"What?" Like Liu Pan, they just the same expression, all people stare at Liu Pan, not always said that Liu Biao was sick in bed? How did you become killed?

At the same time, they heard a loud noise at their feet. The gate of the city had been opened slowly, and the troops outside the city also rushed into the city under the leadership of Wang Wei and other generals. After a while, I heard the sound of "stepping on the foot". Wei Yan, who had gone down to open the gate of the city, was covered with blood. Carrying his long sword stained with blood, he went to the head of the city, clasped his fist and said to Liu Pan: "general Liu! The rebels at the gate have been killed, and the rebels outside the city have entered the city! "

With red eyes, Liu Pan picked up the sword that had just fallen on the ground and cried out: "good! Gentlemen! Follow me to the governor's office! Kill the rebels! Give me back Jingzhou

Looking at Liu Pan's murderous appearance, most people also pulled out their swords and expressed their willingness to follow Liu Pan. A few of the remaining officials were still hesitating, but Liu Pan's eyes glared. Moreover, the army had already entered the city at this time, but they had no choice but to follow the crowd. But Liu Pan has not yet been carried away. He turned to Wei Yan and said, "Wei Yan! Take the brothers at the head of the city, hold my command, and go to the other three walls to gather the old part of Xiangyang City. If there is any rebellion, kill them! "

Wei Yan immediately hugged his fist and took over the lingfu taken out by Liu Pan. This is the proof of Liu Pan's identity, which can be recognized by all the old Xiangyang troops. Wei Yan yelled at the soldiers at the head of the city, and led them down the wall to rush to other city gates. Liu Pan turned to the soldier who supported Huang Zhong and said, "take old General Huang back to his residence so that he can take good care of him."

The soldier was also an old Xiangyang army that respected Huang Zhong and Liu Pan, so Liu Pan was very relieved of him. After telling him about it, Liu Pan waved his sword in his hand and said to the civil and military officials, "gentlemen! Follow me Having said that, he took the lead to drive to the city, and all the officials followed closely.

It was not long before Liu Pan and others met Pang Ji, Huang Zu and Deng Xi who had just entered the city. Pang Ji saw Liu Pan from a distance and called out: "is it General Liu ahead?"

Liu Pan looked back and saw Pang Ji and others. Suddenly, with shame on his face, he clasped his fist at the three and said, "Lord Pang! General Huang! Lord Deng! Liu Pan is guilty

Pang Ji immediately dismounted from his horse, walked quickly to Liu Pan, helped Liu Pan, and said, "General Liu is serious. It is Cai Mao, Kuai Liang and other traitors who are trying to kill the Lord. What is the matter with General Liu?"

However, Liu Pan was still ashamed to say: "but Liu Pan, as the Lord's son, was murdered, not only can't revenge for it, but also has been concealed by the treason for so long, almost let my Jingzhou children kill each other! Liu Pan is really guilty! "

Pang Ji advised: "General Liu, don't think so. It's all because the thieves are too cunning to blame general Liu! The top priority should be to eradicate the traitors! Avenge Liu Lingjun

Hearing Pang Ji's revenge, Liu Pan's eyes turned red again. He nodded forcefully and then gave way to Pang Ji, which means Pang Ji will command. Pang Ji has been in Jingzhou for many years. Although he has been sent to South County to guard the city in recent years, Xiangyang officials recognize him and respect him. Pang Ji waves his hand, and everyone agrees to follow Pang Ji's instructions and follow Pang Ji and others to the governor's office.

At this time, the governor's office was surrounded by troops. In addition to more than a dozen soldiers killed by Liu Pan and Wei Yan in the south of the city, nearly 10000 soldiers who were transferred into the city by Kuai Liang were summoned to guard it, and they were fighting against the rebels led by Wang Wei and others. Because the other side is guarding the governor's office after all, Wang Wei and others dare not make their own opinions, so they have to wait for Pang Ji to come and make a decision.

After listening to Wang Wei's brief introduction of the situation, Pang Ji and others looked coldly at the heavily guarded governor's office on the opposite side. Pang Ji cried out: "Cai Mao! Kuai Liang! Take off your armor and surrender! Do you still have to fight in a desperate way? "

Behind the heavy guard, the gate of the governor's office opened slowly, and a group of people, such as Kuai Liang, Kuai Yue, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, came out one after another. When Liu Pan saw Zhang Yun standing behind Cai Mao, he couldn't understand. Even pointing at Zhang Yun, he said, "Zhang Yun! You're helping a tyrant! In vain, Liu Junjun treats you like a natural son, and you even go to murder him! You, you, you are a beast

After being scolded by Liu Pan for a while, Zhang yunben's face was not so good-looking, and he even hid behind Cai Mao. Pang Ji comforted Liu Pan, looked at the front of Kuai Liang and said, "Kuai Liang! You treacherous traitor, don't surrender quickly

Kuai Liang's face was not very good-looking at this time. He gave a sad smile and said, "huge man, it's just the so-called success and defeat of the enemy. Kuai Mou decided to embark on this road at the beginning, and had already prepared for this end. Needless to say, if you want to kill, you can come!"

