The courage of the water thieves is commendable, but it is a pity that the reality is cruel. The traps were dug intensively, and only two or three thousand people finally broke through the trap area. However, after breaking through the trap area, those who met the two or three thousand water thieves had a more tragic fate.

"Kill!" The thundering sound sounded from the right side of the water thieves. The water thieves turned their heads and saw a large group of cavalry rushing by with the momentum of Wanjun. The spears in their hands had a frightening cold light, which made the water thieves fall into despair.

The one-sided battle soon ended. In this battle, the Jiangdong army completely wiped out nearly 10000 troops of the other side without losing a single soldier. At the beginning, Zhou Yu didn't understand Sun CE's behavior. Did he have to spend so much time to deal with 10000 miscellaneous brand water thieves? However, Zhou Yu was speechless when he saw the result. If he attacked directly like this, the water bandits' attack power was not strong, but after all, they had the advantage of the water stronghold. It was inevitable that Jiangdong army would lose 1000 or 2000 people, but now it is a complete victory.

Sun CE said to Zhou Yu with a smile: "according to my teacher, no matter what kind of battle it is, we should learn to fight with our heart! When I was learning by the teacher, I had to do tactical exercises almost every day. This kind of attack can be said to be a kind of hand twisting approach! " When he spoke, sun CE seemed to be proud of himself and was able to surpass Zhou Yu in planning, which also made sun CE extremely happy. Zhou Yu had been silent since the beginning of the battle. His mind recalled that thin figure, and his heart was full of flavors.

"Bo Fu!" Zhou Yu suddenly called sun CE, "Bo Fu! After returning to Jianye after this mission, I want to worship your teacher as a teacher! "

Sun CE first opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Yu. Then, he gradually showed a smile, nodded his head and said, "no problem! At that time, I'll go to ask the teacher for help. If it's not possible, I'll go to my father to help you out! "

Looking at Sun CE's sunny smiling face, Zhou Yu's depressed heart seems to have opened up for a while, and suddenly turned bright. Since the last meeting, Zhou Yu has been worried that he can't compare with Chen Ren and Guo Jia. Now he has figured out that he can't compare with Chen Ren and Guo Jia. It's no use to be unconvinced. If I can't compare, I will continue to study and I will certainly surpass them in the future! Zhou Yu made up his mind in silence.

At this time, the sun in the East finally rose, completely dispelling the darkness that had been enveloping the earth. The sun hit sun CE and Zhou Yu, casting a long shadow on the earth.

"If there are no other accidents, this must be the last battle of this mission. I'm afraid there will be no more wars in the next year! " Zhou Yu suddenly jumps out a sentence and asks sun CE to look at him suspiciously.

Zhou Yu said with a smile, "I got the news from the general who led the team on the lake. This attack on us was done by a man named Zuo Rong, who I have heard before. He is a lackey of Xuzhou family and is now the Prime Minister of xiapi. So this time, it should be the Xuzhou aristocratic family who used these water thieves to plot against us, and Cao Cao should also adopt the default attitude, otherwise, Zou Rong would not have been able to come to Baima Lake so quietly. "

"I know that, but Gongjin, what do you mean that there will be no more battles in the next year?" Sun CE grabbed his head and asked.

Zhou Yu looked at Sun CE and said, "don't you know? After we went down to the meeting that day, your teacher, Mr. Chen Dudu, argued with Xunzi, Zhuge Liang and others about the deployment of troops. In the end, Governor Chen issued a military order to train a hundred thousand troops for the Lord within one year! In this case, Jiangdong will not attack the outside world again in this year. The border of Soochow has become a fortified area, and no vassal state can not ignore coming to attack Jiangdong. In this way, there will be no more wars in this year! But a year later, it should be the beginning of our Jiangdong army to dominate the world! "

As spring goes by and autumn comes, the four seasons rotate. Whether the year is fast or slow is not slow. In a flash, the Han Dynasty ushered in the fifth year of Chuping. As Sun Jian, who was the most powerful man in the past, turned to calm. However, there were still wars among other princes.

After Dong Zhuo gave up his hostility to the princes in the northwest, Dong Zhuo was the first to take the hostility to the emperor. Without external threats, Dong Zhuo became more and more arrogant. Under his laissez faire, Xiliang soldiers and Bingzhou soldiers were tyrannical in the northwest, especially around Chang'an. The northwest, which was not so prosperous in the past, is now in a miserable state.

Fortunately, Dong Zhuo also had a group of elite generals. The generals of Xiliang and Bingzhou headed by Lv Bu guarded all sides, but none of the princes around him dared to be different. Dong Zhuo occupied Chang'an and enjoyed himself safely.

