Is Chen Ren's method of guarding the city so simple? The answer, of course, is no!

The next step is the most critical step in Chen Ren's series of actions. Under Chen Ren's command, the garrison picked up the torch and directly ignited the residual oil in the city.

The fire spread rapidly down the trail of the fire oil. The fire that made the mountain and Yue army despair appeared again yesterday. At this time, the other three walls also began to show fire. This is the city defense strategy discussed last night. Although these Jiangdong sergeants also know this strategy, they can use it almost at the same time as Chen Ren. It can be seen that the Jiangdong sergeants command well.

At the moment Chen Ren turned his head, the fire on the wall had spread out and rapidly spread to the bottom of the wall, separating the mountain Yue army under the wall from the small number of mountain Yue troops still climbing on the wall. Those mountain Yue soldiers on the wall looked at the burning flames below, and had no other way out, so they had to continue climbing up.

Unfortunately, when they tried their best to climb up the city wall, only the bayonets of Chen Ren and the garrison, with a shrill cry, fell down the wall and became the food of the flame.

Chen Ren, however, did not continue to throw corpses to boost the fire as he did yesterday, but waited for the flame to extinguish, and then repeated the city defense tactics he had just made. Yes, Yuzhang city has plenty of equipment for guarding the city, but when it is sufficient, there is enough food in Yuzhang city for the people and the garrison in the city for a month. Besides, the food and grass of Shanyue were almost burned by Chen Yiyi's fire, and Sun Jian's reinforcements would not sit around and watch the city of Yuzhang be surrounded. As soon as Sun Jian's reinforcements arrived, the Shanyue army would naturally disintegrate.

Therefore, Chen Ren's goal of guarding the city is only one word, drag! With all our strength and every means, we should drag Sun Jian to help us, or we should pull our troops back to Shanyue!

Three hours later, it was noon. Obviously, Shanyue was determined to take down Yuzhang city today. All the bodies collected on the first day had been burned under the city wall. Even the clothes pulled from the corpses of Shanyue soldiers were all lost, and there was no fire oil. Chen Ren and the garrison just throw the stones and logs on the head of the city as hard as they can. Chen Ren knows that next, he will face the most cruel white-edged war.

Under Chen Ren's order, all 300 garrison troops were replaced with broadsword, a close weapon that was easy to chop. Chen Ren also held the steel gun in his hand and led the garrison to retreat a few steps. When the stones and logs were just thrown, the defenders spent a lot of energy, taking advantage of this short moment to rest their strength.

Finally, the first mountain Yue soldier climbed up to the top of the city. A silver light flashed by. Before he could celebrate, he covered his throat and fell down. However, more and more mountain soldiers immediately climbed up. At the command of Chen Ren, the defenders who had just rested for a while roared, and generally wielded broadswords to chop down those soldiers.

It has to be said that Chen Ren's self-confidence before Chen Ren was quite reasonable. Under Chen Ren's leadership, only 300 garrisons played a very strong fighting force and completely suppressed those climbing mountain Yue soldiers. With their efforts, the body of a mountain Yue soldier fell from the top of the city. Even if it was not immediately cut down by the garrison, if it fell from such a high wall, his life would have been reported to the king of hell.

However, this sudden burst of strength is only temporary. After half an hour, the garrison finally suffered casualties. After a garrison tried to cut down an enemy, his dagger directly fell on the wall of the city and got stuck in the stone crevice and couldn't be pulled out for a moment. Taking advantage of this moment, another mountain Yue soldier directly fell on the garrison, picked up a big knife between his teeth and chopped it on the Garrison's head.

However, before the famous mountain Yue soldier took back his sword, a steel gun pierced his head from the side. It was Chen Ren who arrived. The city wall of Yuzhang city is too wide, and only 300 garrisons are guarding this front, which is obviously not enough. Chen Ren began to run around the city like a fireman. As long as an enemy leaked out, Chen Ren rushed to fight.

However, with the first garrison killed in battle, there will soon be a second and third place. Facing a large number of enemies, the garrison began to be unable to hold the front line at the head of the city and withdrew frequently. After a long time of cutting and killing, there is a gap in the guard's broadsword. When a garrison is chopping, the sword in his hand suddenly breaks into two pieces. However, the garrison does not hesitate at all. Killing has become his instinct. He directly pours on the enemy in front of him, and uses the most primitive human weapons to bite the opponent's neck.

At the other end, a garrison was slashed in the chest by three or four mountain Yue soldiers. The guard's eyes turned red. He directly grasped the big knife he had cut on his body, bit his teeth, and pushed several mountain Yue soldiers in front of him to fall down the wall.

