When night falls, I don't know if it is because of the corpses all over the city that the moon is afraid to show up. There is not even a trace of Moonlight over Nanjun city.

In Nanjun City, all the defenders were sitting on the ground tired and dull. Although they didn't go to war in the daytime, they felt bad to see the massacre outside the city. For the first time, they had doubts about the yellow sky they believed in. Was it really that the sky was full of Qi? Otherwise, why did the imperial court have such a powerful army to block the realization of Taiping Road?

In the wing room of the official residence, Du Ming was looking at Pang Degong surrounded by medical officials. At this time, Pang De Gong was completely different from that of his former immortals. His face was pale and his wrinkles were like deep ditches. Those snow-white hair is not as neat as before tied into a bun, but scattered in disorder.

At this time, Pang De Gong was frowning, his eyes closed, and his expression was very painful. Around him, several medical officers were treating him carefully, but they did not alleviate his pain. When you hear the sound of Pang Gong Gong's groaning, you can go up to pound Gong quickly

Unfortunately, Pang De Gong couldn't hear Du Ming's call at all, and he fell asleep again. Du Ming took a medical officer and asked, "what's the matter with Duke de?"

The medical officer replied in a submissive way: "the body of the great virtuous master is already too old. Only by taking pills these years can he maintain his spirit. However, those pills have strong side effects. Over a long period of time, a lot of poisonous gas has been deposited in his body. With such a surprise today, I'm afraid it is... " The medical officer didn't dare to talk about it any more.

"What?" Du Ming thought Pang Degong was just frightened by today's scene, but he didn't expect to get so sick. Although Du Ming was greedy, he was loyal to the Yellow turban army and Pang Degong. How can he not be shocked when he hears the bad news.

"Listen!" Du Ming grabbed the collar of the medical officer around him and whispered, "I don't care what method you use! We must cure the great virtuous teacher. If there is anything wrong with the great virtuous teacher, I want you all to die very ugly

"General Du!" The medical officer, who was pulled by his collar, pleaded bitterly: "the so-called medicine doctor can not die of disease. This great virtuous teacher is already critically ill. It is useless for you to force us like this! It can't be cured or not! "

Du Ming's long and slender eyes flashed with cold light, and said in a negative way: "since you admit that you can't cure it, you are useless!" Without waiting for the medical officer to open his mouth to explain something, Du Ming suddenly loosened his collar, drew out his sword from his waist, and cut off the head of the medical officer with a brush. A large amount of blood spurted on Du Ming's body. Under the light of the candle, he looked like a devil from the underworld.

Du Ming said darkly, "who else among you admits that he can't cure it?" When Du Ming's eyes glared, the remaining medical officers all shivered involuntarily. They did not dare to say no, and bowed their heads to Pang Degong to see him.

Du Ming glanced at Pang De Gong lying on the couch with complicated eyes, and turned and walked out directly. However, only a few days later, the Yellow turban army ended up in such a situation. Looking at the tired soldiers on guard, Du ming could not help feeling helpless.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Suddenly, the east gate of the city came bursts of drums, Du Ming was surprised, east of the city? Isn't that the direction of the Dongwu army? Then the sound of a battle horn sounded. It was the sound of warning at the head of the city. Did the Dongwu army come to attack at night?

Where did Du Ming dare to stay, he immediately let the soldiers around him go to the garrison camp and inform the garrison to come out to meet the enemy. Du Ming also rushed to the east gate of the city. In less than half a column of incense, Du Ming had already arrived under the city wall in the East. At this time, the sound of war drums outside the city suddenly stopped. Although Du Ming was strange, he still ran to the head of the city and looked out of the city. It was dark outside the city, but I didn't even see a ghost.

"What's the matter? And the enemy? " Du Ming asked the soldiers who stayed at the head of the city.

"No, no, I don't know. I just heard it just now. I heard the sound of war drums outside the city, and also, there were shouts. We, we just blew the war horn." The soldier was so scared that he couldn't speak clearly. After all, he lied about the military situation, but he would be executed.

Du Ming was confused. Did the enemy want to attack secretly, but found that the city was ready, so he gave up? Thinking of this, I think it is the only reason that can be explained. As for the soldiers guarding the city, they have made great efforts. They should not only not be punished, but also should be given a good reward: "Well! Good job! Be alert next! If you find an enemy invading, warn immediately! When the enemy retreats, I will report to the great virtuous division and reward you very much! "

On hearing this, not only did they not have to be punished, but also had rewards. Those soldiers turned their worries into joy and immediately clasped their fists and said, "thank you, general!"

