Huang Zhong didn't get angry when he heard Liu Pan's question. He also hoped that his judgment was wrong. However, judging from the roar of killing, it was clear that there was an army of at least 50000 people attacking Xiangyang City. Now Huang Zhong just wants to get to the South Gate of the city and see if he is wrong.

All the way south, before long, Huang Zhong and Liu Pan arrived at the south of the city, only to find that many civil and military officials of Xiangyang City had gathered in the south of the city. But I do not know why, all blocked under the wall, noisy seems to be arguing about something.

When an official turned back, he found Huang Zhong and Liu Pan coming, and happily called out, "don't quarrel! General Huang and General Liu are here

Huang Zhong has always had a high prestige in Xiangyang City, and Liu Pan, as Liu Biao's son, has always been fair and strict in handling affairs, and has won the support of many people. At this time, when they heard the arrival of the two men, all the officials immediately looked back at them.

Huang Zhong and Liu Pan dismounted from their horses and walked directly to the city wall. Where they passed, all the officials gave way to them and saluted. They also frowned and nodded in return. When they got to the city wall, they understood why these officials were blocked here. It turned out that someone had blocked the way to the wall.

"General Huang! General Liu A young military general saluted Huang Zhong and Liu Pan. Huang Zhong knew him. Before Xiangyang City was under martial law, he was the new city guard appointed by Liu Pan. Liu Pan said that he had good martial arts skills and careful mind. He was considered a talent.

"Wei Yan, what's going on here?" Liu Pan frowned and asked the young general.

Wei Yan, the young general, said to Liu Pan, "General Liu, we all came here only after hearing the shouts of killing outside the city. Originally, we wanted to have a look at the city wall, but this man blocked the way to the city wall. He said that he was ordered by the Lord not to let us go up."

Liu Pan had a hot temper. After listening to Wei Yan's remark, he saw the strange soldiers guarding the entrance of the city wall. He immediately realized that these people must be those from unknown sources. He immediately rushed to the soldiers and said, "get out of here! I want to go up

Those generals and men all looked at Liu Pan with indifference. One of the leaders said to Liu Pan: "the Lord has an order. During the martial law period of Xiangyang City, no one is allowed to climb the wall!"

Liu Pan stretched out his hand to the general who was speaking and said, "do you say the Lord has orders? Show me my Lord's orders

The general squinted at Liu Pan, and still said faintly, "my Lord, how can you show me your military orders! If you have any questions, go to the governor's office and ask yourself! "

Liu Pan as Liu Biao's nephew, when was so despised, Liu Pan immediately wanted to ignite the powder keg, and drank: "bastard!" Before the words fell, Liu Pan pulled out his sword on his waist and directly cut down on the general's chest. When the general thought that Liu Pan had such courage, he had no time to defend himself. He looked at Liu Pan with wide eyes and fell on the ground without breath.

Liu Pan wiped the blood splashed on his face, pointed at the rest of the shocked soldiers with his sword in a murderous manner and asked, "which of you dares to stop me?"

These soldiers saw Liu Pan like a god of death, but they could not speak. They threw away their weapons in a hurry and hid aside. Liu Pan was too lazy to argue with these ordinary soldiers. With a big wave of his hand, he yelled to the officials behind him: "let's go to the city wall with me to see what's going on!" Then he took the lead and ran to the city wall. Fearing that Liu Pan might encounter an accident on the wall, Huang Zhong and Wei Yansheng quickly pulled out their weapons and followed them. Other officials were only a little stunned for a moment and followed them up the wall.

The city walls are all veterans of Xiangyang City. They all know Liu Pan and Huang Zhong. Where can they stop them. Liu Pan was the first to climb the city wall, but when Liu Pan looked out of the city, he was silly.

Outside the city, a dense army was rushing towards Xiangyang. It didn't take half a column of incense to attack the city wall. At the head of the city, all the defenders were the original soldiers of Xiangyang City, but none of the soldiers who came from unknown sources were seen.

After his death, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan also arrived in time. As soon as he saw the troops outside the city, Huang Zhong immediately lost his voice and exclaimed, "is there really an army coming to attack the city?"

Wei Yan was calm, but when he looked at the flag of the army outside the city, he could not help but exclaimed: "something is wrong! How can it be our army in Jingzhou? "

"What?" Liu Pan and Huang Zhong, who had been shocked by the scene of troops attacking the city outside the city, heard Wei Yan's words and looked at them. Sure enough, Huang Zhong recognized several of the generals who were stationed in other cities and counties of Jingzhou.

