"The thief! It's like a turtle with a shrinking head Sun CE hate to use his sword to split a small tree around him, constantly swearing.

Zhou Yu, who was close to him, frowned and looked at the dark sky. He said to the deputy general who was following him, "it's getting late. Go and order the troops to camp by the woods today."

"Here it is The deputy general ordered him to go down and issue general orders. Zhou Yu still frowned, and his mood was not much better than sun Chi. He did not believe that Cao Cao and his family in Xuzhou would be willing to let them easily take half of the territory of Xuzhou. The closer he got to Baima Lake, the more uneasy he felt in his heart.

"Bofu! Don't worry too much! " Seeing sun CE's temper getting more and more irritable, Zhou Yu had to appease him, "it's not Huai'an yet."

"Gong Jin!" Sun CE listened to his brother's words and turned to Zhou Yu and said, "but the day after tomorrow, he will be in Huai'an at the latest. Cao Cao has withdrawn the garrison. This is obviously the same as Guangling! It is said that the summer Houdun is brave and fierce. In my opinion, he is a cowardless rat

Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "I can't see it! Do you remember your teacher and Mr. Guo said that? Cao Cao and the Xuzhou aristocratic family will not be so easy for us to obtain the fertile soil of Xuzhou. In my opinion, we should do a good job in scouting these days, and be careful. "

If sun CE had been put in the past, even Zhou Yu would have laughed at these words. However, after Chen Ren's adjustment, sun CE's mind was calm and careful. After a little thought, he also agreed with Zhou Yu. Sun CE took his sword back to his waist, found a big stone and sat down.

Zhou Yu simply sat by sun CE's side, closed his eyes, and kept thinking about what kind of traps Cao Cao and Xuzhou family would arrange? However, it is certainly not too serious a trap. This time, Sun Jian's eldest son is leading the army. If sun CE is killed in Xuzhou, he is afraid that Sun Jian will fight against Cao Cao and Xuzhou at all costs. This is what neither Cao Cao nor the family of Xuzhou want to see.

Sun Che was sulking, while Zhou Yu was thinking. At the same time, two scouts were riding their horses and looking around warily, about six or seven miles away from the camp just built by Jiangdong army. However, the night has come, and most of the surrounding trees are dense, many places can not be seen clearly, the two scouts are still dutiful one by one.

At the same time, the two scouts covered their own throats, but they could not cover the blood flowing down and fell down from the horse's back. Not far away, two archers flashed away and disappeared among the trees.

In the other side of the woods, there are countless figures lying on the ground. In the front, a man in black armor is staring at a pair of shining eyes, looking at the camp which has started to light up in the distance.

"General Zuo, how are you? Do you want to attack now? " A soldier beside the man whispered.

The man shook his head and whispered, "no! Jiangdong army is one of the few elite troops in the world, so it is not easy to relax their vigilance. We let them go all the way, that is, in order to cultivate their heart of belittling the enemy. We can't just give up all our previous achievements, or wait a little longer! "

Two hours later, the campfire in the camp was almost out, with only a few lights flickering in the dark. The man shook his paralyzed body, waved his hand behind him, and immediately stood up from behind him nearly thousands of people. The man also stood up closely, with his men behind him slowly toward the direction of the camp.

Maybe it was because the man was too careful. After walking for more than an hour, he came to the camp. The remaining lights were extinguished, and the whole camp was integrated into the darkness. The man made a gesture, and the thousands pulled out many things from behind at the same time, including a set of bows and arrows.

The thousands of people spread out a black oilcloth one after another and blocked them in front of them. Then they heard a slight sound of flint hitting, and the fire light instantly lit up behind the black oilcloth. However, due to the blocking of the black oilcloth, we could not see any details from the direction of the camp.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man who took the lead and drank in a low voice: "prepare!" Behind him, the thousands of people immediately raised their bows and arrows in the direction of the camp. All the arrows were covered with a fire.

"Shoot!" With the leader of the men a drink, a rocket in the dark air across a bright mark, neatly shot into the camp, suddenly, the camp fire, sounded countless screams.

A strange pleasure flashed in the eyes of the man who took the lead. He waved and said, "withdraw!" With that, he took the lead and wanted to withdraw, and the archers also followed.

