At dusk, Ji Ling has been worried about the food and finally sent to the barracks, which also let Ji Ling hanging in the throat of the heart put back. He immediately ordered the reward to the 500 soldiers who delivered the Army food. As soon as he relaxed, his tiredness swept over. Ji Ling sent the deputy general early and went back to his big tent to rest.

As the night grew deeper, even the moonlight was quietly hidden. Several scouts arranged by Ji Ling came back to report. There was no movement in Yingshang city. With the news of peace again and again, even the only candle in the camp was gradually extinguished.

Under the dim starlight, the figures flashed in the barracks. A short and subtle scream suddenly rang out, and drowned in the dark, with a gust of wind, blowing away the dark clouds in front of the bright moon, and the silver moonlight again shrouded the earth. However, under the moonlight's illumination, the tent inside and outside the camp showed a bright red blood.

Two figures crisscross together, a cold voice sounded: "hands on!" Then the two figures suddenly separated, a moment later, a spark suddenly flashed from the camp, slowly, the spark spread.

"Ah! It's gone! Ah A sergeant who left the camp found the fire spreading, but just as he was shouting, a knife with cold light appeared on his neck and crossed it with a trace of blood red.

But this short shout is enough. More and more Sergeants are driven out of the camp. At this time, the fire in the camp is getting bigger and bigger, and the Sergeants are scared to be silly. Only a few generals command some of the sergeants to fight the fire.

"Up! Delay time for the general and their arrival Hiding in the dark shadow of a drink, blink of an eye, hundreds of black shadows quickly rushed out, they did not pay attention to those who did not know what to do, but specifically to fight those who command the military fire-fighting generals.

Yuan Shujun's general was suddenly attacked and killed for a while. Yuan Shujun, who had just had a little order, became a mess again. The fire in the camp became more and more fierce. The soldiers' frantic shouts were mixed with shrill screams.

"What's going on?" Ji Ling ran out of his army tent in confusion. He looked at everything in front of him and stood at the same place in surprise.

"General! general! We have been attacked! " A relative stumbled to Ji Ling to report.

"Attack?" Ji Ling's face was unbelievable, "how could it be? Aren't there so many scouts around the barracks! How could it be possible for the enemy to attack here quietly? "

Although Ji Ling couldn't believe it, what was in front of him was the best explanation. Fortunately, Ji Ling, as a general, had not forgotten to take his sword with him. He pulled out his long sword and cut down several panicked soldiers. He cried out: "if there is self confusion, cut it! Sergeants and I fight the fire

After all, Ji Ling was also a senior general in Yuan Shu's army. Under his command, the chaos in Yuan Shu's army began to ease. Naturally, those figures hiding in the dark would not let Ji Ling pacify Yuan Shu's army. Under the guidance of the leader, he began to assassinate Ji Ling one after another.

"Ah! There are assassins Of course, Ji Ling was not ordinary generals. Although the dark shadows attacked suddenly, they just added a wound to Jiling's arm. Finding these assassins in the dark, Ji Ling was in a hurry to form a circle with his relatives and soldiers around him. He kept calling for the help of the soldiers around him. Because he found that there were not many assassins. If the soldiers in the barracks were allowed to calm down, they would be encircled and exterminated.

Sure enough, with more and more Yuan Shu's soldiers coming to help, these black assassins exposed in the fire are no longer a threat to Yuan Zhujun. Their faces were also exposed in Yuan Shujun's eyes.

"General! They are the soldiers who came to deliver the food and grass before! " One of the soldiers who had received them yelled at the men in black.

"What!" Ji Ling was stunned, and then all understood. The original problem was that the problem was in the interior. No wonder there were so many scouts around that didn't work. Looking at the place where the grain and grass were stored in the distance, it was already a blaze of fire. Ji Ling knew that the food and grass could not be saved. It was obvious that the enemy started from the grain and grass first. Even if the sneak attack could not succeed, he would not get the food and grass!

"Damn it!" Ji Ling clenched his teeth and chopped down a man in black who was attacking him with a sword. He knew that he was doomed to lose the battle anyway. Thinking of Yuan Shu's ruthless character, Ji Ling couldn't help but shiver. At the moment, he transferred all his anger to the man in black in front of him: "kill! Kill them all

At this time, there were only 300 men left in black. Although all of them were skillful, they could not resist the large number of Yuan Shu's soldiers. At the command of Ji Ling, Yuan Shu's army began to surround the men in black and prepare to kill them completely.

Unfortunately, Ji Ling's voice has not yet dropped, a burst of bright voice sounded: "newspaper --"! Report to the general

A sergeant galloped into the barracks on his horse with a long arrow in his arm. Obviously, the sergeant was stunned by the changes in the camp. However, thinking of the crisis he had just seen, he immediately found Ji Ling and knelt down on his knees and said, "report to the general! A large number of enemy troops have come out of Yingshang city and are attacking here! ""Newspaper --!" Just after the sergeant finished, there was another sound. A sergeant came in on horseback. However, he was not surprised by the mess in the barracks, because his back was full of arrows and blood was flowing down.

