Perhaps, it can't be said that Zhang Ying's command was improper. After all, Yangzhou army is inferior to Yuan Shu's army. If we don't take advantage of this rare morale, we may still lose in the end. At present, the victory or defeat of the two armies depends on whether the Yangzhou army can break through the defensive line arranged by Yuan Shu's army. If the Yangzhou army breaks through the defense line and its morale is like a rainbow at present, it is the Yangzhou army's victory. If the Yangzhou army fails to break through the defense line, then it is the Yangzhou army's defeat.

Zhang Ying wanted to take the Yangzhou army to break through the defense line, but Yuan Shu and his generals would not let him do so, which reflected the advantage of more generals. Zhang Xun, Qiao Rui, Chen Lan, Chen Ji and Lei Bo under Yuan Shu's command went to each section of the defense line respectively. The arrows fell like rain, which made Yangzhou army unable to enter the defense line of Yuan Shu's army.

As Chen Lan said, the Yangzhou army was attacking with a breath in its mouth. Now that the attack is blocked, the Yangzhou army's morale begins to decline. Looking at their comrades being shot down one by one, the soldiers of Yangzhou army have already felt timid. After all, no one is afraid of death. Even more, no one will be willing to be shot to death before reaching the enemy. It only lasted about half an hour, and the soldiers of Yangzhou army began to retreat.

Zhang Ying brandishes a long gun, while shouting, and constantly assassinating the fleeing soldiers. However, looking at more and more soldiers retreating, Zhang Ying begins to despair. The soldiers can be defeated, but Zhang Ying can't. Zhang Ying knows very well that if he retreats again this time, he will surely be beheaded by Liu Yao. No one can persuade him.

"Ahhh!" Zhang Ying clenched her teeth, and the spear was severely pulled on the horse's buttocks, and the horse began to run fast. Zhang Ying held up his spear and rushed to the enemy camp against the arrows. you 're right! Zhang Ying is a great general of Yangzhou! Die with great vigour!

However, in the battle of tens of thousands of people, Zhang Ying's strength was too small. Like a grain of sand, it hit the steel wall of Yuan Shujun and disappeared.

"Lord!" Chen Lan yelled to Yuan Shu behind him, "the enemy's momentum has disappeared, and we can start to pursue."

Without Chen Lan's explanation, Yuan Shu also saw the change in front of him. He pulled out his sword and drank: "all the soldiers! Kill me

At this time, under the leadership of Yuan Shu's five generals, the infantry and cavalry, who were originally shrinking behind the archers, began to pursue. Compared with the previous situation, the situation was completely reversed.

"Yuan Shu is a little too anxious." When Cheng Pu in the distance saw Yuan Shu's army begin to attack Yangzhou army, he shook his head and said, "if we can wait for a moment and wait until the Yangzhou army's momentum completely collapses, then we can start to fight back, then the losses will be greatly reduced."

"Ha ha ha ha! General Cheng! If Yuan Shu knew the art of war, we would be the headache! " Guo Jia laughs, and on the other side is Xu Chu, who was originally stationed in Yingshang city.

"Mr. Guo! Look! Liu you's army has begun to retreat! " Cheng Pu pointed to the battlefield ahead and said.

Guo Xu nodded to General Xu! Let's go Xu Chu took the order and left without saying a word. However, after a while, he saw a thick smoke rising in the direction of Xu Chu's departure.

At this time, Ji Ling, who was listening to orders under the thunder Book tent, also saw the smoke on the battlefield. In fact, Ji Ling found that the Yangzhou soldiers they met twice were not of the same level as those who had defeated him before. He had been observing the unexpected changes around him since the beginning of the battle. After seeing the strange smoke, Ji Ling immediately changed his face. In his head, the city of Yingshang, which was like a mountain, appeared in his head. At that time, the feeling of uncertainty came back to his mind.

Thinking of this, Ji Ling couldn't help but shiver. He immediately clapped his horse and rushed to his current boss Lei Bo. He clasped his fist and said, "general Lei! Report to the Lord. Be careful! I feel there is something wrong with that smoke! "

Leibo took a contemptuous look at Ji Ling, then looked at the smoke Ji Ling pointed to, and said faintly, "it's just the cooking smoke of the nearby farmers. What's so strange about it?" Before Ji Ling took office, he was arrogant and domineering, and had not seldom offended Lei Bo, these generals. Now Ji Ling is on the throne. Although he is not so mean to him, Lei Bo has never given him a good look.

Leibo look, Ji Ling is to see in the eye, but there is no time to care, in his opinion, that smoke is absolutely not so normal as cooking smoke. Although Ji Ling was demoted, he was loyal to Yuan Shu. He had a feeling that if yuan Shujun didn't pay attention to this abnormal phenomenon, he would definitely lose miserably!

"General Ray! Please go and report to the Lord. Be careful. The smoke is absolutely unusual! " Ji Ling once again took Lei Bo's arm and tried to persuade him.

