Huang Zhong was also asked a little temper, and immediately called out: "Oh! How can I know when the martial law of Xiangyang City will be lifted? "He said

Seeing Huang Zhong's anger, all the others scattered. Liu Pan was also choked up these days. He immediately snorted coldly and said, "you can't see the Lord. I'll go! I don't believe it! See who dares to stop me Having said that, he directly rushed to the heavily guarded prefect's office.

"Oh! General Liu! General Liu Yiji immediately grabbed Liu Pan and, after saying something, calmed down this man's temper. The governor's office was obviously controlled by the Cai family and the Kuai family. Even Huang Zhong couldn't get in. How could Liu Pan get it? Although Yiji is not loyal to Liu Biao, he can't watch Jingzhou fall into the hands of these aristocratic families. Liu Pan is Liu Biao's son and controls the city guard of Xiangyang. He can play a very important role when necessary, and there is no accident.

In fact, Liu Pan was not stupid. He was only infuriated by Huang Zhong's words and failed. He didn't have the courage to ask him to go to the prefect's office alone. Yiji's persuasion just gave him a step down the road, so he stood there and didn't speak.

Yiji, holding Liu Pan in one hand and Huang Zhong in the other, said, "let's go! Go to my house first, and we'll discuss a perfect plan! " With these words, the three men left the gate of the governor's office directly, while the civil and military officials glared at each other, and finally returned to their respective homes.

In the meeting hall of the governor's office, the brothers CAI and Kuai sat on both sides, while Zhang Yun sat beside Cai Mao, while Liu Qi, the son of Liu Biao, who was just crying in front of Huang Zhong, was sitting right above.

At this time, there was no trace of sadness on Liu Qi's face. He looked at the six people sitting down. Once upon a time, only his father, Liu Biao, was qualified for this kind of enjoyment. I can't imagine that now he can also enjoy the feeling of being respected by the two families in Jingzhou.

"Report to the young master! Outside the door, Huang Zhong, Liu Pan and others have retreated! " Said one of the servants.

Liu Qi nodded, waved and said, "well, I know, you go down!"

After the servant went down, Liu Qi asked Kuai Liang with a smile. After all, in terms of wisdom, the CAI brothers were still worse. Liu Qi asked, "Mr. zirou, what do you think we should do now?"

Kuai Liang stroked his recently grown goatee, thought a little, and said, "young master! Now Xiangyang can be said to have been in the master's control, and the first problem is to bring the local counties of Jingzhou into our control as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the news leaked out, the other counties in Jingzhou might immediately rebel, and then our major task would fall short of success. "

Liu Qi frowned a little and said, "I don't want to talk about other counties. It's Huang Zu, the governor of Jiangxia, who is loyal to the old guy! I'm afraid it will be very difficult for him to join us! "

Cai Mao also nodded and said, "I know about Huang Zu. He has a bad temper, so I'll listen to Liu Jingsheng alone. What's more, he controls the 40000 water army in Jingzhou, and the power of Jingzhou lies in the water army. If we can't get rid of this guy, even if we control Jingzhou, we will be swallowed up by other princes at any time. "

Kuai Yue also began to speak: "not only Huang Zu of Jiangxia, but also Pang Ji of Nanjun, Deng Xi of Wuling and wenpin of Nanyang. These three men have mastered Jingzhou and removed all the troops and horses of Xiangyang. If we can't solve these four people, it will certainly have a great impact on our future major events."

Zhang Yun turned his eyes and said, "let's use the name of the old guy and send letters to attract them to Xiangyang, and then..." In the middle, Zhang Yun's face was gloomy and he made a downward chop with his hand.

Kuai Liang immediately shook his head and said, "no way! Every time Liu Jingsheng calls on these four people, there is a secret language in the letter. If we send a letter like this, we will only be seen by the four people. Besides, we can't recruit them. If they were killed in Xiangyang, I'm afraid that their local influence would not turn to us, maybe they would rebel immediately! "

Liu Qi was also a little anxious and said, "what should I do? What Huang Zhong said today is right. Xiangyang City can't be under martial law for a long time. We should not bring disaster sooner or later. "

Kuai Yue sighed and said, "it's a pity that Shiyuan has not been found. Otherwise, with his wisdom, he will surely come up with a good way."