In the southwest, Yizhou, the earliest separatist power of the Han Dynasty, also changed. Liu Yan, a hero of the Han Dynasty, who was later the king of Lugong of the Han Dynasty, finally died. Liu Zhang, the son of Liu Yan, also ascended the throne of Yizhou animal husbandry according to the historical process. Zhang Lu in Hanzhong refused to recognize Liu Zhang's status and cut off the relationship with Yizhou because of his discord with him. However, a little different from the history, Zhang Ren, who was not used in the past, became the chief General of Yizhou because of the prestige of his younger martial brothers Zhao Yun and Chen Ren.In the northeast, Yuan Shao and Gong sun Zan still fought fiercely. After Liu Bei was killed by Yuan Shao, although the Bohai and Zhongshan counties occupied by Liu Bei were recaptured by Yuan Shao, the public sentiment of these two counties had completely deviated from Yuan Shao under Liu Bei's administration. At this time, Zhang Fei, Liu Bei's former righteous younger brother, appeared again under Gongsun Zan's command, hung up the banner of revenge and began to call on Liu Bei's former troops. Gongsun Zan's power has risen rapidly. I'm afraid that's what Gongsun Zan didn't expect when he killed Liu Bei.

Although Yuan Shao was determined to wipe out Gongsun Zan in one fell swoop, Cao Cao, who plundered the granary of Xuzhou, was eyeing him in the south. How could Yuan Shao dare to send a large army to the north? However, at this time, Gongsun Zan was no better than before. If Yuan Shao did not send enough troops, he was afraid of wasting his troops and food. Finally, he would end up with his younger brother Yuan Shu In Jizhou, he watched Gongsun Zan become more and more powerful. I believe that Yuan Shao regretted the destruction of Liu Bei.

As for the three forces of Cao Cao, Yuan Shu and Liu Biao who were surrounded by the eastern Wu Dynasty, there was a huge tiger lying beside them. I'm afraid they were all restless all day. Cao Cao, the most powerful, is good at last. After all, he has the troops of Yanzhou and Qingzhou, and now half of the fertile territory of Xuzhou provides logistics for him. Although his strength is inferior to that of the eastern Wu, he is not so afraid.

After two attacks on Yangzhou, Yuan Shu defeated the general at the expense of others. Ji Ling was the only general under his command. His military strength was not as good as in the past. He had been reduced to no strength to fight for hegemony over the world. If it had not been for Yuan's family of four generations and three gongs behind him, he would have been destroyed by others.

And the most strange of all the princes in the world is Jingzhou. Although Liu Biao and Sun Jian suffered several defeats in a series of battles two years ago, the most powerful water army in Jingzhou was not hurt. But Liu Biao seems to have disappeared. He has been missing all day. The Kuai family and Cai Mao are in charge of all affairs in Jingzhou. It seems that the Kuai family and the Cai family have reached some agreement, abandoning the previous confrontation and concentrating on consolidating their status in Jingzhou.

"Hooray!" Sun Jian put down his report on the actions of the princes in the world and rubbed the corner of his eyes. This report was compiled by Cheng Yu of the snake ministry according to the news from all over the year. After several years of development, the snake department is no longer the original one, but has its own strongholds in a few cities. Now its branches have spread all over the major cities in the world, and the purpose of setting up the snake Department has been initially achieved.

Thinking of the scene when he decided to set up the snake department, Sun Jian couldn't help but turn the corner of his mouth. Taking Chen Ren under the account is probably the most correct decision he has made in his life. Since Chen Ren came into being, Sun Jian's power has gone from a small Changsha City to a vassal who now occupies nearly a quarter of the territory of the Han Dynasty. This is only a few years. Sun Jian even has a kind of confidence that in his lifetime, he can have a glimpse of the seat of the world's overlord.

There was a knock on the door outside his study. Sun Jian immediately asked, "who is it?"

"Father Sun Quan's voice sounded outside. A few months ago, Sun Quan finally graduated from Chen Ren's office. Sun Jian took Sun Quan's work as an official Chinese book. He was supposed to give him some experience. However, he didn't expect Sun Quan to finish his job very well. This also made Sun Jian pay more and more attention to his second son, who was neglected by him. Think about Sun Yi, who is still studying at Chen Ren's side I can't wait.

"Come in." Calling Sun Quan in and looking at his second son, Sun Jian could not help but smile and ask, "Zhongmou, what's the matter?"

Sun Quan replied, "did your father forget? The day before yesterday, the teacher reported to his father that today is the day when the teacher is training new recruits. The teacher specially invited his father and all the adults to watch it! "

Sun Jian thought of it, patted his forehead and said: "yes, right! Look at my memory! It's getting worse and worse! "

With a smile, Sun Quan said, "no, my father is just too tired on weekdays. The father is in his prime, young and strong, and his sons are not rivals of his fathe