Looking at the frosty Chen Ren, the remaining officials shook their heads quickly, which made Chen Ren's face a little better. Chen Ren glanced at the seven wailing people on the ground, turned his head and yelled at the soldiers who had been standing at the gate of the barracks: "go and ask LV Meng to bring 20 people to me!"

These soldiers were all new soldiers trained by Chen Ren. When Chen Ren ordered Chen Renyan to follow his plan, a soldier immediately clasped his fist at Chen Yiyi, turned around and ran to the barracks. After a while, I saw more than 20 people rushing out of the camp. The leader was not tall, but he was very strong, with a black short beard. The more than 20 soldiers behind were armed with broadswords at their waists and round shields on their backs. Obviously, they were soldiers from Shandao camp.

The more than 20 soldiers ran to Chen Ren's horse and immediately knelt down on one knee. The man took the lead and said, "Lvmeng, please see the governor!"

This man is Lu Meng, the future general of the eastern Wu Dynasty in history. It is also coincidental to talk about the process of Chen Ren's income from Lu Meng. It turned out that when Chen Ren defended Yuzhang City, the middle-aged man who led the people in the city to help defend the city was Deng Dang, LV Meng's brother-in-law. Later, Chen Ren issued a military order to train the new army. Deng Dang took LV Meng to join the army. Chen Ren, who had known LV Meng's potential from the history books, naturally would not let go of this general. He immediately incorporated Deng Dang and LV Meng into the new army. This is what made Chen Ren find a treasure.

Pointing to the seven men on the ground, Chen Ren said, "these people have committed crimes below and fought against each other privately in the barracks. I have abolished their official posts and removed all military orders from them! After they are disposed of according to the military law, they shall be returned to the garrison in the city! "

"Here it is After LV Meng and others should go down, they turn their heads and look at the seven people on the ground, and their eyes even show a trace of killing intention. They can't help but let others worry about the fate of these seven people.

Chen Ren seemed that nothing had happened, and he said to the remaining officials: "what? What I just said was not clear enough? "

Chen Ren's drink made those officials shiver one by one, and hurriedly drove his horse to enter the military camp. However, the guards suddenly stopped them and yelled, "no one is allowed to enter the camp with a horse, except the cavalry camp."

When the officials saw a small soldier, they dared to stop them. They just wanted to get angry, but when they saw Chen Ren with a dark face beside them, they quickly shrunk their heads and got down to the ground. Only in this way did the guards flank them and let them into the barracks. At this time, Chen Ren also got off the horse. According to the regulations of the military camp, Chen Ren could ride in, but Xu Sheng, Chen Wu, Wen brothers and the five civil servants behind him had to dismount, so Chen Ren simply dismounted and followed them into the camp.

On the other side, LV Meng, with the help of the wolf like soldiers, gruffly found the military orders from the seven people lying on the ground, and then directly stood up and went to the barracks to punish them. Even the most pitiful general was the one who started the battle first. His hand had been dislocated by Chen Ren. However, these soldiers could not control so much. They pulled his hand and left. He cried out in pain, even tears came out.

He walked into the barracks and looked at the officials who didn't know where to go. Chen Ren suddenly roared: "Dong attack! Where is Dong attack? " Chen Ren just roared, and the soldiers standing guard not far away then roared: "pass on Dong attack!" Then a little farther away, another soldier on guard yelled. It was passed several times.

After a while, another big black faced man came running from a distance. He rushed to Chen Ren and bowed down. He said in a loud voice, "Dong Chen, please see the governor!"

Pointing to the confused officials, Chen Ren said, "these people will be handed over to you for assessment, and they will be given three days' training. In three days' time, the qualified list will be given to me." After that, he took Xu Sheng and other nine people to the direction of the school. Behind him came the huge roar of Dong attack: "you all come here for me!"

Xu Sheng and Chen Wu secretly looked at each other, and their eyes were full of awe and awe. Both Lu Meng and Dong attack before him exuded a strong murderous spirit. Judging from their pace and body shape, they were both masters of martial arts. I thought they were just a little inferior to those super top generals in the Dongwu army, but I didn't expect that Chen Ren's new army was also crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and his fear of Chen Ren was deeper.

Chen Ren didn't think much about it. He came to join the army on his own. Chen Ren also had an impression on him. It seems that he was also a senior general of the Soochow kingdom in history. So he was included in the army. Later, seeing that he acted fairly, he appointed him as the military examiner to assess the soldiers' abilities.

