Third Prince’s estate.

Zhong Wan had changed into mourning garments, leading a confused Xuan Yu inside the residence. In an instant, the two separated. Someone escorted Xuan Yu to burn incense for Xuan Jin. Xuan Yu followed the others in kneeling in front of the coffin. 

At most, Zhong Wan had chanced upon Xuan Jin twice. Little Xuan Yu had not even seen him once. Although they were considered blood-related cousins, he was unable to shed even a tear for him. Xuan Yu could only think of his elder brother and shed a couple tears like that. A while later, Xuan Jin’s princess consort, who stayed in the inner courtyard, sent people to console the relatives. A few strangers helped support Xuan Yu to his feet. They brought him forward to where the coffin lay. He once again burned incense and kowtowed.

All along, Zhong Wan had gazed at him from afar.

After Xuan Yu finished kowtowing, he glanced back at Zhong Wan. Zhong Wan gave a light wave, a gesture for him to stay with the others. Covering his mouth with his hands, Xuan Yu whispered, “Find a place to sit!”

Zhong Wan had an urge to smile, but dared not to. He lowered his gaze, as if he had not seen Xuan Yu. The moment he lifted his head again, Xuan Yu had already been led into the mourning shelter, following the other imperial clan members in kneeling once more. 

Among them, Xuan Yu was the youngest. He knelt in the center of the crowd in mourning clothes, a pitiful appearance.

Outside the mourning shelter, there were many people like Zhong Wan waiting. They did not need to kneel. But they could not wait in the outer courtyard like servants. With no place to go, they could only wait at the side well-behavedly.

Zhong Wan was bored to the extreme. He tried to find something to occupy himself, wondering whether Yu She would appear today.

Regarding the matter of Fifth Prince falling into the pond, Emperor Chongan did not perform an in-depth investigation. He merely put Yu She on house arrest. If it were someone else, they would be nervous, reflecting night and day. But with Yu She, this was not guaranteed. 

Emperor Chongan had kept Yu She behind for a questioning. When it had still been uncertain whether Xuan Qiong was alive, Yu She was still able to multitask by talking to the emperor and ordering his guards to find Zhong Wan. A person like this… House arrest was unable to restrain him.

Sure enough, not even an hour later, someone announced outside that Young Prince Yu had arrived.

Yu She’s entourage wasn’t any less impressive than Prince Yu’s. The moment he had arrived, many people stood. Consort Xian, who had been staying in the inner courtyard, sent people to receive him. However, Yu She did not enter the inner courtyard, going directly to where the coffin sat.

Yu She burned some incense. As soon as his knees touched the ground, he rose back to his feet. And the people of the Ministry of Rites pretended that they had not seen this, not even blinking. 

Zhong Wan gazed at him from afar, amazed at his actions. Young Prince Yu wasn’t here to attend a funeral; he was merely here to make an appearance.

Once a person died, everything was washed clean. There was no reason for Yu She to not even display this level of basic etiquette. If he really didn’t want to come, then he simply didn’t have to come. What was good about having everyone see him like this?

Although everyone was already accustomed to his actions.

Zhong Wan tried his best to back away, not wanting Yu She to notice him. 

Lf ijeutfv ja tlwrfio. Kkb vjsr jub, Te Vtf tjv xlmxfv tlw bea bo Uglcmf Te’r frajaf. Ca atf rajga, tf qgbyjyis vlv cba kjca ab rff Itbcu Qjc.

Dfobgf Itbcu Qjc mbeiv tlvf, j fecemt jqqfjgfv jcv ugffafv atf mgbkv lc j rboa nblmf. “Jbwf tfgf, mbwf tfgf.”

More and more imperial clan members arrived. Those accompanying them also increased by number, crowding together. Gradually, it became disorderly. The servants who managed Third Prince’s estate finally tidied up another mourning shelter in the outer courtyard for the other guests.

Zhong Wan glanced at Xuan Yu’s direction. And he saw him kneeling in a well behaved manner. He reckoned there was nothing wrong, and followed the other guests away. 

