Chapter 800: decisive battle (middle)

On the other side, the Reincarnated Eight have already fought with Tao Shi and Jin Shi.

From the moment the battle started, the three warring parties tacitly divided three war zones.

Maybe it was because they didn't want to influence each other, or maybe it was a winner or loser, and they both opened a lot of distance from each other.

Of course, this also has a good effect, which is to avoid the leakage of each other's intelligence.

Peach-style and Jin-style information, whether it is Uchiha Kai, Hyuga Aya, or Imai Kenta, they all have it. The battle between Peach-style and Jin-style three years ago really exposed too many things.

Eating a cut grows a wisdom, Tao Shi doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes, but his luck is really bad, and he actually encountered a group of guys who came back from the dead.

Although he didn't pay attention to these guys at all, after the spell released by the other party was absorbed by himself, sending it back would not have any effect at all, which also made him a little irritable.

The most terrible thing is that he doesn't dare to go all out now!

He suffered from Uchiha Kai's Time Slash before, even if he took advantage of the power of time to delay the damage caused by Time Slash to him indefinitely.

But in terms of setting the delay, he is still consuming his own strength, or he needs a huge amount of strength to maintain the continuous backward continuation of that strength.

Not only does he want to protect himself, but also that guy Jin Shi. Although he doesn't care about Jin Shi's life or death, in the end this guy is also a fighting force.

After all, he is not good at the power of time, and his perception and understanding of this aspect is really low.

And he doesn't have the ability to cheat like Uchiha Kai, even if his understanding and perception are much stronger than Uchiha Kai because of his lifespan.

But other people's own ability is this, even if he does nothing, he is stronger than himself, such a gap really makes Tao Shi feel depressed.

"These two guys are really amazing."

Just when Tao Shi was depressed that he couldn't do his best, there was a huge explosion in the distance, which made them pause temporarily.

The eight of them gathered together and could not help but communicate in a low voice. These two guys really gave them unimaginable pressure.

At the beginning, they went all out to fight, so they used their best fighting style to fight.

However, the result was that both Uchiha Shin and the five patriarchs directly suffered a loss. Their skills were absorbed by the other party, and then they were directly 'super doubled' and threw them back.

The damage caused by that is simply unimaginable. If they were still alive at that time, they might have been completely dead.

The only thing that reassured them was that they were all reincarnated from the dirt, and with this technique as their support, they didn't have to worry about their inexplicable death.

In particular, they also saw that the three generations of Hokage had begun to gather and resurrect, which made them even more relieved.

However, they were not completely reassured. Uchiha Kai killed Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Osamu in their minds. The ghost knows whether this Otsutsuki has other powers.

"It's really cool, but have you noticed anything?"

The sound of the explosion and the violent shock wave unfolded in the distance. It is conceivable that it may be Kai Uchiha, or something happened in other war zones.

However, Senju Hashirama was not in the mood to care about other places at all, so he spoke softly to the people around him.

"This guy is very strong, but there seems to be some problems with the control of the fighter and the use of power.

Of course, his full-strength burst is also very terrifying, but have you noticed that the short man seems to have never burst with all his strength. "


Uchiha Shen nodded his head. Although his strength was not enough, and he did not reach the kaleidoscope, there was no problem with his insight and judgment.

"If it is said that his strength is ten, but I can see through the writing wheel, he only uses five or even less.

There is still half of the power, I don't know what to do with it. "

"Hmph, there's a lot of nonsense." Senju Tobirama didn't give Shin Uchiha any good looks: "Don't you think we can't feel it?"

"Shut up, Tobirama." Qianshou Hasuma interrupted Tobirama's words, and he said slowly: "I don't know what happened to the short man, but the strong man is much more difficult to deal with."

"If there is no accident, that short man should have played against Uchiha Qi." Yui Masaya said flatly, staring into the distance.

"Before we came here, we met Kai Uchiha.

And that time Uchiha Qi killed two people who were reincarnated in the dirt, and made them unable to recover at all.

So we can assume that this guy played against Uchiha Kai, and because he was hit by Uchiha Kai's technique, he had to use his own power to suppress it. "

The other four patriarchs also nodded. After they separated from Uchiha Kai, they moved in different directions, but it was not long before they set off, and there was a huge energy fluctuation behind them.

