Seeing that Zou Rong only cares about eating, he doesn't answer his own meaning at all. Han can't help but get angry and clap the table and roar: "Zoe Rong! You dare to despise me

Zoe Rong is not slow to swallow the last bit of food, light said: "Lei Hong, what are you anxious about? When we Xuzhou family is who? What you said counts! Isn't it food and weapons? When Cao Cao's big force withdrew from Xuzhou, Xuzhou has the final say. What can I give you then

Nalei Hong looks at Zou Rong coldly. He was originally a water thief on Baima Lake. A few days ago, he came to see him and promised all kinds of benefits, that is, to fight against sun CE's army. In fact, Lei Hong also knew that Jiangdong army was not easy to be provoked, but he could not resist the temptation of all kinds of advantages, so he accepted it. However, looking at the appearance of Zou Rong, Lei Hong always felt that he was not practical.

"Hum! I'll trust you. If you dare to cheat me, don't blame me After that, Lei Hong got up, kicked the table in front of him and left the hall in a swagger.

Looking at Lei Hong's back leaving the hall, Zou Rong murmured. He looked down on the gang of water thieves at all. If it was not for sun CE's trouble, he would disdain to talk to these rude people. Clapping his hands, Zou Rong thought in his heart that he could go back tomorrow, and he would leave it to the angry Jiangdong army to solve it!

That's right! Although the Jiangdong army was attacked by his own soldiers this evening, it should have a lot of losses, but the reputation of the Jiangdong army is well known in the world. I believe it will be found out in a few days. I'm afraid that Lei Honggen would be torn to pieces by the angry Jiangdong army when he could not explain. Thinking of this, Zou Rong couldn't help laughing. Unfortunately, he didn't expect that he had already become the prey of Jiangdong army together with Lei Hong.

Half an hour later, the whole Baima Lake was shrouded in darkness. After another hour or so, it would be dawn. There is a saying in later generations that the darkest moment is before dawn, which is true. A water thief guarding the outskirts of the water village is trying to open his eyes and look at a dark lake.

All of a sudden, the water thief felt a light wind blowing his face, and then a sharp pain came from his ears. The water thief unconsciously touched it with his hand, but it was a slippery one. When he reached out to his eyes, it was actually blood on his hand. This startled the water thief. He woke up from all his dozing. When he turned his head, he saw that an arrow was firmly nailed to his head, and the tail of the arrow was still shaking up and down.

Before the water thief could react, another strong wind ran across the back of his head, and another arrow was nailed to the wall beside him. The water thief was lucky. Neither arrow hit him, but he was sweating all over. The next moment, when the water thief turned his head and looked at the lake, the scene that caught his eyes really scared his soul out.

Countless arrows flew in his direction from the dark, and the water thief was quick enough. As soon as he bent down on the floor, he heard the sound of crashing above him. Fortunately, the water stronghold was built with a guardrail, otherwise the water thief would have to be shot into a hedgehog. Rao is so, or an arrow with a strong force shot through the fence, the arrow so stopped on the water thief's forehead, the water thief can clearly feel the arrow from the cold.

"Come on, come on, come on!" The water thief was so frightened by the arrow in his forehead that he couldn't speak. Finally, he got up his courage and roared: "come on! Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack

The same sound was heard all over the water village. For a moment, the whole water village was on, but it was not because the thieves turned on the lights, but the arrows from the lake had been replaced by rockets. This water village is relatively simple and crude. It has no basic fire prevention measures. It is all made of wood. The fire is out of control.

"What's the matter? What's going on? Where is the enemy from? " Lei Hong rushed out of his room in an untidy way. Looking at the firelight everywhere in the water stronghold, he was suddenly full of haze.

"Lei Hong! What's going on? " Lei Hong's back passed a shout to ask, turn round to see, it is Zoe Rong. As soon as Lei Hong saw Zou Rong, he immediately turned red. He rushed forward and grabbed the collar of Zoe Rong and swore: "you still ask me what's going on! You can take a look. I've been in Baima Lake for so many years, but I've been attacked by the enemy when you come here. You must have caused me trouble! "

Zou Rong's martial arts can only be regarded as ordinary, not as tall as Lei Hong. When he was pulled by Lei Hong, his feet left the ground. When Xu's face was startled, he immediately said to Lei! What are you up to? Don't you want to rebel! "

