Thinking of this, although Yuan Shao agreed with ten thousand people in his heart, he still made a face of embarrassment: "well, although Prince Gongsun used his own troops, but since the princes of eighteen towns have joined the alliance, and his troops are also part of the alliance, how can I watch the strength of the alliance and risk losing it? I'm afraid it's not right? " Although Yuan Shao said it with high sounding, he did not say that he would not let Gongsun Zan go.

When Gongsun Zan saw this, he was busy saying, "what Gongsun Zan eats is the salary of the imperial court, what he does is the official position of the imperial court. Now that the imperial court is in trouble, how can someone sit back and watch? Ask the alliance leader to agree to the request of some! For the country of the Han Dynasty, some and his subordinates will be crushed to pieces, and they will not refuse to do so! " At present, Gongsun Zan even worshipped Yuan Shao directly.

"Oh! Bo Li! Get up, please! Get up, please! I, I promise! Get up! Get up Yuan Shao's heart was already full of joy at this time, but now he has completely opened up the relationship. If Gongsun Zan meets Dong Zhuo Dajun, he can say that Gongsun Zan is determined to go his own way and destroy himself.

Yuan Shao helped Gongsun Zan up. Gongsun Zan also gave a bright smile and said to Yuan Shao, "since the alliance leader has agreed! So I'm going to get ready! Farewell After that, he turned around and left, leaving Yuan Shao with a sneer.

After Gongsun Zan left Yuan Shao's barracks, Yuan Shao clapped his hands, called in his personal commander, and said, "you should choose some fine people from me to watch Chen Ren's camp. Don't let Gongsun Zan take Chen Ren away!"

"Here it is The leader of his family went down and went directly to Yuan Shao's camp. He selected about ten people and said about Yuan Shao's task.

The more than ten soldiers were all embarrassed and said, "there are only 3000 cavalry in the Chenren camp, and all of them are veterans brought by Sun Jian from Jiangdong. A few days ago, the LORD sent me to work as spies in Chen Renying camp? I can't get in! "

The leader of his own troops also knew the difficulty. Chen Ren's camp was a piece of iron, and everyone recognized each other and got a name. Later, I tried to mix in by sending food and grass, but I found that more than ten people were tracking the whole process, and they only sent them to the back village gate, and they couldn't even get in.

As soon as his eyes turned, he came up with an idea: "it's not easy to do. Anyway, the Lord just wants to make sure that Chen Ren doesn't leave. Chen Ren had cavalry under him. As long as we make sure that the horses they keep by the camp are there, then Chen Ren and the 3000 Jiangdong soldiers will be there! "

"Yes, yes, yes! Ha ha ha! Worthy of being the leader! The brain is smart When the soldiers heard this, they flattered them one after another.

Of course, the leader in charge of this kind of affairs did not dare to make decisions without authorization. He then reported it to Yuan Shao, who also considered for a while, then agreed and praised the leader's ability to handle affairs.

Two days later, Gongsun Zan took his troops out of Sishui pass, heading west in the direction of Luoyang. During this period, Yuan Shao sent people to invite Chen Ren to dinner, but he was stopped directly by Chen Ren's family members. He said that he was badly hurt in the battle with Lv Bu that day, and he was recovering from his wounds and was not suitable to see guests.

Yuan Shao got a reply, so angry that his teeth itched and healed? Are you still drinking in Gongsun Zan's barracks? I know that Chen Ren is a pretext, but on the one hand, Chen Ren's current status is to represent a period of princes Sun Jian; second, because of his reputation as a virtuous and virtuous person, Yuan Shao can't take Chen Ren as an excuse. After Gongsun Zan left, Yuan Shao sent someone to go there. It was already three words: "no visitors!"

At the gate of Chen Ren's barracks, there was a sign saying "no visitors!"

No, Yuan Shao and the other princes who were blocked out of the gate only came back in frustration. People are cattle, but they can't stand. People are talents. Not only are talents the most important in the 21st century, but also in the Three Kingdoms era!

Three days after Gongsun Zan left the pass, Yuan Shao couldn't help but decide to leave the alliance leader's posture and go to invite him in person. Maybe Chen Ren would be moved!

Early in the morning, yuan Shaote put on a new robe, but he remembered that Chen Ren liked to wear like a scholar. He made the upper and lower parts clean and tidy, and specially asked the person in charge of grooming to tidy up his beard. He took two of his relatives and went directly to Chen Ren's camp.

Before reaching his destination, Yuan Shao saw three people in front of him. They were Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, and his entourage. Yuan Shao approached and saw that Tao Qian was dressed in a black imperial uniform, but he looked very solemn.

When he saw Yuan Shao coming, Tao Qian took the initiative to greet him. Yuan Shao wanted to find some flaws in his face. Unfortunately, Tao Qian was a famous oil seed among the princes. He didn't keep his hands, so he couldn't see any difference from his usual life.

