Just when Chen Ren was full of disappointment, the two men who had discussed before in front of the official residence came forward and said to Chen renbai, "the last general Wenbo (who belongs to Wenci), please see the governor!"

A simple self introduction, on the contrary, attracted Chen Ren's attention. Chen Ren looked at them carefully and asked, "are you two brothers?"

Wen Bo replied: "back to Dadu governor's words! I'm brothers! I will be my brother. "

His words are very concise, but they are clear. Chen Ren nodded slightly and asked, "what are your official positions now?"

Wenci arched his hand and said: "my subordinates were appointed as the military Chinese book by the Lord, and my brother was appointed as the general by the Lord."

"Hee hee!" There were a few Snickers nearby. It was obvious that some people were laughing at the low position of the two men. However, Wenbo and Wenci did not have any discomfort. They still stood upright and looked up at Chen Ren.

Chen Ren nodded and signaled to the next one to come up. The next few people were the middle of the road, and most of them were civilian officials. Chen Ren understood that these people were for Chen Ren to stay to manage the city and county after occupying the city of Jingzhou.

After everyone introduced his identity, Chen Ren nodded again. After a long silence, he suddenly raised his head and called out: "Wenci!"

Wen Ci, sitting at the end of his brother's seat, was stunned when he heard Chen Ren call his name. Then he immediately stepped forward and bowed his hand to Chen Ren and said, "my subordinates are here."

"From today on, you will follow me and make notes! Is there a problem? " Chen Ren said faintly, but in the light tone, it showed a trace of irresistible majesty.

Wen Ci was too happy to have any problems. He immediately bowed to Chen Ren and said, "thank you for your help." The officials on both sides looked at Wen CI with admiration. From a small document, he became a record of Chen Ren's side. Although there was no change in his official position, he was able to follow him. This means that this small document has become a popular man around Chen Ren!

"Wenbo!" Chen Ren called again. Rao was Wenbo's dull face all the time. At this time, he changed a little. He took a deep breath and went out to Chen Ren and said, "the end will be here."

Chen Ren's fingers beat the table top regularly. He squinted at Wenbo and asked, "what weapons are you good at?"

Wenbo quickly replied, "when we go back to the governor, we will end up with double guns."

"Oh?" Chen Ren himself was a master at using guns. When he heard that there were people using double guns, he became interested. After all, he saw that this was an official residence. There was no display of weapons. He immediately got up and said, "go! Let's go to the barracks Then he went outside.

Everyone was shocked by Chen Ren's words. They didn't know that Chen Ren had a crazy temper and would do whatever he thought. Helpless, all people have to follow Chen Ren out of the official residence.

Just out of the official residence, Chen Ren suddenly turned around. The officials behind him almost didn't bump into him. Chen Yiyan glared and said, "what are you doing with me?"

All of them were in a daze. At this time, a smart looking civil servant stepped out and said with a smile, "my Lord, we will accompany you to the barracks."

Chen Ren looked at the civil servant strangely and asked, "are you sure you want to accompany me to the military camp?"

The civil servant felt fluffy at Chen Ren's eyes, but he still insisted: "yes, my Lord, we will accompany you to the military camp."

"Well!" Chen Ren nodded, without saying a word. He turned around and went to the ready-made horses. Other officials were also equipped with mounts before they came. They turned over and mounted one by one. However, Wenbo and Wenci are standing there, and their expressions are somewhat embarrassed.

Chen Yiyi guessed that the two men must have no horses. Judging from their simple clothes, they must be children of poor families. He immediately ordered the sergeant who led the reins for Chen Ren: "go to the official residence and lead two good horses out!"

The sergeant was no longer surprised by Chen Ren's various orders, and without any hesitation, he immediately ran into the official residence. After a while, he took out two Dawan horses and led them to Wenbo and Wenci under the direction of Chen Ren.

At this time, Wenbo and Wenci looked at Chen Ren with gratitude on their faces. The two brothers did not speak much. They both paid homage to Chen Ren, but Chen Ren knew that this was called great kindness and did not say thank you. They must have remembered Chen Ren's kindness today. However, Chen Ren did not really put it in his heart. For him, it was just a little work.

Seeing that all the men had mounted their horses, Chen Ren gave an order to the sergeant, and then he swung his whip and rode straight out of the city. Other civil and military officials also whipped their horses and followed suit.

After reaching the gate of the barracks outside the city, the time was almost over. At this time, the new army was still practicing in the camp. Chen Ren stopped his mount at the door, pointed to the soldiers who were still practicing, and said to the people who stopped behind him: "see what that is?"