Chen Ren was still at the front line. His steel gun in his hand was like a silver snake spitting out a message. He used the shortest time and the shortest distance to assassinate every enemy around him. Often, the tip of the gun retreated at the enemy's fatal place, and then a blood arrow was shot.

No way! You can't go back! Keep it! Chen Ren's eyes are red again, but the steel gun in his hand is precisely killing every enemy. All of a sudden, Chen Ren's feet were tight, but a mountain Yue soldier used his last strength to hold Chen Ren's thigh before he died."Ah, ah!" As soon as Chen Ren couldn't move for a moment, five or six mountain Yue soldiers around him immediately jumped up with big swords, and more and more mountain Yue soldiers rushed up behind.

But how could Chen Ren be so successful? With a gun in his right hand, he swept back the five or six enemies in the air. With his left hand, he grabbed the dead mountain Yue soldier, who had been holding him all the time, and threw him directly to the opposite side. This throw contained Chen Ren's great power. For a time, more than ten mountain Yue soldiers were pushed down the wall by the corpses of their companions.

Although Chen Ren repelled the enemy in front of him, his body also showed his flaws. Chen Ren felt only a pain in his right hand. However, he was a mountain Yue soldier who raised his sword and cut his right arm when his old strength was exhausted and his new strength was not born. Thanks to Chen Ren's quick insight and timely retraction of his arm, he avoided the fate of breaking his hand.

But Rao is so, the arm is cut a road, deep see white bone wound, pain Chen Ren almost can't grasp the steel gun. Angry Chen Ren directly kicked the head of the mountain Yue soldier. The head of the mountain Yue soldier was kicked to one side, and he could not live.

Chen Ren changed the gun to his left hand, but his right hand was numb because of the intense pain. A large amount of blood flowed out of the wound, but Chen Ren had no time to bandage, so he could only let the wound bleed.

After half an hour, Chen Ren and the garrison had retreated to the other end of the city wall. Because of a lot of bleeding, Chen Ren's face turned pale, and two more wounds were added to his chest and thigh. The original three hundred garrisons have only a hundred left, but on the wall, there are at least two thousand bodies of mountain Yue soldiers.

Chen Ren's ear heard bursts of roar, which were from other walls, indicating that other walls have not been lost. Chen Ren even more clenched his teeth. The other city walls have not been lost. The brothers on the other walls are still working hard. Even those people are fighting. I have to defend here more! This is Chen Ren in a flash of thought, behind a tight, but it has been pasted on the city wall on the other side of the city, has been retreat can not be back!

Thinking about this, Chen Ren's spear quickened. In front of him, the blood from the upper mountain Yue soldier's throat had not yet fallen, and the blood from the throat of the next mountain Yue soldier was gushing out again. Around Chen Ren, the blood was gradually covered by the blood rain.

"Kill!" Suddenly, a familiar cry of killing came from outside the city. Chen Ren picked out an enemy and suddenly remembered that it was Zhou Tai's voice! It's Zhou Tai! Reinforcements are coming!

Chen Ren's strength, which had been nearly exhausted, came out again because of this hope. The steel guns swept round and round, directly marking an empty space around Chen Ren.

"Brothers! Our reinforcements are here! Kill everyone Chen Ren, who had hope, naturally did not forget to give hope to his comrades in arms. Sure enough, after hearing Chen Ren's voice, the already desperate defenders began to drink and shout excitedly. For a while, they killed a large number of Shanyue soldiers and retreated a lot.

Chen's spear was thrust across the chest of a line of mountain Yue soldiers in front of him. With all his strength, he pushed those mountain Yue soldiers and all the mountain Yue soldiers behind him to retreat quickly and directly pushed down the city wall. Therefore, Chen Ren, who arrived at the wall of the city, looked out of the city.

Not far from the city, a large number of soldiers in armor are coming quickly, but the leader is not Zhou Tai, dressed in red armor and holding a silver gun. It is Chen Ren's student sun CE!

Chen Ren was overjoyed, not only Zhou Tai, but also Sun Jian's reinforcements! The mountain soldiers at the foot of the city were panic stricken when they found the reinforcements behind them. They even started to flee.

When Chen Ren was overjoyed, he suddenly felt a chill behind him, and something seemed to come out of his stomach. When Chen Rendi looked down, he saw only a small bloody knife tip sticking out of his belly. He turned his head and saw a ferocious face of a mountain Yue soldier. With a wave of the steel gun in Chen Ren's hand, he directly cut off half of the head of the mountain Yue soldier.

Looking at the retreating Shan Yue army, Chen Ren thought of the joke that was killed by the last stray bullet in later generations. He could not help but sit in the city and laugh bitterly. Could he be the last person to die in this battle?