With Chen Ren's roar, the commanding Sergeant repeated Chen Ren's orders again and again. After a while, from the entrance of the school yard, again came the huge sound of stepping. An infantry team larger than the cavalry just came in. Everyone was wearing battle armor, with a steel knife at his waist, and a round shield in his left hand. On their faces, they could not see any expression at all. They were calm and numb.

If we say that the previous thunderstorm riding brought about a murderous atmosphere, then what this swordsman brings to the people in the stands is the strong pressure and the inexplicable sense of depression. Even Sun Jian, Xu Chu and other experienced generals can't bear it, let alone those civil servants.

The swordsmen slowly but neatly entered the school yard, but no one would doubt their speed. Gradually, all the swordsmen had formed a square array, and the distance between the swordsmen and the swordsmen was two arms apart. The neat array made everyone dare not doubt that the power of this swordsman was worse than that of the cavalry just now.

Chen Ren again made a gesture. The swordsmen under the stage pulled out their swords from their waists. At the same time, they held up the round shield of their left hand, and stepped backward with their right feet. Their bodies sank slightly, and they assumed a fighting posture. The sound of drawing a knife and stepping backward was as neat as a man. In a quarter of an hour or so after all the swordsmen were in good posture, none of them moved for half a minute. However, the static pressure was far more than the pressure just brought, and the air seemed to be stagnant. Everyone felt that they were suffocating.

"Attack!" Chen Ren yelled

"Drink As Chen Ren's voice just dropped, all the swordsmen roared at the same time. The voice rang through the air, and even the wine cups placed in front of the people were knocked down.

Then, the swordsmen began to practice fighting, which were all very common training moves. However, when they were practiced by these swordsmen, they had a totally different momentum. It was as if the air had been torn apart when the knife was cut out. But when they raise their shields to defend, it gives people a feeling that they are completely impeccable.

This sword drill lasted for more than half an hour. Just for half an hour, the generals in the stands were in cold sweat. They found that if they led their own troops to fight against this team, they could not be the enemy of the army in any case. What's more, according to Chen Ren, this new army should have never been on the battlefield If we wait for a few battles in the future, we can imagine how powerful this army will be.

When the last move is used up, all the swordsmen return to the position that they just drew their swords before. If you remove the half hour of martial arts training in the middle, it will be as if the swordsmen have never moved. Chen Ren made a gesture again, and saw that the swordsmen, with their neat and neat movements, took back the scabbard of the steel knife in their hands and stood upright again.

"Sabre barracks!" Chen Ren roared.

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible Different from the previous thunderstorm riding, all the swordsmen did not move at all, but the uniform sound was not small at all. With Chen Ren's command, all the swordsmen made a salute to the stands, and then turned around and orderly left the school yard.

Chen Ren turned around again and said, "my Lord! There are 30000 people in the new saber barracks. Please review them! "

Sun Jian stealthily wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and head. He could not help but clap his hands and said, "good! Good! Good! Such a great teacher! So strong! Why worry about the failure of Jiangdong? Ha ha ha ha! The so-called immobility is like a mountain! This army can be described as: how about Shandao camp

Chen Ren did not lift his head and said, "thank you for your name!" Chen Ren once again complained about Sun Jian's naming level, but he did not dare to tell the truth. He could only accept the name for the sabre army camp. Then Chen Ren got up, turned around and said again, "new army archery camp!"

The military orders are still repeated over and over again. With the sound of military orders becoming smaller and smaller, the sound of orderly steps rings again. A group of soldiers with long bows and arrow boxes walked into the school yard. At the same time, since the sword soldiers just practiced martial arts, the targets on both sides of the school field have been set. At this time, there are a row of targets on both sides of the school field.

Although the number of archers in the first two teams was not less than that of the first two archers, the number of archers who had just arrived at the camp was no less than that of the two archers. However, the number of archers in the two teams was no less than that of the first two archers. As an archer, the first requirement is to be calm enough, and everyone on this team has done it perfectly. If we say that the mountain sword camp is calm and makes people's scalp numb, then this kind of bow and arrow camp is calm and suffocating.