Several generals with hot eyes thought that they were already the leaders of this great division. They were excited. Without thinking about it, they replied, "report to the governor, that's the new army trained by the commander in chief!"Chen Ren suddenly stretched out his hand and kept coming and going among these officials, saying, "you, you, you, you At one breath, he went to five senior officials, all of whom were civil servants left by Sun Jian to manage the city attacked by Chen Ren.

Then, Chen Ren said, "except for Xu Sheng, Chen Wu, Wen Bo and Wen Ci, there are five other people. Let me go in and practice with the new army."

As soon as Chen Ren said this, those newly recruited civil and military officials were immediately stupefied. They were all stunned that no general was training with the soldiers. Chen Renxie said with a smile: "originally, I wanted you to be ready to come again in a few days. Since you insist on accompanying me to the barracks, I have no choice but to let you start now!"

When Chen Ren said this, the former civil servant was immediately noticed by his colleagues, and his head shrank involuntarily. Chen Ren continued: "as I said before, I would like to screen you. If you are unqualified, you should be sent to serve as a soldier. If you can't be a soldier, you can go back to me. I don't want to waste the new army brought by Chen Ren!"

At this time, another general drove his horse forward, clasped his fist at Chen Yiyi and said, "Governor Chen, we are all sent to the new army by the Lord. It seems that you don't pay attention to the Lord when you do this?" Chen Ren turned his head and looked at the general. He was big and thick. He was wearing brand-new armor. When he spoke, his head was still high. He looked at Chen Ren arrogantly. Chen Ren remembers this person's introduction in the assembly hall. It seems that he is the son of a family of Guangling, but he doesn't remember his name at all.

Xu Sheng, Chen Wu and the five senior civil servants beside Chen Ren all looked at the general with pity, provoking Chen Ren in Jiangdong? Seek your own fortune!

Chen Ren asked with a crooked head: "what position did your Lord send to me? Show me your appointment? "

When Chen Ren asked about his position, the general thought that Chen Ren was afraid of himself, and now he was more proud. This guy and several other civil and military officials, who had been put into Sun Jian's account only a few months ago, thought they were supported by a family of Xuzhou, and they also formed their own faction in Jianye city. At that time, Chen Ren was busy practicing in the military camp, and Sun Jian was also discussing the issue of going out to war with Xunzi and others. He didn't have time to pay attention to them, which made the descendants of Xuzhou's aristocratic families become more and more arrogant. At the beginning, he was still afraid of Chen Ren's status as the governor of the city. But later, he felt that Chen Ren was young and nothing to be afraid of, so he dared to contradict Chen Ren.

The general took out Sun Jian's military order from his arms and handed it to Chen Yiyi. Chen Ren took over the military order with a smile and looked at the general, but he didn't see it. All of a sudden, he tore the military order to pieces.

Chen Ren's action was so fast that the general had no time to stop him. Seeing that Chen Ren dared to tear up the military orders issued by Sun Jian, the general pointed to Chen Ren and roared: "be bold! You, you dare to tear the Lord's orders

Chen Ren said with a cold smile: "I said before that I can only listen to my orders when I work under my account! From now on, you are no longer in my new army. Go away When he spits out the last word, Chen Ren's eyes are shining cold.

Unfortunately, how willing to give up, the general immediately drew out his long sword on his waist, pointed to Chen Ren and cursed, "Chen Ren is a traitor! You dare to despise the Lord! Today I will take you back to the Lord and convict you! " After that, several civil and military officials, who were from Xuzhou aristocratic family, pulled out their weapons and rushed to Chen Ren. Of the 20 or so people, there were six of them.

Huh? The brain is not too stupid! He knows to put on a big hat first, but sadly, he dares to point his sword at Chen Ren

Chen Ren Yong looked at the idiots and the seven people who rushed up. Not only Chen Ren, Xu Sheng, Chen Wu, the five civil servants, Wenbo and Wenci, but even the soldiers standing guard at the gate of the barracks all looked at them with the eyes of looking at the idiots.

Challenge the Dragon general? Plus a hundred times is not enough!

Chen Ren didn't move. He quietly looked at the seven people who rushed over, but his face became colder and colder. Just as the leading general approached Chen Ren, Chen Ren directly lifted his hand and grasped the falling wrist of the general. With a strong hand, the general was immediately pulled off by Chen Ren and carried in the air. At this time, the six people in the back also arrived. Chen Ren still didn't mean to dodge or take weapons. He threw his hand and directly took the general as a weapon. He swung it left and right. It was only in a blink of an eye that the other six people fell behind. Chen renjiang threw the general, who had already been in pain, to the ground without looking at it.

Looking up at the remaining officials who had already stood there, he said coldly, "how about it? Do you have any other ideas? "