Du Ming waved his hand and turned down the wall. As soon as he got down the wall, he saw countless soldiers coming from the direction of the barracks, headed by several ordinary vice generals. When he saw Du Ming's face as if nothing had happened, they were all in a daze. He hurried forward and asked, "general Du, didn't you say there was an enemy attack?"Du Ming waved his hand and said, "the enemy saw that we were ready, and they all went back to have a rest." When Du Ming looked at the soldiers who came in a hurry, their clothes were not in good shape, and they were obviously pulled up from their sleep.

"Damn the Han Army! It's not safe at night Several vice generals heard Du Ming's explanation, one by one was very angry, and some were not satisfied with the abuse, and spat directly to the East before giving up. When the soldiers got the news, the situation was similar to that of the vice generals. They were all swearing, but they didn't have a good word.

Du Ming, with a bitter smile, watched all the people go back, but it was hard to say anything. In common sense, after thinking about it, he spit to understand the hatred, and then he slowly walked to the official residence of the supreme official. It took half a column of incense when I was on the way, but it was enough time to use three sticks of incense when I came back. Looking at the sky, it was really not too late. It was time to have a rest.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Just as Du Ming stepped into the threshold with one foot, the thundering drum sounded again, followed by the war horn. Du Ming was stunned at first. Even though he scolded the Han army for its insidiousness, he must have been careless about them the previous time. When he came back this time, he did not dare to rest. He turned around and ran to the east gate of the city. After that, the soldiers who had just returned to the military camp also caught up with him.

However, just as Du Ming and the soldiers of the Yellow turban army arrived at the bottom of the city wall and prepared to go to the city head, the war drum sound suddenly disappeared again. Du Ming, who boarded the head of the city, looked out of the city, but he still didn't see a single person.

"Run away again?" Du Ming said to himself, frowning, looking out of the city again, and looking up at the sky, the weather covered by dark clouds and the moon is really suitable for night attack. No wonder the Han army will come again to attack. In this case, Du Ming directly said to the officers and men, "don't go back. I think the Han army will attack again. We will stay here. And you, when the other side comes, don't blow the war horn again, let the other side think that we are careless and come to attack the city. Then we'll give him a head-on blow

"Wonderful! General Du is indeed a good stratagem, worthy of our heavenly army's think tank! With general Du, we will no longer have to be afraid of the intrigues of the Han Army! " Those vice generals hastily flattered Du Ming and made him very comfortable!

Next, under the arrangement of Du Ming, even the torches on the head of the city were put out. All the officers and soldiers squatted on the top of the city, played a twelve point spirit, and waited for the other party to come. However, as time went by, it seemed that it was about to be ugly. However, the sound of war drums had never sounded again. The soldiers who were squatting on the head of the city felt numb and yawned. After all, everyone is very tired, and now it's so late, it's no way to go on like this.

"It seems that the Han army will not come again, hateful!" His strategy failed to succeed, so Du Ming had no face. He swore in secret. He stood up and ordered the torches to be lit again, and all the other officers and soldiers stood up.

All of a sudden, there was a sigh on the head of the city. They were numb after squatting for a long time. Some of them almost fainted because they got up too fast. Du Ming said to the Deputy generals, "it seems that the Han army will not come. We'd better go back and have a rest first."

The officers and men saluted to Du Ming powerlessly, and then turned and staggered down the city. Du Ming told the soldiers who were guarding the city. If the Han Army still came later, don't blow the battle horn, so as not to scare the other side away. After that, Du Ming began to prepare to go down to the city.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Just at the moment when Du Ming just stepped off the city, the sound of war drums outside the city began to ring again. Du Ming was startled and ran to the head of the city and looked at it carefully. But outside the city, only the sound of drums and shouts could be heard, but there was no figure. At this time, those who had just returned to the city wall also went up to the city wall. They all looked out of the city like Du Ming, but they also had no harvest.

At this time, the drums and shouts stopped as suddenly as they had just been. It was as if someone had been shouting loudly, but suddenly someone else had seized his neck.

"Ah A soldier suddenly exclaimed, "my God! Is it possible that the ghosts of those who died during the day are beating drums and shouting outside? " The trembling voice of the speech made the other officers and men suddenly gloomy. Many people could not help but shrink their necks.