Chapter 801: decisive battle (below)

"The golden wheel is reborn!"

In the ninja world, a golden beam of light condensed to the extreme instantly smashed the earth.

If Naruto and the others were here, they would definitely feel extremely puzzled, because they also encountered the same light in the world of the Imperial Palace.

Hyuga Aya's move was earth-shattering, dazzling golden light bloomed from her fingertips, turned into a destructive light in an instant, and crossed towards the Otsutsuki Mokura-style position.

It's just that Otsutsuki Mokura's current state is very special. His figure flickered quickly, and then after dodging this move, the figure fell heavily on the ground!

At this time, the Otsutsuki Kiura style is no longer human. Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya suppressed him too much. He probably never dreamed that these two guys who were obviously inferior to him would actually let him fall into such a situation. !

Faced with the collaboration between Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya, although the cooperation is very general, Urashi really has nothing to do.

No matter how strong his strength is, even if he can control time, it is really difficult for him to cause any harm to these two people.

On the other hand, the fighting method of these two people is simple and practical, but the damage is extremely strong, even Otsutsuki can't bear it.

What's more, the current state of these two people is not weaker than the adult Otsutsuki. The only drawback is that they can't control their own power, just like Uchiha Kai a few years ago.

But even so, they made Pu Shi suffer a lot, and when forced to, Pu Shi devoured his Red Light Fish Basket and Samsara Eye, completely turning himself into a crane form.

With the two of them constantly cooperating to harass and attack, Ura-style fishing rod could not hit the two of them at all. Under such circumstances, he naturally had no way to devour Aya and Kenta's chakra.

Therefore, he made this decision very simply. If he didn't work hard at this time, then he probably really didn't have the chance to work hard.

"You two beasts actually forced me into this state. I have to say that you are really interesting."

Urashi has now lost its usual elegance and the manners of the past.

He looked like a different person, his tone was rude, and his attack methods seemed to be wide open.

But what I have to say is that the speed of this guy is really terrible now, and it seems that he can devour Chakra without props.

"Hmph, I think you're a beast, right?" Imai Kenta shot back without hesitation: "I don't even look at your current appearance, what's the difference between you and a beast?"

"It's really ugly, I didn't expect that the crane is a very elegant animal, and it will become ugly and rude when it comes to you." Hyuga Aya also wouldn't be polite: "If I were you, I would definitely not be able to stand my state. However, I seem to be able to understand a guy like you who can even eat his own eyes."

Although they don't like talking shit, it doesn't mean they don't. Besides, the current Pu style is really ugly, and they are not talking nonsense.

Pu Shi's personality has indeed changed dramatically now, he has become extremely irritable and extremely rude.

Maybe it was because he devoured his own eyes, but it was a point that Aya and Kenta could take advantage of.

"Go to hell, you two ants!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Uraishi used his spatial ability, and almost instantly he came behind Aya and Kenta, and then Kenta would have been flying Thor, and he had already felt the wave of meaning.

"It's about time!"

Imai Kenta thought silently, the next moment he put his hands on the ground, and a large piece of wood rose from the ground to completely cover them.

These wooden tunnels are fused with yin and yang, and there are ten-tailed chakras, which are extremely strong, which is why he dares to use this technique!


Pu Shi was holding a black stick and fell behind them instantly, but these wooden duns fiercely blocked Pu Shi's attack.

His attack strength is extremely high, and even these strengthened Mu Dun can't be completely resisted. Fortunately, Imai Kenta's reaction speed is also very fast. At the moment when Mu Dun is completed, he has already jumped into the distance with Hyuga Aya. .

"Hmph." Pu Shi hit the air, then looked at the two people in the distance indifferently, and then smiled disdainfully: "What? Are you planning to trap me here? It's whimsical, do you think your speed can be fast? over me?"

"Yeah, you're fast enough, you're fast in everything, it's no wonder you Otsutsuki can't give birth to a son, it's because you're too fast." Ken Imai said with a crooked mouth and a disdainful smile: "Come and see, I really want to see it. See how fast you are."

"go to hell!"

Uraishi couldn't understand what Imai Kenta's words meant, but he definitely knew that it was not a good word.

Holding the black stick, he looked at Imai Kenta, and then his body disappeared instantly, but he came behind Kenta and Aya in just a moment.

However, as soon as he landed, Kenta Imai disappeared, and Aya Hyuga shot almost instantly.

"Yin-Yang Escape God Sky Strike!"

"Yin Yang Escape Flying Thunder God Slash!"

