Sun Jian had already stood up. Hearing Sun Quan's words, he couldn't help being angry and funny. Just like when Sun Quan was young, he reached out and patted Sun Quan's head, laughing and scolding: "nonsense! You! I didn't learn anything good from Chen Zici. I've learned nothing from him! "

Sun Quan could not help but shrink from the pain in his forehead, but he still said with a laugh: "the teacher said that everything in the world is knowledge, which can also be called worldly sophistication. Of course, we have to learn."

Sun Jian said with a smile, "OK! okay! I know you're a tough mouth now, but my father can't say you! Don't you mean to see Chen Ren drill recruits? Why don't you call Zhong Kang soon

As soon as Sun Quan paid homage, he immediately withdrew from his study. As Sun Jian's bodyguard, Xu Chu had to protect Sun Jian himself every time he went out. Once Xu Chu was ill, and Sun Jian was just about to go on an inspection tour, so he didn't call on him. Afterwards, Xu Chu said that he had derelict his duty and almost did not commit suicide. Since then, every time Sun Jian went out, he would call on Xu Chu.

After some arrangement, Sun Jian took Xu Chu and Sun Quan to the barracks outside the city. By the time Sun Jian arrived at the camp, the school yard was already full of people, and all the officials in Jianye had already sat down on the platform above the camp. As soon as they saw Sun Jian arrived, they all got up to see the ceremony. Sun Jian, smiling and waving his hand, motioned to the people to get up and let Sun Quan and Xu Chu find a place to sit down, and they directly sat on the top seat.

Sun Jian has arrived, which means that the drill of the new recruits can be started. All of them have already been informed. After a while, from the other end of the school field, a fast horse came in a hurry. It was Chen Ren, the leading actor of the drill, who was riding on the horse!

After a year's training, Chen Ren's skin has obviously blackened a lot. Although his body shape has not changed, he is still so thin, but his face has become angular and angular, which makes him more resolute than before. In addition, his brown armor still looks so mediocre, but he also shows a bit of heroism.

Riding a horse, Chen Ren ran all the way to the bottom of the stage. He turned over and jumped off the horse, and the horse ran to one side automatically. However, Chen Ren trotted onto the stage, clasped his fist on one knee and said to Sun Jian, "I've seen the Lord!"

Sun Jian said with a smile, "Zici, get up quickly! In the past year, Zici has worked hard! "

Chen Ren, who stood up, clasped his fist at Sun Jian and said, "serve the Lord, how dare you speak bitterness! Please accept the achievements of this year

"Good! Good! Good Sun Jian said three good words and nodded with a smile. At this time, several people in the stands stood up at the same time, namely sun CE, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu. They all saluted Chen Ren at the same time. Since returning from Xuzhou a year ago, Chen Ren also accepted Zhou Yu as his student on the recommendation of Sun Jian and sun CE. It's just different from sun CE and Sun Quan. Zhou Yu is now in an official position, while Chen Ren simply moved to the military camp to train his troops. Therefore, Zhou Yu only studies in Chen Renjun's tent every night.

After Chen Ren returned the salute separately, he exchanged greetings with those officials one by one, and finally said to Sun Jian, "Lord! All the officers and men are ready, and the drill will begin under the order of the Lord! "

"Good!" Sun Jian patted his thigh and said, "Zici! Today, I'm going to see how well you've trained your recruits? Let's go

"Here it is After a long time of military practice, he turned around and began to drink! The cavalry camp of the new army

As soon as Chen Ren's voice fell, several sergeants kept giving orders for Chen Ren. After all, the school field in front of him was specially set up to train new recruits. It was as big as three football fields of later generations. No matter how loud Chen Ren's voice was, it could not reach the new army waiting at the other end of the school field.

After a while, the crowd suddenly heard bursts of roar. Sun Jian and other officials obviously felt the ground under their feet was shaking slightly. Then, they saw the entrance opposite the school yard, turning up a series of dust and smoke. At the next moment, countless cavalry rushed out of the smoke. The leading knight, dressed in silver armor and helmet and holding a silver gun, sat down on a white horse and rushed to the front of the line.

Naturally, this person is Zhao Yun. Since Zhao Yun came to Jiangdong, Chen Renxian took him to see Sun Jian. Unfortunately, Zhao Yun refused to worship Sun Jian for the reason of the old lord's new funeral, but Sun Jian was not unhappy. Now that we have arrived at our own territory and Chen Ren is there, are you afraid that Zhao Yun will fly? Chen Ren simply took him to the barracks and asked Zhao Yun to help him train the new army.

