And us!"

Senju Hasuma also came to Uchiha Kai's side, not only him, but Senju Tobirama also had a reluctant look on his face, and also stood firmly behind Gradually.

Uchiha Shin and the five patriarchs also came over, and they were more determined than Senju Tobirama.

In fact, for them, they didn't need to go to this muddy water at all, but they still came.

They originally wanted to go to Madara Uchiha, to be precise, to assist these backers to face the trouble this time together, and it was not in vain for them to be resurrected once.

But when they reached the frontal battlefield, Madara Uchiha had already been swallowed up and became a mysterious and terrifying woman.

Now that the guy of the same race as that woman appears, since they don't want to leave any regrets, then they will never miss and give up this opportunity.

As ninjas, they fight all their lives.

Whether it is for yourself, or for your home, village, or country.

Now, they are fighting for their home again, which is their last long-cherished wish!

What would it be like to die again?

They won't care, anyway, they are already dead, are they still afraid of death?

"Oh?" Otsutsuki Mokura raised his brows, and then he shook his head: "It's in the same state as the peach and gold predecessors, it seems that your use and understanding of the art is really interesting. Forget it.. ...

No matter who it is, it is still talking about solving you first! "


The ninja world is fighting, and the battle is also going on in Kaguya's Heavenly Imperial World.

"It's time to bloom your youth!"

Akai looked at the aloof Kaguya, although he was a little surprised by the strength of this woman, but he also had a clear understanding of the strength of this woman.

That is the power of this woman, but it will not be brought into play at all.

It's just that even a little use of such power is extremely terrifying to them, just like now.

He and Naruto fell to this place together, a desert-like area.

The place is desolate and arid.

As for where the others went, Akai didn't know how big this space was, and he didn't know either.

He only knew that he was found by Naruto in this space, and the worst thing was that the woman seemed to be in this space too.

However, in the face of such a powerful enemy, Akai still seems confident. Perhaps for him, fighting against such a powerful enemy is his most dream thing!

You must know that his classmates at the same time, but two legendary figures came out.

One is the minister of Anbu. He currently wants to challenge the person who can challenge him the most, Kakashi Hatake.

The other is the Minister of the Security Department, Konoha's acting Hokage, must be the fifth Hokage in the future, and he is also the **** Uchiha Kai!

This person is the one that Akai is most eager to challenge, but has no courage to challenge at all.

Even for Akai, Uchiha Kai is still his own boss, and he really doesn't have the courage to challenge his own boss.

"Teacher Nongmei, let's be careful."

The corners of Naruto's mouth twitched, he had a headache why he was with Akai, especially seeing Akai's appearance, he was even more helpless.

I don't know if it was an illusion or not, he always felt as if he saw sunshine, sand and the like on Akai's body.

To be honest, Naruto really didn't want to be separated from Akai, because Akai is a ninja who is good at taijutsu.

Naruto admitted that few people in Konoha's body skills could handle him, but the enemy they were facing now was the mother of the Six Path Immortals.

For such an existence, pure physical skills really have no use, at least in his opinion, it is useless at all.

What's more, this woman's physical skills can only be described as terrifying and extraordinary.

Just when they just fell into this space, Naruto fought Kaguya, but that woman actually used Aya's move...

No, it should be said that it is a more skilled and more terrifying move than Aya Aya!

Shenkong Strike, this technique Naruto learned from Hinata, this is a very special body technique of Aya Aunt.

It seems to be very similar to Rouquan, but it is not the same as Rouquan, because it is stronger and more terrifying.

Even Naruto thinks that the soft boxing evolved from this divine air strike!

"You should really be careful, after all, an enemy of this level." Akai nodded, but soon he whispered: "Do you have a way to deal with him?"

"For the time being....No." Naruto shook his head: "How can I say that Kaguya is immortal, or our attack may not have any effect on her unless it is sealed."

"Seal?" Akai frowned, and then continued to ask: "If, I said, if I can find a big enough injury for her, can you seal her?"