The near-fatal punch was savagely hit, and at the same time, Imai Kenta also appeared behind Uraishi, and his ninja sword burst into a deadly light.

Unfortunately, without the slightest accident, just like before, Pu Shi disappeared again inexplicably.

It appeared again that he had come to the side of the two, and then launched an attack without hesitation.

Imai Kenta saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately activated Fei Lei Shen to hide with Aya Hyuga, while Uraishi kept up with him again without pausing.

Speed, he never lacks, and even he still has time to help him avoid huge damage, and he also doesn't think that these two are any harm to him.

However, this kind of pursuit continued to be staged in stop-and-go, and both Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta also suffered a lot of scars.

In such a confined space, facing such an enemy, they are already the ultimate in this step. If they were someone else, they would have died a long time ago!

However, after a brief confrontation with Urashi, the two of them did not escape the pursuit, and they were brought down to the ground by Urashi.

"It seems that you can't run anymore." Pu Shi maintained the appearance of a crane immortal, and smiled cruelly: "You two ants are also worthy of pride, you actually held on to my hands for so long, you can't Not to mention that I admire you a little bit. But now..."

The cruelty on Pu Shi's face became more obvious, and even the bloodthirsty smell permeated the space tightly wrapped by the wooden tunnel.

"I'm going to kill you, you will be a very good collection, I will make you die extremely painful!"

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai looked at Ura Shi in such a state, and couldn't help but feel a little chill in their hearts. This guy's appearance is really intimidating.

But the two of them suppressed the discomfort in their hearts, and they have been fighting on the battlefield all the year round, even if they are cherishing their lives, they understand that sometimes they have to overcome their fears.

Otherwise, they are really not far from death!

Standing up slowly, the two of them simultaneously assumed a fighting stance.

They still have Chakra, even if they consume a lot, they can still fight.

As for the damage to the body, I am afraid that it needs a good rest and treatment. After all, it was attacked by Yin Yang Dun, and the strength of the opponent is so strong that even if their physical strength is high, they cannot recover quickly.

"Is your method useful?" Hyuga Aya still maintained Tensei Eyes Chakra mode, she asked in a low voice: "If it doesn't work, then quickly remove this wooden tunnel, or we will be in trouble."

"I'm not sure if it works, but we can't think of a better way, can we?" Imai Kenta gritted his teeth: "Damn it, I don't think there's something wrong with our judgment, just why hasn't it happened yet? "

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya are indeed a little puzzled. Even if Otsutsuki's ability to resist poison is strong, there is still a limit.

Fighting in this confined space, Imai Kenta has not been able to perform well, and basically can only use physical skills to fight, that is because he has completely invested a large amount of his chakra on the wooden escape.

Not to consolidate defenses, but to deploy poisonous gas!

In the previous fight, both of them noticed one thing, that is, their attack clearly hit someone, and even this guy had scars on his body, but this guy didn't seem to be hit at all.

In cooperation with the time fluctuations they perceive, this makes them guess that this guy has actually been recruited, but he just made the time go back!

However, his backtracking is different from that of Uchiha Kai. He seems to just rewind the time of the whole world, and he also rewinds.

However, his own time did not go backwards, which means that he was still hit!

If you repeatedly let this guy go backwards in time in a closed place full of anger, it means that this guy will accumulate a huge amount of venom, making him unable to fight at all.

But, why hasn't it taken effect yet?

Just when they were thinking about this, Otsutsuki Kiura launched an attack directly, and the two of them didn't dare to think and discuss at all.

However, as soon as this guy Pu Shi was dispatched, his body froze, and then he fell to his knees on the ground!

"This... how is this possible!"

Pu Shi felt his own changes inconceivably, and the huge amount of venom burst out at this moment.

The yin-yang escape and the ten-tailed power are intertwined and cultivated, and the venom it releases is repeatedly absorbed and accumulated, even Otsutsuki can't stand it!

"It seems that we still succeeded." Imai Kenta was relieved, and he slumped on the ground, and then he laughed out loud.

"You..." Pu Shi said in pain, clutching his chest: "What have you done to me? What have you done!"

"It's nothing, it's just using your technique." Hyuga Aya looked at Pu Shi indifferently, and then she stretched out a finger.

The vast chakras condensed in an instant, she is now using all the chakras in her body, she is going to kill this guy!

At this moment, a low voice suddenly came from the sky, and it was passed to Aya's ears like a hymn.

This is her chakra condensed to an extreme, an extreme that even the world admires. She has seen such a situation on Qi's body, but she did not expect it to appear on her own body.

