In the city of Lujiang, the generals under Sun Jian's tent also gathered together. Even Cheng Pu, Xu Chu and Guo Jia, who were far away in Yangzhou, returned. Except Han Dang, who stayed in Changsha, all the other generals sat at the head of Sun Jian and talked to each other.

"Gongfu! The vanguard and the right army lost to us this time! We helped the Lord to win the whole Yangzhou Cheng Pu said triumphantly to Huang Gai.

Huang Gai, however, glanced at him and said with disdain: "what's the matter? You've just taken the lead for the time being. Next, the Lord wants to wipe out Jiangdong, but he wants to fight a water war. The water army just trained by our left-wing vanguard army will play a powerful role." Although Huang Gai didn't admit defeat, his tone was sour.

Cheng Pu, who is familiar with Huang Gai, naturally knows what Huang Gai is thinking. He laughs triumphantly. Huang Gai is really gnashing his teeth and has to vent himself to drink.

However, Chen Ren was chatting with Guo Jia in secret. From time to time, he also made a few Snickers, which made Tai Shici and Xu Chu shiver from time to time, and subconsciously moved their seats to one side.

At this time, an urgent report came. A sergeant with a brocade bag in his hand walked quickly to Sun Jian. Sun Jian was talking to his son sun CE. He immediately put down his glass and took a look at the brocade. It was marked with a small black snake pattern. Sun Jian immediately beckoned to Chen Ren and said to Chen Ren, "Zici, this is the snake news from Changsha." After that, he would pass the brocade bag to Chen Ren.

Chen Ren sees that the brocade bag has not been unsealed. Naturally, he doesn't dare to look at the brocade bag first. He clasps his fist and asks Sun Jian to see it first. Seeing Chen Ren's insistence, Sun Jian no longer shirks it. He immediately opens the brocade bag, but pulls out the silk cloth in the brocade bag and gives it to Chen Ren directly.

Sun Jian did so, Chen Ren had to take over the silk cloth and look at it carefully. Immediately Chen Ren's eyes flashed, and he handed the silk cloth back to Sun Jian, but he bowed his head in thinking.

Sun Jian took the silk cloth and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't feel his head. He had to wait for Chen Ren to think about it before asking. Chen Ren felt his chin and thought for a while, then he whispered to Sun Jian, "Lord, please come to the side hall to discuss it!"

Seeing Chen Ren's cautious appearance, Sun Jian knew that Chen Ren had something important to say. After arranging for other generals, Sun Jian took Chen Ren to a small side hall not far away.

"My Lord! Now is a good opportunity As soon as he entered the partial hall, Chen Ren immediately said to Sun Jian.

"Oh?" Sun Jian took Chen Ren and sat down on the seat and asked with great interest, "Zici said that this secret report just happened? When I was in Changsha, I had heard of this man's reputation. He was just a hermit. Why did the snake ministry make special information about him

Chen Ren said with a smile, "Pang De Gong is not an ordinary man, and he must not be a hermit. Before I left, I specially instructed Cheng Zhongde to keep an eye on this man. I suspect that this person is the real behind the scenes host of Kuai family! "

Sun Jian's eyes are also bright. The Kuai family's influence in Jingzhou is very big. If Pang Degong is really the host of Kuai's family, then Pang Degong can really control the pattern of Jingzhou!

Chen Ren then told his master Tong Yuan about Pang De Gong's past, and then said, "Lord, according to my subordinates, Pang De Gong has a secret to hide."

Sun Jian nodded and said, "so what should we do according to what Zici saw?"

"According to my humble opinion, the previous time Kuai Liang followed Liu Biao to attack Wulin and was defeated by General Han. After returning to Xiangyang, Liu Biao never met the Kuai family again. Instead, he had frequent contact with the Cai family. The Cai family's influence in Jingzhou is only inferior to that of the Kuai family. It must be because the Kuai family is very anxious about this matter that they invited Pang Degong to discuss it. " Chen's analysis, however, is the same as the facts.

Chen Ren raised his head and continued: "I expect Pang Degong will definitely suggest that the Kuai family and the Cai family unite. This will certainly bring the political situation of Jingzhou into a stable state, but it will be extremely unfavorable to us. Therefore, my subordinates think that we must destroy the alliance between Kuai and Cai! "

Sun Jian also agreed with Chen Ren's point of view, only frowned and asked, "then how can we destroy the alliance of the two?"

Chen Ren frowned and said, "my subordinates are also trying to find a way. The problem is that Pang Degong is too mysterious. The snake Department has not found out his identity until now. My master was a first-class master at that time, but he was almost killed by Pang Degong. Although there were elements of sneak attack and conspiracy, we can see that there are some capable people under Pang Degong. When fengxiao and I left Jingzhou the last time, they were also blocked. But I think they didn't know that I was good at martial arts, so they didn't send many people. Otherwise, I wouldn't get away easily

Sun Jian is also silent. How powerful Chen Ren's master is, you can see that such people almost fell into the hands of Pang Degang. It can be seen that Pang Degong's identity is very mysterious.

