"Thanks to Xuande's help, otherwise it's really bad luck for my brother this time!" Seeing that Yuan Shao's army had already retreated, Gongsun Zan rushed to Liu Bei's front, clasping his fist and thanking the way.

Liu Bei also said with a smile: "brother Bo you don't have to be polite. In the past, thanks to your brother's acceptance of Liu Bei, otherwise, how could Liu Bei still be today?"

Gongsun Zan also has a wry smile on his face. He is just irritable, but he is not a fool. Liu Bei's words mean that Liu Bei is officially independent and no longer a subordinate of Gongsun Zan. Looking at the brave Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun, Gongsun Zan is reluctant to give up, but he can not object. No matter whether he can restrain Liu Bei or not, Gongsun Zan can not force Liu Bei to stay just because of Liu Bei's help today.

Gongsun Zan was also a hero who could afford to take it down. He immediately said with a loud smile: "when I sat down with my master in the past, I could see that brother Xuande could not be a thing in the pool. He would surely soar into the sky one day. Today, it is true!"

With Gongsun Zan's approval, Liu Bei's heart is full of joy, which means that he will no longer rely on others, and really have the qualification to compete for hegemony in the world! While Liu Bei was celebrating, Gongsun Zan was also smiling, but in his heart, he said coldly: "let's make you happy for a while. When you are really in the line of striving for hegemony, you will know that it is not easy. At that time, I'm afraid he will have to beg other princes to take you in!" Once again, he looked at Zhao Yun behind Liu Bei, turned around and left with the army. Now that Yuan Shao's army is defeated, it is time to seize Jizhou. If Yuan Shao is allowed to slow down, he will never have such a good opportunity again.

Liu Bei and the three generals under his tent looked at each other with joy. This time, he sent troops to help Gongsun Zan, and even offended Yuan Shao, the fourth and third Duke, for such a day? Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but tears flowed out of his eyes. He sobbed and said, "second brother! Third brother

"Big brother!" Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also looked at Liu Bei with excitement on their faces. At the same time, they pulled out their long swords at their waists, just as they once again struck the three swords together at the time of the marriage of Taoyuan.

Although Zhao Yun joined Liu Bei's account for a short time and couldn't understand the suffering of the three, he was also moved by their friendship. Looking at the fiery eyes of the three, I think of the brotherhood between Chen Ren and his eldest and second elder martial brothers. Although they are not worse than Liu Bei's, they are each of their own.

Just when Zhao Yun was sad here, there was a man in Chang'an City who was carrying the same sadness as Zhao Yun. This man was Zhang Xiu, the eldest brother of Zhao Yun and Chen Ren.

In fact, Zhang Xiu's situation is not as serious as Chen Ren and Zhao Yundan had before. In fact, Dong Zhuo and others, including Li Ru, all knew the relationship between Zhang Xiu and Chen Ren, but they were tacit and did not mention it. Of course, there is Zhang Xiu's Uncle Zhang Ji's prestige in Dong Zhuo's army. The more important reason is that Dong Zhuo respects the strong from top to bottom.

That's right! Although Chen Ren and Zhao Yun are Dong Zhuo's enemies, Chen Ren alone defeated Lv Bu, the first man in Dong Zhuo's army! They are different from the generals who grew up in the history, regardless of the fact that they have been fighting for a long time. Although they hate Chen Ren and Zhao Yun, they also respect them secretly. Therefore, Zhang Xiu, who might have been implicated, has become a new favorite of Dong Zhuo's army.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhang Xiu can really be unscrupulous in Dong Zhuo's army. On the contrary, Zhang Xiu, who has always been steady, is more cautious. Therefore, she and Zhang Xiu dare not go to Changshan to celebrate her master's birthday.

At this time, Zhang Xiu was standing in the middle of the courtyard, quietly looking at the night sky. For a moment, she thought of the second younger martial brother in Xichuan, the third younger martial brother in plain, and then the fourth younger martial brother in Jiangdong. Of course, the master who was far away from Zhaojia village in Changshan was the most thought.

"Is that embroidery?" A tender voice rings out, which alone is enough to stimulate men's inner desire to conquer.

But Zhang Xiu frowned slightly, turned around, and seemed reluctant to bow to the dark corner behind her. That corner flashed out a graceful figure, in the moonlight, a delicate face gradually emerged from the dark.

"If you really embroider here! You don't have to be too strict with etiquette after embroidering. Don't be polite every time you see me. You've got a lot of points The beautiful woman's voice was bored to death. She stretched out her hand and directly held Zhang Xiu's hands. However, after holding them, those Qianqian jade fingers were scratched on Zhang Xiu's hands.