All the way to the school yard, at this time, there is a team of 100 people training, which is the strongest dragon general camp in the new army. Chen Ren did not disturb the drill, but just stood on the side to watch, Chen Ren did not move, Xu Sheng and others naturally did not dare to move. The leader of the team, with a dark face and no beard, had a long scar on his left cheek, which was cut directly from the corner of his eye to his chin, adding a bit of ferocity.

The leader of the team also saw Chen Ren, but he didn't mean to stop at all and continued to practice. It took about half an hour for the team to practice and play. The team leader ordered everyone to come to Chen Ren's side and kneel down on one knee at the same time. The team leader clasped his fist at Chen Ren and said, "lingcao, please see the governor!"Different from what Xu Sheng and others had guessed, Chen Ren did not blame Ling Cao for his unreasonable behavior. On the contrary, he helped Ling Cao up kindly. Chen Ren said to Ling Cao with a smile: "the referendum! Go and get me some spears and straw men

That Ling Cao is still a stiff face, clasping fists should say: "here!" After that, he ordered the detachment to be disbanded and ordered five people to follow him to prepare what Chen Ren wanted. Looking at Ling Cao's vigorous style and his martial arts, Xu Sheng and Chen Wu looked at each other again. They were not inferior to them!

Chen Ren said to the five civil servants, "thank you for your hard work. If you feel tired, you can go to the camp to rest." These men are Sun Jian's old subordinates. Although they are not very famous, Chen Ren is also familiar with them. Of course, they are very polite.

The five civil servants also knew Chen Ren's temper. They looked at each other, but were not polite to Chen Ren. They left immediately and went to the camp to have a rest. Chen Ren turned his head to Wenci and said, "now look for a man named Lu Dai. Follow him to study the paperwork for a month. In a month, you will start to work formally. Don't let me down!"

Wen CI quickly arched his hand and said, "I will try my best to live up to the governor's kindness in carrying him." After that, he turned around and left. Before leaving, he took a look at Wenbo. The two brothers encouraged each other in their eyes.

It's easy to find the spears and grass men Chen Ren wanted in the barracks. As soon as Wen Cicai came out of the school, Ling Cao and the other five dragon generals came in with two bundles of spears and seven or eight grass men. They put the things aside and said to Chen Ren, "governor! What you want has already been brought. How to place it? "

Chen Ren did not answer directly, but looked at Wenbo and asked, "Wenbo, how do you want to use it?"

Wenbo took a look at the grass men and spears, and then said, "governor! At the end of the day, one straw man is needed to be put near, and the others are far away! " With that, he pointed to the other end of the school yard.

"Far away?" Chen Ren asked in some doubt, but he did not continue to ask, pointing to the two bundles of long guns, he said, "you go and pick your own gun." Wenbo clasped his fist and went to the two bundles of spears. Chen Ren turned his head and told Ling Cao's soldiers to install the grassroots in the way Wenbo said. When he turned to look at Wenbo, Chen Ren was angry and funny.

Wenbo is not the one who chooses the spear. He picks up a spear and inserts it behind him. Now he has six Spears on his back. It seems like a peacock opens the screen.

"I said Wenbo!" Chen Ren said strangely, "these are the public property of the military camp. You can't take them back!" After a serious morning, Chen Ren's mischievous temper began to break out again.

Wen Bo's face turned red, but he still said confidently to Chen Ren: "governor, these spears will be useful in the future. Please look at them!"

Wen Bo said so, Chen Ren did not have much to say. He watched Wen Bo put his long guns behind him with great interest. Fortunately, except for his two long guns, he didn't have any effect on his body.

Wen Bo holds his fist at any Chen, and Chen Ren nods to him, indicating that he can start. Wenbo was holding the spear with both hands upside down. Instead of facing the grass man nearby, he was facing the grass man in the distance. Suddenly, Wen Bo yelled out: "yes!" I saw that he first raised the spear with his right hand, pulled it backward and flung it violently. He even threw the spear out. Then he threw it out with his left hand. Two spears, one in front of the other, darted at the target in front of them. With two dull sounds, the two spears accurately inserted into the grass man's chest.

Wenbo didn't stop here, rolling on the ground, holding a long gun in both hands, and continuing to fly to the target grass man. While throwing the spear, Wenbo continued to pull out the spare long gun from behind, and kept flying at the target. The long guns streaked through the air and finally landed on the grass man. After a while, all the spears behind Wen Bo had been used up, leaving only the two spears in Wenbo's hands. Looking at the grass men in the distance, they were full of long guns, and none of them was missing.

Chen Ren was so excited that he only heard that Dian Wei had a magic skill of flying halberd in the book. He didn't expect that this unknown Wenbo had such a skill of flying a gun.