"Two thousand versus fifty thousand?" Chen Ren fell into a deep thought. Although he successfully rescued Yuzhang City, the crisis was still not lifted. The enemy had 50000 troops. If he still surrounded the city on all sides as it is today, there would be only hundreds of people on each side of the city wall, but at least 12000 people would have to bear the attack.

"Yes! Today you are guarding the city. Can you see the way of Shanyue attacking the city? " Chen Ren asked.

The general said scornfully, "how to attack the city? These barbarians did not know how to attack the city at all. They all rushed to the city, suppressed the garrison at the head of the city with bows and arrows, and then climbed up the wall. However, their bows and arrows are sharp. Our garrison is not prepared for his bow and arrow attack, so many people will be lost! "

Chen Ren nodded. Although Shanyue had no siege weapons, they grew up in the mountains, and their climbing ability was absolutely superb. Moreover, the city walls of this era could not be as smooth as those of later generations. They were rugged, so they were easy to climb. Chen Ren thought about it and asked several questions. There was no way out. The enemy occupied an absolute advantage. If he could not guide the interests according to the situation, it was only a matter of time before the city of Yuzhang was attacked.

In the early morning of the next day, the battle flute of Shanyue rang again. Chen Ren, Bao Bao and Yuzhang general all came to the head of the city at the same time. In the Shanyue camp not far away, the heads of the mountain Yue army were oppressed. However, compared with yesterday, the formation of the Shanyue army was too chaotic, and there was no basic organization. What's more, Chen Ren and others were surprised that the mountain Yue army was attacking this intact wall.

Immediately, Chen Ren ordered the garrison of the other three walls and other city guarding equipment to be moved here. He made a gesture to the general. The general and Bao Bao ordered at the same time, and immediately led the 400 garrison troops who had been stationed on the wall to pour a pot of black liquid on the top of the city to the bottom of the wall.

Looking at the Shan Yue army who was gradually approaching Yuzhang City, Chen Ren unconsciously remembered Xie's face, who had died miserably yesterday. When his face was cold, he directly grabbed the bow and arrow from one of the defenders around him. He bent his bow and built the arrow. He aimed at the archer who was in front of Shanyue and shot the arrow out. Before the arrow hit the enemy, Chen Ren's right hand slipped, and an arrow fell on the bow and shot out in a flash.

At this time, the first arrow just hit the target, and the powerful force shot back the archer of Shanyue who was struggling to sprint forward. After a while, the archers would shoot all the arrows in Chen's hand.

"Good!" Chen Ren's archery really inspired the morale of the garrison. Yuzhang city is also a big city. The supply of archery and other defense equipment can be described as sufficient. After Chen Ren shot the box of arrows, his anger still could not be eliminated. He immediately extended his right hand to the garrison on one side. Chen Ren had to continue. Naturally, those garrisons would like to see Chen Ren's magical skills again, and they sent the arrow boxes in their waists to Chen Ren.

With the sound of bows and bows, an arrow flew out and took away the life of a mountain Yue soldier. However, the mountain Yue soldiers had no way. They did not have the abnormal arm strength of Chen Ren. They could shoot so far with ordinary bows and arrows. All they could do was to run forward desperately. As long as they ran within the range, they could fight back against the city 。

Unfortunately, Chen Ren will not let these mountain crossing archers reach the attack range so easily. With yesterday's experience, the general told Chen Ren about the range of mountain crossing archers. Although the ability of these mountain crossing archers is much better than that of the garrison archers. However, in the siege, it is always the defenders who have the advantage.

"Shoot!" However, this order was not given by Chen Ren. The guard general who had personally experienced the mountain crossing attack yesterday was more suitable for mastering this discretion than Chen Ren.

Sure enough, the arrows shot from the head of the city just hit the Shanyue archer who had stepped into the range. Although the garrison did not have the abnormal arm strength as Chen Ren, the mountain and Yue soldiers hardly had any armor protection. After being hit by the arrow, they immediately lost their combat ability.

At this time, the other three walls of the garrison also arrived one after another, under the command of the general, one after another formed a formation, bent their bows and arrows, and fired at the enemy under the city.

Just like the straw that was harvested, the mountain soldiers fell on the ground one by one. Of course, not all of them lost their lives, but because of this, the mountain Yue soldiers who still had their lives were lying on the ground with their wounds in their arms and made a shrill wail, which made their original firm heart shake.

Despite this, the mountain and Yue army, with a large number of advantages, crossed the area they regarded as the death line. All the archers were overjoyed when they rushed through the rain of arrows in Yuzhang city. They were just ready to bend their bows and build their arrows. Suddenly, their feet slipped and fell down.

