Sun Jian has been numb. Looking at the dense arrow holes on the walls on both sides of the school yard, although he has always believed that Chen Ren will not let him down, he never thought that Chen Ren would bring him such a big surprise. Moreover, according to the number of soldiers Chen Ren explained, there should be a team of 30000 people. Sun Jian wants to go back to the city a little. He is afraid that he can't bear too much The stimulation.

"That, that, that, good! Very good! " Sun Jian nodded and said, "this archery camp is called, it's called..."

Chen Ren saw Sun Jian's shell stuck here, and said quickly, "my Lord, how about a flying star camp?" Looking at the officials around him, he suddenly burst into a virtual sweat. It seems that the standard of Chen Ren's name is not high there.

However, Sun Jian couldn't think of a good idea at the moment, so he nodded and said, "well, Feixing camp is good! Flying star camp is good I don't know whether the name of feixingying is good or the archer named feixingying is good.

"Thank you, Lord!" In any case, Chen Ren accepted both the name and the person, stood up and called out the name of the last team under the stands. The reason why this team was placed at the end of the whole new army was that it was the team that Chen Ren had most high hopes for in the whole new army, and that was because this team was personally trained by Chen Ren.

"New army gun barracks!"

"New army gun barracks!"

"New army gun barracks!"


I'm afraid that when Chen Ren's troops were transferred to the camp, all of them knew why they were qualified to use the guns Will be the strongest in the new army!

With the sound of neat steps from the entrance of the school yard, a group of soldiers holding long guns walked into the school yard with their heads held high. At this time, the soldiers jumped forward to see their own weapons. Then he turned to face the grandstand. Behind him, the spearmen were slowly standing in formation.

Chen Ren waved the silver spear, and led these spearmen to practice their guns one by one. For a while, the shadows of the guns flashed across the campus. All of a sudden, people in the stands found that these seemingly ordinary spearmen had the skills of ordinary generals, and their martial arts were not even under some ordinary generals on the stands.

"Ha Chen Ren and the spearmen at the same time cried out. Their spears pierced like poisonous snakes, and then they slapped on the ground, playing countless dust and smoke. The movements of tens of thousands of people were exactly the same, just like one person.

In the stands, Sun Jian was completely speechless, a total of 30000 generals! This is something that no force in the world can do today. This army does not have the special skills of riding and shooting like thunderstorm riding, the strong defense ability like Shandao camp, and the fierce formation like Feixing camp. However, just as the so-called "one effort to reduce 100 associations", this barracks has surpassed all the advantages of the other three armed forces with its powerful force.

"Roar!" Under the leadership of Chen Ren, all the spearmen took back the final form and stood in the middle of the school field. 30000 pairs of eyes were directly fixed on the stands. That momentum has completely conquered all the people on the stands. This gun barracks is worthy of being the strongest team in the new army.

"Good!" After a long time, Sun Jian finally came to his senses and cheered loudly. The civil and military officials around him came back to their senses and cheered with Sun Jian, but this time they were sincere, not to flatter Sun Jian and Chen Ren.

Chen Ren took the lead and knelt down on one knee toward Sun Jian, followed by all the soldiers in the barracks. Chen Ren bowed his head and yelled: "there are 30000 people in the new army's gun barracks. Please review it!"

"Good! Good! Good Sun Jian nodded his head with satisfaction. Today, Chen Ren brought him too many surprises. "Zici has worked hard for a year and trained such a great teacher for me in Soochow! What a great achievement

Chen Ren didn't look up, but he still lowered his head and said, "it's my duty to serve the Lord! I don't dare to be greedy

At this time, Sun Quan suddenly came to Sun Jian and said, "father, you haven't named the teacher's gun barracks!"

"Yes! You see, I almost forgot it! " Sun Jian remembered this. Sun Quan grinned with pride, as if he had made great contributions. However, he didn't know that Chen Ren in the stands hated him. However, his painstaking efforts made him lose the right to name the barracks.

"Well! What's the name? " Sun Jian felt his head and thought hard. Zhou Yu on one side suddenly stood up to Sun Jian and said, "my Lord! Since this camp was trained by the teacher, why not take the name of the teacher? How about the Dragon camp

"Dragon camp?" Sun Jian's eyes brightened, and Chen Ren in the stands was so happy that he almost went up and hugged Zhou Yu for a kiss. That's a wonderful name! Wherever he goes, he has the scenery of Chen Ren!