The people swept the faces of these archers. The swordsmen just now could not see any expression. However, these archers had no expression at all. Even their eyes were colorless. At first, they looked like a corpse.

When the archers enter the school yard, they do not form a square array like the swordsmen just now. Instead, they lean closely together to form a square array. Originally, the number of archers is not large. However, such a row of archers seems to be a large and empty school field.Chen Ren suddenly raised his left hand. At this time, people suddenly found that although there was no expression on the faces of the archers, their eyes had changed and became sharp, as if a pair of eyes were emitting cold light, which made people dare not look directly at these archers.

Chen Ren's left hand points to the left direction, and all archers turn around and face Chen Ren. Chen Ren yelled: "volley attack! Get ready

At the same time, all the archers took off their long bows and put on their arrows, and their formation was divided into five rows in a moment, forming five long dragons. The first row squatted on the ground, holding the long bow horizontally in their hands, and the second row kneeling on one knee. The arrows on the long bow could be higher than the head of the archers in the previous row. In this way, the archers in each row are slightly higher than those in the previous row. The archers in the fourth row have already stood up straight and raised their long bows. As for the last row of archers, they take a big step backward and pull the bowstring, but the arrows are facing the sky ahead. All archers pull the bowstring slowly, and their hands do not tremble at all. They are as stable as a rock.

"Shoot!" A blast of thunder like drinking from Chen Ren's mouth. At the same time, with the roar of their bows and arrows, they flew out of their hands. From the stands, it was as if there was a long strip of phantom flying from the archer to the target.

"Dada Da --!" The arrow hit the target strongly, sending out a burst of intensive knocking sound, which was chilling. If you look at the target again, all the arrows are shot in the target, even those shot by the fifth row of bows and arrows are no exception. Such accuracy makes people hard to believe that, a year ago, these people were just recruits.

"Turn back! Ready to fire Chen Ren issued an order again, and all archers turned at the same time and faced the target on the other side. Although it was still five rows, this time they were all standing upright. The archers in the front row raised their long bows. The arrows had been put up and the bowstring had been stretched. They all aimed at the target in front of them.

"Shoot!" As Chen Ren's order had just been delivered, the archers in the first row had already shot their arrows. Before the arrows hit the target, the archers in this row were divided into two teams, and the cats pulled away from both sides of the next row of archers. The second row of archers held up their long bows, but it was only time for three breaths, and their arrows also shot out quickly. Then there is the third row, and then the fourth row, the fifth row. When the fifth row archers finish shooting, the first row archers are ready to bend their bows and build arrows. It is a cycle after another cycle, without stopping.

In this way, at the target, the arrows did not stop to hit the top, making a dense sound. One by one, the targets could not bear the attack of these powerful arrows, and they broke and broke one after another. However, the archer's arrows did not stop at all and continued to hit the thick wood behind the target. Looking at the attack from the stands, it was as if a black carpet had been laid between the archer and the target, all of which were pictures of the arrows.

The civil and military officials in the stands are swallowing. As long as the archers are provided with enough arrows, they don't need protection at all. What troops can rush through the death zone of the arrow rain? At the same time, people think of the swordsman just now. I'm afraid that the archer's arrow rain attack will be broken. There is only the mountain sword camp with strong defense.

At last, the archer's casket was used up. Looking at the direction of the target, there was a lot of arrows, and the thick hoarding was no longer usable. Sun Jian suddenly remembered that every month Chen Ren would send someone to report a large amount of maintenance fees to him. It must be because of this.

After Chen Ren made a gesture, the archers did not rush to leave, but quickly picked up the arrows with their hands and feet. They moved quickly, and in a short time, all the arrows were put away. This time, there were no slogans and no military salutes as the previous two times. The archers' eyes returned to that they had just stepped into the school yard. However, looking at these unknown archers, people once again felt the chills on their backs. These archers may become the most powerful weapon of Jiangdong army in the future.

Chen Ren knelt down in front of Sun Jian again and said, "there are 17000 new army archery camps. Please review them!"