Huang Zhong was in a very bad mood at this time. It was not because his position was taken by Zhang Yun, the villain. Recently, news came from his hometown that his only son had passed away due to illness, which made Huang Zhong, who was nearly 60 years old, very sad. Today, Huang Zhong has just returned from his hometown Nanyang after dealing with his only son. Huang Zhong feels more and more confident in his home Boring, so I came to the street restaurant to drink.

Hearing Zhang Yun's strange tone, Huang Zhong just glanced at him, but he ignored him and continued to drink the wine himself. When Zhang Yun saw his anger in his heart, he thought to himself: do you dare to look down on me even if you are an old man with one leg in the coffin? The desire to be in trouble with Huang Zhong became more and more intense.

He jumped off the horse, threw the reins of the horse to the waiter who was smiling at him. He swaggered into the restaurant and sat directly opposite Huang Zhong. He squinted at Huang Zhong and said in a strange voice, "I say Han Sheng! Why is it so lonely to drink alone? Not a few women to accompany them? "

I'm afraid that he is not qualified to be an old general in Jingzhou. Huang Zhong repressed his anger and snorted coldly. He put down his glass and drank: "Xiao ER! Check out

Huang always wanted to go, but Zhang Yun still refused to let go, and then he said, "Oh! Why does Han Sheng need to be like this? We are all colleagues in the army. It doesn't matter to make jokes! Is it that Han Sheng is old and can't do that? "

Hearing Zhang Yun's obscenity and sarcasm in his tone, Rao could not help but grasp Zhang Yun's collar, lifted Zhang Yun up and said angrily, "Zhang Yun! Don't go inch by inch! Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you

Zhang Yun was strangled by Huang Zhong with his collar. For a while, his face was choked red. His hands kept beating on Huang Zhong's collar arm. However, that arm was as cast iron as iron. No matter how Zhang Yun beat it, he would not move.

At this time, the restaurant's shopkeeper immediately caught up with him and said, "Oh! Old General Huang, stop your anger! Old General Huang, stop your anger! Can't destroy the villain's eating place! Please calm down the old General Huang! " The shop owner knows Huang Zhong's character. He doesn't eat hard but soft food. He doesn't pull Huang Zhong's arm. He just hugs Huang Zhong's thigh and cries.

Huang Zhong was also soft hearted. He knew that if he taught Zhang Yun a lesson, he was not afraid of Zhang Yun. He was afraid that the store owner would become the object of Zhang Yun's anger. He gave a cold hum and a big wave of his hand and threw Zhang Yun out of the restaurant.

At this time, the restaurant is surrounded by Xiangyang people. Zhang Yun bullied men and women in Xiangyang, and was hated by Xiangyang people for a long time. Now I see Zhang Yun thrown in the street by Huang Zhong like a chicken. How embarrassed is it to be? All of them secretly cover their mouths and laugh and cheer loudly in their hearts.

Huang Zhong paid for the wine and walked out of the restaurant directly. He could see that although Zhang Yun had already stood up, his helmet on his head was tilted to one side, and his armor was covered with dust. He looked at Huang Zhong indignantly.

Looking at Huang Zhong coming, Zhang Yun stepped back several steps in panic, and kept shouting: "Huang, Huang Zhong! What are you up to? You know, I, I, I'm Liu Jingzhou's nephew! If you dare to move my hair, yes, yes, you can see it

However, Huang Zhong ignored the threat of Zhang Yun's voice and color. He still walked towards Zhang Yun. Zhang Yun kept retreating and retreated directly to the wall across the street, but he could not retreat any more. Seeing Huang Zhong approaching step by step, his face was full of panic. When Huang Zhong goes directly to Zhang Yun, he suddenly reaches out his hand. However, he immediately sits on the ground with his head in his arms.

However, Huang Zhong's hand did not reach out to Zhang Yun, but directly to Zhang Yun's back. It turned out that Huang Zhong's Mount was tied to the wall behind Zhang Yun, and the rein was just hanging on a nail behind Zhang Yun. Huang Zhong untied the reins and led his mount over. He looked at Zhang Yun with a contemptuous look. He turned over and mounted his horse and went back to his home.

After a long time, Zhang Yun dared to slowly take down his hands on his head, only to find that there were only people around him who were laughing at himself secretly. Huang Zhong had long been missing. Zhang Yun's heart just let go. He thought of his embarrassed appearance just now. No matter how thick Zhang Yun was, he could not help becoming red. He immediately scolded at the end of the street: "Huang Zhong! You old man! I'm not finished with you

Zhang Yun's scolding made the people around him laugh louder, because the direction of Zhang Yun's scolding was opposite to that of Huang Zhong's departure. Zhang Yun was embarrassed by the people's laughter, and immediately drank and cursed the people around him: "what are you looking at! Be careful that I will catch you all in prison

As soon as Zhang Yun got angry, the people were really scared to disperse. After all, Zhang Yun could not take Huang Zhong as an example, but bullying them, the common people, was very fierce.

