On the way back to his side palace hall, Yu She came across Xuan Jing.

By chance, he had something to ask Xuan Jing. As such, he approached him. To Yu She’s surprise, however, Xuan Jing shot him a glare. He didn’t even greet him, turning his head with a cold expression. 

Discontent, the servant accompanying Yu She said, “What’s wrong with Fourth Prince? He obviously saw Your Highness, yet acted like he didn’t.”

Yu She laughed at himself. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t treat others kindly out of nowhere.”

The palace servant was doubtful. “What does Your Highness want to say to Fourth Highness?”

Yu She thought, I wanted to tell him not to believe one word from Zhong Wan’s mouth. 

Yu She looked at Xuan Jing’s back figure. He recalled the appearance of Xuan Jing just a while ago, listening to Zhong Wan in reverence and trusting everything he had said. And Yu She pitied him.

Probably due to Prince Ning and Princess Consort Ning’s good upbringing, Zhong Wan had a cheerful personality since young. He was also loyal to his friends and warmhearted. Whenever others came into problems, he would always be willing to help them. However, his bad point was that he was too confident in himself. Whether or not he knew something, he would still stick his nose into other people’s business.

Yu She recalled how, just a while ago, Zhong Wan had animatedly spoken to Xuan Jing about those “details” as they walked toward the side palace hall. And Yu She wanted to carefully ask Zhong Wan how he had so much experience for things he had never done before.

He rushed back to the side palace hall he and Zhong Wan were staying at, all the way to the bedroom. The whole place was empty.

Yu She raised the bed curtains for a look. Then he turned his head and asked a servant, “Where is Young Master Zhong?”

The servants in charge of delivering tea bowed. “Shortly before, His Majesty’s personal court eunuch came to pass on a message to Your Highness. Since he did not see Your Highness, he invited Young Master Zhong instead.”

Yu She frowned. Turned around to search for Zhong Wan.

In Emperor Chongan’s main palace hall, there was a little reception pavilion. During the spring, the heating system under the ground was on. It was so hot that it felt uncomfortable. However, Emperor Chongan wore a thick robe in the room, a wolf pelt covering his legs. 

Recently, Zhong Wan had an imperial physician take care of him every day. As such, his health had improved a lot. Sitting in this room that was akin to a steamer basket, he was so hot that his ears appeared rosy. It made him seem a bit more youthful and adorable.

Emperor Chongan looked at the Zhong Wan who sat across from him. He made a move with his chess piece. Said in a low voice, “Do you feel hot?”

Zhong Wan multitasked, shaking his head after hearing the emperor’s words. “I’m afraid of the cold. At home, I also like the rooms to be warm.”

Emperor Chongan narrowed his eyes. “Ziyou hates being hot the most. You and him are inseparable. Can he endure it?” 

Zhong Wan cleared his throat. Hid the smile at the corners of his lips. “Young Prince has mostly gotten used to it.”

“Why haven’t I noticed it?” Emperor Chongan lowered his head, looking at the chess pieces. “Every time he’s here and We want him to stay longer, Ziyou would always say it’s too hot for him.”

Zhong Wan thought, it’s your fault that your son isn’t close with you. What are you complaining in front of me for? He captured one of Emperor Chongan’s corners, picking up each fallen white piece one by one.

Emperor Chongan was startled. Sighed. “We were too careless… Just now, We were thinking that in his youth, Ziyou often played chess with Us. In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed.” 

Zhong Wan waited for Emperor Chongan to get to the point. Suppressed his temper and continued listening to him reminisce in melancholy.

“We are old and always recall the past. However, the family members by Our side grow fewer and fewer in number. And what about sons?” Emperor Chongan sneered. “They’ve long since become estranged from Us. For Our whole life…”

A sigh escaped Emperor Chongan’s lips. “What a pity. Now that We are this age, We are unable to become ruthless enough to teach him. We can only allow him to do as he pleases.”

Zhong Wan thought about Princess Royal Anguo’s injured arm from the assassination attempt. And he laughed lightly in his heart. 

“Our son is disobedient, unwilling to chat with Us with an open heart. We can only chat with others about him.” Emperor Chongan sighed again. “Isn’t this how being a father is like?”

Itbcu Qjc obgmfv j rwlif.

“Tbe’gf vloofgfca ogbw Ilsbe,” rjlv Swqfgbg Jtbcujc jr tf wbnfv tlr qlfmfr. “Tbe jgf wbgf ufcaif atjc tlw lc sbeg jmalbcr. Qf ilxf sbeg qfgrbcjilas wbgf atjc Qf ilxf tlr. Xelsejc… atfgf’r rbwfatlcu Qf kjca ab jrx sbe jybea.”

Itbcu Qjc xcfk atja atfs kfgf olcjiis ja rfglber yerlcfrr. Lf rfa vbkc atf mtfrr qlfmf lc tlr tjcv jcv rjlv lc j gfrqfmaoei wjccfg, “Zjs Tbeg Zjpfras rqfjx.” 

Emperor Chongan smiled in satisfaction. “This temper of yours is very good. You’re able to discuss anything. Don’t feel uncomfortable. We will speak slowly…”

Emperor Chongan felt a bit unwell. He expended a great deal of effort to move his body and to stroke his chest. Then he turned and glanced at the eunuch standing by his side. Said eunuch had his own hands by his side, remaining calm and collected.

Zhong Wan had the slight impression that something was off. But what exactly was off, he could not say.

Outside the palace hall, a servant blocked Yu She from entering. He smiled to appease him. “Young Prince need not worry. His Majesty is playing chess with Young Master Zhong inside. It’ll be fine. Once the game is finished, Young Master Zhong would naturally leave.” 

Yu She pretended like he didn’t hear the servant, continuing in his previous direction. However, the palace servant rushed to block his way, saying in a helpless manner, “They truly are playing chess. If Young Prince doesn’t believe this, how about heading for the reception pavilion to see so yourself?”

Yu She furrowed his brows tightly. “Bring me there.”

Within the reception pavilion, Emperor Chongan said in an unhurried pace, “Regarding the relationship between you and Ziyou, most of the court ministers and imperial clan members have objections…. Don’t worry, We have already kept them under control.”

Zhong Wan picked up a chess piece, waiting for Emperor Chongan to continue. 

“We are also fond of you. To Us, it is not a big deal to have you accompany Ziyou. It’s unnecessary to grow flustered because of this,” said Emperor Chongan slowly, leaning against the soft cushions. “But Ziyou’s marriage cannot be postponed any longer. We know you are a good child and wanted to ask you this first: if We bestow a betrothal to Ziyou as soon as we return to the capital, what would you do?”

Zhong Wan gripped his chess piece, not a word leaving his lips.

Emperor Chongan gazed outside the reception pavilion. The corners of his lips rose a hint. Then he shifted his gaze to Zhong Wan in expectation. “Guiyuan, think about this clearly. You aren’t an impulsive child, and you’re able to see further ahead into the future than Ziyou. We want to hear what you think.”

Emperor Chongan was fed up with sounding out and dealing with Yu She each time. Furthermore, he was fed up with fearing that Yu She would grow crazy regardless of everything. Emperor Chongan did not dare to touch Zhong Wan. As such, he might as well toss this headache to Zhong Wan. 

This would be Zhong Wan’s decision. So Yu She wouldn’t lash out at Emperor Chongan in craziness, right?

Emperor Chongan’s dried up and thin palm lay on top of the chessboard. He looked at Zhong Wan and urged, “Guiyuan, what would you do?!”

At a critical moment, there would inevitably be people who attached the most importance to the big picture and accepted a compromise.

Emperor Chongan stared at Zhong Wan in a fervent manner, only waiting for a nod from Zhong Wan. 

However, Zhong Wan placed the chess piece that was in his hand into the chess piece container. With a resolution expression, he said, “I’ll die.”

In a flash, Emperor Chongan choked.

He could not even drink some tea, furiously slamming his hand onto the chessboard. “Presumptuous! What are you even saying?!”

Zhong Wan took out the energy he had used seven years ago, in those days he had dealt with Steward Feng. He resembled an idiot muddleheaded and blinded by love. “It’s true. If Ziyou’s heart changes, then I’ll die.” 

Emperor Chongan was baffled. “What do you mean, change hearts? So what if he gets married? That woman would not hinder you and you two would not even see each other. Wouldn’t you and Ziyou still be living the same way as now?”

“How could it be the same?” asked Zhong Wan. “Your Majesty wants Ziyou to marry a wife so that he can have children, right? If one wants children, then doesn’t that mean Yu She must touch the woman?”

Such a question caused Emperor Chongan to stare blankly. “Yes.”

Disgusted, Zhong Wan said, “Then he will be dirtied.” 

Emperor Chongan fell into a daze.

Once more, Zhong Wan picked up a black chess piece. Said with indifference, “I will not want a man who has been dirtied.”

Emperor Chongan was so angry, he was at a loss for words. “What kind of nonsense are you babbling?!”

“It’s nothing. Your Majesty asked me what I thought, and I said the truth,” said Zhong Wan seriously. “This is what I think. Your Majesty can be at ease. I won’t cling to His Highness. Once the imperial decree is sent out, I will directly kill myself. I will stand on top of the city gate’s tower, from afar wishing His Highness and the new princess consort to grow old together in happiness. Afterward, I will shout and jump from the city gate. I won’t interfere with His Highness’ marriage.” 

Frightened, Emperor Chongan glanced outside the reception pavilion. Then said anxiously, “Stop talking nonsense! The way you’re putting this, aren’t you just saying We’re forcing you to die?”

Zhong Wan said, “When the monarch wants the subject to die, the subject must obey such orders. This I understand.”


Out of nowhere, Emperor Chongan became the one who was getting pressured instead. Now that Zhong Wan had said these words, if he still bestowed a betrothal to Yu She, wouldn’t that make him a death-quickening talisman? The worst part was that Yu She had heard this from outside! 

Then in the future, if Zhong Wan actually jumped off a building because he was unable to endure the marriage, wouldn’t Yu She blame him even more?


In his heart, Emperor Chongan knew that Zhong Wan was merely acting the fool. Therefore, he was angered to the point of choking. Irritably, he said, “Kneel!”

Out of reflex, Zhong Wan kneeled on the couch. However, afraid that he’d actually anger Emperor Chongan to death, he got off the couch and onto the ground to kneel instead. 

“Zhong Wan has been insolent before the emperor…” Emperor Chongan was so furious, his chest hurt. But after recalling the Yu She who was outside the reception pavilion, he was unable to punish Zhong Wan severely. In a vague manner, he said, “He will be punished to kneel for four hours and must reflect on his mistakes properly!”

Then Emperor Chongan rose to his feet, and some court eunuchs supported him away. Zhong Wan sighed deeply. He got up and picked up the thickest and most comfortable cushion from Emperor Chongan’s seat, placing it on the ground. Then he kneeled on it in a well-behaved manner.

Zhong Wan wiped at the sweat on his forehead. A faint sense of fear emerged in his heart.

Fortunately, he had a lot of experience with being shameless these past many years. And he caught Emperor Chongan off guard as well as frightening him. 

Zhong Wan cursed him in his heart. You’re unable to control your own son, so used me to threaten him?! If you have the ability, then act mighty in front of your son!

He had to kneel for four hours.

A sigh left his lips. However, he found joy in sorrows in this fact: thankfully, his punishment was in the reception hall. It was warm enough here, and there were still some leftover pastries on the table. Four hours of kneeling would probably not cause him to fall ill.

Zhong Wan pounded his legs to massage them. His thoughts wandered, and then he felt someone approach him from behind. Before he could turn his head for a look, the person behind him touched his face, dully saying, “You sure have the guts.” 

At the sound of those words, Zhong Wan relaxed. He turned his head to glance at the door Yu She had shut. Then he said softly, “Why are you here?”

“To accompany you.” Yu She knelt on one knee. Grabbed Zhong Wan’s chin to get a good look at different angles. He frowned. “The emperor summoned you so you come? You’re that well-behaved?”

“I wasn’t beaten,” Zhong Wan said bitterly. “How would I know that he’d talk about this annoying thing? I thought…”

That it would have something to do with Prince Yu. Zhong Wan didn’t want even a speck of news about that matter to escape his hands. So he had come here without much thought. 

Yu She understood fully. Without asking in detail, he turned around and said apathetically, “Just now, who did you say was dirty?”

Zhong Wan laughed. Looked outside. Then he said in a soft voice, “Stop being noisy and leave first. Once I’m done kneeling, I’ll return home.”

Yu She paid Zhong Wan no mind. “Just kneel. Why are you trying to manage what I do?”

Helpless, Zhong Wan said, “Stop giving other people chances to bring you trouble and just leave.” 

“There’s something I want to ask you. I’ve held back for a long time about this, so I’ll leave after I ask.”

Zhong Wan could only say, “Speak.”

Yu She rubbed his thumb against Zhong Wan’s lips. “Were you pretending for me?”

Zhong Wan had no idea what he was talking about. “Pretend what?” 

Yu She’s fingers slid down, caressing Zhong Wan’s throat back and forth.

Zhong Wan’s face grew a bit red.

Other people couldn’t tell, but Zhong Wan knew what this action meant.

He had given Yu She a bl*wjob a few times before. Each time, Yu She would softly massage his neck, softly ask Zhong Wan if it hurt, if he could move up or not. 

On top of their bed, Zhong Wan could say the most obscene of things. But once he got off of it, such words would be impossible for him to say. But Yu She just had to be fond of playing dirty tricks, and always purposely touched Zhong Wan’s neck in public.

Feeling uneasy, Zhong Wan dodged. “What did I pretend?”

“I’ve also given you some.” Yu She did not allow Zhong Wan to dodge, slender fingers stroking and fooling around with Zhong Wan’s neck unceasingly. “At that time, you said you felt so comfortable you could die. Were you just lying?”

Zhong Wan didn’t really understand. After a moment of thought, he suddenly saw the light, face flushing. “You heard it?” 

“I did,” said Yu She coldly. “I heard you tell Xuan Jing that it actually didn’t feel like anything, but you pretended it felt good to make me happy, right?”

Zhong Wan did not know how to explain at all. “No, I was just playing around by lying to that fool…”

“Really? I couldn’t tell.” Calm, Yu She looked at Zhong Wan. ”When you were letting me bl*w you, you said you really liked it. So was that a lie?”

Zhong Wan really could not bear Yu She’s handsome face using such a cold and cheerless tone to say such filthy things. Clenching his teeth, he said in a low voice, “So what do you want to do?” 

Yu She said apathetically, “I want you to let me bl*w you and tell me you really like it.”

Zhong Wan blushed harder. He expended a lot of effort to say, “Shut up first. Wait…Wait until we return to your room.”

“Alright, when we return to our room.” Yu She rose to his feet and pulled Zhong Wan up too. “Let’s go.”

Zhong Wan broke down. “I’m still being punished to kneel!” 

Yu She shot him a glance. “A while ago, I already pleaded for leniency for you. So it’s been fine for a long time already.”