"This, it's difficult." Naruto hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "Because I have to be with Sasuke. However, if she is really injured, maybe that black space will be opened, and so on. …”

"You can find Hokage-sama and the others, right?" Akai didn't wait for Naruto to finish, he spoke directly.

As a Jōnin, he still possesses analytical skills.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to pass the examination of the upper ninja, especially Konoha's upper ninja examination. You must know that the examination of Konoha is the most difficult in the entire ninja world.

At the same time, Konoha's Joinin is also the most envied by other villages.

Akai stared at Kaguya, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, his chakra began to become extremely hot, and his chakra also began to turn slightly red.

"This is..." Naruto was stunned for a moment, and then asked with some doubts: "Mr. Nongmei, what are you doing?"

"Didn't we analyze it just now?" Akai gave Naruto a thumbs up: "As long as she hurts her, or gives her enough pressure, she will open up the space, so that we can return to Naruto-sama. With Sasuke, they will meet, and you will have a chance to seal her."

"But, this is just my guess." Naruto suddenly had a bad feeling: "We can't be sure how much space she has, and there are many things that can't be 100% sure."

"As long as there is a chance, we must try." Akai still maintained a smile: "Naruto, as a ninja charging only requires belief, and my belief is to protect my homeland, just like you. Even if there is only a trace I won't hesitate when I get the chance, get ready!"

Naruto opened his mouth, suddenly not knowing what to say.

He looked at Akai's back, and suddenly his heartstrings seemed to be touched.

The next moment Naruto's eyes became extremely firm, he felt Akai's belief, the same belief as himself.

After Kakashi's reprimand, he understood a lot of things, and he also understood what he should do. He couldn't live up to Akai's trust!

"Well, I see, Mr. Akai." Naruto showed a smile, he nodded seriously: "I am ready at any time, I believe you will succeed."

"Of course." Akai did not look back, but simply nodded: "This is a blow of my youth, I am not Kakashi, without his intelligence, I am not Kai, without his talent, but I am I won't admit defeat!"

The voice fell, Akai's momentum skyrocketed wildly, his skin began to become hot, and even began to turn black, as if it was burning.

And his chakra became red at this moment...


"This space is simply endless!"

In a space covered with sulfuric acid, Sasuke opened Susanoo, and flew forward with Itachi, Shisui and his father.

They themselves don't know how long they have been flying. It seems that after they entered this space, Sasuke immediately wrapped everyone up to avoid falling into the sulfuric acid.

In this space, the hot air filled the air, and drops of sweat fell on his forehead. He had tried various methods, but he still couldn't get out of this space.

Even with his own reincarnation eye, there is no way to see clearly where the limit of this space is.

"It's not a way to go on like this." Fuyue rubbed his eyes and said in a low voice.

His eyes are his original eyes, the consumption of pupil power is limited, and he feels very uncomfortable after long-term battles.

But now he is more worried about Sasuke's situation: "Also, Sasuke, can your chakra hold up? If it really doesn't work, find a place to stay and let me down."

"Impossible!" Sasuke shook his head directly, denying Fuyue's idea: "Father, if you want to come and go together, I will never let you go."

"Otherwise, Sasuke, give it back to me." Itachi said softly, "My eyes can also be supported, so you can save some chakra."

"It's not necessary, brother." Sasuke still shook his head: "Your eyes are not your own, you can't bear to use Susanoo continuously like this. If you use these eyes long enough like your father, Maybe no problem, but now..."

Having said that, Sasuke did not continue to speak.

The answer is obvious, Itachi has only got these eyes for a month or two, and he has no way to fully utilize the power of these eyes to the fullest.

They are not Madara Uchiha, nor Kai Uchiha. I am afraid that only these two people in the entire Uchiha have reduced the difficulty of Susanoo through some special methods.

Even Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Shisui, who were born to be able to lower Susanoo, their eyes have not reached the limit, and there is no way to do this.


At this moment, the four of them took the lead in unison.

Because in the sky above them, the space began to become distorted, and strange chakras scattered in this space.

In an instant, a black hole suddenly appeared in the distorted space, followed by a golden figure quickly appearing in front of them.

