What's this place? Why is it so dark? Ah! There is light. Is that light? Light

Chen Ren slowly opened his eyes, but what he saw was a big roof. It seemed that he was in a room. Chen Ren turned his head, but pulled to his stomach to upload a fierce pain, Chen Ren's head immediately out of a lot of beans big cold sweat.

All of a sudden, Chen Ren's hands were moving, and two beautiful faces were lifted up.

"My husband! You are awake Huang Yueying cried in a hurry, and said to Diao Chan, who was as surprised as her side, "sister! Go to find a miracle doctor

"Good! Good! Good! Elder sister, you must take good care of your adult! " Diao Chan refused to give up his face and almost backed out of the door.

Chen Yiyi's face was confused, looking at Huang Yueying in front of him and said weakly, "madam, what's wrong with me?"

Huang Yueying was crying all over her face and immediately said, "husband, how are you? Do you still feel pain? What else does it hurt? "

Chen Ren didn't answer his wife's question. He frowned and tried to think, as if he should have been fighting with Shanyue in Yuzhang city. His last memory is that he saw sun CE leading troops to help him. Chen Ren suddenly got up, but touched the wound in his stomach and fell on the couch in pain.

Chen Ren's move scared Huang Yueying half to death. He immediately pressed Chen Ren's shoulder and complained: "Oh! If you have been injured, don't move. What should I do if I open the wound? "

At this time, there was a lot of noise outside the door. At the next moment, many people rushed into the room, headed by Sun Jian.

"Zici! Is Zici awake? " Sun Jian quickly walked to the bedside. Seeing Chen Ren's painful face, he was busy saying to an old man behind him: "miracle doctor! miracle-working doctor! Come and see what happened to Zici? "

Sun Jian and Huang Yueying quickly stepped aside and asked the old man to inspect Chen Ren's body. The old man first looked at the wound on Chen Ren's stomach, then at Chen Ren's arm, and then gave Chen Ren a pulse. He nodded with a smile, put down Chen Ren's arm, and said to Sun Jian, "Mr. Sun, Mr. Chen's injury has improved. Next, you just need to take care of your injury, and you will be fine within a month."

Sun Jian and others were all overjoyed. Huang Yueying and Diao Chan quickly bowed down to the old man: "thank you very much for your wonderful hand

"You don't have to be polite, ladies!" The old man quickly helped them up and said, "this is mainly because of the unique system of Mr. Chen, and his recovery ability is stronger than that of ordinary people. I'll open a few more pairs of herbs for external application, which will be of great benefit to the improvement of the wound. Add some painkillers to help Mr. Chen relieve his pain. "

Sun Jian immediately arched his hand to the old man and said, "I'll trouble the doctor!" He said to sun CE! Zhongmou! If you two don't take the doctor to get the prescription, go to get the medicine immediately! "

"Yes! Father Although they want to stay here to see Chen Ren, they have no choice but to speak from their father. They have to take the old man down respectfully.

"Lord!" At this time, Chen Ren's pain improved a little. When he saw Sun Jian, he subconsciously got up.

Sun Jian quickly held down Chen Ren, did not let him move, said: "Zici! don't move! Be careful of the wound

Chen Ren looks behind Sun Jian, good guy, many people! In addition to Huang Yueying and Diao Chan, almost all the people who have a good relationship with him are here, including Cheng Pusi, Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Cheng Yu, Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Xu Chu, Gan Ning, Tai Shici, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and Bao Bao.

Seeing Chen Ren lying still obediently, Sun Jian said with a smile: "Zici! Do you know that your war is famous all over the world! With a thousand cavalry and three thousand garrisons, they withstood the attack of 100000 troops! In the world, mention your name, who is not a thumbs up

Chen Ren smile, but his face is a little lonely, whispered: "this is not my ability, mainly rely on the bravery of the garrison soldiers, in order to repel the Shanyue!"

When Chen Yiyi mentioned the mountain Yue, Sun Jian's face became gloomy and said: "mountain Yue? Now it's gone! You killed 30000 people on the first day, 5000 on the second day, and more than 15000 on the third day! During this period of time, Bofu led his troops to sweep the whole Jiangdong area. Since then, there is no more mountain crossing in Jiangdong! " Sun Jian's words were so fierce that he obviously hated Shanyue. To know that his most important subordinate almost died in Shanyue's hands.

"So, my Lord, how long have you been in a coma? What is the situation in Jiangdong and Yangzhou? " Chen Ren is not at ease. Now Sun Jian's situation can be said to be very delicate. If he is not careful, he may overturn.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Cheng Pu behind Sun Jian said with a smile, "Zici, don't worry. Yuan Shu wanted to take the opportunity to attack Yangzhou, but he was defeated again by Mr. Guo. It is said that as soon as Yuan Shu got the news, he was angry and vomited blood on the spot."