Kuai Yue's words immediately reminded Kuai liang of that strange looking, unruly young man, and he couldn't help sighing. Other people did not know who Kuai Yue referred to as taxi yuan, and only watched the Kuai brothers groan there.

-- I -- is -- y -- D -- of -- divide -- cut -- line --

"Ha Chu!"

In the streets of Wancheng, Lujiang, a huge sneeze sounded. People on the street looked at the young man standing in the middle of the street constantly rubbing his nose. No one could have imagined that a young man of such a small stature could even make such a big noise. It was really unseemly.This young man is not tall, and his body is thin and weak. What's more striking is his appearance. Compared with his thin body, his head is undoubtedly a little bit larger. The towering forehead is not pleasing to the eye. He looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he had a thick beard, but he didn't comb it well. His beard was messy, like a lot of weeds on his face. At last, he tied up his hair with a square kerchief. He was wearing a fancy robe on his body. He looked like a stranger.

The young man didn't notice the strange eyes that people around him looked at him. He just rubbed his nose, which was already a little red, and said to himself, "this Yuanzhi, I thought he was in Jianye and ran away hard. I didn't expect that he would come to Lujiang again. Now I'm in Lujiang, but the Lujiang River is so big, where is Xu Yuanzhi? "

Just as the young man murmured to himself, a riot broke out in the street in front of him. Many passers-by were in a hurry to dodge to both sides. Only the young man still lowered his head, as if he were muttering nervously.

"The horse is startled! Get out of the way! The horse is startled From the other side of the street, there were shouts of alarm, only to see a carriage galloping from the other side of the street towards the young man's. Take a closer look. In front of the carriage, several horses are foaming at their mouths and spreading their hooves wildly. They are dragging the carriage and running blindly ahead.

Behind the young men, a group of sergeants came. Although they were wearing armor, they had a feather in their helmets and a bell hanging around their waists. They were jingling, not pleasant.

"General Gan fan! That's it As soon as the passers-by on both sides saw it, they immediately showed a smile, and everyone stopped to watch a good play.

The carriage was dragged by the startled horse and ran fast. In a flash, it was in front of the young man. Unfortunately, the young man still lowered his head and thought about something. He had no fear of impending danger. At such a critical moment, passers-by on the side exclaimed in an attempt to attract the young man's attention. However, the young man seemed to be thinking about something important and still failed to respond.

The head of the group of sergeants behind him, with a flash of light in his eyes and a loud drink, leaped forward directly, and threw the young man who was still walking forward with his head bowed to one side and narrowly avoided the passing carriage.

Then the young man came to his senses, broke away from the sergeant and yelled, "which bastard pushed me?"

I thought that the young man should thank himself for saving his life when he got up, but he didn't expect to scold him when he got up, which made the sergeant dumbfounded. The sergeant subconsciously said, "well, I pushed you down."

The young man looked at the sergeant angrily and said, "why did you push me down for no reason? Is it because I am young and easy to bully? Don't think you can bully people if you are a soldier! If I sue the government, I will punish you! If the Lujiang government doesn't care, I will sue Jianye! I'd like to see how Marquis Wu manages his soldiers! "

Being scolded by the young man, the sergeants were all disoriented. At last, the passers-by was kind enough to remind the young man how dangerous he had just been. It was the sergeant who saved his life. The young man's face was a little better, but when he looked down, he immediately cried out. The voice was no less than the sneeze he had sneezed before.

"My God! My clothes! This is the clothes I bought for ten Liang silver! I don't care! You're going to pay me! " The young man took the sergeant and drank. The crowd saw that it was just when the sergeant knocked him down that the carriage had scratched his robe.

A passer-by on the side of the road was a little blind, and said, "the soldier elder brother is not to save you. I think it's enough!"

The young man coldly looked at the passer-by, humming: "it seems that you are very familiar with him. It is better for you to replace him to pay for it." As soon as the young man said this, he scared the passer-by to shrink his head and quickly hid himself among the crowd. Ten taels of silver, sold him, are not worth so much silver.

"This..." The sergeant, who was not good at speaking, was robbed by the young man for how to speak.

"What, this, that! I don't think you have any money to compensate me! Go! Go to your officer! Today, even if I find the governor of Lujiang, I will explain this to me! " With that, the young man pulled the sergeant back. Of course, with his thin arms and legs, it's impossible to move the big sergeant. However, when the young man made a noise, he seemed to feel that he was in a wrong, so he followed him.