Sun Jian also felt that the name was good. He nodded and said with a smile: "good! It's called Dragon camp! This dragon general camp will be the first strong soldier of Soochow! ""Thank you for your name!" Chen Ren quickly stood up and waved his hand behind him. The spearmen of the Dragon general camp stood up one after another, and marched to the outside of the school. Chen Ren also stepped onto the grandstand from one side of the ladder. A group of civil and military officials rushed forward to greet Chen Ren and kept on congratulating him.

"Zici!" Sun Jian went to Chen Ren's side and said with deep heart: "it's been a hard year for you. I heard that you lived in the military camp during this period. Even your wife gave birth to children, you only went back for a few days. It's really hard for you."

Hearing Sun Jian talk about his children, Chen Ren also said with guilt: "yes, the hardest thing is to count the two wives under him. Yueying, in particular, gave birth to a big fat boy for me, but I didn't have time to accompany her. I really... " At this point, Chen Ren can't say any more.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Sun Jian patted Chen Ren on the shoulder and said with a laugh: "OK! Zici! I'll give you a big holiday this time! Let you accompany your wife and children

Chen Ren was overjoyed when he heard Sun Jian say so. He immediately bowed down and said, "thank you, Lord!"

Sun Jian quickly helped Chen Ren up and said with a smile, "OK, OK! You go back now! Don't wait for me! But I know, you boy, you are desperate for home now

However, Chen Ren didn't mean to blush at all. He paid homage to Sun Jian and other people, turned around and got off the grandstand. He picked up the horse that had been prepared earlier. He quickly turned over and mounted his horse. Before he could take his silver gun with him, he ran outside the barracks, making everyone behind him laugh again.

Sun Jian pointed to Chen Ren's back with a smile and said, "this Chen Zici! Everything is good, just too homesick! It doesn't look like a man with lofty ideals at all! " However, although Sun Jian said so, but in his heart is thinking: love home? Love home! As long as he loves his family, he will not leave Soochow.

Xu Chu, who was beside him with a smile, immediately clasped his fist and said to Sun Jian, "my Lord! It's almost noon. Please go back to your house and have a meal! "

Sun Jian looked at the sky, and then touched his stomach. He said with a smile, "it's so late that I don't know it. Chen Zici is walking fast. Is it for fear that we will blackmail his wine?" Sun Jian's jokes made people laugh again. Then Sun Jian said, "since it's time, why don't you and I go to the barracks and enjoy the food in the army?"

Except for Xu Chu, everyone was called good, and Xu Chu only had a wry smile on his face. However, Sun Jian was very safe in the military camp. He immediately figured it out and didn't raise any objection. He was left to Sun Jian to do what he wanted.

No matter how Sun Jian and others struggled in the military camp, Chen Ren was eager to return home at this time. Just as Sun Jian said this, Chen Ren missed his wife and children and wanted to return home as soon as possible. Driving the mount, he ran to Jianye city quickly. The gate guard of Jianye city saw a horse coming from afar. He just wanted to ask. But when he saw the man on the horse, all the guards quickly retreated back and let Chen Ren cross the gate like this.

Behind the guard who took the lead to escape was a young recruit, who asked the guard in front with a look of surprise: "brother, why didn't you stop that man just now? He is to be punished for rushing into the city like this

The big brother of the guard slapped the young recruit's helmet and said, "stop him? Do you know who he is? He is the governor, the chief governor of all the troops and horses in Dongwu. Lord Chen, the Dragon general! How many of us can stop him? It's not bad to die! "

"No?" The recruit immediately opened his eyes and said, "is that man the Dragon general who is known as invincible in the world? Why are you so thin? Is it not that he boasted of the world's invincible name? "

"Asshole!" The former guard brother knocked on the head of the recruits and said, "Lord Chen, are you such a small soldier that you can stigmatize?"

Another guard also recognized Chen Ren. He glanced at the recruit and said, "yes, do you know who Mr. Chen is? He is a God in the sky! If our Lord was not the son of heaven, how could lord Chen be worshipped by our Lord? It was the first time that the Lord and Lord Chen met each other in those years. It was the first year of Chuping... " This is obviously a veteran Jiang Dongjun, but he has a strong ability to gossip. After a while, people surrounded him, listening to his story that Chen Ren and Sun Jian had to tell.

In a word, after the riot caused by Chen Ren's carelessness, the people in Jianye area supported Sun Jian and Chen Ren more. This is probably what Chen Ren did not expect. However, if Chen Ren knew that galloping on a horse would have this effect, he would not know whether he would ride a horse and run through the four gates of Jianye city?