As soon as Lv Bu saw Zhao Yun's posture, he knew that he was a strong enemy. He heard that the two were brothers, and that he was still a senior brother. Lv Bu could not help but complain secretly. So suddenly, there are so many masters, but he has met them all. Lu Bu was not a man of integrity. He immediately turned around and fled.

"Elder martial brother! He's going to run! " With that, Chen Ren held the steel gun in his hand and threw it at Lv Bu's vest, which he had just turned around. The steel gun with incomparable prestige, as fast as lightning, directly ran to Lv Bu.

Lu Bu knew at a glance that it was not easy to take the shot, but he had to turn around and try his best to hold it.

"Dang!" With a loud noise, Lv Bu immediately felt a salty taste in his mouth. He tried hard not to let the blood gush out, but a bloodstain was slowly flowing down the corner of his mouth. Lu Bu couldn't hold the halberd in his hand because of the huge shock force. Even the sitting red rabbit horse was also implicated. His four legs trembled and almost knelt on the ground.

When Chen Ren throws out his gun, Zhao Yun chases his horse. The steel gun was bounced back by Lv Bu and landed right in front of Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun didn't even look at it. As soon as the silver gun was swung, he put the steel gun in the air to Chen Ren. Chen Ren also skillfully reached out and drove his horse to Lv Bu.

All these seem coincidental, but they were developed by Chen Ren and Zhao Yun when they were sent out by their masters for training in the early years. All of them were calculated accurately and cooperated with each other thousands of times. That's what Chen Ren and Zhao Yun studied in the restaurant that day.

Not to mention so much, Lu Bu and the red rabbit horse could not run after Chen Ren. They could see that Zhao Yun caught up with him and stabbed Lv Bu with his silver gun. Lu Bu had no strength to defend himself. Even his halberd was caught under his arm. Looking at Zhao Yun's approaching figure, Lu Bu had only one thought in his heart: my life is over!

"Rest the wound and warm the Marquis!" At the critical moment, a long knife and a long gun stand in front of Lv Bu, just blocking Zhao Yun's silver gun. Zhao Yun looked away, and the one who made the sword grow a goatee, and the one who made the spear was a general with a big beard. The two men stopped Lv Bu and Zhao Yun with their horses.

"Zhang Liao, Zhang Wenyuan!" The goatee general cheered.

"Gao Shun!" The bearded general said coldly.

"Zang Ba!" "Hao Meng!" "Cao Xing!" "Cheng Lian!" "Wei Xu!" "Song Xian!" "Hou Cheng!"

Seven other generals arrived to protect Lv Bu. At this time, Chen Ren also arrived at Zhao Yun's side and looked at Lv Bu's first strong general and eight strong generals. I know I want to kill Lv Bu, but this time it's over.

"Want to kill Wenhou! Step on our bodies first Although Zhang Liao knew that he was not Chen Ren's opponent, he still looked at Chen Ren and Zhao Yun fearlessly. It seems that these Bingzhou generals were still very loyal to Lv Bu.

"Ding ding ding ding ding --!" The sound of a gold ring turned off, but it was a signal to draw in.

Chen Ren glanced at the shadow of the princes and said with a smile to Zhao Yun, "it seems that the sky doesn't want us to succeed."

Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei during this period of time, which can be regarded as seeing the thoughts of these princes. At the moment, he laughed at himself, but did not speak.

"All right! Lu Fengxian! There are good horses and so many good subordinates! I admire Chen Ren With that, Chen Ren gave Zhang Liao and Gao shun a thumbs up, turned around and took Jiangdong cavalry back to pass. He was not afraid of the nine generals and 50000 Bingzhou soldiers behind him.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Lv Bu was defeated miserably, and the soldiers had no morale to speak of. Not to mention attacking Sishui pass, it was good not to be completely destroyed. Zhang Liao then asked Lv Bu, "Wen Hou, shall we withdraw?"

At this time, Lv Bu's face was bloodless, and his pale and handsome face nodded up and down. Zhang Liao immediately waved his hand, and the Bingzhou soldiers immediately retreated like the tide. Before leaving, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun both looked at Chen Ren's back. They all knew that if Chen Ren really wanted to kill Chen Ren, they were not Chen Ren's opponents. In the end, they would only die to thank Wen Hou for his kindness. However, Chen Ren turned and left in a natural and unrestrained manner and withdrew his troops in advance. He was convinced by his martial arts and bearing.

Cao Shao Cao and his soldiers are shocked, and then they understand that they are not in a state of confusion. A few people who are dedicated to the public look at each other and smile bitterly. Looking at the direction of Luoyang, they can't help sighing: when can the sky of the Great Han be clear?

In the next few days, Chen Ren knew the pain of celebrities. Almost every day, people come to visit. They all bring important gifts and look at Chen Ren's eyes. In the end, there were threats, inducements, and even sent four beauties to Chen Ren. That face, that figure, see Chen Ren saliva will flow out. Unfortunately, I still bear the pain and send it back. Since I want to join the game of this era, I have to abide by the rules of the game. Accepting the beauty means accepting the other party's solicitation, so I can only bear it!

