Zhong Wan got out with difficulty, “What you’re saying is…”

Yu She said, “The truth. You acted frivolous with me in this manner that night.” 

Zhong Wan lifted his head to look into Yu She’s eyes. Yu She’s expression didn’t seem like he was teasing. Instead, there was slight rage in his gaze.

Yu She wasn’t joking with him. This was probably the truth.

Zhong Wan had a breakdown… Was he so audacious in his dreams?!

Did his room really feel empty? 

He actually did that to Yu She…

That wasn’t right. Zhong Wan tried his best to make his tone of voice more natural. He forced himself to get out, “If you hadn’t forcibly kidnapped me and brought me to your estate, if you hadn’t sat at the head of my bed like a ghost in the middle of the night, would I have been able to be frivolous with you?!”

Yu she glanced at Zhong Wan coldly. “Continue making your excuses. I’m listening.”

Zhong Wan ground his teeth together. “I was asleep. You weren’t. Couldn’t you have pushed me away?!” 

Yu She’s pupils gently quaked, like he was trying to hold back his anger. “You were holding onto my waist the whole time! How was I supposed to push you? Throw you over my shoulder and onto the ground?! Have you fall to your death? Or toss you into the lake so you could regain consciousness? With your terrible health, would you have been able to handle it?”

Zhong Wan stubbornly stated, “You also know I’m sickly. How alert could I have been while asleep?”

“You were pretty alert.” Yu She had a death grip on the storybook in his hands. “You even loosened my outer robe.”

Zhong Wan immediately denied this. “Impossible! I’ve never liked being next to people when asleep. I used to sleep in the same bed as Lin Si. A bowl of water would’ve been fine left between us!” 

“But this truly also wasn’t the first time you’ve tugged at my clothes. Do you need me to help you reminisce bit by bit?” Yu She started laughing from how angry he was. “Previously, you only tugged at my clothes. Now, you’ve directly… You won’t admit it? Fine. Did you drink jasmine tea before you slept that night or not?”

Zhong Wan: “…”

He did.

Steward Feng, that old thing, had probably been worried that he wouldn’t be able to sleep after drinking tea. Thus, he didn’t let the servant prepare normal tea leaves; instead, he placed a few jasmine blossoms in the teapot. 

Zhong Wan lost his arrogance and stuttered out, “I really k-kissed…”

“Not only did you kiss me, you also…” Yu She stopped looking at Zhong Wan. He paused, then ground his teeth together. “You really want to hear me go into such detail?”

A red blush crept up Zhong Wan’s face, all the way to his ears. “There’s no need!”

Yu She took a few deep breaths. After calming down a bit, he furrowed his brows and said, “This is the last time. If there’s a next time, I won’t let you off so easy.” 

Zhong Wan was bewildered. How would he not let me off?

Zhong Wan stated in embarrassment, “If there’s a next time… just push me away.”

They returned to the original topic. Yu She’s expression became even worse.

Zhong Wan’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. He didn’t know which phrase he had just said had touched Yu She’s forbidden lamella. 

Yu She closed his eyes. A moment later, he said, “I can’t.”

Zhong Wan thought to himself, bullshit.

Yu She seemed to be painfully resisting something. A long time passed before he coldly stated, “Zhong Wan… I don’t want to get too close to you. I trust that you are unwilling as well.”

Zhong Wan was stunned. When had he been unwilling? 

Young Prince Yu was… starting to talk to himself again?

Zhong Wan carefully glanced at Yu She. Unexpectedly, Yu She didn’t appear crazy at all. Instead, he seemed much more normal than usual.

Yu She lowered his gaze. “Currently, I’m very clearheaded. Remember carefully what I’m telling you right now.”

Zhong Wan stuttered out, “O-Okay.” 

“Qtja sbe tjnf rjlv jcv vbcf lc Hljc Cc atfrf qjra ofk sfjgr… P kbc’a ibbx lcab.

“Po sbe rjs jcsatlcu bg vb jcsatlcu jujlc lc atf oeaegf, P jirb kbc’a wlcv. Jbwqjgfv ab atf gewbgr sbe’nf wjvf eq, P’nf vbcf wemt wbgf bea bo ilcf atlcur lc atf mjqlaji… P gelcfv ws bkc cjwf. P’nf cfnfg mjgfv jybea atfrf atlcur.”

Zhong Wan’s heart suddenly jolted in pain.

“There’s only one thing.” Yu She lifted his gaze. “Don’t act too boldly. Have some more self-regard. Don’t think that this is a storybook, that you and I truly have something.” 

Zhong Wan choked.

Yu She furrowed his brows. “And stop keeping those dirty thoughts in your mind! Keep them in Qian An…”

Zhong Wan made a decision. “There is nothing left for me to do in Qian An. After entering the capital this time… I wasn’t planning on returning anytime soon.”

“You can’t.” Yu She’s expression immediately changed. “After the funerary commitments, return to your fief with Xuan Yu immediately.” 

