Seeing that the soldiers on the whole city were frightened by the soldier's words, Du Ming immediately kicked him with a big foot. Almost no, the soldier was kicked down the city. Du Ming roared: "what a ghost! This is the Han Army's harassment trick! We need to expend our energy! " Du Ming is also a general of the Yellow turban army, who is also a little clever. After these harassment, he finally figured it out.

After listening to Du Ming's words, all the officers and men suddenly realized that Du Ming was very depressed and looked at the darkness outside the city, but there was no way. An aide general nearby gave an idea: "general Du, since we already know that this is the Han Army's trick, then we don't care about him. Even if the drum sounds again, we just can't hear it."

Du Ming glared at the assistant general who gave the idea. He was eager to pull out his sword and stab the stupid thing to death. He immediately said, "how can we ignore it? What if the next time he comes for a real night attack

The deputy general immediately stopped. Yes, although it is likely that the next attack will be a fake night attack, it may also be a real night attack. If the same thing is ignored, will the Han Army break the city? Without the protection of the city wall, they only have 40000 men and horses to face the fierce Han army. Think of the 300000 yellow turban army that has been wiped out during the day, the Deputy generals and other officers and men can't help but shrink their heads.

Du Ming sighed. Now everyone is afraid of being beaten by the Han Army outside. Even if the Han army withdraws, I'm afraid the Yellow turban army will never be a big deal again. Thinking about his future fate, Du Ming was dejected. He told the soldiers that they were sleeping under the city wall. If there was any movement, he still had to be careful. He went directly down the city to the official residence of the governor.

As soon as he got to the governor's residence, the drums began to ring again in the direction of the east gate of the city. This time, Du Ming did not go there any more, but stood and stopped for a while. Sure enough, the drum stopped by himself. Du Ming shook his head gently and continued to walk towards the official residence.

"Oh! General Du! You are back at last A soldier saw Du Ming come in and said, "general Du! You go to see the great virtuous teacher! The great virtuous teacher he, he... " The soldier said nothing more than half of it.

Du Ming was stunned at first, and his heart suddenly filled with ominous feeling. He pushed the soldier aside and went directly to the wing room where pound was. Before he arrived at the wing room, he heard the faint cry coming from the front. The ominous feeling in Du Ming's heart was even stronger. Rush to the door of the wing room, a push open the door, the sight of the scene immediately let Du Ming stay.

Before that, the medical officers were all sitting on the ground. Several soldiers were kneeling in front of the couch and crying. On the couch, Pang De Gong was still lying there, but his frown had been loosened and his face was peaceful.

"Duke de!" Du Ming immediately rushed to the couch and grabbed Pound's arm and swayed desperately. However, Pang's arm was cold and there was no reaction at all.

"How? How could this happen? " Du Ming knelt down in front of the couch with a sad face, and hit the ground with his hands clenched.

The soldiers on one side said with tears: "just after the general left, the sound of war drums broke out in the east of the city. The medical officer called us in quickly. As soon as we came in, we saw the great virtuous division sitting on the couch with a look of panic. When the drum stopped, the great virtuous teacher was quiet, but he was too weak. The great virtuous division asked us to find general Du, but our brothers who sent to find general Du could not find the general. The great virtuous teacher finally told us that he wanted us to tell the general that he would lead his troops to surrender after his immortals had gone. "

"What?" Du Ming glared at the soldier, pulled out his sword and put it on his neck. He said, "nonsense! How could the great virtuous master ask me to surrender! How dare you falsely pass on the edict of a great virtuous teacher and disturb the morale of the army

But the soldier did not have the slightest look of fear, still full of sadness and said: "the villain said, every sentence is true, all brothers can testify!"

At this time, several other soldiers are also wiping tears, nodding up and down. Although Du Ming was still full of doubts, he also believed that the soldiers carefully selected to guard Pang De Gong would not make up lies to deceive himself. He immediately took back his sword and said, "what's next? You go on

The soldier continued: "the great virtuous teacher just explained a few words, and finally called out the name of a man named Shiyuan. At this time, the war drum began to ring in the east of the city. Suddenly, the great virtuous teacher opened his eyes. Even if it did not work, although the villain asked these medical officers to treat the great virtuous teacher, the great virtuous teacher still did not hold on and went away Yes With that, the soldier continued to lie on the ground and began to cry.

Shi Yuan? Du Ming looked at Pang Degang on the couch. Did you think about your nephew who was against you at the last moment? What about us? What about our subordinates who have always been loyal to you?