Seeing that all the people were gone, Zhang Yun's face improved a little. Remembering that he would go to the CAI's house for a banquet, he immediately yelled out, "shopkeeper! Where's my horse

The bartender over there was afraid that he might offend the bully, so he brought Zhang Yun's mount to him. When Zhang Yun saw the bartender, his anger spread directly on him. He raised a leg to the bartender and kicked him to the ground. He led the horse to the horse and ran to Cai's house. He dashed and knocked over many stalls along the way. The bartender could only secretly complain that he was kicked to the ground and had to climb to one side quickly. He was not trampled on by Zhang Yun's horse. Looking at Zhang Yunyuan's back, and the owners of those stalls spat and curse one after another.Cai's house is not far from here. After a while, Zhang Yun arrived at the CAI house. At the gate of CAI's mansion, Cai Mao and his two brothers, Cai Zhong and Cai he, were waiting at the gate. As soon as he saw Zhang Yun arrive, he went forward to meet him. However, seeing Zhang Yun's embarrassed appearance, he was surprised and asked, "ah! What's wrong with you, Derong? "

Zhang Yun spit on his face and said what had just happened. Of course, he didn't say that he had taken the initiative to challenge him. In his mouth, he turned out to be his good intention to come forward to say hello, but Huang Zhong gave him an inexplicable beating. Although Cai Mao's talent in military affairs and internal affairs is not very good, his guess is accurate. Although Zhang Yun didn't tell the truth, how could he not guess the truth when he knew Zhang Yun and Huang Zhong were human beings.

At present, Cai Mao didn't say anything. Instead, he followed Zhang Yun and scolded Huang Zhong. However, he immediately welcomed Zhang Yun into the mansion and asked his servants to take him to wash. After washing and gargling, Zhang Yun finally recovered a bit of spirit, and was taken into the dining room by Cai Mao to begin the banquet.

The Cai family is one of the largest families in Jingzhou. In this era, many people can't even eat a meal, but the Cai family is full of fish and meat, which is almost comparable to a state banquet. Cai Mao has always been like this, but Zhang Yunke does not always have such a good word of mouth. You should know that although he is Liu Biao's nephew, Liu Biao is ultimately an alien, so we should pay attention to some influence, and Zhang Yun does not have much money to earn.

At this time, Zhang Yun had no image and was eager to eat these delicacies. Cai Mao looked at Zhang Yun's appearance, and a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes, but he still had a smile on his face and said: "it's late at this time. We must be very hungry. Let's start. Let's welcome Derong!" With that, he made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Yun with one hand.

Zhang Yun couldn't help it. When Cai Mao said please, Zhang Yun didn't even have time to say polite words. He grabbed a chicken leg and began to put it into his mouth. Of course, the people of CAI's family would not say anything. Zhang Yun wolfed down his food, and the guests enjoyed themselves for a while.

Cai Mao had just given Zhang Yunjing a glass of wine, when a servant came to Cai Mao in a hurry and whispered a few words in his ear. Cai Mao's originally smiling face suddenly became gloomy. Immediately he turned his head and pretended to have a smile and said to Zhang Yun, "Derong, I'm a little too drunk for you. Please go back to the backyard and have a rest for a while. Eat well! Second younger brother, third younger brother, we should treat Derong well! Otherwise, I ask for you

Cai Zhong and Cai he knew that his elder brother must have something important to deal with. He immediately patted his chest and promised that he would treat Zhang Yun well. Zhang Yun also ate delicious food and said, "brother Deyi, go to rest, don't worry about me!"

Cai Mao pleaded guilty with a smile, and walked backward from the dining room. Turning his head, his face returned to a gloomy look, and walked quickly towards the backyard.

"I will not marry! I will not marry As soon as Cai Mao entered the back garden, he heard a lot of noise, and his face became more gloomy. He quickly walked into an inner wing room in the back garden. As soon as he entered the door, a good piece of porcelain fell on Cai Mao's feet and was smashed directly.

Cai Mao looked up and saw that all the maids in the wing room were kneeling on the ground. In front of the maids, a young lady in luxurious clothes was pointing at those maids and swearing: "go and call my elder brother! Call me big brother! Tell you! I'm not married! I just don't marry! "

Cai Mao frowned and immediately said, "little sister! What's the propriety of you

As soon as the woman looked up, she showed a pretty face, but there was more haze between her eyebrows. As soon as the woman saw Cai Mao, her locked eyebrows began to loosen. Her original angry face immediately turned into a crying face, and two rows of tears directly flowed down. Regardless of a row of maids kneeling in front of him, he ran directly to Cai Mao. He stepped on the palms of several maids, but they didn't notice it. The maids were also biting their teeth and did not dare to utter a word.

Running in front of CAI Mao, the woman immediately took Cai Mao's arm and cried, "brother! Don't marry Liu Biao, that bad old man! I don't want it