"Hokage-sama!" Uchiha Fuyue and others immediately shouted loudly, they didn't expect Minato Namikaze to find this place!

"Hurry up, Obito can't hold it anymore!" Minato Namikaze didn't mean to talk nonsense with them at all, he said quickly: "Untie Susanoh, he will bring you here."

Hearing this, Sasuke nodded immediately, and the huge Susanoo dissipated instantly under his control.

At the same time that Susanoo dissipated, Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui, and Fuyue suddenly felt their bodies shake slightly, and then they appeared in a world of ice and snow!

Obito knelt on the ground, gasping for breath, blood even overflowing from the corners of his eyes.

Breaking the space of one area and breaking the space of different areas are not the same concept at all.

Moreover, he had never sensed the fluctuation of Kaguya's opening of the space channel. He completely relied on the Yin-Yang escape and the tailed beast Chakra in his body to forcibly sense the traces of Naikaze Minato Fei Lei Shen.

It was an unimaginable burden on him, he even felt like he was suffocating, and his eyes seemed to burst.

"Obito, are you alright?" Kakashi supported Obito by the side, and he asked with some concern: "It's really not possible, so don't force it."

"I'm fine." Obito paused for a moment before slowly raising his head.

It's just that when he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed, because it was the first time that he could perceive the fluctuation of space so clearly, and he was so fragile.

"Come here!"

Obito shouted, and then his eyes quickly rolled.

The twisted void appeared in front of them once again, and Obito's eyes left a line of blood and tears...



Outside, the battle of Uchiha Kai and others has also begun.

Just like what they had assigned before, Uchiha Kai faced Yi Shi, which can be said to be the strongest Otsutsuki.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya are facing the Otsutsuki Mokura style, the only guy who is so mysterious that people can't figure it out.

And Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama, with the five patriarchs of Kiriyin Village and Uchiha Shin, fought against Tao Shi and Jin Shi together.

"It's really interesting."

Otsutsuki Kiura-style faced Hyuga Aya and Hyuga Aya, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"Looks like I've misunderstood. Although you haven't completely reached the level of Otsutsuki, you have Otsutsuki's bloodline, and you are about to return to our state.

I don't want to do anything to Otsutsuki, except for that guy. All, have you considered stopping and what if we? "

"Do you think it's possible?" Hyuga Aya looked at Otsutsuki Muura indifferently, her voice was unusually cold: "I have never regarded you as my clan, I am me, not one of yours."

"Hmph, boring guy." Imai Kenta also sneered: "To be honest, you have no eyebrows and horns, why do you think that we are the same as you?"

"It seems that you are really the same as that guy." Otsutsuki Muura-style sighed: "Forget it, let's die together!"

When the words fell, Uraishi jumped up and charged towards Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta, and the fishing rod in his hand waved unceremoniously.

Looking at the red fishing line, even if Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya are a ninja who just entered the battlefield, they all know that this thing must not be touched at will.

However, they still have an important task in the battle with Ura-style, and that is to figure out what this guy's abilities are.

No need to communicate at all, Imai Kenta paused for a moment, and then he directly pasted the scarlet fishing line.

The moment the fishing line came into contact with his body, his body quickly withered and turned into a piece of wood.

"Boring trick." Pu Shi's eyes had already seen through all this, but he still attacked.

To him, such a fight was like a hunter teasing his prey, and it didn't even seem to take such a fight seriously.

His character was originally like this, and casual fighting was one of his characteristics. Maybe he didn't feel that anyone could threaten him, and he didn't need to fight with all his strength.

Just as Otsutsuki Muura's voice fell, Imai Kenta appeared behind him in an instant.

He, who was burning with light brown chakra all over his body, looked so strange, and also so terrifying.

However, when he fell with this knife, Pu Shi looked like a prophet and evacuated ahead of schedule.

At this moment, Hyuga Aya also rushed in front of Pu Shi, her palms were already covered with chakra, and green energy burst out!

"Sixty Gods Air Strike!"

After such a long period of training and three fetal movements, Hyuga Aya can use the concept of 60 in a simplified way, even if she cannot perform the 80 God Air Strike at one time!