Seeing that the other side was about to enter the range of archers in the city, Huang Zhong quickly stopped: "stop! No one is allowed to attack! Drop your weapon! Do you hear me? Put down your weapons Huang Zhong's prestige in the army is relatively high. As soon as the officers and men heard Huang Zhong's order, they subconsciously put down their bows and arrows that had already been stretched out and turned their heads to Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong ran directly to the center of the city and called out to the general who led the team under the city: "Wang Wei! But General Wang Wei! I'm Huang Zhong! "It was Wang Wei, a general under Deng Xi, who was in charge of leading the troops in this area. He was also an old general in the Jingzhou army. He heard the shouts of the city and recognized Huang Zhong. Wang Wei also respected Huang Zhong, an old general. He quickly stopped the soldiers behind him, and ordered the vice generals behind him to bring the generals in charge of other regions, and hoped that they would stop attacking the city.

As soon as the troops outside the city stopped, Huang Zhong knew that he had not recognized the wrong person. However, he was more and more worried. Both Wang Wei himself and Wang Wei's superior Deng Xi were loyal to Liu Biao, and it was impossible for him to betray Liu Biao. But now he even led a team to attack Xiangyang. How could Huang Zhong not understand the mystery.

Huang Zhong yelled: "General Wang! Why led the troops to attack Xiangyang City? Do you forget the Lord's kindness to you

Wang Wei also finished his command. He raised his head and said to Huang Zhong, "General Huang! I, Wang Wei, have always respected you. Why do you want to help rebel

"Treason?" Huang Zhong was confused. How did he become an assistant rebel? He immediately called out to the city, "General Wang! What do you mean by that? I, Huang Zhong, have always been loyal to Liu Youjun. When did I help rebel? "

At this time, Deng Fei and Zhang Hu, who were close to each other, had already arrived here. They both knew Huang Zhong and didn't believe that Huang Zhong would murder Liu Biao. They knew in their hearts that there must be a misunderstanding, and they didn't say anything. Wang Wei continued to shout, "Liu Lingjun has been killed! Don't General Huang know? Brother CAI and Kuai Mao are the killers

"What!" Huang Zhong, Liu Pan and Wei Yan in the city were shocked. Huang Zhong just wanted to refute, but his head suddenly flashed with light. Remembering this period of time, Liu Biao suddenly fell ill and didn't see visitors again. Cai Mao and the Kuai brothers had repeatedly hindered them, and they felt unable to argue. Liu Pan on one side quickly called out to the city: "General Wang! I'm Liu Pan! But the truth is that you have been killed

Naturally, Wang Wei and others recognized Liu Pan and said, "General Liu! Now the land of Jingxiang has been spread all over the country. The LORD was killed by the Cai family and the Kuai family. The land of Jingzhou is going to change its ownership! "

"Ah When Huang Zhongyi heard Wang Wei's words, he immediately understood all the doubts in the past. He never thought that he was loyal. Now he watched the traitor who was murdering his Lord without knowing it. Suddenly, he had a sharp pain in his chest. He drank a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and the whole person fell down.

"General Huang! Wake up! General Huang Fortunately, Wei Yan's eyes and hands were quick behind him, and he immediately took hold of Huang Zhong's body. Liu Pan and Wei Yan quickly helped Huang Zhong up. At this time, Huang Zhong had already fainted in pain. How could he hear their voices. Liu Pan's eyes were red, and he roared to the soldiers on one side: "go down to me immediately and open the gate to welcome the loyal and righteous division into the city!"

The soldiers were hesitant. Wei Yanli, on one side, understood the difficulties of these soldiers. When Huang Zhong was handed over to a soldier around him, he clasped his fist at Liu Pan and said, "General Liu! There must be many chaotic parties of the Cai family and the Kuai family at the gate of the city! Please allow the last general to lead his troops to clear the chaotic party and open the gate of the city

Liu Pan is also a moment anxious confused, at this time of course understand come over, immediately nod to agree to come down. Wei Yan directly ordered about ten soldiers and rushed down the city wall with a big hand. At this time, the civil and military officials also came to the city head, but they saw Huang Zhong with blood stains on his mouth and was supported by a soldier. Liu Pan was also staring at a pair of bright red eyes, as if he had been greatly stimulated. Liu Pan called out to the troops outside the city: "please wait a moment! I have sent someone to open the gate to meet the generals

Suddenly, all the officials were in an uproar. How could Liu Pan open the gate for the enemy who came to attack the city? Is it impossible to surrender? Yiji, who had been discussing with Liu Pan and Huang Zhong before, was also among them. Seeing this scene, he rushed forward and asked, "General Liu, what's going on here, here, this, this?"

Liu Pan turned his head and saw that it was Yiji. Knowing that Yiji was also a loyal and righteous man, Liu Pan immediately cried out: "we are all hoodwinked by evils! Just now I learned that the Lord, the Lord, and the LORD have been killed by Cai Mao and Kuai brothers! "

As soon as Liu Pan said this, everyone was surprised. Yiji was also flustered and asked, "General Liu, is this really true?"

Liu Pan pointed to the army outside the city, and pointed to Huang Zhong, who fainted, and cried: "outside the city, there are rebel troops from all counties of Jingzhou who have come to eradicate the evils. Now the land of Jingxiang already knows the news of the Lord's death, but we are kept in the dark. Just now, old General Huang was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted