After listening to Huang Chengyan's idea, Tong Yuan just shook his head and said, "if Zilong is willing to listen, I won't be so worried about him. Although he is very clever, he has some dead brains

Huang Chengyan was silent. The so-called father is the only one who knows his son. Tong Yuan and Zhao Yunqing share the same father and son. So his understanding of Zhao Yun should not be wrong. Then he patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "as the saying goes, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Since you can't change them, you'd better watch them change! Maybe Liu Peizheng's is a generation of heroes? "

Tong Yuan laughs bitterly and shakes his head. At this time, Chen Ren and Zhao Yun each hold a jar of wine and rush to come over. Chen Ren puts the jar in front of Huang Chengyan, while Zhao Yun puts the jar in front of Tong Yuan. At the same time, they break the seal on the top of the wine jar, and a strong aroma of wine spreads from the wine jar. Huang Chengyan closed his eyes, took a deep breath of wine, and immediately widened his eyes: "good wine! Zici! You really made such a fine wine

Chen Ren grabs the back of his head with a smile. After Huang Chengyan's persuasion, Tong Yuan's anger disappears. He laughs and spat: "this boy! Just like not to do business! Stir up these evil ways

Chen Ren didn't know. He held up a wine jar with Zhao Yun and filled them with wine for the two elders. Huang Chengyan and Tong Yuan simultaneously raised their glasses to each other and drank them out in one gulp. Tong Yuan had drunk Chen Ren's wine, but he hadn't tasted it for five years. He was tasting it with his eyes closed. After drinking, Huang Chengyan's eyes became bright and sighed: "good wine! Good wine! Good nephew! Fill me up! Fill it up

"Good wine! What a good wine! Come again

"God! So good wine! What if I can't drink any more? Fill it up! Fill it up

"Boy! Zici will brew such good wine. I think you'd better let him be my son-in-law! In this way, can I not drink this good wine every day? Zici, what are you doing? Do you still want to pour wine for you, Lord Taishan? "

"The son gives the virtuous son-in-law! Pour the wine! Pour the wine

Chen Ren and Zhao Yun looked at Huang Chengyan and Tong Yuan, who would have thought that Huang Chengyan was so greedy? Even the young men dare not finish the jar at one go. It's a good idea for the little old man to drink one cup after another. Tongyuan doesn't speak up. He drinks as long as Huang Chengyan makes a toast. So they drank two jars of wine, and naturally they all lay down under the table.

However, they can only support one by one. Zhao Yun holds up Tong Yuan, and Chen Ren simply holds up Huang Chengyan, a thin old man, and walks back to the courtyard.

"Zici! Be careful of your father-in-law Zhao Yun made fun of Chen Ren with Huang Chengyan's words after drinking. Chen Ren was a rare blush. Taking Huang Chengyan as his father-in-law, was it not a clear way to pry Zhuge Liang? No, strictly speaking, it should be Zhuge Liang's bed foot!

Chen Ren shook his head. What happened to him today? Think about all the things that have no spectrum? All of a sudden, a very small sound of laughter spread out, two people looked, but did not see the figure.

"Is it possible that the children in the village are making fun of? Let's go Zhao Yun and Chen Ren put the two old men on the couch in Tongyuan's wing room. They looked at each other and laughed at each other and ran to drink.

After a while, the two women entered the wing room of Tong Yuan. Although Chen Ren and Zhao Yun are smarter than ordinary people, they still can't compare with women in terms of care. They just put the old man on the couch and covered it with a quilt. Instead of the two women, they helped them take off their coats. They also prepared a basin and towel to wipe the sweat from drinking.

"Miss, you are said to have been betrothed to Chen Zi by the master, as they say the orders of your parents and the words of the matchmaker." A woman laughs and says, listen to this voice, it is in the backyard Chen Ren they heard the laughter.

"Go, go! Children's! What are you thinking about? " Another woman, obviously shy, patted her partner gently.

The previous woman was still smiling and said, "it's a pity that Chen Zici is not very good-looking, but his senior brother Zhao Zilong is pretty! Why are you so weak, Miss Chen

"You girl! Afraid of spring? What does it matter to you whether they are handsome or not? " The young lady patted another woman on the head, and then said, as if in deep thought, "on the way here, I have heard of Chen Zici. I heard that under the Sishui pass, Lv Bu, who is known as the God of war in Bingzhou, was beaten to flee! It was called a dragon general by all the princes! But I don't know if it's Chen Zici. "

"No?" At the end of the month, the girl seemed to spit out her tongue, "I don't think it's a person. You see that Chen Zici is so thin and weak that it seems that the wind can blow away, and that she can go to war, but I don't believe it!"

