"This, this, brother Dashui, who is happy today? Why didn't you hear about it yesterday? " Looking at the strange eyes of the villagers looking at him, Chen Ren had a bad feeling in his heart. However, he still forced his head and asked, which caused all the villagers in the hall to roar with laughter.

"Ah! Good son-in-law! You are awake A grinning voice rang out behind Chen Ren. Chen Yiren turned his head and saw Huang Chengyan, who looked like a fairy, smiling at him.

"Well, that, Huang Gong, did you just call me?" Chen Ren seemed to understand something and asked carefully.

"Yes! I'm calling you, son-in-law Huang Chengyan stroked his goatee, and still replied with a smile. However, the last two words seemed to be too much for Chen Ren to hear clearly, which especially accentuated his tone.

"Ah?" Chen Ren was given these two words to Lei. The more he looked at Huang Chengyan's appearance, the less he looked like he was joking. Chen Ren tried to squeeze out a smile, but he was very ugly. "Well, Huang Gong, are you wrong? How can you call me, call me, that? "

Huang Chengyan's face suddenly changed. It was still a sunny day. In a flash, the whole face became overcast. Huang Chengyan said coldly, "what? Do you want to repent of marriage

All of a sudden, he did not adapt to Huang Chengyan's change of attitude. Chen Ren was at a loss: "ah! Well, Huang, Huang Gong, I mean

"Does Zici mean that my daughter is not worthy of Zici?" Huang Chengyan's face became more gloomy.

Chen Ren was really aggrieved and wanted to cry. He explained: "no, no! I don't mean, miss, I don't mean! I mean, I don't mean I want to repent. I don't mean, I, I, I... "

"Good! You don't want to repent! You are still my good son-in-law! " Huang Chengyan's face then changed back to smiling, patting Chen Ren on the shoulder, a pair of I am very optimistic about your expression, also ignore the fossilized Chen Ren, turned around and swaggered away.

Most of the villagers around him watched Chen Ren grow up or follow any of Chen's ways. They had known Chen Ren's strange character for a long time. Now when he saw Chen Ren eat shriveled, he covered his mouth secretly and laughed. Later, he just laughed and was very happy. Only Chen stood there with his mouth twitching.

Of course, Chen Ren, who claims to be a genius in the world, would not be so depressed. He thought of a very simple and practical way to find his parents! Chen Ren's parents in this era naturally belong to Tongyuan, a master of gun art!

Red face across the hall, came to the training ground, is to see Tong Yuan in the center of the training ground practicing gun skills. During the period of the Three Kingdoms, there were countless people who used guns. However, it was not for no reason that Tong Yuan became a master of gun art, even known as the strongest master of gun art in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. This reason does not refer to the talent of Tong Yuan. In fact, Tong Yuan's qualification is not very good, but Tong Yuan is very hard-working. He has to practice the art of shooting every morning for decades, regardless of the wind and rain Even in the hailstorm more than ten years ago, Tong Yuan never stopped this habit.

Of course, Chen Ren was not in the mood to sigh for Tong Yuan's diligence. He rubbed his eyes red and wiped a few drops of saliva in the corner of his eyes. Then he cried with a cry: "master! You must be the master of your disciples

Tong Yuan glanced at Chen Ren who came over. He cocked his mouth and threw away his spear. He put on a posture to Chen Ren: "good come!"

Chen Ren, who just rushed to Tongyuan, was about to cry with Tong Yuan's thigh. Somehow, he was pushed by Tongyuan's hands.

Naturally, this Taiji pusher was also one of Chen Ren's masterpieces. Chen Ren only performed a scene in front of Tong Yuan that later generations watched on TV, and the result was also studied by Tong Yuan. Of course, the Taiji pusher developed by Tong Yuan is quite different from that of later generations. However, there is more hardness in the softness of Yin. After all, there is no concept of using softness to overcome hardness in this era, and it is not so easy to change the idea that the root of martial arts people is solid.

However, Tong Yuan has already taken a big step. Chen Ren is left by Tong Yuan, and Chen Ren can't even stand. Chen Ren doesn't dare to use much strength on his master, but as he is led by Tongyuan by the nose, Chen Ren's strength is used unconsciously.

It's a pity that Tong Yuan is not that Lu Bu. Although Chen Ren's hand is becoming more and more powerful, Tong Yuan is still self-confident. His hands are not affected at all. On the contrary, it is Chen Ren. All the strength in his hands rebounds to his own hand, as if this hand is not his own. If he turns it down, he will break his hand.

