To Ji Ling's surprise, although Yuan Shu was very angry at Ji Ling's defeat, he did not but did not take Ji Ling's life. However, he was free from death, but he could not escape living crime. He was beaten twenty army clubs, and his position was directly promoted to the leader of a small team.

However, after yuan xunzu was ordered to go to war, yuan xunzu tried to stop him! It is wrong for our army to attack Yangzhou secretly in the past. Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, is a relative of the Han Dynasty, so he does not have to be the governor of Henan. Now Ji Ling is defeated. If we try our best to attack, it will certainly affect the reputation of our Lord! I hope you will think twice

Before Yuan Shu ordered Ji Ling to invade Yangzhou, Yan Xiang tried to dissuade him again and again. Now that Ji Ling is defeated, Yuan Shu has lost face. Now that Yan Xiang stepped out to stop him from starting his army, Yuan Shu immediately became furious and scolded: "in the past, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty was just the chief of a District Pavilion in sishang, but he made the foundation of Han Dynasty for 400 years. My yuan family has four generations and three gongs. My students are all over the world. Can't we beat a branch of Liu's family? I have made up my mind. I don't need to say more! In the future, I will lead my troops and take Yangzhou! "

Seeing that Yuan Shu had made up his mind, Yan Xiang sighed in secret. Yuan Shu could not listen to his advice, so he had to give up. Yuan Shu pointed the army and horses majestically, and Yan Xiang had to shake his head and retreat.

Yuan Shu was ready to follow Ji Ling's vanguard army into Yangzhou. It was very convenient to point out the army horses at this time. However, after a while, Yuan Shu ordered all the troops and appointed Lei Bo as the new vanguard, leading 20000 soldiers. With his subordinates, he led the 50000 army, and then set out. He swore that he would be ashamed and seize Yangzhou.

After a few days' journey, the vanguard army led by Lei Bo met the 20000 troops sent by Liu you, led by Zhang Ying, a senior general under Liu you. The two armies met directly in a plain outside the city of Ruyin, and both sides formed a square array at the same time and began to fight in a proper manner.

What the two armies did not find was that on a small hill not far away, there were dozens of horses, headed by Cheng Pu and Guo Jia.

"General Cheng, what do you think of the strength of the two armies?" Guo Jia looked at Cheng Pu, who was eager to try, and asked with a smile.

"Hum!" Cheng Pu snorted coldly, looked at the two armies fighting each other contemptuously, and said with disdain: "if someone brings an army to attack, even if the two armies are combined, some can defeat them!"

Guo Jia smiles. Although Cheng Pu's words are arrogant, they are also true. Compared with Lei Bo and Zhang Ying, Cheng Pu's command ability is more than one notch higher. Guo Jia took a drink from her own special wine pot and said, "general Cheng, don't worry. The Lord and Chen Zici mean that they hope to consume Liu you's troops as much as possible while defeating Yuan Shu. Only in this way can our army successfully control Yangzhou."

Cheng Pu nodded and said, "I understand that Mr. Guo left Zhongkang in Yingshang just to control Yingshang City, so that Yingshang can be used as a cover for us."

"Not bad!" After all, it's hard to deal with Yuan's army, but it's hard to deal with Yuan's army

"General! Look! It seems that the Yangzhou army has begun to retreat! " Cheng Pu also wanted to say something, a soldier nearby suddenly pointed to the front of the battlefield and said.

Cheng Pu and Guo Jia looked from afar. Sure enough, although the two armies were still fighting each other, the Yangzhou army led by Zhang Ying was gradually unable to resist Leibo's Yuzhou army, and the balance of victory and defeat began to tilt.

"Well, although Zhang Ying is also a famous general in Yangzhou, after all, the Yangzhou army has not experienced such a battle between regular armies for a long time. In the past, it was just fighting yellow scarves and killing mountain bandits. Yuan Shu, after all, was a vassal who had participated in the battle against Dong, and his troops were in contact with powerful soldiers from all over the country. It is normal for Yangzhou army to suddenly face such an army and win. " Guo Jia nods to analyze.

As if in order to confirm Guo Jia's words, the rear of the Yangzhou army began to emit a clear sound of gold, and the soldiers of Yangzhou army also began to retreat like a tide. When Lei Bo saw the victory of the first battle, he was naturally happy. With a wave of his hand, he directly pursued the enemy with his soldiers. On this side, Cheng Pu sees that both sides are in a mess. He shakes his head and constantly criticizes the commanders of the two armies. Zhang Ying's retreat is too hasty, and he doesn't care about the pursuit behind him. On this side, Lei Bo pursues. He doesn't know the art of war and is inefficient. In short, he criticized the two generals who were in charge of their own affairs as useless. In his words, Lei Bo and Zhang Ying were just novices.