Lei Hong was very angry and laughed back. His face was extremely ferocious under the light of the fire: "ha ha ha ha! crap! I've been a water thief for so many years! Don't you think I'm still a soldier! This disaster is caused by you. I will give your head to the other party now, so that I can be safe! Zoe Rong! Don't speak ill of Laozi when you come to Buddha This Buddhism was introduced by Tao Qian, the former governor of Xuzhou. It is also widely spread in Xuzhou. Zou Rong was also in charge of temple construction at that time. However, he didn't expect that the ferocious thief in front of him was also a Buddhist believer.Before Zou Rong said a few words of begging for mercy, Lei Hong turned his back and cut him directly in the chest of Zuo Rong. Zuo Rong looked at Lei Hong with resentment on his face, took a deep breath, and fell directly on the ground without breath.

“MD! What a mess! I'm not dead yet! " Lei Hong roared at the panic stricken soldiers around him. He rushed to the corpse of Zuo Rong and cut off the head of Zuo Rong with a knife. Lei Hong did a lot of things about cutting people's head. He went down with this knife, and it was very neat.

Lei Hong just carried the head of Zou Rong and quickly walked to the lake of the water village. He called out to the lake in the corner: "don't shoot! Stop shooting! We surrender! We surrender Lei Hong never thought that he would be able to fight with the regular army just because of his shrimp soldiers. What's more, the other side might be the world-famous Jiangdong army. Therefore, Lei Hong didn't order a counterattack at all. Instead, he was ready to surrender.

After Lei Hong yelled several times, the rain of arrows stopped. When Lei Hong was sure that there was no more arrows coming, he came out with his hands raised and called out to the lake: "we are just ordinary water thieves. We don't want to be enemies with your army! This guy is responsible for all this! It has nothing to do with us! We want to kill this guy and ask for your understanding After that, Lei Hong also shook the head of Zou Rong in his hands towards the lake.

After saying this, Lei Hong saw that there was no response from the lake. He thought, it is estimated that the other party did not hear clearly and was preparing to roar again. Suddenly, an arrow jumped out of the darkness and landed directly on Lei Hong's chest. Lei Hong felt a stabbing pain in his chest. The whole person was stunned. He didn't expect that the other side would shoot arrows suddenly.

Then, a shower of arrows appeared again. Lei Hong was shot into a hedgehog and fell down directly. When he fell down, he saw that Zou Rong's head was falling on the opposite side of him, and his bitter eyes were staring at him. Lei Hong suddenly remembered a Buddhist doctrine: "karma." However, this retribution comes too fast, this is Lei Hong's last trace of consciousness, immediately Lei Hong's head a tilt, so forever closed his eyes.

The other thieves in the water stronghold were elated when they saw that Lei Hong had successfully stopped shooting arrows. They thought that they had escaped, but they did not expect to see Lei Hong fall down with arrows all over his body at the next moment. The meaning of the other party is very clear: do not accept surrender!

After a moment's hesitation, all the water thieves screamed for their lives again. These water thieves are lazy and have not received any military training. Strictly speaking, they are just a group of thugs with weapons. Now their only leader is dead. Where will they want to fight back, they only know how to escape.

"The other party is coming to the lake. Let's run to the shore." I don't know who yelled such a sentence. All the people suddenly wake up. The water stronghold is almost burnt out. What's the use of hiding in this water stronghold? So, all the people swarmed to the entrance of the water village.

The entrance of the water village is made of long pieces of driftwood. It is narrow and long. At least ten thousand people have to rush out of the water stronghold. How can the entrance of the water village squeeze so many people? Many people are pushed off the driftwood and fall into the water directly. Fortunately, it is not winter yet, and the lake water is not so ice. Moreover, these water thieves are still rough water, and the water thieves who fall into the water are also trying to think about the upstream of the bank. This also made many other water thieves who didn't squeeze into the driftwood to see another way of life. They all jumped into the water one by one, so that they could swim through it faster than those who walked on the driftwood.

Finally, most of the water thieves came to the shore, did not return their heads, and ran on with all their might. All of a sudden, many of the water thieves fell into the ground when their feet were empty. At the same time, they made a scream. From their point of view, it's like their companions were swallowed up by the earth. The wiser ones know that there are traps set here. But there was no way. In order to escape, they had to fight hard. The water thieves were all biting their teeth and rushing forward with their eyes closed.