As soon as Tong Yuan saw that Chen Ren's forehead was covered with sweat, he put his hands on his chest, lifted up his right palm, and landed on Chen Ren's arms. He immediately flew Chen Ren out of the air and glided for about ten feet before falling. All of a sudden, a burst of cheering around, all the villagers were cheering.

"Oh! Master, you are going to kill the disciple Chen Ren stood up, rubbing his butt and limping over.

"Hum!" Tong Yuan took a towel handed by an apprentice, wiped the sweat on his forehead and the dust in his hands, glanced at him and said, "that's your own learning is not good! Do you dare to be a teacher? If you don't die with that slap, you'll be luckyChen Ren shakes his arms. The place on his small arm that was slapped by Tong Yuan feels like a needle prick. However, Chen Ren can only smile and say to the master: "well, master, this gas should be eliminated! Talk to Mr. Huang quickly. Don't make such a big joke on the little apprentice. "

Instead of paying attention to Chen Ren's offering, Tong Yuan took the hot tea from another apprentice and walked to the hall while drinking it.

"Ah! master worker! Master, please help me to talk about it. How bad the influence of Huang Gong is! Ah! Master, don't walk so fast Chen Ren is so closely following Tong Yuan's buttocks that he keeps lobbying.

At this time, Tong Yuan had already passed the door of the hall. He nodded to the villagers who said hello to him. At the same time, he looked at Chen Ren obliquely and said, "are you kidding?"

Chen Ren quickly said: "the master, you think about it, I don't care, but Miss Huang's family is after all the daughter's family. This reputation is very important to the daughter's family."

Tong Yuan stopped, but he was still looking askance at "do you think you have a bad reputation for a lady?"

Chen Yiyi looked at the play and quickly nodded up and down and said, "that's it, that's it! After all, Miss Huang's family is an unmarried girl. If this news is spread out, it will not affect the innocent reputation of others, right? You and Huang Gong have been good friends for many years, so you can't see the happiness of Huang Gong's daughter destroyed in the hands of his disciples for the rest of her life? "

Tong Yuan turned back and continued to drink tea while walking back to the courtyard. He dropped a sentence: "since you also care about the reputation of Miss Huang's family, but the news of the marriage has been spread. For the sake of Miss Huang's reputation, you can marry her!"

Chen Ren immediately felt the lightning thunderbolt. He was obviously fooled by his master. He stood still and screamed at Tongyuan's back: "Shifu --!"

At this time, Tong Yuan had walked out of the hall, but his voice came from afar: "don't mention it! This is the master! You're going to marry Miss Huang's tonight

"But, master Chen Ren called again, but there was no echo. It was obvious that Tong Yuan had gone far away.

When the villagers in the hall saw that Chen Ren had been played again, they could not help laughing again, which made Chen blush.

From the heart, Chen Ren did not think of marrying a wife. But, but that's Huang Yueying! Who knows what happened between her and Zhuge Liang! If there is no relationship between Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying, if they are willing to marry Huang Yueying as described in some bloody plot, they are willing to marry Huang Yueying. Not to mention that he was wearing a green hat by Zhuge Liang. It is just the hatred of taking love by a knife. I'm afraid Zhuge Liang will not give up with himself?

Chen Ren was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. A few village women came to measure his figure, saying that they wanted to make bridegroom's clothes for themselves! Chen Ren's head was almost dizzy. He had known that he should have returned to Jiangdong after paying homage to his birthday yesterday. From then on, he could not catch up with himself.

"Zici! What do you call this morning Zhao Yun yawned and walked out of the room with sleepy eyes. Listening to him, it seemed that Chen Ren had just woken him up with a sad cry.

"Third Elder martial brother! You must help me Chen Ren immediately rushed to Zhao Yun's side and quickly passed the matter to Zhao Yun, saying, "Third Elder martial brother! You have to find a way for me to avoid this difficulty

Zhao Yun looked at Chen Ren strangely and said with a smile, "Zici, isn't this a good thing? You are too old. It's time to start a family and start a business. A young man of your age in the village can run and jump! "

"Third Elder martial brother! How can you do this? I don't care! You must come up with an idea for me! Or you won't get half a drop of wine from me in the future Chen Ren is very angry to threaten a way.

"No, no! I'm going to help you! I'll help you think about it! That... " Zhao Yun did not say this half sentence, had already left the hall of Tong Yuan suddenly appeared behind Zhao Yun.

"Zilong! You seem to be very free? Do you want to take two moves with me and let me see if you have any improvement in your marksmanship! "

Hearing Tongyuan's gloomy voice, Zhao Yun immediately jumped up and ran faster than the rabbit. Before leaving, he said in Chen Ren's ear: "Zici! You'll have to stop mourning