As expected by Chen Ren, several small leaders of the Shanyue army saw that the fire had not subsided, but had a tendency to spread. Moreover, all the soldiers under his command were not able to vomit, so they immediately chose to withdraw their troops, and Yuzhang city finally carried on the next day.

At this time, the lack of commander in chief of the mountain Yue army broke out again. That night, many mountain Yue soldiers began to flee. Originally, because of a fierce battle in the daytime, there were less than 50000 mountain Yue troops left, but now there are only more than 40000. However, these remaining leaders of the Shan Yue army were not fools. After discussion, they decided to use the method of the first day to besiege the city on all sides, and Chen Ren's most worried thing was finally about to happen.

When the sun began to shine on the earth on the third day, the mountain and Yue army had begun to surround Yuzhang city. Chen Ren looked at the movement of the mountain and Yue army, his face changed, and he sighed. He said to the general and Bao Bao behind him, "you should guard the walls on both sides, and you must pay attention to bow and arrow suppression. In the battle of yesterday, most of them were archers. Today, they will be divided into four teams, which will certainly pose little threat to the city wall. As for the back... "

Chen Ren felt a sudden pain in his heart. Yes, if Xie Xie was still alive at the moment, he would guard the four walls with them. Now he is only three generals, so he can't be assigned.

"My Lord! Give us the back wall A voice sounded, and Chen Ren looked, but it was the one hundred Jiangdong sergeants who had survived with him before. The one who spoke wrapped the left half of his head with white cloth, and there was a little blood in the position of his left eye.

Chen Ren looked at the sergeants. All of them were wounded. Some of them were missing their arms and legs. They were obviously disabled. Chen Ren's nose was sour, turned his head and said, "no way! You are still wounded! Your task is to take good care of your wounds

Another sergeant, who used a gun as a crutch, his leg was empty from below the knee. The sergeant said with a smile, "my Lord! Although we are just soldiers, we have received basic command training before. Now we can't fight against the enemy. Let's do our last bit for adults! Please help me After that, the sergeant simply dropped his spear and fell to his knees.

"Yes! adult! Please help us Those Jiangdong sergeants were all kneeling on the ground. The sergeant with white cloth on his head knelt and clasped his fist and said, "my Lord! We are all proud to be able to fight with adults this time! If we can build a great cause for the Lord and the Lord, we are soldiers, but we are willing to give our lives! I wish you all the best

The sergeant turned to bite the cloth heavily and said, "Sergeant Chen must have broken his leg."

Chen Ren agreed to let these soldiers guard the city wall. All the soldiers were beaming with joy. They clasped their fists toward Chen, and then turned to support each other and walked toward the wall behind. All the guards made way for them one after another, and their eyes were filled with admiration.

Chen Ren turned to look at the besieged Shan Yue army in front of him. At present, the garrison was assigned. The garrison and Bao Bao each took 500 defenders, while those assigned to Jiangdong sergeants were 700. Chen Ren left only 300 defenders. However, no one will think that there is anything wrong with Chen Ren. The image that Chen Ren brings to the public these two days is powerful and invincible, and any Chen can be worth thousands of troops.

"My Lord!" A sergeant suddenly came up from under the city wall and walked to Chen Ren's back, clasping fists and shouting.

"What's the matter?" Chen Ren is still looking at the mountain and Yue army outside the city, and he is constantly thinking about the strategy of responding to the enemy.

"My Lord! The people in the city spontaneously came to ask for assistance in guarding the city

"Oh?" Chen Ren turned back and walked quickly to the other side of the city wall. Looking down, nearly ten thousand people were standing under the wall, holding kitchen knives and shovels.

Chen Ren knew that Yuzhang city was a big city in Jiangdong. There were about 100000 people living in the city. Moreover, before Shanyue attacked the city, the general could not bear to see the people outside the city being slaughtered by Shanyue and brought the people into the city. At this time, there were several hundred thousand people in the city.

As soon as they saw Chen Ren's head outstretched, and the common people had seen that even the guards of Yuzhang city were following him, they knew that he must be a senior official. A middle-aged man who was promoted to be the leader immediately said in a loud voice: "my Lord! Please let us help guard the city, too

Chen Ren was moved by the courage of these people, but also a wry smile on his face. What can these ordinary people without military training do? If they were to shoot the enemy, I'm afraid it would be just a waste of arrows. Chen Ren immediately said to the people, "thank you for your support! But fighting is the duty of soldiers. You civilians should not be allowed to do these things! Fellow villagers, go back, we will defeat the enemy! "

"My Lord!" The leading middle-aged man seemed to have read books for several years and spoke in a very organized way, "although we are ordinary people, we also know that the city guard is in crisis. If the city is broken, the fierce people of Shanyue will never let us Han people go! Instead of waiting for death, we'd better fight with the mountain Yue people outside! "

"Yes! Fight with them The people behind the middle-aged people are mostly young men, all of them are boiling with blood, holding up the weapons in their hands should be with the middle-aged man.Chen did not know that the garrison troops were insufficient, but even if the fighting ability of these mountain Yue people was worse than that of regular soldiers, they would be much better than the regular soldiers. In Chen Ren's mind, he was absolutely unwilling to let these people die.

