After listening to Huang Yueying's words, Chen Ren's heart is finally through more than half, but it is still frowning. The Diao Chan on one side, however, chuckled and said to Huang Yueying, "sister, I think my sister is wrong. My husband is not worried about what kind of achievements he has made! I'm afraid his only worry is that after a month, there will be no way to be lazy! "

Chen Ren's eyes glared at Diao Chan and said, "do you say so about your husband?" The mouth is so say, but Chen Ren's heart is a burst of dark guilty, how he married these two wives are so smart?

However, Diao Chan was more intelligent than he thought. He immediately guessed what he was thinking from Chen Ren's face, and immediately pulled Huang Yueying and said, "sister! Sister! Look! My husband, he is guilty! Hee hee! I knew that my husband was a lazy man and would only find excuses to be lazy! "

Chen Ren, who had been torn apart, became angry. He immediately threw his feet and kicked off his shoes. He went straight into the couch. He hurled himself at the exquisite body of Diao Chan, and roared like wild animals in his throat.

Diao Chan was so surprised that she crawled into the couch. However, how could she escape from Chen Ren's hand, who had already incarnated as a beast, Chen seized Diao Chan's jade feet with either hand. The thin ankle felt like a warm jade. Immediately, Chen Ren caught Diao Chan by his side and put his feet in the other hand to play with. However, the hand was climbing all the way and directly touched the two peaks on Diao Chan's chest.

Immediately, Diao Chan's exclamation immediately turned into a panting sound. Huang Yueying's face was flushed. She picked up little Chen Yang and ran quickly outside the wing room, so as not to let her baby son hear some voices that are not suitable for children. Chen Ren didn't take care of Huang Yueying. After all, he and Diao Chan did something "love to do" here. It was not good for his baby son to hear about it, even though his son is still under the age of one year. Seeing Huang Yueying running out of the wing room with her son in her arms and carefully closing the door for them, Chen Ren turned his head to smile at the red faced Diao Chan, and jumped on him directly.

The whole back garden reverberated with the sound of enchantment. Fortunately, Huang Yueying was holding little Chen Yang while muttering about "death". All the maids and servants were rushed to the front yard. Otherwise, it was really the "spring sound" that leaked out.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Ren was appointed to the new army by Chen Ren. All the officials assigned by Sun Jian to the new army were frightened. Some of them did not sleep well at all. When these civil and military officials yawned, they slowly came to the Dadu governor's residence not far from Chen's residence. At this time, the gate of the official residence had not been opened. Obviously, Chen Ren didn't tell the sergeants who stayed in Dadu's official residence yesterday. They always opened the door at that time. How could they know that so many officials would gather here in Maoshi.

Seeing that they didn't look at the gate, these officials had to wait outside the gate for Chen Ren, but with the passing of the appointed time, Chen Ren did not appear. Among the officials, there are two men, one civil and one military, standing together. They are obviously much more spiritual than most of the people around them.

"Big brother! Why hasn't Mr. Chen arrived yet The man dressed as a civil servant whispered to his companion. He looked only in his early twenties. He was thin, white and dressed in the clothes of a grass-roots civil servant.

His companion, though similar to civil servants, was much darker and his face was much more mature. His eyes were shining with cold light. He was wearing ordinary armor, and there were many wear marks on the edge of the armor. He heard his companion's inquiry and shook his head slightly, but he didn't speak.

Not only the two of them, but many others were talking about it, but only the two at the front stood upright. These two people are Xu Sheng and Chen Wu. A year ago, Chen Wu had already guessed the power of Chen Ren. Although Xu Sheng didn't know it at first, Chen Wu also told Xu Sheng about the mystery. After Xu Sheng knew the truth, he did not dare to settle accounts with Chen Ren, and even more did not dare to have resentment against Chen Ren.

When Xu Sheng and Chen Wu returned to their families, they immediately startled the two families when they talked about it with the family members. Naturally, there were intelligent people in the two families. They immediately understood that Sun Jian was expressing his dissatisfaction with the two families. The patriarchs of the two families hurriedly ran to Sun Jian to plead guilty and beg Sun Jian's forgiveness, which made the two families feel relieved. However, after the event, Xu Sheng and Chen Wu were completely afraid of Chen Ren. In such a situation as today, no matter whether Chen Ren will come on time, they dare not have any dissatisfaction.

As the sun rose little by little, I saw that the Mao time mentioned by Chen Ren was almost over, and there were some ordinary people in the street. However, when I saw so many officials standing in the usually deserted Dadu governor's residence, they all looked at them with novel eyes, which made them blush.