"It's really a wonderful feeling..."

Hyuga Aya murmured softly, the next moment her eyes became fierce, the bright golden light became more and more dazzling from her fingertips, and turned into a destructive light in the blink of an eye.

She waved her hand fiercely, and in an instant, this devastating power slammed into Pu Shi, who was so poisonous that he couldn't move.

"God · Golden Wheel is reborn!"



The huge roar was incessant, and the war zone of the reincarnation of the dirt was in a frantic battle.

Having determined their tactics, they frantically attacked the peach style, and only a small number of people would try to find a way to contain the gold style.

They are not afraid of death at all, because they are dead themselves, and the fear of death does not exist in them at all.

What's more, they have a new support, and the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi have recovered from their battle, and he immediately threw himself into the battle.

"A swarm of ants! A swarm of vile ants!"

Tao Shi faced the attack of these guys, his face was full of grievances, and he was not afraid of death to be reasonable, because he already had dead people.

But sadly, he and Ben did not dare to die, because once he was defeated, there would be no strength to suppress the injury that Uchiha Kai left him, causing him to collapse completely!

The worst thing is that these guys seem to know that they have the ability to absorb chakra, so they don't apply any ninjutsu battles at all.

Although he is also very strong in physical skills, his combat experience is really far behind these guys who have experienced life and death!

"We are ants?" Dried persimmon corpse flounder said with a disdainful smile on the ugly shark face: "Indeed, to you, we may be ants, but you were beaten by a group of ants, what are you?"

"Aloof, you think you're a god, but why are you reincarnated from the dirt like us?" Feng Mo Yangping said disdainfully.

"By the way, who killed you?

I guess, is it that guy Uchiha Kai?

Coincidentally, so do we.

But we are different from you. Even if he is killed by him, we don't mind cooperating with him in order to protect our homeland, especially if we can kill you! "

"An ant! A vile ant!" Otsutsuki scolded in a peach-like manner. He had no idea what was going on with these guys.

What kind of beliefs are these guys fighting for, and why are they like lunatics?

And looking at their appearance, it seems that they were also killed by that **** Uchiha Kai, but why don't these guys hate him at all?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out, Tao Shi can't understand these things at all.

But he knew that he could only keep evading and attacking, otherwise he might be really dangerous.

"What's wrong? Stop scolding?"

Ghost Lantern Yinyue punched him fiercely and was blocked by Tao Shi, but his mouth didn't stop.

"It's just these two sentences, scolding people, scolding and scolding, and I don't understand the scolding. After all, you are nothing but a waste.

If we had power like you, we would have killed this waste long ago. You are truly a waste.

No wonder you were killed by Uchiha Qi like our group of ants, because you are also ants in his eyes! "

"!" It's completely conceivable how much anger Otsutsuki Momo is in his heart now.

He has survived for an unknown number of years, he has witnessed the destruction of many planets, and even he himself does not know how many lives he has devoured.

Once upon a time, he encountered such a situation, and he was constantly attacked by a group of guys who he regarded as ants, but he couldn't use force.

Moreover, scolding people has never been his strength, or it is not forcible for Otsutsuki. After all, they will act directly when they encounter a situation, and they will have time to talk nonsense with you.

The anger is constantly rising, but the peach style is still calm, he guesses that this is probably what these guys do on purpose.

These ninjas are not strong, but their ability to analyze intelligence and their combat experience is too sufficient.

If they seize the weak point, they will continue to attack until the opponent is defeated!

He learned about this situation from the battle with Uchiha Kai a few years ago. That guy knew that he could absorb ninjutsu, so he decisively kept fighting himself with taijutsu.

None of these ninjas are really easy to deal with.


However, at this moment, Tao Shi's body suddenly froze, he seemed to feel something, and then his eyes couldn't help but look towards the sky.

Not only him, but also Jin Shi, their bodies have begun to collapse at this moment, and endless confetti began to fall from their bodies.

"This is..." Senju Tobirama noticed this scene, and he couldn't help but step back: "Is this the reincarnation of the dirty earth has been lifted?"

"Removed?" Qianshou Hasuma looked at all this incredulously: "Speaking of which, who the **** summoned this guy?"

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be Orochimaru." Sarutobi Hizan also retreated, and he stared at the two of them: "If it was Orochimaru, he would have been lifted long ago, it seems that it should have been summoned by the enemy. ."

Seeing the Tao Shi and Jin Shi who were being reincarnated from the filth, Chishou Hasuma and the others were a little relieved, but they did not let down their guard in the slightest.

