In Xiangyang City of Jingzhou, at this time, the whole city has become lifeless, no longer the original lively scene. Patrol soldiers were everywhere, patrolling the city day and night. Although it was broad daylight, no one in the street could be seen.

The governor's office in the east of the city is also the residence of Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou. In the past, the gate was always open. Now, the gate is closed, and there are layers of heavy guards outside the gate. Not only that, but also around the whole prefectural governor's office, there are soldiers guarding it. It can be said that there is no barrier.

In the governor's office, the servants and maids were all busy with their heads down, and no one dared to speak more. All the way inside, there is the back yard of the governor's office. Liu Biao's wing room is also here. In broad daylight, the doors and windows of Liu Biao's wing room are tightly sealed. Outside, standing in front of them were Cai Mao, Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue, who are now in charge of Jingzhou's military and political power.

A figure rushed over in a panic. It was Cai Zhong, Cai Mao's younger brother. He ran to Cai Mao and said breathlessly, "no! eldest brother! That old man Huang Zhong is here again today! "

Seeing the despising look on the face of the Kuai brothers, Cai Mao couldn't help but stare at Cai Zhong fiercely and said in a low voice, "what are you flustered about! I told you to stop him

Cai Zhong was very aggrieved and said, "I, I, we can't stop it! That old man Huang Zhong said, if I don't see Liu Jingzhou today, I will never give up! Now the third brother and Zhang Yun are dragging on, but I don't think it will be long. You should think of a way to do it! "

When Cai Mao heard this, he became angry and said, "are you sure you want to speak out? Three people can't even stop a fifty year old man! I... " Even if Cai maodang wanted to raise his hand and fan it over, he was stopped by Kuai Liang.

Kuai Liang frowned and said, "brother Deyi, although Huang Zhong is old, he is the most powerful general in Jingxiang. It's normal that your younger brother can't stop him. We'd better go and have a look in person. We can't let him break into this room." After that, Kuai Liang clapped his hands. Suddenly, four figures sprang up from the eaves of one side and half knelt in front of him.

Kuai Liang ordered: "keep this room well. Don't let anyone break in. Anyone who breaks in will be killed!" When he said his last words, Kuai Liang swept away his former Confucian appearance, and his eyes burst into a cold light. The four figures were four men in black. After hearing Kuai Liang's order, they immediately responded to them, and then disappeared in the next moment.

The Kuai and Cai brothers left the backyard at ease and began to walk towards the front yard. Before arriving at the hall, I heard a lot of noise coming from the front. On the corridor in front of me, a large number of people were entangled. The first one was Huang Zhong, a general of Jingzhou.

"General Huang!" Seeing Huang Zhong push Cai he away, Cai Mao frowns and quickens his pace. He just blocks Huang Zhong in front of him. Although Huang Zhong is old, he is still big. Cai Mao has to look up when he talks to him.

Although Cai Mao didn't like to talk with his head up, he could not help it. He continued: "General Huang! Why did you intrude into the prefect's office without permission? "

Huang Zhong is not a reckless person. Cai Mao is different from Cai he and can't be rude to him. Therefore, Huang Zhong has to say, "general Cai! I have something important to see the Lord! "

Cai Mao still frowned. Although Huang Zhong didn't get rough with him, the tone was not so good. Cai Mao, who was going to talk with his head up, was very upset. By the way, he said coldly: "my Lord is sick in bed and can't see guests! What's the matter with General Huang? You'd better come back next time! General Huang, please come back

"No way!" With a big wave of his hand, Huang Zhong almost hit Cai Mao's head. Huang Zhong said, "I haven't seen the Lord for several months. The next time you all said that the LORD was ill, but you didn't see you hire a medical officer. I'll see the Lord anyway!"

"Huang Zhong!" Cai Mao was just about to be reached by Huang Zhong. He was full of fire and yelled at Huang Zhong: "this is the governor's office! I can't let you be presumptuous here! Come on With CAI Mao's drinking, countless soldiers flashed out around him, holding long spears at Huang Zhong. Cai Mao looked at Huang Zhong closely and said, "Huang Zhong! If you dare to break into the censor's office, no wonder I don't respect my colleagues

How could Huang Zhong ever be afraid of this? The more Cai Mao forced Huang Zhong with force, the more he aroused Huang Zhong's pride. He pointed to the soldiers and said, "where did these people come from? Why have I never seen it in the Jingzhou army? "

Hearing Huang Zhong's question, Cai Mao's face appeared a little flustered, but he was forced to go down immediately. However, this change was not concealed from Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong immediately walked forward in a big stride.

Cai Mao's face was pale with anger, but he couldn't stop Huang Zhong from advancing. He immediately began to drink: "you, you, Huang Zhong! How dare you! Come on With CAI Mao's big drink, the soldiers around him put up their guns and stabbed Huang Zhong.

