Zhong Wan and Xuan Jing had known each other since young. Speaking of this, prior to Prince Ning’s case, Zhong Wan had interacted the most with Xuan Jing out of all the imperial princes he had been classmates with, Yu She included. One’s adulthood could be foreseen at the age of three. At that time, Zhong Wan already felt that Xuan Jing was very stupid. However, he had never expected that the other could be so stupid.

Zhong Wan gazed at Xuan Jing and sighed to himself. It was fortunate that Yu She had figured himself out and become willing to fight for crown prince. Otherwise, if the throne got passed down to this idiot, what would become of their nation in the future? 

Xuan Jing glared at Zhong Wan, guarded. “Why are you staring at me? What do you want to do now?!”

“Nothing.” Zhong Wan truly felt a bit bad for Xuan Jing. “I’ll teach you some more tricks?”

Xuan Jing looked at Zhong Wan cautiously. “You’re on Yu Ziyou’s side. What good ideas could you provide for me?”

“Ideas unrelated to politics.” Zhong Wan was a bit disdainful of how narrow minded Xuan Jing was. “Fighting for crown prince is only something for show. We’ve been friends since young. In private, we can still be friends.” 

Xuan Jing was speechless. “We can still be friends in private?”

“Naturally.” Zhong Wan was very friendly. “Lin Si often comes to see you at night. So may I ask Your Highness what you wear every night?”

Xuan Jing slowly replied, “What else? Undergarments of course.”

“That won’t do. Wear more,” Zhong Wan sincerely suggested. “Back then, when Ziyou saw me sleeping in my clothes, he suddenly… The events that followed can’t be shared. Just picture them yourself, Your Highness.”

Xuan Jing was shocked.

Zhong Wan thought about it and added, “Oh right. No matter what, you’re still an imperial prince…”

Xuan Jing was agitated. “What do you mean ‘no matter what?!’”

“I said the wrong thing, I said the wrong thing,” Zhong Wan rushed to say. “Your Highness is an imperial prince too. You should also have a booklet on your estate for you to record who you rest with every night, right?” 

Xuan Jing nodded with suspicion.

Zhong Wan said, “Fill all the pages up with Lin Si’s name.”

Xuan Jing became shocked once more. “It’s not like the person whose name I write in the booklet is the one who’s going to come! You…”

Xuan Jing scanned Zhong Wan up and down fearfully. “Do you think it’s a magical book one can use to summon spirits and ghosts?! Whoever’s name you write in it is going to appear at night?! You’re crazy!” 

“Let me finish, Your Highness.” Zhong Wan shifted closer in his seat to Xuan Jing and plotted for him, saying, “Write it a few extra times…”

Xuan Jing broke down. “I can get the real person if I write their name ten thousand times? Faith is enough to move mountains? You’ve gotten infected by Yu She?!”

Zhong Wan became impatient too. “Can you let me finish first?!”

Because of this shout, Xuan Jing surprisingly became much better behaved. After sitting properly, he obediently said, “Keep speaking.” 

“Write it a few extra times,” Zhong Wan continued. “After you finish writing, rip the pages out and paste them all over the city—the more the better. Make sure that everyone in the capital knows that you, the emperor’s fourth son, are going to bed that stupid, insensible mute tonight.”

Xuan Jing muttered, “And then he’ll come?”

“Yo mbegrf cba,” Itbcu Qjc fjrlis gfqilfv. “Dea vbfr Olc Vl cba tjnf jcs tbcbg? Lf’ii vfolclafis olcv la fwyjggjrrlcu ktfc tf rffr atf qjufr jcv klii ags ab olcv j kjs ab glq boo atbrf jccbecmfwfcar. Tbe pera cffv ab tjnf rbwfbcf rajcvlcu uejgv atfgf lc jvnjcmf. Kfii atfw ab rlwqis mjamt tlw ktfc atfs rff tlw.”

Xuan Jing was completely astonished by Zhong Wan. After pondering for a moment, he felt a bit tempted. 

Zhong Wan thought back on what he usually did to seduce Yu She and shared all these methods with Xuan Jing, not keeping any secrets at all. He went on and on for a long time, causing Xuan Jing to often freeze in shock.

After getting scolded terribly by Emperor Chongan, Yu She came looking for Zhong Wan. Before entering the palace, he could already hear Zhong Wan sincerely teaching Xuan Jing how to steal a man’s heart.

The palace servant was about to announce him. Yu She shushed him; the palace servant immediately quieted.

Yu She stood by the doorway for a while, listening. He felt like Zhong Wan was honestly in a position that was wasting away his talents. Aside from Zhong Wan, Yu She didn’t like anybody else. The tiny side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate wasn’t big enough for Zhong Wan to show off his skills. 

“Also!” Zhong Wan was disappointed and exasperated. “When can you change your bad habit of having a stinky mouth? I felt angry listening to what you said just now. What do you mean by ‘when I remember that you touched me, I feel disgusted?’

