Cai Mao looked at his youngest sister with pity. How could he let her be spoiled by such a bad old man as Liu Biao? However, he was educated as a child, so that he must take the interests of his family as the highest criterion. What's more, he is still the owner of the Cai family, and his burden can not bear Cai Mao's emotional feelings.

"Little sister, in fact, there is nothing wrong with marrying Liu Biao. Liu Biao's real wife is now critically ill and will die at any time. Then you will be Liu Biao's true wife. If you can give birth to Liu Biao, will Jingzhou be under your control in the future?" Cai Mao persuades his sister patiently.

But Cai Shi is still crying: "I don't want it! Some time ago, I went to see the fourth elder sister. After she married the old man Huang Chengyan, she had never been happy! Huang Chengyan didn't take her as his wife at all. He didn't even tell her that he married his daughter. Now the fourth elder sister is totally on guard! You have already done harm to the fourth elder sister. Do you want to harm me now? "

Cai Mao's words made Cai Mao's heart dim. In addition to Cai Zhong, Cai he and the Cai family in front of him, there was also a four younger sister, who was gentle and gentle, and most of all, loved him. At that time, Cai Mao's father was in charge of the family. In order to win over Jingzhou celebrities, Cai Mao's father Cai Ji specially betrothed the daughter to Huang Chengyan.

But where do you know, Huang Chengyan has long seen through the Cai family's intention of courtship. Although Huang Chengyan can't get rid of it because of many matchmaking reasons, after his marriage, Huang Chengyan almost never met his new wife. He heard that four younger sister had told his younger sister privately that she was still a girl's home.

Seeing the expression on Cai Mao's face, Cai thought that his elder brother had been shaken. He continued to cry: "brother! I don't care! I'm not going to marry that bad old man anyway! It's better to die now than to suffer in the past! "

But Cai never thought that his crying made Cai Mao even more upset. He just threw a slap in his ear at Cai's family. Suddenly, Cai's face was beaten to the ground, and a bright red palm print appeared on his white face. Cai didn't expect that her elder brother, who had always loved her, would hit her. She was so surprised that she forgot to cry. She looked at Cai Mao with her eyes on her.

Cai Mao was determined, pointing to Cai's family and saying, "this matter has been decided! Five days later, you are going to marry to Jingzhou! Whether you like it or not! Parents' orders, matchmaker's words! Now our parents are not alive, I am the eldest brother, your marriage matters will listen to me! Come on After training Cai, Cai Mao called out to the door.

Immediately two servants came in and knelt directly in front of CAI Mao. Cai Mao continued to point to CAI and said, "from now on! Look at Miss Wu every step of the way! Until five days later, Miss Wu got on the sedan chair! Do you hear me? "

"Yes! Master Said the two servants immediately.

At this time, Cai finally came back to her senses. The hot feeling on her face made Cai's tears flow out again. But now she dare not cry any more. She just covers her mouth and sobs softly.

Looking at Cai's appearance, a trace of impatience flashed on Cai Mao's face, but then he tried to resist the impulse in his heart. He turned around and left the wing room. Only when he walked out of the back garden did Cai Mao's loud cry come out again.

Back in the dining room, Zhang Yun has been completely drunk, and Cai Zhong and Cai he are still drunk. They barely stay awake. Seeing Cai Mao come in, they come forward and ask, "big, big, big brother, what's the matter?"

Cai Mao took a wary look at Zhang Yun, who was sleeping on the wine table. Then he waved his hand and did not answer. Anyway, Zhang Yun is still Liu Biao's nephew. This kind of thing let him know the bad. Order the servant to arrange Zhang Yun to rest in the guest room, and press the table below.

In the back garden, after crying for some time, Cai gradually knew his situation. Looking at the two servants who were like the black door god, he was not angry in his heart, and immediately called out to the two servants: "you dog slaves! It must be you dog slaves who instigate my brother! How can my elder brother be willing to marry me out? How could my elder brother hit me

The more he said, the more angry he became. He looked for a whip for his outing from the room and beat the two servants fiercely. The two servants did not dare to resist. They could only run around the wing room with their heads in their arms. Finally, both of them were driven out of the wing room by Cai's whip. However, the servant still did not leave, but stayed at the door of the wing room. After all, this was the order of the master of the Cai family. If he offended Cai Mao, he would be beaten at most. If he disobeyed Cai Mao, his family would not be able to survive.