Zhong Wan finally couldn’t hold himself back anymore. “The day that you pushed Xuan Qiong into the water, was it because you had heard him say that he was going to do something to me?”

Zhong Wan really couldn’t understand. “Heir, you… you don’t feel that you’re being a bit capricious?”

“I am capricious.” Yu She suddenly laughed. “I understand… When I speak to you normally, you don’t like listening. You like it when I taunt and mock you, is that right? Zhong Wan, after so many years without meeting, what strange habits have you picked up?”

Zhong Wan didn’t want to embarrass himself. He immediately swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue and said instead, “You can’t possibly have not even an ounce of sentiment towards me… right? We at least have some amity from studying together?” 

Yu She stopped speaking.

A long time passed before Yu She answered in a deep voice, “Think whatever you want… If I had those intentions towards you, with your repeated attempts at seduction, aren’t you scared that I would truly do something to you?”

Who was fucking seducing you?!!!

Zhong Wan was quite angry. What came out of his mouth was, “No.” 

“You!” Yu She’s eyes turned red. “Zhong Wan…”

Zhong Wan jumped in fright. He complained in his heart, what was wrong with Yu She again?! Was this person actually crazy or not?!

A moment later, Yu She asked lowly, “If something really happened between us, would you still be able to leave?”

Zhong Wan’s stomach hurt from how angry Yu She was making him. “I already said. I never wanted to leave!” 

“You must,” Yu She said softly. “If you want your self-selling contract, I can return it to you, then write you an approval that will completely remove you from slave status.”

Before Zhong Wan could respond, Yu She had already stood up. Zhong Wan wanted to get up too, but unfortunately, his legs were numb.

Yu She put on his cloak and quickly responded, “These days, just stay in this mourning shelter and repent. Think carefully on… whether or not you should act so frivolously.”

Zhong Wan’s lungs hurt from anger. He looked around, trying to find something to smack Yu She with. The table was too heavy, the brazier too dangerous, the mourning band too light… 

Without waiting for him to locate something, Yu She had already left.

Zhong Wan sat on the cushion, grinding his teeth as he massaged his long legs. He kept cussing under his breath.

After exiting Third Prince’s estate, Yu She’s hands were still slightly trembling.

He climbed into the horse carriage and spoke with difficulty, “Don’t leave yet.” 

The coachman naturally didn’t dare to move. The servants who had come with the carriage didn’t act like anything was wrong. They stood there silently in the snow, like a steel terracotta army.

Yu She sat in the carriage; every part of him was in discomfort. His head felt like it was about to split open.

The images of Zhong Wan holding onto him and embracing him that night refused to leave his mind. The other had clung to Yu She, making him still feel impulsive even now. He wanted to charge into the mourning shelter and steal Zhong Wan back to his estate.

Yu She was tempted to grind his teeth in anger upon reminiscing what Zhong Wan had just said. Zhong Wan… 

If he only wanted to use him to help Prince Qian An, things would be so much easier.

If that were truly the case, why would he still need to hold back?

But he just had to have a deep understanding of the other’s character. He knew that Zhong Wan wasn’t so driven by material gains.

Yu She clenched his teeth. A long time passed before he was able to recover. He drew back the carriage’s curtains and ordered hoarsely, “That mourning shelter… just say that it’s the one I’m going to go to every day. No one else is allowed to enter.” 

The person with Yu She acknowledged this. He hesitantly asked, “So Young Master Zhong…”

Yu She furrowed his brows. The young page hurriedly said, “Yes yes, Young Master Zhong is naturally allowed inside. But should we still have people fire up the braziers everyday? The shelters for servants don’t have braziers…”

Yu She impatiently said, “Yes!”

The young servant immediately complied. 

Yu She felt even more annoyed. His breaths started getting shorter. He couldn’t help thinking about that night. Zhong Wan with closed eyes, a faint smile on his lips, kissing him.

At the time, Yu She had truly been shocked.

But that reckless thing actually dared to… lick the crease between his lips.

Had he read a bunch of storybooks too? Otherwise, where would he have learned such impetuous actions?! 


He had really taken a concubine?

Or, he had a lover in Qian An?

Using the techniques he had learned from other people to seduce him… 

The whites of Yu She’s eyes turned red. He scoffed. Suddenly, he really wanted to know who Zhong Wan’s lover was.

That day, Zhong Wan himself had said that he had never taken a concubine.

Naturally, Zhong Wan’s words couldn’t be trusted…

Who else could it be? 

Xuan Rui was completely useless, so definitely wouldn’t dare to. Who else was there?

Yu She was completely clueless regarding Qian An. He had only seen a few magistrates and prefects from there before. He felt that Zhong Wan wasn’t dumb enough to give up on him and flirt with those people of poor appearances instead.

Or had he found someone in the capital?