They didn't know what was going on, but they didn't go to investigate the situation at all, because such energy fluctuations had never been seen or felt before.

But now it seems that it should be Uchiha Kai who has fought against the two undead here, and even has an unimaginable advantage, so that one of them has to use his own power to suppress.

if it is like this......

"I think, we all have the same plan, right?" Senju Hakuma glanced at everyone present and asked in a low voice.

"Well, yes." Naohui Shirai nodded: "It's just that only you, the **** of ninja world, can do this, and we can only assist you."

"God of Ninja World?" Senju Hashimura couldn't help but stunned when he heard the title, then he shook his head with a wry smile: "I have never accepted this admission, because I think my success is inseparable from Konoha. people. Not to mention...

Do you think now, facing these guys, what else can I call the **** of the ninja world? "


"Looks like we're the only two left now."

Otsutsuki stared at Kai Uchiha, his eyes were still calm, but his slightly clenched fist, and the chakra that was surging frantically in his body were telling that he was actually not as calm as he looked.

Uchiha Kai, this guy is really no stranger to him, even if they actually met only once, the impression this guy left on him is really profound.

He had never seen anyone who could be so far behind by virtue of being behind him—even if he didn't break out with all his strength, he could beat himself into such a seriously injured person.

This situation completely broke his cognition and completely subverted his previous thoughts.

Therefore, in the face of the current Uchiha Kai, he no longer dared to relax and careless. He can fully see and feel that this guy's current strength is even more terrifying than when they met before. !

Is it the cause of the wedge?

Otsutsuki thought silently, after all, that wedge contained all of his own power, and it was not surprising that Uchiha Qi absorbed the wedge to this point.

But the question is, how did this guy do it?

Kaguya's son to help?

Impossible, it is impossible to do this step if you want outsiders to help, the consciousness contained in the wedge can only be given to the giver to find a way.

Outsiders are most likely to seal this consciousness. After all, this consciousness has been completely linked to the person who was given it.

Did this kid first reach a level of strength similar to his own, and then seal his consciousness?

Yi Shi couldn't understand it, and he also knew that now is not the time to think about these things by himself, because he still has a battle, an unprecedented severe battle.

"Yeah, there are only the two of us left." Uchiha Qi nodded lightly, and his eyes looked deeply at the guy in front of him: "If you are only in this state, then you are not far from death, really death."

"Everyone can say big words, but big words often don't lead to good endings." Otsutsuki shook his head, he stared at Uchiha Kai and suddenly laughed: "However, you are right about one thing, it's just like this Status, it is indeed not your opponent..."

As soon as the voice fell, his whole body suddenly became normal, black mottles quickly covered his whole body, and his body also underwent incredible changes at this moment.

His skin and hair turned pale instantly, there was only one eyebrow on his forehead, and a "long horn" grew on his head.

Not only that, but his outfit has also changed directly at this moment, the original monk's uniform has become an elegant and slim white long-sleeved tailcoat and a pair of black trousers.

In addition, he has a vertical row of gouyu tattoos on his chest and back, and there are patterns on his sleeves that match the tattoos.

At this moment, this guy has completely turned into a wood, or this guy directly chose to be resurrected at this moment!

"But now, it's different."

The power that Otsutsuki burst out in an instant made everything around him distorted, his body floated slightly, and he looked down at Kai Uchiha.

"And you, although the current state is very good, but compared with me, there is still a big gap. Who do you think will die?"

"I think it's probably still you." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "How long can you live in your current state?"

"It can hold out until you are defeated, and then activate the wedge on your body!" Otsutsuki roared in a rage, and in an instant he launched an offensive.

Uchiha Qi looked at him indifferently, and the next moment his body suddenly became weird. When Yi Shi's fist really touched him, his figure had faded, and then he slowly disappeared in front of Yi Shi.

"I almost forgot, you are good at using the power of time." He shook his head indifferently: "But, are you the only one who knows how to use it?"

The voice fell, and Yi Shi's figure became blurred, and countless overlapping figures wandered around him. When his eyes completely locked on Uchiha Kai, suddenly a chakra shot straight into the sky.

The loud chant appeared, the yin and yang chakra rays converged quickly, and there was even more terrifying power in it.

At this time, Uchiha Kai's body also changed, and he also became like a real Otsutsuki at this moment!

"Actually chased over?" Uchiha Qi chuckled: "It seems that you really don't know how to write dead characters."