"Li Er, were you drunk again yesterday?"

"No! When did I get drunk? "

At the end of the street, several figures in armour appeared at the end of the street. While joking with each other, they came to the door. It seemed that it was time to open the door.When these sergeants walked in and looked at it, they were immediately stupefied. How could there be so many officials coming to Dadu governor's residence where no one has been? Immediately, several sergeants came forward to salute one after another. The sergeant with the door key ran to the gate in a hurry and took out the door key. Trembling with nervousness, his hands finally opened the door. The sergeant quickly welcomed the officials in.

These officials looked again at the direction of Chen Fu at the end of the street, but they still couldn't see Chen Ren. Only the advanced official residence was waiting. Even Xu Sheng and Chen Wu, the top officials, considered for a while, and then walked into the official residence. After the officials entered the official residence, they were arranged by the sergeant to go to the largest meeting hall of the official residence. In a short time, they brought tea to these adults to drink.

Time went by slowly. In a twinkling of an eye, even the time of the day was almost over. Many officials could not sit still. If Chen Ren was not the governor of the city and the official position of "don't drive" in the eastern Wu Dynasty, most of the people here would leave.

"My Lord! Here you are! There are many adults waiting for you in there Finally, when it was nearly time, the voice of the sergeant came from outside the council chamber, and then a lazy voice rang out.

"Oh, I see. You go down."

After a while, Chen Ren stepped into the meeting hall. He raised his right hand powerlessly and waved to the people sitting in the meeting hall and said, "good morning, ladies and gentlemen."

Morning? People looked at the sun hanging high out of the window, but at the same time, there was a black line on his forehead. Could Chen Ren sleep until he just got up?

While yawning, Chen Ren slowly walked to the top of the Council hall. This is the official residence of Dadu governor. As long as it is not sun jianlai, Chen Ren is sitting in this seat. Chen Ren is sitting on his knees with no image. He can't help it. He is the boss here.

Chen Ren's eyes swept around the people in the conference hall. Chen Ren nodded and said, "well, well, it's good! I'm very satisfied that you are all here on time, which means that you abide by the military order. Since the Lord has assigned you to my staff, it is necessary for me to clarify my style of work. First of all, when you work under my account, you only need to listen to one person's command, that is what I Chen Ren said. Secondly, I spent a whole year training this new army of Jianye, whose power you must have seen a few days ago. Soldiers are the most powerful soldiers in the world, but the generals I want must also be useful generals. If any of you is unqualified and does not meet my requirements, I will go to serve as a soldier no matter what kind of official positions the Lord has assigned you! If you can't even be a soldier, leave my army! Do you have any comments? "

The officials nodded at the same time. Chen Ren suddenly laughed and said, "good! pretty good! It seems that you are all smart people. I like to deal with smart people. Today, it's just a meeting. How about getting to know each other? Who comes out first and introduces himself. "

People look at each other. In fact, most of these people know each other. The only person who may not know everyone is Chen Ren, the top boss. Chen Ren should only use this opportunity to get to know his subordinates, but he has to speak so well.

No one came forward, which made Chen Ren a little embarrassed. When he looked at the crowd, his eyes suddenly became sharp. As soon as Xu Sheng and Chen Wu, who were sitting below, saw each other, they immediately stood up. Xu Shengdang even got up and clasped his fists and said, "governor, let the last general throw a brick to attract jade. The surname of the last general was Xu Mingsheng, and the word Wenxiang was Wen Xiang. His ancestral home was Juxian County, Langxie. He is now a lieutenant in the military. The Lord yesterday appointed the last general as the Deputy General of the governor to assist him! "

Chen Wu also followed closely and said: "the last general's surname is Chen Mingwu, and the character is Zi lie. He is from Songzi of Lujiang. He is now a lieutenant in the army. The Lord appointed the last general as the Deputy General of the governor to assist the governor!"

"Mm-hmm!" Chen Ren secretly praised the two men and said with a smile: "Wen Xiang and Zi lie are Jiangdong heroes. I have to rely on you two for this expedition."

When they saw Xu Sheng and Chen Wu standing out, they saw Chen Ren smiling and satisfied. They could not understand what had happened, so they got up and answered one after another. Chen Ren listened to people's self introduction with a smile and scolded in his heart. These are new generals, many of whom have never been to the battlefield. Besides Xu Sheng and Chen Wu at the front, they are useless people. Sun Jian really regarded him as a training teacher and put such a large number of waste materials under his account. Did he really think that he could train this group of wastes into talents?