“What does ‘when I remember, I only feel goosebumps raising over my skin’ mean?”

A sigh left Zhong Wan’s lips. “If Ziyou said something like that to me, I would probably die from sorrow.”

Xuan Jing was speechless. 

At that moment, a trace of curiosity sprang in Zhong Wan’s heart. He quietly asked, “Do you really have no feelings or were you purposefully angering him in a moment of fury?”

After a long period of huffing and puffing, Xuan Jing ultimately couldn’t reply.

“No matter what the answer is,” said Zhong Wan, revealing an expression that all men understood before lowering his voice to continue, “if there’s a next time, it’s okay if you fake it a bit. Since there’s affection, what other problems exist? If you pretend that it’s very comfortable, he’ll be really…”

Xuan Jing pondered a bit. A thought struck his mind all of a sudden and he looked up at Zhong Wan. “So you’re saying that you often fake it with Yu She? It doesn’t really feel that great, but you still act like it’s very comfortable?” 

The Yu She outside the door was speechless.

Zhong Wan choked. No matter how shameless he was, he wasn’t shameless enough to openly discuss his bedroom activities. Additionally, he was unwilling to let Xuan Jing know that he actually hadn’t done that yet with Yu She. He ambiguously answered, “We’re talking about you. Why are you bringing up me? The master starves when the disciple learns everything. Why don’t you know to be grateful that I’m sincerely teaching you?”

Xuan Jing nodded very reluctantly. “Okay!”

Zhong Wan feared that he would make a fool of himself if the conversation continued and Xuan Jing would discover that he was still a virgin. After giving a few more suggestions, he ran off. 

When Zhong Wan returned to the eastern side palace hall, Yu She was sitting inside and drinking tea.

Zhong Wan chuckled. “Got scolded?”

Yu She nodded. “In front of everyone, he ripped me apart with his words.”

“Purposefully showing off his authority once again…” said Zhong Wan, walking around in a circle outside. After ensuring that nobody else was present both inside and outside the room, he sat down next to Yu She and lowly inquired, “Will he directly imprison Prince Yu?” 

Yu She shook his head. “No, he’s a prince of the first rank. As of now, there isn’t any evidence yet. He’ll only be placed under house arrest.”

Zhong Wan paused for a moment before lowly saying, “There will eventually be evidence.”

Emperor Chongan was determined to kill Prince Yu. The interrogation, collection of evidence, and everything else were only perfunctory steps.

“The emperor is currently very conflicted,” Yu She softly said. “He originally wanted to take care of Prince Yu prior to returning to the capital. Whether or not there’s enough evidence, there’s no problem if everything gets cleanly resolved early on. Even if anyone questions anything in the future, he can do what the emperor of the previous dynasty did: kill the crown prince and push all the blame onto the messenger and interrogator. He can say that he didn’t know anything either and got fooled by miscreants. Now…” 

Zhong Wan said, “It’s no longer safe to stay in this temporary imperial palace.”

Then Zhong Wan lowered his voice and said, “They should’ve investigated a few more times. No more assassins will appear in the temporary imperial palace, right?”

“Most likely not,” Yu She whispered. “From last night until now, they’ve done everything except dig three feet underground. This morning, the emperor even ordered someone to dismiss all the servants who’ve been cleaning and working at this temporary palace these past few years. We can already rest at ease.”

“I guess I still feel a bit worried.” Zhong Wan quickly pondered something before saying, “You… Have you gone to see Princess Royal Anguo yet?” 

Yu She fell silent for a moment. “I originally wanted to go earlier…”

Princess Royal Anguo was someone who could be of assistance. She couldn’t be given up on so easily. As of now, Yu She had technically saved her life once. It was too much of a waste not to use this favor. Zhong Wan also understood that Yu She didn’t like Princess Royal Anguo. He offered by saying, “How about I go?”

Yu She burst into laughter. “Nevermind. She’ll only be even ruder to you. Sit here by yourself for a while. I’ll go.”

In the side palace hall of the empress’ palace, Princess Royal Anguo was in the middle of blankly staring out the window. Her arm was wrapped in a thick layer of white cloth. 

Yu She didn’t want to get stopped outside. Thus, he didn’t tell anyone to announce his presence and directly walked inside the room instead.

Princess Royal Anguo lifted her eyes and glanced at Yu She. Her gaze was conflicted. “Last night… You guessed, right?”

Yu She looked outside. Princess Royal Anguo understood. She rose to her feet and ordered a palace servant to help her put on her cloak. She lowly said, “Come with me.”

The two of them exited the hall and slowly walked outside. They stopped by the pond. Their surroundings were empty; nobody could hide nearby. Princess Royal Anguo fell silent for a moment before asking, “Imperial Brother wants my life?” 

Yu She fell silent.

