In fact, compared with Cao Cao's "golden cicada" plan, Chen Ren preferred to use the black snake molting plan, or gecko tail breaking plan to describe his plan.

In Zhao Yun's helpless eyes, Chen Renshu lies comfortably on the saddle with a jar of wine in his hand. He looks at the mouth and pours a few mouthfuls from time to time, which is totally inconsistent with his personal armor. Drunk eyes look at the direction of the Sishui pass, imagine Yuan Shao found that piece of empty camp, can not help but laugh.

In fact, Chen Ren had already planned this plan when the army of sishuiguan met. Because of this, he asked Sun Jian for the 3000 cavalry. If Jiang Dongjun wanted to leave the army and act alone, Yuan Shao definitely asked Sun Jian to leave something as a guarantee. The first function of the 3000 cavalry was to ease Yuan Shao's heart. Secondly, Chen Ren is not a risk-taking person. Since he has already planned to kill Lv Bu, he must be prepared to deal with Bingzhou soldiers. What should be done if those Bingzhou soldiers look red eyed when they see that the main general is killed after killing Lv Bu? Chen Ren's Kung Fu is very powerful, which can't stand the attack of tens of thousands of people. Those princes Chen Renxin are not good, only the Jiangdong army is reliable, but this is really useless. Finally, and most importantly, this cavalry is to give people the wrong impression that the horse is there, so that Chen Ren can escape Sishui pass easily. In this era, it costs a lot to set up a cavalry. What's more, if you want to escape, of course, you can run faster on horseback. Therefore, no one in this era thought that cavalry would lose their horses.

Of course, it's easy to say, but hard to do. First of all, when Chen Ren dealt with Lv Bu, he fully showed his military force, causing everyone to treat him as a general. Therefore, his view on him became relatively simple. No one went back to guard against the plot of a general.

This point can be seen in the battle between Cao Cao and Lv Bu in history. With the intelligence quotient of Cao Cao and a large number of his advisers, such as Guo Jia, Xun Yu and Cheng Yu, how could they have been caught by Chen Gong's plot in the early stage of the battle? It was because Cao Cao saw that the opponent was Lv Bu, and he thought that Lv Bu would only attack with clear sword and gun. As a result, he almost lost his life. However, after Chen Ren's trouble, it must be that Cao Cao would never take Lv Bu lightly again.

Secondly, it is the role of Zhao Yun. First, Zhao Yun is pulled to the battlefield together, which shows Zhao Yun's bravery. Gongsun Zan, who was born in martial arts, will surely entrust him with a heavy responsibility after seeing Zhao Yun's bravery. The army should be entrusted with important tasks, that is a way, to the soldiers! Under the guise of Zhao Yun's soldiers, Chen Ren began to take advantage of the skill of drinking in Zhaoyun's camp to cross the Chencang secretly, and quietly sent three thousand Jiangdong soldiers into Zhaoyun's camp in batches. This also depends on Zhao Yun's tactful means to prevent Gongsun Zan from seeing the number of soldiers under his command. Originally, Chen Ren didn't know whether Zhao Yun had this tactful or not in history, but now Zhao Yun is absolutely capable of this important task.

Maybe someone wants to ask, if Zhao Yun did not get the military power, what would he do? If such a situation is really going to happen, Chen Ren will not want to, but he will only owe Liu a debt of gratitude. Of course, this is only a last resort. As for Zhao Yun, this incident did not harm Liu Bei's interests. As Chen Ren's third senior brother, he still had to help. But poor is really selfless Zhao big handsome boy, also was brought bad by Chen Ren.

Finally, on the eve of Gongsun Zan's promotion, Chen Ren took the last few selected fine soldiers to drink in Zhao Yun's tent in the name of farewell. When he came out in the middle of the night, only one sergeant in Chen Ren's armor and other soldiers returned to the camp. Next, it depends on whether those sergeants can perform according to Chen Ren's instructions.

Chen Ren doesn't know how his performance is. However, according to his contact with Yuan Shao and others some time ago, Chen Ren has a general understanding of Yuan Shao's patience. As long as those sergeants follow Chen Ren's instructions, it should not be a big problem to escape from Sishui pass. These days, when leading soldiers to fight, there will always be some deserters, and no one will guard against the escape of a few sergeants. If there is any accident, it can only be said that these Sergeants are unfortunate. Before acting, Chen Ren has written down their names and promised that if they have an accident, Chen Ren will take care of their families.

Back to the point, Zhao Yun couldn't see Chen Ren's smiling expression and said in a voice, "Zici, what are you going to do next?"

Chen Ren turned nimbly on the horse, sat upright and said, "if there is no accident, my Lord should be nearby." As they spoke, they looked into the distance. At this time, they were not far away from Luoyang. They could see Luoyang City from afar if they went a long way. Suddenly, Chen Ren's eyes brightened, but he did not see Sun Jian's troops.