The young lady seemed to smile, but there was no words. She just turned her head and looked through the window at the thin figure drinking in the yard.

From the hearing of Chen Ren and Zhao Yun, it is natural to know that two women have entered Tongyuan's wing room. Although they can't hear what they say, it is impossible for anyone in Zhaojia village to harm Tongyuan, so they ignore it. It is the family members brought by Huang Chengyan.

They brought two jars of wine from outside and drank them in the moonlight. Looking at Zhao Yun's hard face, Chen Ren couldn't help but ask, "third senior brother, after this birthday call, do you want to go back to Liu Xuande?"Zhao Yun knew the meaning of Chen Renwen's words, without any hesitation. He nodded firmly: "my husband is a man who does something and doesn't do it! Since I have already worshipped Liu Junjun as the Lord, I should follow the same path. Kuang Liu makes Jun take me not thin, I can give it up again? Zici, I don't think you know Liu Junjun's personality and his ambition. Otherwise, you will join Liu's account! "

Don't understand? I know so well! Chen Ren was secretly disgusted, but there was no way. Liu Bei was the best person to win people's hearts. Zhao Yun was in his eye. At this time, he had been completely brainwashed by Liu Bei, and it was useless to say more. He raised his glass and offered Zhao Yun a toast. However, he was secretly thinking about how to kill Liu Bei without hurting Zhao Yun's life.

"Zici, do you think that our war in Sishui pass will bring trouble to senior brother?" Zhao Yun asked uneasily in his heart. Among all the brothers, Chen Ren's head was the most brilliant. Zhao Yun would ask Chen Ren if he had anything.

Chen Ren also sighed and said, "the trouble must be there! There is a counselor named Li Ru under Dong Zhuo's hand. It is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law. Li Ru is the most insidious and vicious. If he knows about the relationship between us and the eldest martial brother, he will tell Dong Zhuo. It's really hard for him to explain. "

Hearing Chen Ren's words, Zhao Yun was also full of melancholy, but Chen Ren immediately comforted him: "but it's nothing. Don't worry! Zhang Ji, the uncle of the elder martial brother, is also quite prestigious in the Xiliang army! If Dong Zhuo wants to move elder martial brother, he must consider Zhang Ji's influence. Besides, isn't brother yuan saying that elder martial brother sent someone to send a congratulatory gift to his master? This proves that there is nothing wrong with senior brother! "

Nodding, Zhao Yun also wants to open, and Chen Ren you a cup of me to drink wine. Although they had a good idea when watching Tong Yuan and Huang Chengyan drink wine, they knew that they could not drink more wine, but they could not resist it. Drinking, two people are a Gulu lying on the ground, make up for the two old.

When he woke up the next day, it was already three strokes in the sun. Whenever Chen got up, he felt a headache and wanted to crack. He had drunk a few times, but he had drunk the ordinary wine of this era, but last night he drank the high alcohol made by Chen Ren himself. Naturally, the degree of hangover sequelae is different. Looking around, he is in Zhao Yun's wing room. He is lying on his side, hugging a quilt and sleeping.

With a headache, Chen Ren climbed out of the bed and put on his clothes. After some washing, Chen Ren was ready to go out, only to find a bowl of wake-up wine soup on the small platform beside the door.

"Well! The pine is more and more clever Chen Ren is very satisfied with the wine soup, a drink, after a while, may be Xingjiu soup played a role, Chen Ren really feel no pain.

Chen Ren walked out of the wing room and walked all the way to the training ground. However, he found that all the villagers he met were smiling at him mysteriously, which made Chen Ren puzzled.

In order to practice martial arts, he had to go through the hall where the villagers drank wine yesterday. Chen Ren saw several villagers struggling to remove the word "Shou" hanging in the middle hall.

"Come on, come on! I'll help you with the handle It may be that seeing the villagers struggling, Chen Ren was busy walking over. When the villagers saw Chen Ren coming, they burst into a burst of laughter. Several people let them go and said, "OK! You should have done it yourself! "

The misty water at either end of Chen Ren's head still went up and took down the gilded big characters. With Chen Ren's natural divine power, there was no problem. After taking down the big characters, Chen Ren just turned around to leave, and all of a sudden, he was stopped by the villagers.

"Zici! How can you do half the work? Have a beginning and an end? " A villager, apparently familiar with Chen Ren, said with a smile.

"From beginning to end?" Chen Ren felt that there was something wrong with the tone of the villager when he said this. He turned his head to see what he had to do, but he was immediately stunned.

Only a few villagers at the back had just carried the word "Shou" down, but they had brought out another big red character, which was a big "Chi" character.