How could Huang Zhong be stabbed by these small soldiers? With his arms outstretched, he directly grasped all the spears that had been stabbed at him. As soon as he saw the blue veins on his arms, Huang Zhong yelled: "go!" Those soldiers were overturned by Huang Zhong at the same time. However, these soldiers were tough, and immediately got up again. Without saying a word, they pulled out the big knives hanging on their waists, and looked at Huang Zhong with covetous eyes, ready to jump on them at any time."Hold on!" Just as the two sides were about to fight, a clear voice sounded. In front of them, Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue came with a young man. The young man said, "General Huang, why is this so?"

As soon as Huang Zhong saw the young man, he immediately clasped his fist and said, "Huang Zhong has seen the young man!"

Cai Mao was relieved to see the young man coming. He didn't want to fall out with Huang Zhong at this time. After all, Huang Zhong's force was useful. Immediately, Cai Mao waved his hand to the soldiers, and all of them retreated one after another. Cai Mao also worshipped the young man and said, "see you, young master!"

Naturally, this young man was Liu Biao's only son, Liu Qi. At this time, he was only in his early twenties. His appearance had some of the appearance of Liu Biao when he was young. Liu Qi said to Huang Zhong, "General Huang, you and general CAI are both the security of Jingzhou. Why do you kill each other here?"

Although Huang Zhong could be unkind to Cai Mao, he did not dare to be unkind to the only heir of Liu Biao. He said, "young master! However, it's not until the end of the day that Cai Gong Mao wants to stop him

Liu Qi said with a sad face: "Alas! Old General Huang didn't know that his father had been ill a few months ago, but he had not improved. All the medical officers he had asked for were helpless. Now his only hope is to find the miracle doctor Hua Tuo to treat his father. However, there is no news yet... " With that, Liu Qi's eyes shed a few tears.

"Don't be sad, young master. I believe that those who go out looking for a miracle doctor will surely find a miracle doctor to cure the Lord." Kuai Liang took the opportunity to comfort Liu Qi.

Liu Qi nodded and said, "I hope so, too. But looking at my father's weakening day by day, I have no way to be a son of man. I'm so anxious!" Just as soon as this word finished, Liu Qi unexpectedly covered his eyes with his cuffs and began to cry.

However, Huang Zhong was embarrassed. Looking at Liu Qi, he cried so much. Huang Zhong didn't know what words to persuade him. He could only stand here. Kuai Liang said to Huang Zhong, "General Huang, you see, the Lord can't see the guests. You'd better ask him to come again next time."

Huang Zhong frowned and said, "zirou, I have something important to report to the Lord. At this time, the city is under martial law, which makes people in Xiangyang City panic. If this continues, Jingzhou will be in trouble."

Kuai Liang said with a helpless face, "this is also a matter of no means! The Lord is seriously ill. If other princes know that, he will take this opportunity to attack Jingzhou. If others don't say, Sun Jian, who is in the east of the river, has been watching Jingzhou for a long time and will never let go of such an opportunity. "

What else did Huang Zhong want to say? Liu Qi on one side probably thought of the sad place. He cried more and more loudly and beat his chest and feet. The Kuai brothers on the other side were busy trying to comfort him. Zhang Yun, Liu Qi's cousin behind Huang Zhong, also stepped forward to comfort him. Kuai Liang said to Huang Zhong with a wry smile: "General Huang, you can see that it's really not suitable to talk about this today. It's better to ask General Huang to return temporarily. If the Lord's condition is better, we will send someone to inform him. As for the matter of martial law, it's also a temporary and helpless move. It's up to General Huang to help manage it. "

"This one, this one should be. Since the Lord is really inconvenient, he will have to come another day. Please take care of yourself. Don't be too sad! " When people said that, Huang Zhong was naturally embarrassed to stay, so he had to leave. He walked out of the governor's office with a gloomy face. However, he did not notice that Liu Qi, who was covering his face and crying bitterly, slightly cocked the corner of his mouth.

Huang Zhong, with a gloomy face, went straight out of the governor's office. When he was about to leave, he hesitated to look back. However, he could not find any reason to go in again. He had to sigh and turn away. Outside the guards of the governor's office, there were a large group of civil and military officials watching Huang Zhong come out. Their eyes lit up and they all came forward to meet Huang Zhong. But behind the crowd, a young general saw Huang Zhong's face and seemed to think deeply, and then turned to leave.

"How about it? General Huang! Have you ever seen the Lord? " A civilian official with a short beard asked Huang Zhong that he was an Yiji of Jingzhou.

Huang Zhong, with a gloomy look on his face, replied, "I haven't seen the Lord, but I have seen him. The young master said that he was ill in bed and could not see guests, so I came out."

On the other side, another general asked, "General Huang, did you ever ask when the martial law in Xiangyang City could be lifted?" This man is Liu Biao's son Liu Pan, the current city guard, Xiangyang City martial law, the common people complain, make him a lot of pressure.