"In fact, it's not really impeccable. Now the Cai family is taking advantage of this time to win Liu Biao's trust. As far as I know, there is a daughter in the Cai family who is in the prime of her life. The Cai family is going to give her to Liu Biao! If the Kuai family wants to unite with the Cai family, they must show sincerity and help the Cai family to facilitate the marriage. But if something happened to the daughter of the Cai family, which led to the failure of the marriage, then who would the Cai family think it was related to? "Hearing Chen Ren's words, Sun Jian's eyes lit up. He immediately stood up and went to Chen Ren and said, "is it Zizi's intention that someone should secretly take the daughter of CAI's family..." Speaking of this, Sun Jian did not go on, but made a cut in the air with his hand.

Chen Ren also nodded his head. Although this strategy is somewhat shameless, Chen Ren, who knows the history, doesn't have any good feeling towards Cai, who bewitches Liu Biao. In fact, he doesn't feel guilty for killing her. It's just that Liu Cong will never appear in the world any more. It's a cheap price for Liu Qi.

Sun Jian has always been a fair and aboveboard opponent, so using insidious means is not quite in line with his character, let alone to kill a woman innocently. But Chen Ren and his analysis of the situation is indeed very serious, can not help but Sun Jian refused. Sun Jian sighed for a long time and said, "in this case, Zici should do it according to this policy."

After all, it was natural for Sun Jian to decide whether or not to offer Sun Jian's plan before. Fortunately, Sun Jian still accepted this plan, which also proved that during this period of time, not only sun CE, but also Sun Jian had grown a lot, and more and more had the wisdom of a hero in troubled times.

"In this case, I will write with the snake Department of Changsha, and let the snake Department operate this matter is the most insurance!" Chen Ren asked for instructions.

"Zici!" Sun Jian suddenly stopped Chen Ren and said, "Zici, I know you are not willing to make such a plan!"

Chen Ren bowed his head and did not speak, but Sun Jian continued: "I know that it is actually my fault! It was I who was so weak that Zici had to come up with such a strategy to ensure our safety! "

Chen Ren immediately knelt down and said, "my Lord! You are serious

Sun Jian shook his fist, looked out of the window and said, "Zici! Watch it! One day, I will become better than anyone! And it must not be too far away! "

Seeing Sun Jian's ambitious appearance, Chen Ren couldn't help but follow his passion. Immediately, he said excitedly, "I'm willing to contribute to the great cause of the Lord! Do your best and die! "

Sun Jian also raised Chen Ren with excitement on his face. He laughed and said, "I have a son. Why can't I come that day?"

Looking at Sun Jian's resolute face, Chen Ren's strong self-confidence burst out in Sun Jian's eyes. At this time, Chen Ren has completely abandoned the idea of holding Sun Jian temporarily. Now he has secretly made up his mind to help the man in front of him to dominate the country!

Ten days later, the sadness in Xiangyang City has gradually faded away, and people begin to resume their peaceful life.

Of course, in such a big city, there is always no lack of anecdotes. During this period of time, the hottest news in Xiangyang City was the news that mu Liubiao of Jingzhou was going to marry the youngest miss of the Cai family. All over the streets are talking about Liu Biao's old ox eating tender grass and so on. After several prohibitions, the officers and soldiers in Jingzhou gave up doing useless work and let the common people talk about it.

Zhang Yun is quite happy in recent days. First of all, his uncle Liu Biao recently began to entrust him with the responsibility to manage the defense of Xiangyang. Since then, the Kuai brothers, who have always looked down on him, have frequently invited him to the party during this period. In addition, Cai Mao, who has always supported him before, has been invited to dinner. Zhang Yun seems to feel that he is becoming more and more important.

Zhang Yun is now accepting Cai Mao's invitation to go to Cai's home for a banquet. Riding a tall horse, walking in the street, feeling the fear of those civilians in the eyes, Zhang Yun's heart can be said to be complacent, eager to lead the army to attack Changsha now, pull Sun Jian's wife out of anger!

"Oh! This is not general Huang! " Zhang Yun's eyes glimpsed, but he saw a big figure drinking alone in the restaurant on the street, but it was Huang Zhong. In the past, Huang Zhong had always looked down on Zhang Yun and thought that his official position was based on nepotism, and he had always been honest with him. Now that Zhang Yun has taken over Huang Zhong's post, Zhang Yun, who is a small person, suddenly comes up with an ugly idea to give Huang Zhong.