However, judging from the momentum of these people, if they are not allowed to participate in the war, I am afraid that they will break into some troubles when they join the war without authorization. Even if they are said to the people, "this is it! Fellow villagers, the enemy has not started to attack. Even if they attack, our garrison will have archers to deal with for a period of time. If they attack the city wall, we will ask fellow villagers to fight against the enemy together with us! Fellow villagers, is that ok? "

At this time, the middle-aged man in the city also knew that his common people could not play an important role in guarding the city. He immediately hugged Chen Ren and said, "please assign us."

Chen Ren also estimated that after being attacked by the mountain, these people would play a certain role. At the moment, he asked the middle-aged man to divide the people who came to help them into three teams to help the left and right walls and the back walls respectively.

The middle-aged man said strangely, "what about the adults?"

Chen Ren suddenly turned his head and looked out of the city. His eyes flashed cold and said, "here? I'd like to see if one of them can get on my wall! "

The sharp and harsh war flute sounded again. Shanyue had already finished the encirclement and began to march towards the city wall of Yuzhang. Before that, Chen Ren specially asked the general for an iron bow. When the man immediately ordered him to place a basket of arrows beside him, and the mountain Yue soldiers were still at a distance of five or six hundred paces, Chen Ren began to shoot with a bow. At this time, with Chen Ren's divine power and the help of his iron bow, the arrows rushed towards the mountain Yue army like a meteor. One by one, the mountain and Yue troops fell down one after another.

The three hundred defenders around him, seeing Chen Ren's magic skill, suddenly got excited. They all raised their weapons in their hands and cheered loudly. Chen Ren still had that calm expression, his hands kept doing repeated mechanical movements, and the mountain Yue soldiers had already paid the price of hundreds of lives just after they had rushed a hundred steps.

After yesterday's World War I, Chen Ren also estimated the range of the two sides. Just as the Shanyue soldiers had just stepped into the range of the garrison, he immediately ordered that although the arrows shot by the 300 garrison troops were much less than those fired by the 2000 soldiers yesterday, hundreds of people were killed.

Maybe it was the shadow of yesterday's fire. Just as they were approaching the city wall, the mountain Yue army chose to slow down, which created conditions for the garrison to shoot more enemies. However, Chen Ren put down his bow and arrow and ordered the defenders to retreat.

Although they were careful and paid a lot of cost, the mountain Yue army finally rushed to the city wall and first shot arrows at the city head as usual. Fortunately, Chen Ren ordered it in time, and no one was injured or killed. Chen Ren? Can those bows and arrows hurt him in full strength?

After several rounds of archers, the soldiers in the rear bit their swords in their mouths and began to climb the city wall. However, those archers did not dare to shoot any more, so they withdrew their bows and arrows.

As soon as Chen Ren saw it, he immediately raised his hand, and the garrison came to the wall with a pot of boiling water in twos and threes. When he saw it, he fell down! Suddenly, there were countless howls under the city wall. A famous mountain Yue soldier fell down from the wall. The boiling hot water scalded bright red pieces on their faces and bodies. Several mountain Yue soldiers even had their hair scalded by boiling water.

Good! Chen Ren patted the city wall hard, and immediately ordered to continue to bring up the boiling water and pour it down. However, the Shan Yue army certainly did not give up the siege because of this difficulty. On the contrary, more and more mountain Yue soldiers climbed up the wall.

Chen Ren immediately ordered the bodies of the mountain Yue army, which had begun to stink, to be thrown down as stones. However, this effect was not as good as that of the boiling water before. Of course, Chen Ren did not really use the corpses as stones to smash people.

Then, under the command of Chen Ren, the garrison began to serve a pot of hot cooking oil and fell down the wall. Although the fire oil is a little hot, it's not much for the mountain and Yue soldiers. The main reason is that the wall where the fire oil flows has become too slippery. Many mountain Yue soldiers fall off the wall because they can't grasp the wall, and even their comrades in arms are also in bad luck.