"Third Elder martial brother! Look Chen Yizhi, his face is with a trace of pity.

Zhao Yun followed Chen Ren's finger and saw that the sky was red in the direction of Luoyang, which was obviously caused by the fire. Zhao Yun was shocked. Now it's broad daylight. At this time, it can be mapped to this degree. You can imagine what Luoyang city looks like under the sky. As the imperial city of the Han Dynasty, how could this happen?

Chen Ren naturally knew what was going on. Dong Zhuo began to rob property and fled to Chang'an. There is no doubt that Li Ru's strategy to Dong Zhuo Xian is very correct, but Dong Zhuo's action is heinous. Chen Ren knew that it would be too late when he arrived in Luoyang, even if he did. Moreover, Chen Ren could not pursue revenge, otherwise he would end up with Cao Cao in history. But"Drive!" Fly to Luoyang, ride a whip and swing to Chen. Although he did it in vain, Chen Ren could not help but rush to Luoyang city because of the numbness and apathy of those poor people caught by Zhang Yun in Xiangyang.

"You will disperse immediately and look for the Lord's army around here! After an hour, no matter whether you find it or not, you will gather in Luoyang! " Chen Ren didn't forget his duty at this time, and he turned back to give orders in a loud voice.

"Here it is By the time the three thousand Jiangdong soldiers who had become infantry responded, Chen Ren had become a little black spot.

"Ma Yi! Follow me After leaving Sishui pass, Zhao Yun was appointed as the pioneer by Gongsun Zan. He led the world-famous white horse Yicong! At this time, Liu Bei was still a subordinate of Gongsun Zan, so he naturally disagreed with Gongsun Zan's appointment. Seeing Chen Ren's behavior, Zhao Yun vaguely guessed what happened in Luoyang City. He quickly summoned Baima Yicong, and quickly followed Chen Ren to Luoyang.

Although Chen Ren rushed to Luoyang City impulsively, the scene along the way immediately made Chen Ren regret. Chen Ren had seen the tragedy of the Yellow turban robbers robbing the city in the past years, but compared with the situation in front of him, it was nothing. Along the way, more and more corpses were seen. Beside the blazing fire, there were men who had been gouged open, women who were naked, old people with white hair, and infants who were still in their infancy! Even passing by an iron or meat shop, Chen Ren saw three or four babies hanging on the hooks of the shop. The babies were still crying, but their voices were getting weaker and weaker.

Chen Ren was suffering from angina pectoris and even wanted to turn around and leave for several times, but he did not stop because he knew that he was not far away from the evil place Dong Jun, because with the wind blowing with the smell of blood, Chen Ren clearly heard several shrill screams. Chen Ren threw his whip and sped forward.

Before long, Chen Ren finally saw the first Dong Jun. the soldier was holding his belt in one hand and pulling out a long gun inserted in a woman's back with the other hand. His face was still laughing.

"Beast!" Chen Ren burst into a violent drink and drove his mount to rush past. The soldier was shocked by Chen Ren's violent drink, and watched Chen Ren's steel gun go straight through his head. Chen Ren shook off the filth on the gun head and glanced at the woman who trembled weakly on the ground for the last few times. His eyes were even colder. However, Chen Ren did not stay. There was a soldier here, which means that there is at least one team of Dong Jun nearby. Sure enough, but for a moment, Chen Ren saw more Dong soldiers burning, killing and looting in front of him.

Chen Ren snorted coldly, and a shot again burst into the head of one of the soldiers nearest to him, and quickly stabbed another soldier in the chest. The soldiers watched Chen Ren kill more than ten soldiers one after another, and then they reacted. They called all the soldiers around him. There were hundreds of soldiers.

Chen Ren did not stop them. He was able to summon the Dong troops. In addition to being able to eliminate them easily, he could also prevent them from continuing to do evil. Looking at the soldiers of the Dong army gradually forming a formation in front of him, Chen Ren waited for a moment. No more soldiers came, proving that all the Dong soldiers nearby were here. At this time, Chen Ren moved.

He rushed to the soldiers in front of them like lightning. Before the long guns of those soldiers were stretched out, Chen Ren's steel gun took pieces of shadows and stabbed more than ten soldiers in one breath. Chen Ren simply went straight into the middle of the Dong army. With a wave of his gun, he took up a piece of blood mist. Before the blood mist fell, it was a blood mist. That piece of blood mist was floating in the air like a real blood rain.

It has to be said that Dong Zhuo's army is indeed the most ferocious army in the world. Although Chen Ren is like a murderous God, none of the soldiers actually retreated, and still rushed to Chen Ren with fierce eyes. Such a strong army, the price is the pain of the people all over the world! Thinking of a corpse just seen, of the baby's weak cry hanging on an iron hook, and the woman's feeble trembling before her death, Chen Ren's eyes were even colder. These strong soldiers must not exist in the world and will fall into hell!