Yuan Shu's command was very timely. Before Daniel came, more than ten thousand soldiers who stayed in the rear army finally successfully established a defensive formation. Under the command of Yuan Shu, the archers shot out an arrow at Daniel quickly.

Unfortunately, these big bulls are not the Yangzhou army just now. There is a lot of space between them. Most of the arrows that archers shoot fall into the air, and a few of them fall on Daniel. They can't even shoot the cattle hide, so they are thrown away. The pain caused by the arrows stimulates Daniel's ferocity and rushes towards yuan Shujun more fiercely.

Looking at the big bull in front of him, those swordsmen in Yuan Shu's army could not help shaking their hands. Some soldiers even couldn't hold the iron shield and frequently let the iron shield fall to the ground. When Yuan Shu saw that the archer's arrow was out of action, his legs were already trembling. If he was not sitting on the horse's back, he would have collapsed on the ground.

"My Lord! It's too dangerous here. We'd better withdraw first! Other general Zhang Xun will handle it A civil servant, who was also shaking and pale, spoke to Yuan Shu.

"My Lord Yan Xiang on the other side immediately remonstrated, "now the Lord's officers and men are fighting. If the Lord leaves, the morale of the army will be lowered."

Yuan Shu glared at Yan Xiang fiercely and said, "I want to keep you here! How can I keep my safety in the face of these animals? " After that, he ordered the army to continue to hold on, but he ran away with a group of civil servants. After all, the Da Niu formation could only encircle the army, but it could not besiege Yuan Shu, a small group of troops, and let Yuan Shu run away.

Zhang Xun and other generals of Yuan Shu's army, who were fighting in front of them, turned their heads and found that the banner representing Yuan Shu had disappeared, but was shocked. For a moment, Yuan Shu's army was at a loss. With this hesitation, Liu Yao's Yangzhou army took the opportunity to hide in Ruyin city.

"General Zhang! General Zhang Chen Lan and Chen Ji rushed over and asked Zhang Xun, "what's going on? And the Lord? "

"General Zhang! What about the Lord? Have you come to your side? " Zhang Xun just opened his mouth and did not speak. Lei Bo and Qiao Rui on the other side also rushed over.

Zhang Xun shook his head and said, "I don't know where the Lord is? It's not the Lord. What's the matter

At this time, Leibo suddenly remembered what Ji Ling had said before. His face changed and he quickly told the other four people about it. Zhang Xun pondered for a while and said, "Ji Ling has always been calm and cautious. Something must have happened!" Although people do not like Ji Ling's behavior, they still agree with Ji Ling's ability.

As soon as Zhang Xun said this, their faces changed. They looked at each other and immediately turned their horses to the rear of the army. The soldiers they led were at a loss, so they had to run back with their generals. However, they confused Liu Yao who had retreated into the city. However, even if Liu Yao was killed, he would not dare to leave the city without authorization.

Zhang Xun and others are brave generals. They have fought to the front of the army before, but now they want to catch up. In addition, they are all soldiers of their own army. The speed of moving is slow.

"Listen! What's that noise? " Qiao Rui, who had the most clever ears, suddenly raised her ears and said that the other four people were listening carefully.

At this time, it was the downwind weather. Facing the wind, the four of them faintly heard a series of sad shouts and some wild animal's roar. Although they didn't know what had happened, all five of them were livid.

"You see!" Chen Lan suddenly pointed to the rear of the army and drank a lot. All five of them were riding high horses. Naturally, their sight was much better than others. She saw a cloud of dust and smoke in the rear of the army. From time to time, she saw a famous sergeant who seemed to be hit by something and flew directly into the air.

After a while, when the dust and smoke came near, the five people suddenly found that it was a big cow, running from the back three sides with iron chain!

Zhang Xun and other five generals were completely stunned, and all the sergeants who discovered this situation were also stunned. They didn't know when there were more oxen behind them, nor did they know what happened to their Lord Yuan Shu. They could only look at these big oxen as if they were huge swords sweeping over. The soldiers who were hit by the cattle were knocked down by the iron chain, and fell under the hooves of the cattle and were trampled into meat sauce. What's more, they were cut into two pieces by the iron chain. In short, whether it is cattle or the iron chain between them, it has been dyed red with blood.