"No, that's you!"

The black stick was condensed in Yi Shi's hand at this moment, his eyes were spinning rapidly, and when his momentum completely reached its peak, the black stick stabbed Uchiha fiercely.

Yi Shi has used all his strength at this moment, and he is probably very clear that if he can't be resurrected to fight, he has no chance at all.

In the face of all this, Uchiha Kai looked extremely calm, and Otsutsuki would definitely try his best, which was what he expected.

In fact, at this point, there is no room for anyone to keep their hands, because if anyone is not careful, they will only die!


Uchiha Qi snorted coldly, and the pitch-black ninja sword in his hand faced the sky, a deep blade slashed out, and the two also collided with the power to sever the world.

A little black light burst out, and then the entire ninja world seemed to be twisted.

Whether it is the ninja coalition that is relatively close, but has also reached the sky, or those ninjas who have not participated in the war, or those ordinary civilians.

They all looked in this direction involuntarily, and even they could clearly feel that the whole world seemed to be on the verge of being destroyed!

"This....what's the matter?" Shikamaru asked incredulously while panting.

"I don't know, but Akamaru said that he felt... the fear of death." Tooth also seemed a little helpless, Akamaru now shrank in his arms and kept shaking, looking really frightened.

Xianglin's situation is similar now. She closed her eyes tightly, her body was shaking constantly, and she also covered her ears, as if she had found something that made her despair.

Not only these young people from Konoha, but also the adult ninjas are extremely confused.

At this moment, the perception ninjas all passed out, or the whole person looks like a dementia. They have never experienced such a situation.

"Hida, can you see it?" Neji asked Hinata from the back of the battlefield.

In the previous battle, in order to protect Hinata, he was stabbed in the chest by the monster that split from the ten tails.

Perhaps, this is the arrangement of fate, but his luck is better than in the original book, I don't know how much.

In the battlefield where he was, Tsunade and Jiraiya rushed over after they separated, and also met his former lover.

She is also full of fighting spirit and longing for the future. It was at this moment that she met Neiji, so she rescued Neiji without any hesitation.

Then she went to the medical department, and Tsunade's presence in the medical department immediately stabilized. Especially after Hyuga Aya entered a fighting state, she had no time to take care of the medical department. The arrival of Tsunade greatly inspired people.

"I can't see it either." Hinata shook his head: "I only know that they are fighting in three parts. I can't see the others clearly. Their strength is too strong, and we can't get close at all."

"That's right..." Neji shook his head helplessly: "It seems that in the end, we can't do anything anymore."

"What Brother Neji needs to do now is to make his body recover quickly." Hinata chuckled softly: "Maybe we can't do much now, but we will still be needed in the future."

Having said that, Hinata stopped talking, and Neji nodded.

Yes, they don't need to do anything now, but they will be needed later.

For Uchiha Kai and their battle, they can do nothing, but they can maintain complete trust and the belief that they will win to support Uchiha Kai and them!


Uchiha Kai's blade, and Otsutsuki's black stick, like two meteors collided in the air at a speed that couldn't be easily captured by the naked eye, causing chaos within a thousand miles.

Chakra's breath is completely disordered, and the rules of the world seem to have been rewritten under two world-destroying forces.

However, such an explosion has not had time to unfold, and it has completely reversed, returning to the long river of time, leaving only endless aftermath rippling.

Uchiha Kai, the reason why he dared to do it directly is because he distorted all the time around him!

It's just that at the time they were in, the world had undergone drastic changes, and endless turmoil and chakra spilled out, permeating the world of the entire time period.

However, just as the aftermath kept erupting, the black stick in Otsutsuki's right hand suddenly changed its shape, it kept getting bigger and sharper.

On his other hand, a black object appeared again, and the black object with the pattern quickly solidified into a shield. He stood in such a terrifying energy center of destruction without suffering any damage.

Then, he suddenly sent the black stick forward, and the void shattered in an instant. The sharp black stick pierced into the void and emerged from behind Uchiha Kai with the power to destroy everything!


Uchiha Qi stood still, but his body was condensed with dark chakras, which surrounded him, and then turned into a human shape.

A skeleton arm quickly went deep, grabbed the black stick, and at the same time resisted the power of the terrifying overflow.