"Ha ha! The leader got up early Tao Qian's face was wrinkled and he could not even see his eyes when he laughed.

Early! Didn't you get up earlier? Although Yuan Shao was in the stomach, he still put on a smile on his face and said, "yes! Where is Tao Gong going

"Oh! I heard that Zici was injured a few days ago. I came here to see him today! " Tao Qian still looks happy.

Zici? Yuan Shao didn't have Zhongtao Qian's plan. The soldiers who ambushed around Chen Ren's camp had already reported to Yuan Shao that the people sent by other princes these days had been shut down like him. Yuan Shao immediately said with a smile, "is that right? What a coincidence! I also went to see the gift from wangzi! Why don't we go together? ""That's good, of course." Tao Qian was smiling, but Yuan Shao still couldn't find a change in his face.

"Ah! Isn't that Joe in front? Yuan Wei Tao Qian pointed to a man in front of him and immediately stopped him. The man turned his head and it was Qiao Mao, the governor of Dongjun.

Qiao Mao was stopped by Tao Qian. He was stunned, but when he saw Yuan Shao beside him, he frowned. Although Qiao Mao also relied on his family, his family background was far from that of Yuan Shao. He wanted to move Chen Ren by his family background and recruit Chen Ren first, but he didn't expect to meet Yuan Shao here.

"What a coincidence! Did Yuan Wei come to see Zici Tao Qian asked with a smile. Qiao Mao obviously felt nervous in the shrine, and then nodded his head gently.

At this time, Yuan Shao finally understood Tao Qian's intention. He could not contend with Yuan Shao alone, so he simply broke the jar and stirred up the water. No one could think of any benefit.

"Hum!" Yuan Shao's heart cold hum, what a cunning old man! Just thinking about the countermeasures, I saw a figure in front of me, but I came to my side in a hurry.

To be closer to a look, but Cao Cao that black fat man. As soon as Cao Cao saw Yuan Shao, he was busy speeding up his pace. Yuan shaomei frowned and asked, "why is Meng de in such a hurry?"

"Primo! Alliance leader! The big thing is bad! " As soon as Cao Cao approached, he called out, "that, that, that, Chen Ren's camp, that Chen Ren's camp..." Cao Cao estimated that he was too impatient to say a whole sentence when he arrived at Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao's heart suddenly felt bad. He had known Cao Cao since he was a child. When did he see him so frightened, he asked, "Meng de! What's wrong with Chen Ren's camp? "

Cao Cao took a deep breath and finally slowed down. He said, "well, Chen Ren's camp has become an empty camp."

"What!" Yuan Shao almost couldn't help jumping. Chen Ren is gone? Yuan shaoba took up his feet and ran to the direction of Chen Ren's camp, followed by Cao Cao, Tao Qian and Qiao Mao, as well as the family soldiers.

When he came to Chen Ren's camp, Yuan Shao looked down. The wooden sign of "no visitors" was still hanging at the door. Tents stood in the camp, and the 3000 horses were touching each other. But there was no one in the camp except Yuan Shao, who was kneeling on the ground shaking. Yuan Shaofa was crazy, like to check one camp after another, but they were all empty, even without a bedding.

"What's the matter? Anyone here? Where are the people? " Yuan Shaobing was kneeling and yelling wildly.

"Alliance leader!" Cao Cao, who had just arrived behind him, saw Yuan Shao's rare crazy appearance, and was busy to stop him.

"Lord, Lord!" The soldier's voice was full of tears. Naturally, he knew that he was doomed this time. "We saw someone guarding the gate of the camp yesterday, but our brother who was guarding the back door was killed last night. By the time we found out today, the village was empty, and there were only 3000 horses left!"

"Nonsense Yuan Shao couldn't help but run forward and kicked the soldier. He directly threw the soldier to the ground, but he didn't even dare to climb up. He lay down on the ground and smashed the ground with his head playing his life. Yuan Shao pointed to the camp and roared: "what do you think this is? It's three thousand people! Not in one night? And there's a big army around! You can't be blind when these hundreds of thousands of soldiers are blind! "

Those who kneel on the ground are crying out injustice. Yuan Shaoyue was more angry when he heard about it. The disappearance of these three thousand people not only means that he can no longer recruit Chen Ren, but also represents that the prestige of Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance, has declined. The alliance has already appeared the precursor of dissolution. How can Yuan Shao not be angry.

Cao Cao around him did not know this truth. He was the organizer of the league and did not want to see the dissolution of the league. But how did the three thousand soldiers disappear overnight? Looking at an empty camp, Cao Cao's eyes suddenly brightened. He grabbed Yuan Shao, who was whipping his own soldiers, and said, "leader! I'm afraid we've been hit by Chen Ren's plan to get rid of the shell! "