The opponent's strength is so strong, the ghost knows whether he has the ability to free this technique, it is better to be careful in everything.

If the other party can really ignore the concept of this technique and force self-control of this technique, it will be troublesome.

It is not difficult for the reincarnation of the dirty earth to want to control himself, and both Senshou Hasuma and Senshou Tobirama can easily do this!

The confetti was still flying constantly, both the Peach and Jin styles felt their power was constantly passing, especially the Peach style, his power flowed faster than the Jin style.

He was originally maintaining the power of suppressing Uchiha Kai to cut off time, and at this moment he could not resist such a chakra passage at all. He could feel that he might have no way to continue to resist.

Such a speed of power flow, such a consumption, makes him unable to bear it at all!


Otsutsuki let out a roar, and his body kept collapsing. Such a desperate scene made him unable to resist at all.

Suddenly, his body froze, and the rapid passage of his chakra could no longer allow him to continue resisting the power of time.

In an instant, his body began to collapse rapidly, and the power that he had been delaying indefinitely for time only bloomed from his body at this moment!

White light began to bloom on his body. The white light was only mottled at first, but as the light shone, the surrounding time also changed.

They don't know the power of time, but they can also feel this dangerous aura.

In an instant, they fled collectively, while Tao Shi and Jin Shi kept collapsing with screams, until the time and space around him completely collapsed...


"Mother, long time no see."

The silver-haired and white-eyed young man glanced at all the people who had been set by him with the power of time, and then he turned his gaze to Kaguya Otsutsuki, and called out with a slightly complicated voice.

"It's been a long time indeed, Hamura."

Kaguya's expression was equally complicated. She watched the young man slowly say his name at the end.

That's right, this young man is Kaguya's second son, Otsutsuki Yumura!

At this time, Otsutsuki Hamamura has completely changed his image. Perhaps for him, the image is just a concept. He can let himself change over time, and the image will look old.

It can also be like this moment, like going back to a thousand years ago, when he was still a child.

The appearance of Otsutsuki Hamura made Naruto and others look a little ugly. They really didn't expect that there was an enemy.

But Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fuyake are a little calmer. They remember that Uchiha Kai mentioned this existence, so his appearance now is for the purpose of...

Their hearts were full of doubts, but Otsutsuki Yui didn't think about it too much. He looked at his mother with a sigh. This was the first time they met in a thousand years.

"Your strength has become stronger." Perhaps the two sides were really silent, Kaguya said directly: "The two children, are Indra and Asura? Their strength is good, but facing you There's no fighting back."

"First of all, they are not Indra and Asura, they just awakened their Chakra, and they are still themselves."

Hamura shook his head with a smile, and a smile appeared on his face, as if returning to a thousand years ago.

"Second, it's just that I used a smarter method.

They are really strong, they just haven't gotten to the point where I can manipulate time.

After all, they are not Uchiha Kai, that kid..."

Having said that, Hamura shook his head helplessly, and Uchiha Kai's eyes that manipulated time really made people sigh.

The two strongest forces in the world, one is time and the other is space.

The power of space, compared to time, is a little less mysterious.

Because once the strength has reached a level, or the blood has been condensed, it can have the power of space.

Plus their eyes can capture traces of space, so it's easier for them.

But the power of time really needs to be comprehended by oneself.

Just looking at the Otsutsuki who came to the ninja world, although they can also control time, they can't compare with Uchiha Kai anyway.

On the one hand, their own perception is really not enough, because time is really more illusory than space, and it is even more confusing.

Although Naruto and Sasuke are powerful, their power is given instead of self-perception and practice.

In addition, Uchiha Kai intercepted part of their Chakra, basically it can be said that the influence of Indra and Asura has been minimized.

Therefore, their resistance to the power of time is really not good, and it is difficult to even resist.

"Uchiha Kai?" Kaguya also thought of that descendant, she shook her head: "How is the situation outside?"

"The ninjas in the ninja world are fighting, they are trying their best to protect their homeland, and the situation of those Otsutsuki is not so optimistic."

Thinking of this, Hamura couldn't help laughing: "Ki Uchiha forced Otsutsuki to come back to life, although they had reinforcements, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai also performed well.

As for the two guys, Tao Shi and Jin Shi, they were hit by the Qi technique and couldn't make a full shot, and I'm afraid they won't last long.

However, they are reincarnated from the filth. "

"Reincarnation of the dirty earth?" Kaguya tilted her head, she had never heard of this technique.