“I’ve guessed long ago,” Princess Royal Anguo faintly said. “I’m guarded against him, but he’s also guarded against me. These past few years, it’s true that we’ve had a close sibling relationship. However, it’s true as well that we’re unable to tolerate each other during a matter of life and death… Is Imperial Brother worried that I’ll expose the events of the past, or is he scared that I’ll be an empress dowager who meddles in politics after you ascend to the throne?”

Yu She answered, “Don’t know.”

Princess Royal Anguo scoffed. “Or perhaps all of the above, right? Tell me. What do you want me to do for you now that you’ve saved me once?” 

Yu She stared at the pond. He lowered his voice and said, “You don’t need to do anything for me. I want to ask Princess to help Prince Yu.”

Princess Royal Anguo’s voice cracked as she said, “What did you say?”

Yu She turned to observe Princess Royal Anguo. “A night has passed. Has Prince Yu not tried to contact Princess yet?”

Princess Royal Anguo’s gaze flitted away. She looked off into the distance. 

“The enemy of an enemy is a friend. He should’ve contacted you,” Yu She calmly said. “Just do as he says.”

“Ziyou…” Suddenly, Princess Royal Anguo felt like she didn’t really understand Yu She anymore. “You were the one who drew a clear line between Prince Yu and me. Now, you’re also the one telling me to help Prince Yu. What do you actually want? Do you know that Prince Yu has secretly…”

Yu She said, “Hidden away the former Prince Qian An, Xuan Rui.”

Princess Royal Anguo inhaled sharply. 

“It’s already too late for you to side with him,” Princess Royal Anguo urgently said. “Now that he has Xuan Rui, he can even give up on Xuan Qiong, not to mention you.”

“I know,” Yu She easily said. “Princess just needs to do what he says.”

Princess Royal Anguo’s gaze was conflicted as she looked at Yu She. She really didn’t understand anymore.

“Ziyou, no one knows a son like his mother,” Princess Royal Anguo slowly stated. “I understand. For Zhong Wan, you want to borrow Prince Yu’s hand and flip Prince Ning’s old case. However, have you thought about the fact that after everything, neither Prince Yu nor Xuan Rui will care about you or Zhong Wan in the slightest anymore? Imperial Brother’s health gets worse and worse each day. He also suffered a fright yesterday, causing him to be unable to stomach any food today. If he’s unable to endure until the day he places you onto the throne, what will you do? You’re already at the edge of a cliff right now.” 

“I know.” Yu She still looked so nonchalant. “Princess, I’ve been walking along the edge of this cliff for several years already. As of now, even dragging one more person down is a gain. What is there for me to be scared of?”

Instantly, Princess Royal Anguo had no response.

Yu She softly said, “Princess, you aren’t in a better place than me. This assassination wasn’t a spontaneous decision on the emperor’s part. With one attempt, there will be further attempts. Before I ascend to the throne, the emperor will still act out against you. If you don’t side with Prince Yu, who else can you rely on?”

Princess Royal Anguo froze for a moment. She bitterly chuckled. “I understand. You’re doing this on purpose… You just want to watch as the three of us become each other’s enemies and become locked in strife, right? You’ve hated us completely since long ago, correct?” 

Yu She didn’t intend on hiding anything. Right now, he truly did feel a faint sense of pleasure.

If not for the fact that he wholeheartedly desired to grow old with Zhong Wan, he didn’t even know what terrifying things he would be capable of doing. As long as it would result in these evil people fighting each other to the death, he was willing to do anything.

Yu She stared long and hard at Princess Royal Anguo. “Princess, you have no other choice.”

Princess Royal Anguo smiled dismally. “Karma… Okay, I’ll listen to you.” 

Yu She didn’t want to waste even a second more of his time on Princess Royal Anguo. He turned around and prepared to leave. Princess Royal Anguo suddenly called him to a halt. “Ziyou.”

Yu She furrowed his brows. “Princess still has something to say?”

“Don’t be too pleased.” Princess Royal Anguo stared at the pond and slowly said, “The emperor has already chosen a future empress for you. I was the one who went and observed her for him. That girl is from a great family and is gentle and refined. The emperor is very satisfied. As of now, only an imperial decree is missing.”

Yu She wasn’t surprised at all. He nodded. 

Princess Royal Anguo furrowed her brows. “Aren’t you worried?”

Yu She nodded. “Very worried.”

The temporary alliance that he and Zhong Wan had been planning for several days had finally been formed. Now, they only needed to patiently wait for chaos. He urgently needed to notify Zhong Wan.

There was also something else that was urgent. Yu She felt very displeased when he remembered what Zhong Wan had told Xuan Jing today. What did “you often fake it with Yu She” and “it doesn’t really feel that great, but you still act like it’s very comfortable” mean? 

Since then, Yu She had felt like his palms were itching. He was in a rush to avoid everyone and strip Zhong Wan naked so he could do “something.” He needed to clearly see if Zhong Wan’s pleasure was actually faked or not.

These embarrassing thoughts filled Yu She’s mind. He couldn’t stand waiting even a moment longer. He abandoned Princess Royal Anguo, who was completely lost, and quickly walked away.