Only a few sergeants, when they were knocked down by their own people, just scraped the chains over them, almost wiping their scalp. Chen Ji's eyes lit up and he called out: "quick! Come on! Everybody on the ground! Everybody on the ground! Don't move if you want to die After that, he took the lead to jump off the horse and lay down on the ground. The other four immediately understood Chen Ji's intention, and all of them did not care about their identity. They followed Chen Ji and got down on the ground.

At this time, the three directions of Daniel had completely run past the rear army of Yuan Shu's army, and began to drive in front of the sergeant. Listen to Chen Ji's order, all the Sergeants are subconsciously obeyed, one by one like a fallen gourd. Without the hindrance of the sergeant in front of him, Daniel ran faster and ran forward with his head down.The cow's hoof stepped on the soldiers who were lying on the ground and killed several people at the same time. Some soldiers were lucky, but they were trampled on the arm or leg by the cow's hoof, which finally saved their name. Bad luck, was trampled on the chest, even more people were trampled on the head, killed on the spot. The bloodstain brought up by the cow's hoof is mixed with a few white brain pulps, which is very disgusting. But those soldiers who were not in the running route of Daniel saved their lives, and the chains were all rubbing against the back of their heads.

Only a small number of burly sergeants, who used to have a dominant body, have now become fatal defects. They are dragged away by chains with their bodies too high, or have their heads cut off directly. But on the whole, these front Sergeants are much more alive than the rear soldiers in front of them.

Zhang Xun was lying on the ground, simply buried his head between his arms and clenched his fists. Naturally, it's hard to put one's life at stake with fate. As time went on, the sergeant's scream came closer and closer. Zhang Xun again drew his arms closer to the middle, and his head went all out to drill into the earth, hoping to bury his body in the soil.

With a clear sound of iron chain collision, Zhang Xun immediately knew that Daniel had run to his front. Suddenly, Zhang Xun seemed to feel that time was slowing down a lot, but his heart beat was getting louder and louder. The next moment, Zhang Xun was able to listen to the heavy breathing of a big cow. It seemed that the heat was directly sprayed on the back of Zhang Xun's neck. With the violent vibration of the earth under his body, the back of his head slipped through a burning feeling. At that moment, Zhang Xun's heart was mentioned to his throat.

Then, several screams sounded from the back of Zhang Xun. Zhang Xun knew that the big cattle had already run by, so he clenched his fist. Zhang Xun was sure that he had escaped the robbery. But Zhang Xun still did not dare to stand up immediately, until those screams gradually away, Zhang Xun this slowly stood up.

As if he had survived the next life, Zhang Xun looked around. His companions were all like himself, and stood up cautiously. Ironically, Chen Ji, who came up with the idea to save their lives, was unlucky to be trampled to pieces by Daniel. Although Qiao was able to avoid the hoof of the ox, she forgot to take off her sword when she was lying down. She was caught in the scabbard by the iron chain and dragged her for dozens of Zhang. Her face was so bruised that she could not live.

Five. Now there are only three. However, looking at the corpse of the three soldiers, they should not look at each other, but they should not look at each other.

At this time, Cheng Pu and Xu Chu in the distance were extremely excited. Only when Guo Jia's eyes flashed a trace of impatience and took a sip of wine from the wine pot, the feeling of tumbling chest was forced down.

"Mr. Guo?" Cheng Pu looks expectantly at Guo Jia. He has been holding back for too long these days.

Guo Jia nodded and said, "the situation is better than I imagined! I didn't expect that yuan Gaolu was also one of the heroes. He had no courage. If he hadn't escaped first, his army would not have been defeated so badly by the Taurus because of the lack of a commander in chief! "

"Well, Mr. Guo!" Cheng Pu couldn't help asking, "is it time for us to send troops?"

Guo Jia nods. Cheng Pu and Xu Chu wave their hands with excitement and head for the battlefield. Guo Jia suddenly stops Cheng Pu, and Cheng Pu stops and looks at Guo Jia suspiciously.

Guo Jiashen took a deep breath and said, "if the other side's resistance is not strong, try to surrender."

Cheng Pu was stunned and immediately responded: "OK! Please don't worry, Mr. Guo! Hold everything on me With these words, Cheng Pu drives his horse forward again.

Guo Jia drank wine again, and the whole person relaxed and looked at Ruyin city in the distance. Now the most difficult step to pacify Yangzhou has been successfully completed. The rest is how to deal with Liu Yao in the city. Guo Jia swept away all kinds of negative emotions of just now, a face of self-confidence, looking at the southeast direction of her eyes in full bloom.

Chen Zici! I'm finished here. It's up to you!