But with Hamura's explanation, she also understood, and her eyes couldn't help but look at her arm.

Under the cover of her long clothes, Hei Jue was hidden in it, and through the white eyes, she also saw a wonderful chakra link on Hei Jue's body.

Shaking her head, Hei Jue's birth was actually her revenge. She didn't know what Hei Jue did in the ninja world. The only order she gave Hei Jue was to resurrect her.

Thinking of this, Kaguya's consciousness suddenly sank, and the blackness in her sleeve was instantly controlled by her!

In the end, it is entirely her power, in the end, all of this is shaped by her, so she can control this guy Hei Jue at any time.

However, she only looked at it for a moment, and her eyes became cold.

Black absolutely doesn't care what other people do, but she feels a little angry about the actions of Indra and Asura.

She doesn't care about the lives of ordinary human beings. After all, she can regard the entire ninja world as the one who cultivated Bai Jue Muyuan. Her ruthlessness is absolutely unimaginable.

But she couldn't stand what Black Absolute Indra and Asura did, even for her, it made her feel the slightest anger.

In the original book, when she saw Naruto and Sasuke, her expression was also very moving, and even when she caught these two, she also shed tears for her former family.

But in the end their positions were different at that time, they could be said to be absolutely hostile positions.

But now, with Uchiha Kai, a brand new bet, and room for relaxation, Kaguya's attitude is completely different!

"I understand." Kaguya sighed: "It seems that you and Yui have indeed done the right thing. But I still retain my opinion, it is impossible for human beings to appear such a guy all the time!"

"No, human beings will only keep moving forward, keep changing themselves, and keep improving." Hamura smiled and shook his head: "In the years of this year, my brother and I have been watching them grow, watching them transform, watching them all the time. with their constant change.

Even if we let them fight, it turns out that ninjas have met the requirements, and leaders of the times will appear all the time.

The potential of human beings is immeasurable. We cannot doubt these. Although the ninja world is now at peace, believe me, as long as they know that their homeland will be in crisis at any time, they will never stop their steps. "

Hamura's words were sonorous and powerful, and on the other hand, Naruto and the others seemed to have learned something.

The war in the ninja world is actually the result of this guy named Hamura's indulgence?

But they really can't blame Yumura, because without this thousand years of war, ninjas would not have developed to the point where they are today.

Because they have a group of enemies, a group of enemies that can completely destroy the entire ninja world!

If ninjas don't have the power to protect themselves, how can they protect their homeland?

Relying on legendary characters?

No, people still have to rely on themselves, and people who rely on others will eventually be destroyed!

Kaguya looked at Yumura silently, and she couldn't help but sigh for a long time. She had to admit that she lost the bet this time, and she lost very thoroughly!

Humans can indeed save themselves. They have talent and potential to improve themselves. Even if his lifespan is indeed not long, their faith cannot be erased!

"I understand." Kaguya Otsutsuki nodded: "You have seen a long-term view, and the trust you gave has been rewarded."

Having said this, Kaguya shook her head helplessly, and then her eyes turned to the few people who were frozen.

Especially Naruto, Sasuke, and Akai, who was covered in red mist, her eyes softened slightly.

The next moment, the chakra in her hand was rippling, and the black smoke in her sleeve began to emit black smoke. Seeing this scene, Hanamura couldn't help frowning.

"Mother, he should leave it to Kai Uchiha." Hamura shook his head and said, "Also, your body is not your own. After all this is over, I think eldest brother will let you and will not let you be alone. already."

"Is that called being alone?" Kaguya glanced at Yumura, and finally she stopped what she was doing: "Okay, I believe in you. In fact, I have failed this time, and the final outcome is just being beaten. Seal once.

Going back now is no different from being sealed back.

But these guys, especially the thick eyebrows, what are you going to do with them?

He's about to die. "

When Hamura heard this sentence, he laughed completely.

He hasn't talked to Kaguya like this for so many years, and their relationship has been indifferent to the point of being strangers for so many years.

And today, all this has ended, today is a brand new beginning!

"Don't worry, mother." Hamura said with a smile: "He won't die, don't forget that I can use Yang Dun to save him."

"Then why don't you do it yet?" Hui Ye frowned: "Although this guy is very offensive to me, I have to say that I see hope for mankind in him.

You firmly believe that human beings can succeed. I see a shadow in him. Do you plan to continue to wait? "

"No, he'll be fine." Yumura's eyes also turned to Akai, at this time he still kept the blood fog all over his body: "Don't forget Uchiha Qi, although I can do it too, but This guy should do more."


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