"Do you know?" Uchiha Kai floated in the air, looking at Otsutsuki indifferently: "Space is like a layer of mist to me, as long as I want, I can see any space close to me. What's in there."

"It seems that you have also obtained the blood snares." Otsutsuki nodded lightly: "This is interesting, my power, it seems that you are enjoying it."

"No, it's not really enjoyable." Uchiha Kai shook his head slightly, he seemed to sigh.

"Actually, I don't want to use your power at all, but you burned it on me.

It just so happened that I had improved at the time, but there was no way to control these powers, so I made a decision, and that was to use your powers.

If time permits, I am afraid I will not make such a choice. "

Uchiha Kai's words are very bland, but what he said is also true.

Although he has had an idea for a long time, he is also trying to integrate himself. If he hadn't discovered all this through exploration later, he might still be integrating himself now.

It really made him happy to have such a huge energy pool for free, but for him, he still prefers his own power, especially when his strength has reached this stage.

In particular, he knows where these powers come from.

"Hmph, I've used it all, and it's meaningless to talk about it now." Otsutsuki said disdainfully, "But that's fine. I can save you a lot of work to get your body."

"You are still so confident, it seems that you still do not recognize the reality."

Uchiha Kai's tone also became a little softer, and he sighed slightly.

"But it doesn't matter. After all, it has come to this point. In fact, I have a question that I have always been curious about, and I hope you can answer it for me."

"What's the problem." Otsutsuki didn't care, he said indifferently: "If you just want to simply delay time, I don't think you should be stupid. In this space, I have time."

"My question is simple."

Uchiha Kai laughed. The space in this time node is almost frozen, and there is no point in delaying.

"I have fought so many times with you Otsutsuki and met several people. You are very powerful, but I found that none of you seem to be seeking the Taoist jade. Why is this?"

"Gu Daoyu? You mean the black ball behind you?" His reaction was quick, and he sighed helplessly.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you call it Qiu Daoyu, anyway, the name is what you think of.

Begging Daoyu, this is not an easy thing. Its birth requires some specific conditions. "

specific conditions?

Uchiha Kai couldn't help frowning when he heard this sentence, he was curious about what specific conditions...

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and his gaze towards Yi Shi became a little deeper.

"You mean, the ten tails?" Uchiha Qi asked curiously: "Can the Daoyu be born only if the ten tails are swallowed or sealed?"

"It seems that your reaction is really fast." Yi Shi nodded: "You can only give birth to the Taoist jade after swallowing the ten tails. This is the theorem. In our family, there are also many people who have the Taoist jade, but for us Nor is it necessary.

The reason why you have the Daoyu jade is entirely because that **** Kaguya devoured the ten tails and gave her this power.

And she also passed on this power through inheritance, and she has today's you. "

"I remember you have ten tails, why..." Uchiha Qi frowned, but he shook his head as soon as he spoke: "I understand, you intend to devour more lives and gain more The power of the ten tails will not be swallowed until the end, right?"

"Have you seen my memory?" Suddenly, Otsutsuki became somewhat alert: "Speaking of which, I'm also curious, how did you deal with my consciousness."

"It's very simple, I just sealed him up." Uchiha Qi chuckled: "Only you can devour your consciousness, otherwise others will deal with it, and the end will be ugly, it will either become you or mix with you. Will, that's not what I want."

"Seal?" Yi Shi frowned, this answer made him feel a little weird.

Is your own consciousness so easily sealed?

Also, Uchiha Kai didn't achieve his current power before, how did he avoid his own consciousness?

Unable to figure this out, Otsutsuki Ichishi doesn't plan to think about it anymore, because the focus now is on fighting, and he has to get rid of the troubles in front of him before he can continue to live!

Only when a person is in a desperate situation can he unleash his full potential, and he is well aware of this.

If he fails, he is doomed, and if he succeeds, he will have the body he so desperately desires.

This kind of thing is extremely unfamiliar to Otsutsuki, but Otsutsuki is going to work hard now.

He needs to use his strongest attitude to face Kai Uchiha, and he needs a complete victory to make up for his initial failure!

Thinking of this, Otsutsuki is not talking nonsense, his body rushed past like an arrow from the string, and the speed was unbelievable.

Uchiha Kai is not to be outdone. In such a time domain, he is not afraid of Otsutsuki Ichishi, especially since he is a ninja who is extremely good at speed.