"Damn it! What is this? " A mountain Yue soldier was good at wiping the place where he had just stood, only felt a piece of sticky.

Chen Ren in the city had already stopped archery at this time, nodded to Bao Bao Bao and the general, and said, "get ready."

Guard general and Bao Bao Bao two people are heavy spot a head, immediately issued an order: "on the rocket!"

The archers turned around one after another and took out an arrow with black cloth on the arrow. Those were oil cloths soaked in kerosene. After several sergeants lit all the Rockets with torches, they only heard the general and Bao Bao Bao give orders at the same time: "prepare! Let it goCountless flames cut through the sky and fell directly on the black liquid that had been thrown down before. Just when the mountains under the city felt restless, they just heard a roar, and the huge flames suddenly took off. Those mountain Yue soldiers who had fallen down there were immediately climbed up by the flame, or jumped violently on the spot, or rolled on the ground. Many mountain Yue soldiers unconsciously turned to themselves behind them His companions ran to seek help, but they were in great trouble.

Originally, when these flames burn up the oil that has been spilled on the ground, they will be extinguished because there is no fuel. However, the soldiers, who only wore coarse clothes, unfortunately became the new fuel for the flame. Because of the relationship between the Shanyue soldiers who were on fire, the fire began to spread among the mountain Yue army.

There was a burst of cheers at the head of the city, but Chen Ren was still calm. At most, the fire could only slow down the enemy's attack speed, but the other side had more than 50000 troops and would not retreat because of the fire.

It seems to confirm Chen Ren's idea that after the initial panic, the mountain and Yue army began to shoot the soldiers who were already in full fire to prevent them from spreading to the army. A fire only caused the huge army to lose thousands of people. After the mountain and Yue army retreated temporarily, Chen Ren knew that they were waiting for the fire under the wall to be extinguished 。

Chen Ren can not, only in the second plan, a body was stripped off the body was carried up by the sergeants. These are the corpses of the mountain Yue army who died under the city wall yesterday. For the corpses of the enemy, Chen Renke did not have the nonsense ideas of the Confucians of this era. He could use all the methods that could be used, as long as he could hold the city of Yuzhang.

Under Chen Ren's order, the bodies of the mountain and Yue army were thrown down the city wall one after another. The flames had begun to shrink due to the lack of fuel, but the food from the sky made the flames burn again.

It has to be said that Chen Ren is really lucky. The Shanyue army was not good at attacking the city. However, yesterday, any raid by Chen captured all the leaders of Shanyue. Now Shanyue without a leader's command is like a group of headless flies who only know how to attack from this side of the wall. If there are several soldiers in the Shan Yue army, even if there is only one person who knows how to use soldiers, then they should lead their troops to attack other walls. It's a pity that today's mountain Yue army will only stand in the same place and watch the corpses of their companions be engulfed by the flames and emit a pungent smell.

Almost all the mountain and Yue troops have not received any formal training. Even ordinary mountain people, seeing the defenders of Yuzhang city make such cruel behavior, they are all pale with fear. When they think that if they die in the battlefield, their bodies will be burned in the fire next time, and the pungent smell in the air will stimulate them to kneel down one by one There was vomiting on the ground.

Chen Ren looked at the mountain and Yue army in a state of confusion and breathed gently. The morale of the other side has fallen to the extreme. Today, it is estimated that there is no need to worry about the other side attacking again. Although he knows that his method is against Tianhe, for the sake of the garrison in the city and for the people in the city, Chen Ren is also forced to do it, but after all, those who are burning in the fire were once One by one, Chen Ren, who had the thought of later generations, could not bear to burn human bodies as firewood.

He waved his hand and said to the general, "OK! Leave two hundred people to stay. Let's all go down and have a rest. " After that, Chen Ren went down on his own to have a rest. If he looked at the city again, Chen Ren was afraid that he would not be able to stand vomiting, which would only reduce his own morale.

However, the defenders did not have Chen Ren's idea. For them, Shanyue was a barbarian. Compared with pigs and dogs, they didn't have much burden. He simply admired Chen Ren's way of guarding the city with a flying horse. We should know that when facing 30000 enemies yesterday, they lost nearly 1000 people. If the enemy hadn't withdrawn because of the fire in the camp, the city wall would have been lost. Today, in the face of 50000 enemy troops, he not only defeated the enemy without losing a single soldier. Chen Ren, the Dragon general, is not only excellent in martial arts, but also superb in wisdom!

I don't know how the garrison of Yuzhang City admired himself, but Chen Ren was full of worries at this time. Today's victory, Chen Ren also knows how lucky he is. However, the Shan Yue army did not actually break its muscles and bones. Tomorrow, the mountain Yue army will probably react. If the enemy is besieged on all sides, what should we do?