This situation called other men, certainly very happy, but Zhang Xiu's face more and more ugly. Zhang Xiu took back her hands, but let the beautiful woman's jade hand fall empty. Zhang Xiu said faintly, "Xiu'er is a younger generation, and my aunt is an elder. It is proper for Xiuer to salute her. I don't know what my uncle wants to do with my nephew? "

Zhang Xiu's indifference made the beautiful woman feel embarrassed, but then she regained her smile of closing the moon and shying flowers. The beautiful woman continued to say in her voice: "it's not your uncle's friends in the army. This time I'm here to visit you, and Lu Bu, the God of Bingzhou's army, is here." When talking about Lv Bu's name, the pretty woman's pretty face can't help being red, but let the beautiful woman appear more delicate.Zhang Xiu frowned again. Lu Bu was so beautiful that Zhang Xiu naturally knew. But the beautiful woman in front of her was not Yunying's to be married girl, but her uncle's wife. Zhang Xiu was more and more dissatisfied with her aunt. If she hadn't taken care of her uncle's love for this woman, I'm afraid Zhang Xiu would have reprimanded her.

At present, Zhang Xiu did not pay attention to the beautiful woman. She just hugged her fist and left. When the beautiful woman was relieved, Zhang Xiu had already gone out of sight. She was so popular that she stamped her feet.

After seven turns and eight turns, Zhang Xiu finally comes out of the hall of the big room. This big house is just one that Zhang Ji and his soldiers snatched from Chang'an when Dong Zhuo entered Chang'an. Although it is not the biggest house in Chang'an City, it is already very luxurious. Zhang Xiu suddenly remembered a poem that Chen Ren, the fourth younger martial brother, once read: "the wine and meat of Zhumen stink, and there are frozen bones on the road!" It is really the most vivid description of the officials in this era.

Thinking of her little younger martial brother, Zhang Xiu couldn't help smiling. I really don't know that this little younger martial brother knows so many strange things at a young age, and he doesn't see what books he usually reads. However, even the teacher hired by Tong Yuan in the village for his elder martial brother has been asked to leave in shame. However, Zhang Xiu's martial arts talent is so strong, and Zhang Xiu, as the eldest disciple of Tongyuan, is the worst martial arts talent among his brothers. But Zhang Xiu didn't envy Chen Ren at all. In their eyes, Chen Ren was always the child who needed their protection.

"Ah! Xiuer! Here you are In the hall, a middle-aged man saw Zhang Xiu outside the hall and was busy greeting Zhang Ji, Zhang Xiu's uncle and one of Dong Zhuo's generals.

"Uncle!" Zhang Xiu first went to Zhang Ji and gave a salute. Then she turned to the generals beside her and said, "I've seen general Lu Bu! I've seen general fan Hou! "

Today's Lvbu is not dressed in armor and holding a halberd like that of Sishui pass. Instead, he is wearing a long white shirt with a long sword pinned on his waist and a white scholar's towel on his head, which matches the appearance of his small white face. It's quite like a romantic scholar.

Fan Hou, on the other side, was dressed up as a military general, with a big beard on his face, and his face was full of flesh and blood. Standing beside Lv Bu, he was really like a green leaf holding up Lvbu's charm.

"General Zhang Xiu!" Lv Bu and fan Hou also stood up and saluted Zhang Xiu. At this time, Zhang Xiu was just an officer of the school. According to the truth, he could not get such courtesy from Lv Bu. However, Zhang Xiu also understood why even Lv Bu, who had always been above the top of his head, would treat Zhang Xiu so politely. It was precisely because Chen Ren, the younger martial brother Zhang Xiu had just missed, would treat Zhang Xiu so politely.

Zhang Xiu's idea is really Lv Bu's idea now. In fact, Lv Bu's thought is very simple. Lv Bu, who grew up in a bitter and cold land since childhood, has only one simple life goal, that is, to follow the strong. When he was a child, he left his hometown with his father because of the invasion of the Xianbei people. After seeing Ding Yuan, who was the invading Xianbei people, was defeated by the unified army, Lu Bu thought that Ding Yuan was a strong man, so he began to depend on him. During the Luoyang rebellion, although everyone thought that Lv Bu was seduced by Dong Zhuo with a red rabbit horse, Lv Bu knew that he was really yielding to Dong Zhuo's strength.

Although on the surface, Ding Yuan's power was no worse than Dong Zhuo, Lv Bu was very clear. Dong Zhuo had so many powerful generals that all the soldiers dared to fight with their lives. On the contrary, although the Bingzhou army was one of the best in the world, Dante yuan was not a good commander. In the first battle with Dong Zhuo's army, Lv Bu found this fact, if not for him Bu Zai, if it was not for Dong Zhuo's unwillingness to attack with all his might, Dong Zhuo's army would have eaten up Ding Yuan's troops. Therefore, after weighing up, Li Su's visit showed Lu Bu the way. Without saying a word, Lu Bu decided to turn to Dong Zhuo.

But under the Sishui pass, Chen Ren's powerful, let Lu Bu feel another strong breath that he did not feel for a long time. This is not the breath of a powerful man like Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo, but the breath of a real warrior when he meets a stronger one. Chen Ren let Lv Bu know that there is a stronger existence in front of him, and also let Lv Bu find a new goal. Therefore, to some extent, Lv Bu even respected Chen Ren.