Zhao Yun also knew that the stronger Sun Jian was, the greater his hope of revenge would be. Therefore, he tried his best to help Chen Ren train the new army. He even taught the cavalry in the new army his unique skills of riding and shooting. Although Zhang Fei later learned that Zhang Fei was recruiting Liu Bei's former troops in Youzhou, Zhao Yun decided to stay with Sun Jian. After all, Gong sun Zan's strength was much worse than Yuan Shao's.

Zhao Yun rushed to the grandstand with the cavalry battalion of the new army. Although it was getting closer and closer to the grandstand, the cavalry still had no intention of slowing down. Looking at the tens of thousands of cavalry rushing forward, many civil servants were scared to sit on the stands, while Xu Chu and other generals blocked Sun Jian one after another Sun Jian himself was completely unresponsive, still smiling at the front.In the front of the stands, Chen Ren was still standing there, greeting the cavalry on the opposite side without even moving. Seeing that the cavalry were about to run into Chen Ren, Zhao Yun pulled the reins, and the white horse sitting down raised his front hooves, and the dust from the front hooves floated in front of Chen Ren. Then all the cavalry pulled the reins, and tens of thousands of horses whined at the same time and raised their front hooves one after another. The scene was spectacular.

"Good!" Seeing that the tens of thousands of cavalry stopped at the same time, Sun Jian couldn't help cheering. Seeing that the cavalry stopped, the civil servants who were so scared that they almost got into the table sat back to their seats, and the generals were scattered.

Chen Ren looked at Zhao Yun with a smile, and suddenly raised his right hand and clenched his fist. He yelled: "cavalry camp!"

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible Tens of thousands of people roared, all holding their spears in their hands, full of fanaticism in their eyes, and even blood in their eyes.

"On target!" Chen Ren called out to the soldiers who had been ready for a long time under the stage. They brought up the prepared dummies one by one, inserted them at the other end of the school yard, and then quickly withdrew from the school yard.

Seeing that the target was ready, Zhao Yun waved the silver gun in his hand, then turned his horse's head and rushed towards the target. All the cavalry followed Zhao Yun closely. Under Zhao Yun's leadership, all the cavalry took out their bows and arrows one after another. It's rare that even though the cavalry's hands were off the reins, the cavalry were sitting firmly on the horse's back.

Less than 200 steps away from the target, Zhao Yun's silver spear was flying high, and tens of thousands of cavalry were scattered to the left and right as if the river met a fork in the river. At Zhao Yun's command, all the cavalry bent their bows and arrows at the same time and fired at the target in a volley. The arrow fell as accurately as a shower of arrows around the target, which made Sun Jian and several other generals in the stands all excited. Sun CE and others have already thought that they must pull these cavalry into their own army. After all, no commander-in-chief would not like to bring strong soldiers.

Under Zhao Yun's command, those cavalry were like painters splashing ink. Zhao Yun's silver spear pointed at the target again, and the group of cavalry behind him began to rush towards the target. The distance of two hundred steps is only a moment's distance under the galloping horse's hooves. At the next moment, those targets are completely scattered under the cavalry's long gun.

After finishing the task, the cavalry gathered behind Zhao Yun again, facing the crowd in the stands. The murderous spirit made the civil servants fall down and sit down again. Chen Ren smiles with satisfaction and waves his right hand, which has been held high for a long time. All the cavalry salute on the horse's back at the same time. Then, under the leadership of Zhao Yun, he orderly withdrew from the school yard.

Chen Ren turned to Sun Jian and said, "my Lord! There are 23000 new army cavalry battalions in total. Please review them

Sun Jian now has a bright smile on his face. Let alone these 23000 irons, it has brought him enough surprise. I believe that this iron horse will not be inferior to the famous Xiliang and Youzhou ironriding if it is trained on the battlefield. In the past year, Chen Ren did not ask Sun Jian for money to buy horses. Fortunately, he had checked a lot of treasure when dealing with the four big families. Otherwise, he could not resist Chen Ren's spending method. However, seeing the troops in front of him, Sun Jian felt that the money was not wasted.

Sun Jian even wants to kill the north with this iron horse, so that those northerners who can only say "southerners drive boats and northerners ride horses" all day know that southerners also have strong cavalry!

"Good! Good! Good Sun Jian has three good words to say. I'm afraid today will be the day when Sun Jian says the most good words, "Zici, it's a great credit to train such an iron horse for me in Jiangdong! Does this cavalry have a name? "

"To be named by the Lord!"

Sun Jian pondered for a moment and said, "I can see that the thunder bursts when the army strikes, and it rains like a shower when riding and shooting. I call it thunderstorm riding!"

"Thank you for your name!" Chen Ren secretly feigned Sun Jian's reputation while drinking. Then he turned around and saw that the school yard had been cleaned up by the sergeants on one side, and then roared: "new saber barracks!"