However, Lei Bo was annoyed. The victory of the vanguard battle had already established his position as the main general in Yuan Shu's army. Now how can he tolerate the leader of Ji Ling's small team to direct him? At the moment, Leibo shook off Ji Ling's hand and said coldly, "Ji Ling! Pay attention to your identity! How dare you speak to me like that

Ji Ling was stunned at first. Then he remembered that he was just a leader of the small team. He was not a general under Yuan Shu's account. Facing Lei Bo's angry eyes, Ji Ling quickly bowed down. Just trying to make some final efforts, he suddenly changed his face when he tried to persuade Lei Bo again.Ji Ling is no longer qualified to be equipped with a mount. At this time, he is standing on the ground. Because of this, Ji Ling obviously feels the violent vibration coming from the ground, while Lei Bo is sitting on the horse. He can't feel the vibration for a moment. He looks at Ji Ling in a daze and has no interest in paying attention to Ji Ling. He immediately takes his left and right soldiers to pursue Liu you who is fleeing to Ruyin city 。

Ji Ling turned around and pushed aside the sergeant behind him. He ran backward as hard as he could. The more he ran back, the more he felt the vibration from the ground became stronger and stronger. Fortunately, Yuan Shu's army was also pursuing Ji Ling in the opposite direction. Ji Ling soon rushed out of Yuan Shu's army and stood behind the army. Ji Ling looked forward to the front.

There was no smoke coming from the horizon. Ji Ling was shocked and ran to the flag where Yuan Shu was.

Yuan Shu is not as good at martial arts as his cousin Yuan Shao. Since his childhood, Yuan Shu has been thinner than ordinary people. Even now his armor and sword are much lighter than others. At this time, although it was pursued by the army, Yuan Shu was still guarding the rear with a group of civil servants.

"My Lord! My Lord Ji Ling ran madly to Yuan Shu, shouting loudly in his mouth. But Ji Ling ran not far in front of Yuan Shu and was stopped by Yuan Shu's soldiers.

Yuan Shu was looking at the front of the battlefield in high spirits. From time to time, he and other civil servants ridiculed Liu Yao's Yangzhou soldiers for their weakness. However, he saw Ji Ling, a former general who had been demoted by him, stumbled over and frowned. However, when he remembered that Ji Ling had made a lot of achievements in the war before, and now that victory was in sight, Yuan Shu was in a better mood. He waved his hand and let Ji Ling come near.

"My Lord! The big thing is bad! My Lord Who knows Ji Ling came over, he directly hugged the horse leg of Yuan Shu's mount and cried sadly.

Yuan Shu immediately overcame his face and thought, "I'm sure I'll win, but you'll come and tell me what's wrong with you?"? Isn't this a bad thing for me? Immediately, he said to the soldiers around him: "this madman, why did you let him in? I don't want to drag it down! "

In the hearts of relatives and soldiers, it is called a grievance! It was Yuan Shu who let people in. Now this man is not good at speaking, but they are the big soldiers who are responsible. The resentment in the hearts of the soldiers were all vented to Ji Ling, and the action of pulling up Ji Ling was considered to be rude. When he pulled Jiling's arm, he almost didn't break his hand.

Ji Ling didn't feel it. He didn't care about the pain from his arm. He kowtowed his head and said, "my Lord! My Lord! There's an enemy coming! There are enemy troops coming

"What?" Yuan Shu looked suspiciously at Ji Ling, who had been pressed on the ground and made a sound. It didn't seem like a lie, so he asked, "is the enemy attacking? Where are the enemy troops? "

Ji Ling's mouth has been directly pressed to the ground by his close soldiers. A mouth is a mouthful of mud, so he has to point to the direction he just saw with the arm that has not been grasped by his dear soldiers.

Because of the position, Yuan Shu could not see the rear of Ji Ling, so Yuan Shu took a few steps forward with his mount, and then he looked along Ji Ling's finger. It doesn't matter. Yuan Shu's face turned pale immediately.

At this time, the row of black shadows had been approaching a lot. Yuan Shu could clearly see the dark shadows. It was not an enemy, but a line of big cattle rushing towards this side!

This time, the row of big bulls approached a lot, so that Yuan Shu could see more carefully. Behind and on the left and right sides of their own army, there were about five hundred of them. Although the number is not large, there is a big gap between each big cow, but there are thick iron chains. When you look carefully, there is still a flash of fire behind the big cattle. From three directions, the Taurus formation has completely surrounded Yuan Shu's army. In other words, Yuan Shu's army has no retreat except Ruyin city in front of him.

"Come on! Come on Yuan Shu hurriedly ordered, "Archer! Archer! Give me a line of defense! Shoot me! Shoot me! And the hatchers! Take up the iron shield for me! Come on! Come on Yuan Shu thought of the method he had just used to deal with the Yangzhou army. He immediately learned and used it to deal with the immediate crisis.