Not long after the archers were removed, a large number of people came out. A general in red armor said to a man with silver armor and white face: "Gongjin! As you said

Zhou Yu smiles, his eyes narrowed and he stares at the archers who are far away. An adjutant at his side clasped his fist to sun CE and Zhou Yu and asked, "general, do you order the sergeants to put out the fire?"Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "no! In any case, the army's supplies have been carried out, so there is no need to manage the camp. Let the brothers work hard all night, we will find the enemy's nest now

The deputy general looked at Sun CE. After all, sun CE was the commander in chief of the team. When he saw sun CE, he nodded. The vice general immediately clasped his fist and directly turned back. Sun CE thumped his left palm with his right fist and said excitedly: "we can finally have a good fight!"

Looking at Sun CE's excited appearance, Zhou Yu couldn't help but smile and shake his head. However, there was a war. Was he so excited? According to the current development rate of Soochow, it will not be long before the war will be waged against other princes. At that time, I'm afraid there will be no war? Although Zhou Yu thought so in his heart, he did not say anything. With a big wave of his hand, an army several times more than that of the archers just now emerged from behind him and slowly assembled.

Zhou Yu asked an aide general who had just come after him: "have you ever kept up with the goal?"

"Report to general, there is a full team following up, and there are signs along the way!"

"Good!" This time, sun CE did not wait for Zhou Yu to speak, so he began to shout and drink. One of them turned over and mounted his horse. He pulled out his sword and said, "Jiangdong children! come with me! To kill those cowardly rats who dare not come to justice, but want to plot against us

"Here it is Behind him, all the sergeants picked up their weapons and cried out with one voice. Zhou Yu got on his horse with him. Looking at Sun CE's heroic figure, he couldn't help laughing bitterly. In terms of strategy, sun CE is definitely not his opponent. But when it comes to boosting morale and fighting, I'm afraid he will never catch up with sun CE all his life. This is an instinct. Sun CE has a very strong instinct to grasp the opportunity of war.

With the sign left by the team following the other side, sun CE and Zhou Yu, with 30000 elite soldiers, soon arrived at the place where the other side had accumulated troops, which was a water village on the edge of Baima Lake. Sun CE and Zhou Yu lead their troops to the target location and look at the water village in front of them. Zhou Yu recruits the leader of the team who was responsible for tracking before and asks, "have you ever noticed how many people there are on the other side?"

This captain is also a veteran of the Jiangdong army. Obviously, he is very experienced in this aspect of intelligence collection. He immediately clasped his fist and said, "general Hui, there are about 10000 people in the other side's water stronghold, including thousands of archers who attacked our barracks before."

Zhou Yu nodded and looked at Sun CE. Looking at Sun CE's urgent eyes, Zhou Yu couldn't help laughing and saying, "OK! ok This battle is under your command

As soon as sun CE heard this, he grinned at once, and summoned his deputy's advice. After that, he let his hands go down to prepare. Zhou Yu had been listening to sun CE's arrangements for the war, but he could not help thinking of the thin figure in Jianye city. Today's sun CE is still a little grumpy, but he is more and more like that man. He is also so insidious and cunning to use his troops.

Sun CE turned his head and looked at Zhou Yu and said with a smile, "Gongjin, you are here to wait for the good news of my breaking the enemy!" Having said that, he directly led the troops to the front.

Not to mention how Sun CE arranged it, in the water stronghold, these people did not know that they were about to be destroyed. Because of the previous ambush, the soldiers who sent out to attack secretly consumed a lot of physical strength and fell down to rest one after another. Although the other soldiers were not so hard-working, they had been waiting until now. It was almost dawn, and few of them could survive and all fell asleep. In the middle of the water village, there is a large hall. Sitting directly above is a man with a face full of flesh and blood, with a thick beard on his chin and both sides of his cheek. As can be seen from his eyes flashing with haze, this man is definitely not a kind person.

"Zoe Rong! I want people to give people, soldiers to soldiers! You can't lie to me! I will do everything Chen Deng promised me The man said maliciously. The object of his speech was the only other person in the huge hall. The leading man who led the army to attack sun CE was also Zou Rong, who was the Prime Minister of xiapi in Xuzhou.

At this time, Zou Rong was starving. In that Bush, he led his soldiers to wait for a whole day. He didn't eat half a mouthful of grain. He was drinking water. Now he was constantly filling his mouth with dry food.