Gan Ning, on one side, also stood up to ask for credit: "as for Wujun and Kuaiji, they had been taken down three days ago by some, Zhongkang and Ziyi during the period of Zici's rest."Hearing that Wujun and Kuaiji were taken down, Chen Ren immediately remembered Zhang's plan. He looked at Sun Jian with questioning eyes. Sun Jian understood Chen Ren's question immediately and said with a smile, "Zici, don't worry. On the day of the destruction of the city, the Yu family helped the tyrants, and I ordered the whole family to be killed! I also sent Zi Gang to Kuaiji to manage local affairs. "

Then Sun Jian told the story again. At this time, Chen Ren realized that he had been sleeping for more than a month, and many things had happened in this month. First of all, sun CE was very angry when he saw Chen Ren injured. He pursued the defeated Shan Yue army without stopping. He asked the exact location of each Shanyue stronghold in the mouth of the soldiers. He asked the army to go to fight. In half a month, he moved around Jiangdong and cleaned up Shanyue, which had plagued the sun family for decades in history, and calmed down Jiang Southern counties.

At the suggestion of Guo Jia and Zhang Zhen, Sun Jian sent Ganning, Xu Chu and Tai Shici to lead the army to take Wujun and Kuaiji directly. Yan Baihu, who occupied Wujun and claimed to be king De of the eastern Wu, was killed by Xu Chu after only one round. However, Wang Lang, the prefect of Kuaiji, even wanted to send troops to help Wu County, which was directly captured by Tai Shici. Considering that Wang Lang was an official appointed by the imperial court, and the Wang family had a great influence in the north, Sun Jian sent Wang Lang back to the north.

The Yu family was supposed to surrender to Sun Jian, but the first thing Gan Ning did when he got Sun Jian's instructions before entering Kuaiji was to exterminate the Yu family by surprise. Unfortunately, the owner of the Yu family originally called all the members of the Yu family out to show Sun Jian the strength of his family. Unexpectedly, Gan Ning gave him the whole pot. Since then, one Yu family has been missing from Jiangdong's four aristocratic families.

Of course, when the news of the incident was reported back to Jianye, representatives of the Jiangdong aristocratic family headed by Zhang Zhao and others immediately protested to Sun Jian. However, Sun Jian pointed out the fact that the Yu family had been subsidizing Wang Lang, which made Zhang Zhao and others speechless. At the beginning, it was the idea jointly agreed by the four great families in Jiangdong to let the Yu family support Wang Lang. After all, eggs should not be placed in the same basket safely, and it can also indirectly show the strength of the aristocratic family to Sun Jian. In fact, the aristocratic family has been prepared for a long time. When necessary, they gave up Wang Lang and offered Kuaiji to Sun Jian.

However, Zhang Zhao and others calculated thousands of things. They didn't expect Sun Jian to send troops so quickly. They just got the news that Sun Jian had sent troops to Kuaiji. Kuaiji city had already been captured there, and the news that the Yu family was destroyed also came along. Zhang zhaona was silly to think that Ganning would be so cruel. Now he came to Sun Jian, but Sun Jian didn't pay any attention to them. Zhang Zhao and others immediately felt pressure. Just as they were about to get together, Sun Jian's order made Jiangdong family in chaos again.

Sun Jian appointed Xu Gong, the head of the Xu family, as the prefect of Yuzhang in accordance with Zhang's proposal, which immediately aroused the great dissatisfaction of Zhang Zhao's family. Yuzhang was originally the sphere of influence of Zhang Jia. Hua Xin, the former governor of Yuzhang, had no power in Yuzhang city because he was an alien. Therefore, Sun Jian sent troops to attack and Hua Xin simply surrendered.

Now Sun Jian has appointed the Xu family, who is as powerful as Zhang Jia, to be the governor of Yuzhang. Isn't this an eye opener for Zhang Jia?

Although Zhang Zhaoming knew that Sun Jian was instigating dissension, he could not but follow Sun Jian's will to stop it. Thus, he greatly offended Xu Gong, the head of the Xu family. He heard that Xu Gong had ordered all the Xu family members to move to Yuzhang, and made it clear that he wanted to fight Zhang Jia to the end. Zhang Zhen was also appointed by Sun Jian as Kuaiji prefect to clean up the mess left by the Yu family.

Chen Ren's tongue smacked. These people are more cruel than others! He was just in a coma for more than a month, and three of the four families in Jiangdong were settled down, and the remaining one was the weakest Lu family, which must not have become a climate.

However, this has also caused certain negative effects. The most important problem is the manpower problem of the grass-roots officials. After the Yu family was destroyed, most of the Yu family members killed by Ganning were grassroots officials who were inserted by Yu family in various places in Jiangdong. Although the killing of Ganning was happy, the positions of those grassroots officials were vacant.

Finally, Zhang Zhen, the local villain, put forward a solution. At present, some small families in Jiangdong, such as the Xu family, the Chen family, and the Dong family, have been brought to light. In addition, a large number of poor children have finally blocked the gap of officials.

However, these things happened in Jiangdong during Chen Ren's coma, and other places outside Jiangdong are also undergoing their own changes.