In the wing room, because of the intense exercise just now, Cai's high chest rises and falls rapidly, but there is no anger on his face. Instead, he brings a strange smile and pretends to be very angry and closes the door. Cai turned her head and whispered to the maids who were shaking with fear: "I will not give orders later. None of you can speak! Do you hear me! Now keep crying for me

In the face of a gloomy face of CAI, the maids had to nod their heads and agree. Cai quickly looked around among the maids and picked a maid who was similar to his own body. He pointed to it and said in a low voice: "you! Come here Although the maid was afraid, she came over with fear.Cai pulled the maid up and compared with her own body. Then she took off her coat and showed her exquisite body. At the same time, she whispered to the maid: "what's your stupidity? Take off your clothes Cai's long-term accumulation of Yu Wei forced the maidservant to follow suit, even though she was unwilling to do so!

Cai took over the maid's coat, and then threw the clothes he had taken off directly to the maid and said, "put them on quickly." Finish saying, oneself also quickly put on the coat of maidservant on the body.

Now, the maid did not know what idea Cai had made. She immediately threw those clothes on the ground, knelt down in front of CAI's and cried, "miss! miss! I dare not! The owner will kill me! miss! Please take pity on me! Miss

Cai's brow frowned, and immediately took out a knife from one side of the cabinet, pointed to the maid and whispered, "if you don't listen to me! Now I'll kill you with one knife! "

Seeing that Cai took out the knife, the maid's face immediately turned pale. After listening to Cai's threats, the maid had to obey. With the help of other maids, she put on Cai's coat. At first glance, she looked like Cai's. With a bright knife in her hand, Cai looked around the maid. She seemed very satisfied. She shrank and trembled.

When she got to her maid's back, Cai's eyes suddenly showed a fierce look. The knife in her hand was inserted into the back of her maid's heart. The poor maid only had time to make a short cry, and then she fell directly on the ground. The maids beside her were crying bitterly, for fear that the next one to be killed by CAI was herself.

Cai's eyebrows wrinkled as she looked at her own clothes, which had been dyed red with blood. What she felt was her own coat. At the moment, she asked other maids to hang the maid's body on the beam with a long cloth. In order not to expose, he also specially let the dead maid's back turn to avoid being found her wound, and then said to those maids: "you will be surrounded by her body later, and cry Miss don't hang yourself! Do you understand? "

Those maids were just some weak women. They were pointed at by CAI with a knife. They didn't dare to say no and nodded one after another. Chua walked quietly to the back of the door. Through the crack in the door, he found that there was only one servant at the door. The other one probably went to the back window to wait. With great joy, Cai hid behind the door and gave instructions to the maids.

Those maids who dare not to follow, at the same time increased the cry, and one after another cried: "miss! Don't hang yourself! Miss

Sure enough, as soon as the servant outside the door heard the maid's cry, the two Buddhas were not frightened. They pushed the door open in a hurry. In the wing room, several maids were crying around a woman who was hanging on the beam of the house. They were shocked. They rushed forward and wanted to put down the cantilever. Suddenly, their back hurt and turned around, and they saw that Cai's face was ferocious It's on your back.

The servant looked at Cai's family in horror. He didn't expect that the normally weak young lady would kill herself so cruelly and viciously at the moment. However, the strength of his body was rapidly passing away. The servant had to raise his arm to point at Cai's family with his mouth wide open. However, he could not say a word any more and fell to the ground.

Cai heard the footsteps coming from the back of the wing room. It must be the servant who left behind the rear window. Cai did not dare to stop at all. He took the package that had been prepared from the quilt at the head of the bed and ran out in a hurry in front of the maid who was frightened by the killing of two people.

At this time, it was just after lunch and during the lunch break, there were not many people in the courtyard of CAI's house. Besides, CAI was wearing a set of maid's clothes. How could anyone pay attention to one of her maids, and let Cai's run to the back door of CAI's house. But the housemaid guarding the back door just wanted to ask, but found that the maid was actually the fifth miss of the Cai family, and immediately froze.

"Listen! No calling! Open the door for me at once At this time, Cai's appearance of being a lady in a big family was completely lost, and she scolded the doorkeeper fiercely.

The servant didn't know about CAI Mao's ban. Naturally, he had to listen to Cai's orders. He immediately opened the back door. As soon as Cai saw it, he immediately ran out. In a flash, there was no trace.