Her fists were constantly surging in the air, and at this moment the space seemed to be shattered by her.

On the other hand, Pu Shi calmly avoided all this, and it seemed that everything was so easy.

"caught you."

However, just as she was about to throw her last punch, Pu Shi's eyes instantly turned into blue Samsara eyes, and the next moment his body turned into a red Qianzhihe.

And this guy's voice came from behind Aya, and she instantly felt a huge chakra coming from behind her.

But she didn't panic in the slightest. After staying on the battlefield for so long and having experienced so many brutal battles, she has long been honed to think of various countermeasures in an instant.

The original Shenkong strike stopped in an instant, the next moment her body began to rotate, and the powerful gravitational force combined with Chakra suddenly formed the final defense of the Hyuga clan!

"Back to the days!"

"Tianxubo Meteor Life · Jade Box!"

When the purple circle-like objects attacked Hyuga Aya, Huitian had completely resisted these forces.

Imai Kenta also quickly gathered chakra at this moment, and a huge ball of light appeared on his palm, as if it slammed into Pu Shi with the roar of a tailed beast.

Pu Shi frowned slightly, he had to stop the attack in his hand, and then the chakra in his body surged wildly, he raised his hand slightly, and released a purple chakra in the shape of a four-pointed star in his palm.

And this chakra transformed into a black-purple giant oarfish in a moment!

"Tianxubo Meteor Life·Dragon Palace!"

The giant octopus roared, and the next moment it quickly condensed a huge purple-red energy ball in its mouth.

This purple energy ball spewed out after it was condensed, and then collided with the tailed beast jade condensed by Kenta Imai!

In an instant, the whole world seemed to change color, the extreme white light directly illuminated the night into day, and the huge shock wave was overflowing crazily.

Not long after, a huge abyss that could even see magma suddenly appeared on this sandy ground!

"This guy is really scary." Imai Kenta fell on the gravel in the abyss. He looked at Hyuga Aya not far away and said quickly: "Also, he seems to be a little weird."

"You noticed it too?" Hyuga Aya Tensei glanced around, and she quickly locked onto the target.

It is impossible for Otsutsukiura-style to die under such an attack, because this weird guy uses various abilities to evade all this.

"Yeah, I noticed." Imai Kenta nodded slightly: "So far, what is certain is that this guy can absorb chakra, and my wooden clone was absorbed by him."

"Not only that, he seems to be able to control time just like Kai." Hyuga Aya also said softly: "He has scars on his body, and I also feel that I hit him, but his performance is not like this. Crucially, I feel the fluctuations of time."

Kenta Imai nodded involuntarily after hearing the words, not only Hyuga Aya felt it, but he also felt it.

When Uchiha Qi was doing time experiments in the laboratory, the two of them were also beneficiaries, and naturally they could sense the fluctuations of time.

Even if this is extremely obscure, even if they can only feel it subtly, there is no way to control it, and there is no way to control it.

But if they can feel it, they can feel it. They remember such fluctuations, and they can be absolutely sure that this guy definitely has the ability to time.

"Besides that, this guy's eyes are also a little weird." Hyuga Aya continued, and the guy Uraishi was slowly approaching them: "The blue reincarnation eye The ability is unknown. But Certainly also has the ability to attract and repel."

"Is it the reincarnation eye again?" Imai Kenta sighed slightly: "It's terrifying, these things have hardly appeared for thousands of years, but now they are popping up in pairs. Also, have you noticed this guy's battle? There seems to be some problems with consciousness and fighting attitude."

"Well, I found it." Hyuga Aya nodded slightly, and her eyes became a little disdainful: "The fighting consciousness is very poor, but he has power but will not fully exert his power. Moreover, his attitude is very problematic. He looks like he's trying to preserve his strength, what a bad guy."

"However, this is good for us." Imai Kenta suddenly showed a smile: "If our judgment is correct..."

"What are you going to do? Set up a confined space? Then what?"

"Naturally, it's poison. His ability to control time is really far from Qi's!"


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