Guo Jia was looking at the two armies, frowning, but thinking about how to complete the tasks assigned to him by Chen Ren and Sun Jian.

In the first battle between Yuan Shu and Liu you, Lei Bo won by a weak advantage. Lei Bo also paid a heavy price, leaving only 10000 men in the 20000 army. As a defeated party, Zhang Ying had only 5000 soldiers. Both sides were careful not to attack again and sent messengers to the rear for help.After receiving Lei Bo's request for help, Yuan Shu did not blame Lei Bo for his heavy losses. Instead, he frequently praised Lei Bo in front of the generals. After all, Lei Bo did not lose the battle like Ji Ling. Although it was a tragic victory, it was also a victory, wasn't it? Yuan Shu immediately rewarded Lei Bo and ordered him to rush to the battlefield.

Liu Yao, on the other hand, was shocked to learn that Zhang Ying had been defeated. Under the advice of his counselors, he also made full use of Yangzhou's troops and rushed to Ruyin.

You know that both sides of the day are almost the same. At this time, Zhang Ying had been forced into the city of Ruyin. After Liu Yao entered the city, he gave Zhang Ying a severe lecture. If it was not for the counsellor's persuasion, Zhang Ying would be beheaded on the spot.

On the second day, both sides gathered their troops to confront each other outside the city.

Liu Yao patted his horse, pointed his whip at Yuan Shu in the opposite army and said, "Yuan Shu! Your ancestors are tired of eating Hanlu, and now you even set up troops to attack Yangzhou! Is it that you have the heart to move

Yuan Shu looked up to the sky and said with a long smile: "nowadays, there are so many heroes in the world. The territory of the Great Han Dynasty should be occupied by the able! My yuan family has been a member of the yuan family for four generations. How can I not take Yangzhou? If you go against the sky, sooner or later you will suffer from it

Liu Yao was trembling with anger. The Han Dynasty general was a secret known to all people in the world. However, there was no one who spoke so openly as Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu's heart should be punishable!

"Traitor! You traitor Liu Yao angrily exclaimed, "today I Liu you, I want to kill you, a traitor, on behalf of the Han Dynasty."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Yuan Shu seemed to hear a very funny joke, and then he looked up to the sky and said with a laugh: "how can you resist my great master with you? about! Take this city for me! Arrest Liu Yao

"Give it to me! Go! Go! Kill the traitor Yuan Shu Liu Yao also wielded a whip and directed the army to kill him.

In this way, the two armies began to fight again under the wall. Originally, the quality of the soldiers in Yangzhou army was not as good as that of Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu's army was more than ten thousand more than that of Yangzhou army. However, Yuan Shu's words were heard by all Yangzhou troops. Although the Yangzhou army is a famous weak brigade in the world, it is also made up of bloody men. How can they not be angry when they are scolded by the leader of the other party as a bag of wine and rice? Each of the Yangzhou Army played a more powerful fighting force than usual, and even defeated and retreated the more than one Yuan Shu army.

Yuan Shu didn't expect that his jokes had become a good medicine to stimulate the Yangzhou army. At present, he was also stupid. Among the generals with the army, Chen Lan, leaning on Yuan Shu's side, said to Yuan Shu with his fists: "Lord! The enemy's momentum is like a rainbow. You should order to stabilize the army's array and not engage in short-term combat. The enemy's momentum is repeated, repeated, and exhausted! However, how long will its momentum inevitably fall back, and then we will be able to win if we lead the soldiers to kill them! " It has to be said that the general on Yuan Shu's side is still more powerful than Liu Yao. Chen Lan also saw the key to the war at this time.

"Oh? Oh Yuan Shu then returned to his senses. After listening to Chen Lan's advice, he nodded and said, "do as General Chen said! Just follow general Chen's advice

Chen Lan immediately gave instructions to the herald. With the orders from the heralds, Yuan Shu's army gradually recovered from the deadly attack of Yangzhou army and retreated to the defense line of their own army. The Yangzhou army just rushed forward with anger. At this time, the enemy in front of them disappeared. What appeared in front of them was a cold shining arrow.

At this time, the role of generals also appeared. Liu Yao had too few useful generals to find out the crisis, let alone command the soldiers to avoid the crisis.

"Let go With a brief cold drink, an arrow shot from Yuan Shu's army to Yangzhou army, constantly washing the ranks of Yangzhou army.

"No!" Zhang Ying, the only general in Liu Yao's hands, now changed his face. If he lost again this time, he would have been defeated twice in a row. Liu Yao, who was behind him, decided not to let himself go. He immediately yelled: "don't be afraid! Let's get the whole army on me! Beyond the enemy's range, the enemy Archer is not enough to fear! Give it to me