"Ah Du Ming suddenly waved his long sword, striding to the edge of the couch, and directly chopped the sword down.

"Ah A scream, with a spatter of hot blood, splashed directly on Du Ming's face. A medical officer was directly cut down by Du Ming. Du Ming looked at the remaining medical officials and said, "I said so! If there is anything wrong with the great virtuous teacher, I will make you die very ugly! Now that the great virtuous teacher has gone, I want you to bury him with him! ""Ah! no Spare your life, general "Don't kill me!" "Please, general!"

Without paying attention to those medical officers' appeals for mercy, Du Ming, though weak in body, was at least a general who marched and fought. With a few sharp swords, he killed all the medical officers who had no strength to escape in a pool of blood. As soon as Du Ming turned his head, he looked at the soldiers in a murderous manner.

Those soldiers were frightened by Du Ming's sudden attack on the assassin, but when he saw Du Ming looking at them, none of them were afraid. Seeing Du Ming walking towards them with his long sword full of blood, they were still kneeling upright without any movement.

Du Ming sighed, took out a military order from his arms and threw it to the soldiers. He said to the soldiers, "go to the head of the city, find the soldiers who are guarding under the wall, give orders to them, open the city and surrender!"

These soldiers originally intended to let Du Ming kill himself in order to show their ambition, but they did not expect that Du Ming should give them such a task. They all looked at him with complicated eyes and did not move.

Du Ming suddenly exclaimed, "this is the edict of the great virtuous teacher before he died! Don't you want to disobey the law of the great master? "

Hearing that Duming had delivered the last order of Pang Degong, the soldiers could not help but do it again. All of them stood up and paid homage to Du Ming. Finally, they left the room reluctantly. The last soldier who left the room closed the door respectfully.

Du Ming looked at the sword in his hand and said with a bitter smile: "Li Ji, Yan Fei, I can't believe that I, a coward who has always been greedy for life and death, can rush to meet you so soon! Let's follow the great master again in another world After that, Du Ming held up his sword and directly wiped it on his neck. He felt the sound of blood gushing from his body. Slowly and slowly, he knelt down on the ground.

In the morning of the next day, Chen Ren just got up from the big tent and received such a shocking news that Nanjun surrendered!

Until he led the army into Nanjun City, Chen Ren couldn't believe it was true. The bodyguard of Pang Degong, who ordered the surrender, came to tell the whole story. Chen Ren felt that the world was changeable.

Originally, Chen Ren's task for Ding Feng was to harass the garrison in Nanjun city by imitating Zhuge Liang's harassment strategy to Cao Cao's envoy in history. Unexpectedly, Pang Degong killed him. Before Pang's death, Chen Ren also asked several generals about the reason for his surrender. It turns out that the Huangjin army sent only 300000 troops out of the city to meet the enemy yesterday, but left 40000 troops in the city, not for the sake of contingency, but because most of the 40000 troops were strong men captured by Pang Degong from various counties and counties in Jingzhou. Although they had been trained for a period of time, they could not guarantee their absolute loyalty to the Yellow turban army. They mutinied on the battlefield. Although they had not been sent out, they were under strict supervision even in the city.

But now the backbone of the Yellow turban army has been wiped out in the first world war yesterday. If we rely on these people to defend the city in Malaysia, sooner or later, something will happen. It is better to surrender first, at least to keep a small number of yellow turban followers. This is a good deed done by Pang De Gong as a believer of Taiping Road before his death.

After finding out the whole process, Chen Ren sighed slightly. According to Pang Degong's will, he wanted Du Ming, who was called Du Ming, to continue to lead the Yellow turban army. Even if he stayed under Sun Jian's tent for a while, as long as he left the fire of Taiping Road, he would have a chance to make a comeback. However, Pang Dehong probably didn't think that when he called Pang Tong's name before his death, Du Ming would be wrong. He thought Pang had to give up his position as a good teacher to Pang Tong. He was so frustrated that he chose to commit suicide. I'm afraid it was Providence.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Ren finally learned about the gratitude and resentment between Pang Degong and Pang Tong. It turns out that Pang Tong's parents died early and were raised by Pang Degong himself. However, Pang De Gong's identity has never been told to Pang Tong, because Pang De Gong does not want to involve Pang Tong. However, at a meeting of Taiping Road, Pang Tong accidentally broke it. At that time, the Yellow turban rebellion had been read as heinous. Pang Tong could not forgive Pang and chose to break with Pang.