He lifted the hem of his clothes before kneeling, thoughts zipping through his mind. One moment, he estimated how far Yan Pingshan and Xuan Rui had traveled so far. In another moment, he wondered how many mouthfuls of pond water Xuan Qiong had swallowed. It was uncertain how much time had passed when someone suddenly lifted the door curtain of the mourning shelter. Cold air rushed in. Zhong Wan raised his head…

Yu She stared at the interior, cold enough to freeze.

He entered and sat on the only chair within the mourning shelter.

Right in front of Zhong Wan’s eyes. 

Zhong Wan was speechless.

Everyone shared a look. Slowly rose to their feet. One by one, they exited. Zhong Wan wanted to leave with them, also standing. But all of a sudden, Yu She’s eyes flashed with a ruthless and tyrannical glint.

Zhong Wan fell back on his knees.

Shortly after, there were only the two of them. 

He felt as if he were kneeling on pins and needles.

Spellbound, Yu She stared at the joss stick and candle on the table. Not a word left his lips.

An hour later, Zhong Wan knelt until his legs felt numb. He moved his feet a little and couldn’t help but gasp, accidentally starling Yu She.

Yu She looked at Zhong Wan, furrowing his brows a hint. 

Zhong Wan feared that Yu She misunderstood him for purposely getting his attention, and rushed to kneel well-behavedly.

He knelt for a while, when suddenly, Yu She said, “That day… were you awake?”

Zhong Wan coughed. “No.”

He sneaked a peek at Yu She. After Yu She had heard those words, his expression seemed to have grown even worse. 

Zhong Wan complained in his heart, just what does this lunatic think all day?

Yu She examined him for a moment. As if determining whether Zhong Wan had spoken the truth. Then after a while, he said in a soft voice, “Licentious.”

Once again, Zhong Wan was struck speechless.

Licentious your mom. 

Yu She no longer paid attention to Zhong Wan as he sat there. The people outside dared not slight him, sending in a charcoal basin and handheld brazier. They even delivered him a fresh cup of good tea.

In an instant, the interior of the mourning shelter warmed.  Yu She sat more comfortably.

Zhong Wan complained inwardly, is this person leaving or not?

Every now and then, he would glance at Yu She. Watched as he took two sips of tea. Watched as he added charcoal to his handheld brazier. Watched as he took out a small story book from his sleeve… 

Was this person planning to use this place as his own house, doing what he’d usually do there?!

Yu She lowered his head to read his book, neither fast nor slow in his pace.

As Zhong Wan silently cursed at Yu She, he suddenly heard the latter say, “Don’t keep staring at me… Once I finish, I’ll give you this book.”

Zhong Wan staggered in indignation. Legs numb to the point they could not stand. His back curved as he fell forward. Yu She frowned. “If I give it to you, I give it to you. No need to kowtow in thanks.” 

Gritting his teeth, Zhong Wan fixed his posture as he knelt. He dared to be angry but not show it.

Yu She read his book for another while. He took his time saying, “It’s not very interesting… Only the s*x scene was a bit interesting.”

Zhong Wan pretended not to hear.

But Yu She deliberately asked him, “Do you want to read it?” 

Zhong Wan suffered in silence. “Yes.”

“Wait until I finish.” Yu She lowered his head. “However, I can read a few lines for you…”

Zhong Wan forced a smile. “It’s fine…”

As if he did not hear him, Yu She carelessly started reading aloud. “I sit by the side of your bed. You reach out to me, clinging to the end of my sleeve…” 

Alarm collided into Zhong Wan’s form.

There were many gods looking from above… Was this person not afraid that Xuan Jin was looking from the heavens and would knock on his door in the middle of the night?!

“I’m suddenly aroused, and bend down to kiss between your brows. In a soft voice, I wish you goodnight. You lift your head to kiss my lips…

“I can’t avoid it in time and am kissed by you. Immediately, we separate. I only hesitate for a moment, but you already part your lips, demanding more…” 

Zhong Wan’s blush spread to his ears. He expended a lot of effort to say, “Yu. Zi. You.”

“I merely hug you by the shoulder, but you have already wrapped your hand around my waist. You won’t let me leave, and even say my courtesy name under your breath.” Yu She shut the book. “You thought I was reading from the book? No… They rarely write you so unrestrained like this. What I just said were the events of that night.”

At this moment, Zhong Wan’s whole body went numb.