"General, general, rear, rear, rear, there are many, many enemy troops!" Holding his last breath to finish the military situation, the sergeant fell directly on the ground, and there was no breath in sight.

Ji Ling took a deep breath of cold air. At this time, bursts of shouts were coming from the distance. It may be because of knowing that the waiting reinforcements have arrived, the more than 300 men in black suddenly burst out with astonishing combat effectiveness. However, Yuan Shujun's morale has become increasingly low after he received the news that two enemy troops were attacking in a row. The thousands of Yuan Shu troops besieged could not contain the counter attack of hundreds of people in black at one time!

Ji Ling looked toward the direction of the shouting and killing, and saw a large piece of fire reflected in the sky, just like the day, and was attacking here quickly. When he looked at the size of the army, his hands and feet were cold. Looking at the size of the army, there were about 3000 people in yingshangcheng direction, and at least nearly 10000 people in the rear of the army. How could Ji Ling not be surprised?

"General! What to do? " A loyal soldier with a sword around Ji Ling asked.

Ji Ling looked at the men in black who had already had the tendency of counterattack inside the barracks, and then looked around at the soldiers with desperate faces. He bit his teeth and jumped out of his teeth a word: "withdraw!"

As soon as the sergeants around heard that Ji Ling had given the order to withdraw, they were all relaxed and lost their armor like the tide. Under the protection of loyal soldiers, Ji Ling ran ahead on his horse.

Cheng Pu, who led his troops, joined up with Xu Chu, who had been killed in Yingshang City, and directly pursued Yuan Shu, who was defeated. He did not want to let Ji Ling go. However, he scared Ji Ling out of his wits. You said that he had won the battle. Why do you insist on it!

At last, Ji Ling escaped in time. In addition, more than 7000 yuan Shujun troops were used as a shield by Ji Ling. Until dawn, the pursuers no longer pursued him, and Ji Ling escaped from the heaven. However, Ji Ling didn't look happy at all. Looking around at dozens of soldiers with irregular clothes and armor, Ji Ling almost didn't fall under his horse. Seven thousand people! Seven thousand people! He was lost by Ji Ling. When he returned to Yuan Shu, he could not get rid of Ji Ling's anger.

However, Ji Ling had no choice but to go back. Maybe he would die. But if Ji Ling left like this, the Jiling family in Runan would die miserably. Ji Ling hung his head and could only rush to his own gloomy future.

In fact, Ji Ling's defeat was somewhat unexpected. Originally, in Guo Jia's plan, he just wanted to cut off the grain and grass of Ji Ling, so that Ji Ling's vanguard army could retreat without fighting. However, he did not expect that Cheng Pu's action to intercept grain was unexpectedly smooth and successful. He not only intercepted the enemy's grain, but also caught the general who was transporting it.

The general was a coward. Frightened by Cheng Pu, he told him the password and method of delivering military food. Guo Jia immediately came up with a plan to let Cheng Pu select 500 elite dead men from the army and sneak into Yuan Shu's army. The timid general had to obey in order to save his life. Of course, Guo Jia specially told the leader of the dead, except that he showed up with the general when handing over the army rations, he had to ensure that the timid general would not contact with other people at all times, and at the beginning of his action, he killed the timid general. Later, he sent people to contact Xu Chu in Yingshang city and arranged a time to attack Ji Ling.

Of course, because Ji Ling was very careful in the aspect of protection, in order not to frighten the snake, he naturally wanted to put the attack later. When he stayed in the distance, he saw the light of fire as a sign, and two people and horses attacked at the same time. Then there was the scene before.

After dawn, Cheng Pu and Xu Chu returned to the barracks which had been burned to rubble with their victorious division. Guo Jiazheng was drinking wine and directing the soldiers to integrate the surrendered Yuan Shu troops.

"Ha ha! Mr. Guo! Mr. Guo is a man of God Cheng Pu dismounts with a smile and rushes to Guo Jia. Xu Chu also laughed, but did not speak. He stood behind Cheng Pu honestly.

Guo Jia pursed her lips and said with a smile, "it's nothing. Guo Mou just knows some tricks. If it comes to layout design, I'm not as good as Xun Wenruo, let alone Chen Zici!" With these words, Guo Jia's eyes showed some desolate expression.

However, Cheng Pu laughed and explained Guo Jia: "Mr. Guo, don't say that. Different talents are different in intelligence. In a certain sense, Mr. Guo's intrigue is also an indispensable help for the Lord to achieve great things in the future."

But Guo Jia shook her head, and her face returned to her usual dissipated appearance, saying, "general Cheng, don't worry about me, but our army should pay attention to it next time. Although Ji Ling has been defeated successfully, Yuan Shu's army is still there. If we can't defeat Yuan Shu's army, our task will not be finished! "