At this moment, the confrontation between the two went straight to the white-hot, even if they were only competing for pure physical skills.

However, this kind of battle that contains a huge yin and yang escape, and involves the blood snares and the power of Otsutsuki, is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

Time is collapsing, space is collapsing, everything they have passed is destroyed, but all of them are constantly restored under the operation of time.

The time of rotation is in endless reincarnation, and this huge power is constantly accumulating in this endless time.

It's almost unbearable...


"Hey, Naruto is ready, I'm going!"

As Akai's voice fell, Akai directly opened the eight doors, this time, he opened all the eight doors at one time, without any reservations at all!

For him, it was time to go all out, and it was time to burn his youth completely, and he didn't want to leave anything behind.

As the door of death opened, the blood in his body kept evaporating, forming a red steam around him.

Akai's expression became extremely ferocious, the potential of the human body was fully stimulated, and his own strength increased hundreds of times.

In order to create opportunities for Naruto, in order to keep himself from regrets, he will do his best!

Kaguya's expression changed slightly. I don't know why, this ant-like guy actually caused so much trouble to him.

She even felt a deep threat from this ant-like guy.

what is this?

Could it be that this is what Yui and Hamura said, people who believe in this world?

This question made Kaguya ponder deeply. She had been in contact with humans thousands of years ago, and had been in contact for a long time.

Humans don't feel bad to her, and the kind-hearted humans make her feel something she has never felt in the Otsutsuki clan.

If she had a choice, she wouldn't want to go this far, but in the face of Otsutsuki's attack, she really didn't think what these weak humans could do.

So she made a decision of her own will, that is, let these human souls immerse in her dreams, and their bodies become her weapons.

It's just that this incident completely caused her to fall out with her two sons, and even she was sealed in the end.

Kaguya doesn't know about human nature, she only knows the weakness of human beings, but she never believes that the brilliance of human nature can make a person burst out with terrifying power.

Now, she seems to understand a little, now she seems to understand a little, the power of human beings really cannot be underestimated!

"But it's not enough..." Kaguya whispered, as if she was talking to herself: "It's just not enough, let me see how far you can go!"

Akai and Naruto don't know what she's thinking, especially Akai, he doesn't have the energy to speculate on other people's thinking now.

Although the power of Bamen Dunjia is powerful, it is also based on the consumption of vitality and can last for a very short time.

He wants to do everything in a limited time!


With a loud shout, the air vibrated violently. Kai rushed forward, and there was a thud at his feet. It was the sound he made when he stepped on the air.

For a moment, it was like a burning flame appeared in front of Kaguya.

With a punch, the space distorted with the fist, and a sense of danger appeared in Kaguya's heart.

An incredible look appeared on Kaguya's face for the first time, and then she quickly waved her hand, and the Qiu Daoyu behind her quickly greeted her and turned into a shield.


The space shook, and even the shield transformed by Yin Yang Dun was directly knocked out!

Xueji Snare can invalidate all ninjutsu, but it is helpless for Taijutsu and immortal arts. Bamen Dunjia, a profound meaning-level Taijutsu, is the natural nemesis of Xueji Snare.

The fist style continued, smashing towards Kaguya with a scorching hot and shattering attitude.

At such a speed, even Madara Uchiha, who had experienced many battles in the original novel, couldn't react, let alone Kaguya, who had no combat experience at all?


Nearly inexhaustible power poured out of his body, and absolute power combined with absolute speed was equal to invincibility.

There is no suspense, this punch directly hit Kaguya, and the space began to appear extremely unstable at this moment.

The violent shaking spreads across the entire world in an instant, and even many places have the phenomenon of space collapse!

Is it a man-made space, UU reading www. The stability here of naturally cannot be compared with the outside world.

It was at this moment that a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the void, and Obito and Naruto Minato and his group were completely united with Naruto.

Obito fell heavily to the ground, but his eyes were still fixed on Kaguya.

Minato, Kakashi, Itachi, Shisui and Fuyue, they all stared at Kaguya, their eyes were full of shock, but they were also full of fighting intent!

Even if they didn't need to say anything, they could see that it was Akai who created this great opportunity for them.

Just at this moment, an extreme beam of light cut off the space, and the next moment seemed to be frozen.

A young man with white hair and white eyes slowly descended from the crack in the space...


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