On the east side of the Yangtze River, Sun Jian's foundation is in full swing, and the chaos in the North seems to be more complicated than historical records because of Chen Ren's appearance.

Since Sun Jian, Cao Cao and Gong sun Zan left the League successively, Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, killed Qiao Mao, the governor of Dongjun in the name of borrowing grain, and directly occupied the soldiers and men. All the members of the board of directors returned to their own homes and began to recruit troops and horses to share a sweet pastry in the troubled times.

After that, Yuan Shu led his troops to attack Runan of Yuzhou and captured all the territory of Yuzhou. This war declared the official beginning of the chaotic war among the northern princes. Gongsun Zan attacked Jizhou, but Yuan Shao, who had made an alliance with him, picked up a boss's advantage. All the troops and land in Jizhou belonged to Yuan Shao. Gongsun Zan was so hot tempered that he immediately sent a large army to Jizhou. Yuan Shao took the army of Jizhou, but he was also full of confidence. He personally led the troops to fight, and the two sides met in Panhe.

Although the Pan River is not wide, it is the boundary between the two armies. In the middle of the Pan River stands a wide stone bridge, which will become the real battlefield of the two armies.

At the west end of the stone bridge is Gongsun Zan's army. The world-famous Baima Yicong stands behind Gongsun Zan. At the east end of the stone bridge is Yuan Shao's army. Although the soldiers' spirit is not comparable to Gongsun Zan's white horse Yicong, behind Yuan Shao, there are a row of majestic generals. On the left and right sides of Yuan Shao, there are soldiers in gold armour with full beards, which are Yan Liang and Wen Chou, Yuan Shao's love generals.

"Good, Yuan Shao! I always thought you were a man of faith, and I took you as the leader, but I didn't think you were such a villain Gongsun Zan, standing in front of the battle, pointed to Yuan Shao, who was facing him.

Yuan Shao still maintained a good demeanor and said with a smile, "it was Han Fu who realized that his talent was inferior to me that he gave this Jizhou to me. What's the matter with you? How dare a servant girl's son fight with me However, Yuan Shao said this sentence with some malice. Gongsun Zan was originally from an aristocratic family. Unfortunately, his mother was just a maid. Therefore, Gong sun Zan was not supported by his family from childhood. However, Gong sun Zan relied on his own efforts and climbed to the present position step by step. However, his mother's identity has become a taboo in his life.

When Yuan Shao picked out his own taboo in front of the two armies, Gongsun Zan was so angry that his face turned red, and his blue veins burst out on his forehead. He drank: "before, people in the world thought you Yuan Shao was a loyal and righteous man, but today I see, he is really a wolf in the sky!"

Rao is Yuan Shao's self-restraint, no matter how good, was Gongsun Zan such naked abuse, also can no longer maintain the smile on his face. Yuan Shao Tieqing pointed to the other side and said darkly, "who will kill that guy with me?"

"Wait for so and so!" When Yuan Shao gave an order, Yan Liang and Wen Chou on the left and right responded at the same time. They clapped their horses and rushed to the stone bridge.

A knife and a gun pointed at Gongsun Zan and said, "Gongsun child! Come up here and die

Gongsun Zan's Ministry over there was no coward. Bai Mayi ran out of the four generals and attacked Yan Liang and Wen Chou with four spears. Just before Yan Liang and Wen Chou, the four generals saw a vast expanse of brilliance. Yan Liang's long sword directly split the two generals on the left, while the Wen Chou's gun continuously stabbed the two generals on the right. Just for a moment, Gongsun Zan's four members of the Ministry were killed under the horse.

Seeing that his subordinates were killed, Gongsun Zan could not help it. Even if he wanted to clap his horse forward, he was stopped by his own soldiers. And there Yuan Shao mouth slightly showing a cruel sneer, a swing of the hand, a drink: "up

With Yuan Shao's cold drink, Yuan Shao's army killed on the other side of the river under the leadership of their respective generals. Baimayi was never a surprise soldier in the world. At this time, he was still calm as before. Facing the murderous yuan Shaojun, Bai Ma Yi took out bows and arrows hanging on the horse's back and began to fight back at Yuan Shao's army under the command of the general.

Although the arrows all over the sky caused some damage to Yuan Shao's army, it was a pity that they could not stop the soldiers of Zhenghong. Finally, yuan Shaoliang and Bai Xiangjun broke through the defense line. The power of Baima Yicong lies in running and shooting. Although the combat effectiveness of short-term combat is not weak, it is not its own strongest event after all. What's more, Bai Mayi was gong sun Zan's elite teacher. Since he was an elite, the natural number was small, and Gongsun Zan's other soldiers could not compete with Yuan Shao's army, whose morale had reached its peak. The balance of victory and defeat began to tilt towards Yuan Shao's army.

"Ha ha ha ha! Wait a moment, gentlemen. What kind of strange soldiers in the world! merely mediocre! Gongsun Zan? The incompetent Yuan Shao pointed to the battlefield with his whip and laughed at the literati around him. And the literati around him except occasionally a few did not speak, others have sent praise to Yuan Shao.