On one side, Deng Xi recognized some flavor and immediately came forward to drink: "Kuai Liang! Liu Junjun treats your brother well. Why do you murder him? What are your intentions? " Although Deng Xi was too strict and was not very popular in Jingzhou officialdom, Kuai Liang was one of the few friends he could talk to. He did not believe that Kuai Liang would do such unjust things because he controlled the Jingzhou regime.

Kuai Liang took a look at Deng Xi and said with a bitter smile, "Lord Deng, there's no need to say more. If you want to catch me, you should first attack the governor's office." Then he took the other people back to the house, the door heavily closed.Huang Zu on the other side snorted coldly and said, "hum! But just ten thousand people want to block the rebel attack? Deng Fei! Chen Jiu Deng Fei and Chen, standing behind him, heard Huang Zu's call, and immediately came out and clasped their fists.

Huang Zu said in a cold tone: "you two, each with a thousand elite soldiers, go and occupy the Cai family and the Kuai family! Kill both of them for me Huang Zu said this gloomy, all the people present could not help but shiver. Deng Xi on one side just wanted to say something, but Pang Ji stopped him. After receiving the order of Huang Zu, the two generals called the soldiers of Jiangxia and ran to the CAI and Kuai families in the city.

Huang Zu turned his head to Pang Ji and said, "huge man, why say more about these disorderly officials and thieves? Fight!"

Liu Pan, on the other side, had already been unable to restrain himself. He also threw a fist at Pang Ji and said, "giant man, please allow Liu Pan to make up for his mistakes and lead the rebel army to break through the Imperial Palace and capture the chaotic party."

Pang Ji hesitated to look at the governor's office in front of him, but then looked at the appearance of Huang Zu and Liu Pan, so he sighed and nodded his head. Pang Ji nodded his head, and Liu Pan immediately held up his sword and cried out: "all the soldiers, kill with me!" With that, he took the lead in rushing to the enemy.

Under the leadership of Liu Pan, a column of generals and soldiers held high their weapons and followed Liu Pan to kill. Although there were nearly 10000 people guarding the governor's office, there were also a large number of rebel troops. In addition, there were so many generals here. The defenders were killed and retreated. At this time, a shout of killing was heard from the governor's office. It turned out that Wei Yan arrived with the Xiangyang Garrison who had been summoned.

With Wei Yan's army joining the battlefield, the troops guarding the governor's office finally collapsed. All of them dropped their weapons and squatted on the ground to surrender. However, the red eyed rebels did not give these people the chance to surrender. Even if they left their weapons, they would still kill them.

As soon as Pang Ji and others saw that the overall situation was settled, they also took civil and military officials to the governor's office. After entering the governor's office, Pang Ji and others went directly to Liu Biao's wing room in the back garden. Before entering the backyard, they heard a burst of wailing. It was Liu Pan's voice that Pang Ji and others could not help but tremble and quicken their pace.

When he went to the courtyard of Liu Biao's wing room, Pang Ji looked far away and saw that Liu Biao's wing room had been opened and several soldiers were left outside. Even if everyone was allowed to stay outside, he only took Huang Zu and Deng Xi into the wing room. As soon as they entered the wing room, they immediately smelled a rotten smell. Looking up, they saw that Liu Pan was kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly. A white cloth on the couch had been opened, revealing a human figure lying on the couch, which was Liu Biao. But at this time, Liu Biao's body has begun to rot and stink, apparently has been dead for a long time. Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng, a former governor of Jingzhou, did not escape the shadow of death, which was 13 years earlier than that in history.

"My Lord! Pang Ji is late! " Pang Ji took the lead in prostrating himself to the ground, and Huang Zu and Deng Xi followed him closely. The three of them wept bitterly. Listening to the cry in the room, the ministers outside the room also knelt down and cried.

At this time, Wang Wei, Deng Xi's subordinate general, hurried to the backyard, stood outside the door of the room, clasped his fists and said, "report to several adults that all the other traitors in the mansion have been eliminated. Only Kuai Liang, Kuai Yue, Cai Mao, and Zhang Yun, the chief thieves, are trapped in the Eastern Conference Hall and are struggling with each other."

"Bang Dang!" When he saw that the door of the house was kicked open, Liu Pan rushed out in a murderous manner and asked, "where is Kuai liang? Where is Cai Mao? General Wang! Lead the way! I'm going to cut these traitors Closely following Liu Pan, Huang Zu, Pang Ji and Deng Xi were all angry.

Wang Wei immediately led the way for several people, and Pang Ji did not forget to tell the soldiers to stay. In the governor's office, he turned left and right, and saw many dead bodies along the way. The whole governor's office had been dyed red with blood.

Finally, outside a hall, the doors and windows of the hall are tightly closed, and outside the hall are full of armed rebels. Liu Pan came to have a look and immediately said, "what are you waiting for! Shoot me all! Shoot these traitors! Shoot

General Zhang Hu and Deng Fei, who were commanding over there, came forward to dissuade him and said, "General Liu, you can't shoot! Now there are not only those who are against the party, but also Mr. Liu Qi has been arrested in the hall! "