After thinking about it, he followed Sun Jian back to Jiangdong. The women in the south of the Yangtze River are gentle and lovely, and their families are Jasper. Yeah? How do you think of sun Shangxiang? That's the exception! My future wife will be gentle and virtuous!

"Zici! Are you there? " Zhao Yun shouts as he opens the camp door. However, he sees any one of Chen sitting on the ground in a daze and drooling. Zhao Yun immediately stops thunder. If the appearance is seen by outsiders, the image of the new God of war will collapse in the minds of many people."Ah! Third Elder martial brother, you are here Chen Ren hastily wiped his saliva and welcomed Zhao Yun in.

Mr. Zhao Renli said to me that he had just tried to forget the matter from master Zhao Zhengli

"Yes I want to go to find Chen

Zhao Yun is speechless again. After looking at the water stains on Chen Ren's mouth, he doesn't seem to be thinking about it. Used to this younger martial brother's not slip character, Zhao Yun also ignored, just very he discussed. Chen Ren's goal at sishuiguan has already reached more than half of the time. It is of little use to stay here any longer. Now he has to consider how to leave here.

If you leave formally, you will definitely be stopped by Yuan Shao. If you leave quietly, you should pay attention to strategy. Now it is time for Chen Ren to ask Sun Jian for 3000 cavalry to play a role. Chen Ren held out his right index finger and hooked Zhao Yun, showing a bad smile.

The next day, Gongsun Zan came to Yuan Shao's army account to meet him.

Entering the army account, Gongsun Zan salutes Yuan Shao with a fist. Yuan Shao looked at Gongsun Zan, but his heart was not good. Since the war between Lu Bu and Sishui pass, Yuan Shao had a crush on Chen Ren, a brave general. These days, he sent gifts every day. Unfortunately, he was refused by Chen Ren. Chen Ren refused the invitation of other princes. Yuan Shao's psychology was better. However, Zhao Yun, who was under Gongsun Zan's account, heard that it was Chen Ren's senior brother. Chen Ren Ran to Gongsun Zan's tent every day. Now Sun Jian is not in Sishui pass. Maybe Gongsun Zan will give him an opportunity to receive Chen Ren.

If Chen Ren was still under Sun Jian's account, there would be no threat to Yuan Shao for the time being. However, Gongsun Zan was the prefect of Peiping and was not far away from his Bohai Sea. If Chen Ren was dug up by Gongsun Zan, he would be a strong enemy in the future! The problem is that now everyone has a sense of righteousness, and Yuan Shao does not dare to use the strong. Gongsun Zan is one of the eighteen princes of the town, and he is still a relatively strong town. Yuan Shao has no suitable reason to move him.

Gongsun Zan said to Yuan Shao, "leader! A few days ago, Lv Bu was defeated, but Dong's army did not come. Some thought that Dong thief might be afraid of our army and had already withdrawn to Luoyang. It's no way for the Allied forces to empty up food and grass here. "

As Gongsun Zan said, how could Yuan Shao not know that Cao Cao also analyzed the situation with him in private. Cao Cao gave him the opinion that he would join the princes of eighteen towns and take Luoyang directly. However, the strength of Dong Zhuo's army can be seen from the Bingzhou soldiers under Lv Bu's command. What's more, there are Xiliang soldiers who are more fierce than Bingzhou soldiers. I really admire Sun Jian for daring to use 20000 Jiangdong soldiers to attack the 50000 soldiers guarding the natural danger. If the Allies did not encounter Dong Zhuo's army in the wild without the natural danger of sishuiguan, it would have been a complete defeat. Yuan Shao did not dare to take the risk.

"What should be done according to Gongsun Taishou's idea?" Yuan Shao was not angry and said that he had already decided that if Gongsun Zan proposed the same proposal as Cao Cao, Yuan Shao would never give Gongsun Zan face-to-face rejection.

Gongsun Zan seemed to have an idea for a long time, and he replied, "in fact, the alliance leader's concerns are also known! But it's not the way to go on like this. Some people take the initiative to ask for orders and go to Luoyang first

Yuan Shao's eyes brightened, which is a good way! If Gongsun Zan didn't meet Dong Zhuo's army in the wild, he would immediately lead the army to surround Luoyang City. Even if Dong Zhuo's army was more powerful, the allies would encircle it and not fight, thus turning Luoyang into a lonely city. Moreover, it is not impossible to attack Luoyang city with yuan family's four generations and three Gong's contacts in Luoyang.

If Gongsun Zan meets Dong Zhuo's army on the road, what he will lose is his own troops. At that time, he can still be the leader of the alliance to blame Gongsun Zan and lay the groundwork for his own territory expansion in the future?

Yuan Shao's eyes turned again and he thought of another advantage. As soon as Gongsun Zan left, he could not continue to recruit Chen Ren? Yuan Shao is very confident. With his charisma and reputation, he is definitely much better than other princes at Sishui pass!