"My Lord! Look over there A middle-aged scholar suddenly pointed to the north of the battlefield and called.

They all looked at the direction that the middle-aged literati pointed to. At the end of the horizon, bursts of dust suddenly rose. Soon, a young general wearing silver armor and riding a white horse appeared in the eyes of the public. Then, countless cavalry appeared behind the young general.

"Is that? It's Zhao Yun! " Yuan Shao first narrowed his eyes and looked, and finally saw the young general's appearance, but it scared Yuan Shao. At that time, although Chen Ren was the most prominent one in Sishui pass, Yuan Shao had also studied Kung Fu. Zhao Yun's last amazing shot was blocked by Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, but Yuan Shao saw the power of Zhao Yun. What's more, he had a younger martial brother, Chen Ren, who was as fierce as a demon! It is also because of this, although Yuan Shao also knew that Zhao Yun helped release Chen Ren, but he did not dare to take Zhao Yun.Zhao Shaoyun is busy now, but he doesn't even want to kill Chen!

Although he didn't see Chen Ren, Yuan Shao saw the three brothers Liu Bei who had been staying behind Gongsun Zan when he was in the league. At this time, the fool knew that they were coming to help Gongsun Zan. At present, Yuan Shao issued a military order, ordering Jizhou soldiers and horses to integrate their lineup and prepare for the battle. After thinking about it, he ordered Yan Liang and Wen Chou to meet Zhao Yun.

Although Yan Liang and Wen Chou didn't want to, they still complied with Yuan Shao's military orders. However, Gongsun Zan's army was relieved. Seeing that Liu Bei had come to help, Gong sun Zan immediately began to integrate troops and prepare to attack Yuan Shao's army with Liu Bei.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were in Yuan Shao's army at the time of the sishuiguan war. However, Yuan Shao saw that Lv Bu was fierce and did not dare to let the two loving generals take risks. When Yan Liang and Wen Chou saw Chen Ren and Zhao Yun Cheng's great achievements, they naturally felt bad in their hearts. For a long time, the two men, who had never met an enemy, never thought that they would be worse than Chen Ren and Zhao Yun. Now when they met Zhao Yun, Yan Liang and Wen Chou were full of fighting spirit. In the end, Yan Liang got a step faster, and the Wen Chou rushed to Zhao Yun one step at a time, and Wen Chou followed closely.

However, they did not get what they wanted. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei on both sides of Zhao Yun snorted coldly at the same time. They stopped Yan Liang and Wen Chou respectively. Gun to gun, knife to knife, Guan Yu to Yan Liang, and Zhang Fei to the clown, but Zhao Yun directly into the Jizhou army, Jizhou first battle General Zhang Ying. Before a few rounds, he heard cheers behind him. Guan Yu and Yan Liang fought for less than a few rounds. Guan Yu's sword directly cut Yan Liang's long sword, while Zhang Fei's Zhangba snake spear also pierced the clown's helmet. Yan Liang and Wen Chou were shocked with cold sweat. At the same time, they turned their horses and ran back. At this time, Zhang Ying was also gradually losing ground. If not for the help of Jizhou soldiers around him, he would have been defeated.

Yuan Shao did not expect such a result. He pointed to the battlefield and stammered, "why, why is Gongsun Zan still such a strong general?" Yuan Shao still regarded Liu Bei and others as Gongsun Zan's subordinates.

At this time, Gongsun Zan's army had been integrated and began to launch an attack on Jizhou soldiers. Although Liu Bei had not many men, he was better than many powerful generals. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun were such a combination that they were like three sharp arrows inserted into the Jizhou military array.

"Don't mess up! Don't mess! Stand still! Meet the enemy He Yi, known as a master of tactics in the Jizhou army, repeatedly called on the soldiers to set up their formations. Zhang Ying also gave up Zhao Yun and directly integrated into the military array.

At this time, he finally saw the power of Gongsun Zan's white horse Yi's running and shooting. With Bai's passing through the edge of Yuan Shao's army, he didn't contact Yuan Shao's army at all, just like a breeze. However, the breeze brought with it bursts of arrows like torrential rain. Shooting at Yuan Shao's army, it constantly brought a large number of deaths. Even Zhang Ying was negligent for a moment and was shot in the arm.

"Ah! It hurts me too Seeing a great victory turned into such a scene, Yuan Shao covered his chest and didn't even hold back a mouthful of blood and fell down directly. The private officers and soldiers around him were in a panic. The first middle-aged literati who discovered Zhao Yun immediately said to the herald around him: "order quickly! withdraw troops! Withdraw

With a clear cry of gold from Yuan Shao's camp, Yuan Shao's army began to retreat, and Gongsun Zan's army had been severely hit before, and naturally there was no pursuit. This battle between the two giants ended with Gongsun Zan's tragic victory. Liu Bei, who appeared in the later stage of the campaign, became the biggest beneficiary of the whole campaign.