Yu She looked outside the carriage. Coincidentally, his gaze landed on Xuan Qiong’s horse carriage. 

That day, Xuan Qiong had said he wanted to kidnap Zhong Wan.

Kidnap for what?

What else could he do?

Be intimate with Zhong Wan? 

“After they enter, remove all the wheels of Xuan Qiong’s horse carriage for me.” Yu She’s voice was cold. “Don’t leave even one. Take all of them off… and bring them back to the estate.”

The family soldiers suspected that they hadn’t heard clearly. What in the heck?

“Didn’t he want to kidnap Zhong Wan?” Yu She muttered to himself. “I’m going to make sure that even Xuan Qiong himself has to walk home. I want to see how he’s going to kidnap anyone in that situation… What could they do, hold hands and walk back together?

“Holding hands…” 

Yu She’s expression became even worse. “Whatever. Even if they held hands and walked back… I’m going to make sure he freezes to death.”

Yu She was in a bad mood. He suddenly shouted, “You didn’t hear me?!”

Even though the people with Yu She had witnessed many things before, they still hesitated for a moment after hearing this command. But upon thinking of Yu She’s temper, they reluctantly answered, “Got it!”

Yu She let down the curtains. Inside the carriage, he sighed deeply. The family soldiers finally exhaled in relief. 

Thirty minutes later, Yu She’s servants carried the newly-removed carriage wheels back to the estate in a majestic procession.

Zhong Wan occupied an entire mourning shelter by himself. Yu She had just been here, so no one else dared to enter. He enjoyed the time alone and sat on the cushion, stressing out while staying warm next to the fire.

Though Yu She’s mental state was a bit off, he wasn’t truly crazy. Zhong Wan was sure of this.

Without bringing up anything else, the imperial family was ruthless. If Yu Zhe was truly crazy, would Emperor Chongan still be so indulgent towards him? 

It would even be extremely kind if he didn’t lock him up until death.

Such indulgence was definitely tied to a motive.

Thus, Emperor Chongan would surely know the reason for Yu She’s rebellious behavior.

“Things are fine as long as he hasn’t truly become crazy.” 

Zhong Wan was pretty optimistic. Everything else could be solved as long as Yu She was okay. As for the suddenly cold and suddenly warm attitude he had towards Zhong Wan… Though that bit of “warmth” had probably been made up by himself, Zhong Wan still felt that it existed.

These illogical actions could be explained by one reason, but Zhong Wan didn’t dare to think of it.

Zhong Wan placed his hands close to the brazier. He smiled. He was no longer a child, so he could no longer fantasize so shamelessly.

As the sky darkened, the members of the imperial clan all made to return to their estates. Zhong Wan took a short nap in the mourning shelter, alone. He was very alert. After exiting, he searched for Xuan Yu and the two of them left together. 

They coincidentally ran into Xuan Qiong’s servants angrily causing a scene. Zhong Wan eavesdropped in…

“Our perfectly fine carriage wheels disappeared just like that!”

“You all say you didn’t see anything! How is that possible?!”

“Did the wheels roll away by themselves?” 


Xuan Yu asked in great confusion, “What’s missing?”

Zhong Wan didn’t really know either. He dryly said, “Who knows. Ugly people cause more trouble. It’s the usual nonsense.”

Zhong Wan wanted to watch the drama unfold, but it was already quite late. They still had to return tomorrow. Zhong Wan waited a moment; after Xuan Congxin’s palanquin arrived, he gathered all their servants to return to the estate. 

That night, Yu She stood in front of the window, looking out at the horse carriage wheels messily spread across the courtyard. He softly asked, “Sent it back?”

The person behind him wanted to speak, but ultimately didn’t.

Yu She asked in agitation, “Forgot how to speak?”

“I did send it back, but…” Steward Feng who had just returned from Prince Qian An’s estate took a step forward and placed the self-selling contract on the table with both hands. “But Young Master Zhong… didn’t want it.” 

Yu She suddenly turned around. Steward Feng also carefully took out a small paper bundle from his inner breast pocket. He laughed dryly. “Young Master Zhong said that these are the tea leaves he was originally planning on gifting to Heir. Unfortunately, he already drank a lot, so there isn’t much left. This is all that’s remaining. Young Master Zhong said, if Heir isn’t disdainful of them, this old servant should make a pot for Heir.”

For a long time, Yu She had nothing to say.

Yu She said in a low voice, “Give it to me.”

Steward Feng handed that small bag of tea leaves to Yu She. 

Yu She used two fingers to pinch the tiny paper bag like it was a bag of poison. In exasperation, he said, “This is a bit too…”

Steward Feng smiled apologetically. “It is too few. Young Master Zhong emptied out everything in the tea leaf box, but this was all that was left. It’s enough for a pot of tea, though. Let me help Heir…”

Yu She placed the teabag into his inner breast pocket and interrupted, “You may leave.”

Steward Feng paused. He nodded, then left.