It's night, the head of Qinghe County.

Xia Zhao rarely came to inspect the city. However, he asked all the soldiers on the city and inspected the city again, but he found nothing unusual. Xia Zhao repeatedly told those soldiers guarding the city head to patrol carefully, and then he went back to the city head in three steps and two times. After leaving the city, Xia Zhao couldn't help laughing bitterly at his actions. Ever since he knew that there were yellow turban bandits rioting in the counties and prefectures below, Xia Zhao was always upset. Although Deng Sheng had led his troops to encircle the Yellow turban bandits yesterday, there should be no problem, but for some reason, Xia Zhao's anxiety became more and more serious.

"Ah! It may be that when you get older, you will become more and more suspicious. " Xia Zhao said in a low voice with self mockery. As he walked towards his residence, he thought that Deng Sheng was on the way back from the great victory at this time. He thought of his repeated instructions before Deng Sheng set out. I'm afraid that he would have to laugh at him when he came back.

Just after Xia Zhao had just gone, a garrison soldier at the head of the city suddenly seemed to see a troop running out of the city. He quickly pointed out his hand to the soldiers around him and asked, "Hello! You see, what is that? "

"What The soldier was leaning against the wall and dozing. After being awakened by his companions, he rubbed his eyes vigorously, yawning and looking out of the city.

Before the soldier could see it clearly, the troop had already run to the bottom of the city. It was a uniform cavalry, and one of them called to the head of the city: "brothers! Open the door

The Garrison who first discovered this cavalry troop looked at it. Wasn't it the cavalry who set out with general Deng Sheng yesterday? Back so soon? But it's like the character of general Deng Sheng!

"General Deng Sheng?" Although we have recognized each other, we still need to inquire as usual.

Suddenly, from the cavalry team, there was a sudden burst of drinking, but the voice was hoarse, as if it had not been drinking water for a long time: "asshole! I don't even know it! Open the door Although we can't see the faces of those people from the fire on the head of the city, we can vaguely see the good armor of the leader. Isn't it Deng Sheng?

At the end of the city, several garrisons, thinking of Deng Sheng's hot temper, could not help but shrink their heads, and immediately cried to the Garrison under the other side of the wall: "open the door quickly! General Deng Sheng is back! Open the door

At this time, Xia Zhao, who was not far away, also faintly heard the sound of the garrison at the head of the city. He couldn't help laughing, and said to himself, "Deng Sheng is still in such a hurry. He ran back so quickly. He must have been on his way all night." After thinking about it, anyway, it's not far away. It's better to meet this guy, and then turn around and go back.

With a squeak, the city gate slowly opened, and the cavalry outside the city was not in a hurry. Until the gate was fully opened, he slowly entered. The cavalry who entered the city gate, one by one, looked very tired and hung their heads. In the envious eyes of those soldiers guarding the gate, they slowly passed through the gate.

On the way to half of the way, a soldier guarding the city suddenly saw a scratch on the armor of one of the cavalry, and immediately recognized that this was not the second son of Li who joined the army with him! Laughing, he went up to say hello: "Er Zi! How are you doing? Is it comfortable to have a walk outside this time? "

However, I don't know why, Li Er Zi, as if he had not heard his voice at all, still hung his head and walked forward. The soldier was angry. What's the matter? When you become a cavalry, you don't recognize the old man? He immediately stepped forward, grabbed the reins of his mount, shook his head, opened his mouth and began to curse.

However, what the soldier didn't find was that when he was swearing, two cold lights flashed under the helmet of the Li Er Zi.

"Do it!" At this time, the last cavalry has also entered the gate, a low drink ring. The soldier who was still scolding only saw a flash of cold light, and his big head flew out.

For a moment, swords and swords flashed by the gate, and before the soldiers guarding the gate could make a sound, they all fell into a pool of blood. At this time, the garrison at the head of the city did not know what happened at the gate under their feet. What they saw was that they did not know when a large number of troops were suddenly added outside the city, at least 20000! All of a sudden, there were so many more troops, and they were a bit dull.

"Come on! Come on! Close the gate! What the hell is going on at the gate of the city At the head of the city, a garrison who was probably a captain level garrison yelled and began to command his subordinates: "you! Go to the gate and see what's going on! You! Go and blow the battle horn! Everyone else is going to prepare the garrison equipment

The soldier who had been sent to blow the battle horn nodded repeatedly and ran to the place on the other side of the city. When he picked up the battle horn, he was about to blow it. Suddenly, he felt a chill in his neck. However, he couldn't make any sound when he put it on his mouth. At the next moment, the soldier lost all his strength and fell directly at the head of the city.

Watching hundreds of soldiers wearing their own army armor rushed to the head of the city and first killed the soldiers blowing the battle horn, the captain of the garrison did not understand what was going on. After a look at the dense army outside the city, he had a bitter smile on his face. He had no choice but to throw away his weapons and kneel down in front of those murderous soldiers. With this leader, the soldiers looked at each other and knelt down to surrender.At this time, Xia Zhao, who did not know the great changes in the gate, still walked towards the gate with a smile on his face. All of a sudden, Xia Zhao saw a troop of cavalry racing ahead, and immediately his face became gloomy. It's a flagrant violation of military regulations to gallop in the city at such a late night! Immediately, he stood directly in the middle of the street and said, "which battalion are you from? Don't you know the rules? Don't stop for me

Unfortunately, Xia Zhao's exhaling did not slow down the cavalry at all. On the contrary, the leading rider quickened his pace. Before Xia Zhao could breathe again, he had already rushed to Xia Zhao. In the moonlight, Xia Zhao immediately saw the knight's face, widened his eyes and said, "you are..." However, before he finished, another snow-white cold light crossed. Xia zhaogen could not react, so he was cut into two pieces and fell to the ground directly.

The knight who cut him didn't stop at all, so he took the cavalry behind him and continued to run forward. He only left a murky murmur in the air: "all the people of Yuan Shao should die!"

Under the moonlit night, Qinghe city suddenly fell into a scream of panic, which was mixed with many roars, shouts and shrill screams. The cry lasted for a whole night, until the next day, it slowly calmed down. It is not that no one sneaked out of the city, but they were all killed by more than 5000 cavalry waiting outside the city.

The next morning, after a night of panic, many people in Qinghe city came out of their homes in fear, only to find that there was no change in the city. It was as if the sound of that night was just a nightmare. The only change was that the city gate, which had always been free to enter and exit, was now tightly closed, and the guards they were familiar with were all changed.

In the assembly hall of the governor's residence, the high official who had been sitting on the top of the throne was in a mess and was bound to kneel down. However, the one sitting on the top of the throne was a military general with a heroic face, but it was Xia Houdun, the first general under Cao Cao Cao! A scholar like middle-aged man sitting on the left side of XiahouDun was naturally a playwright who asked Cao Cao to come to attack Jizhou. And sitting at the bottom of the table is XiaHouYuan and lejin.

"Mr. Xi, what do you think of this senior cadre?" Xia Houdun, who had just lost the first World War in Xuzhou, was very grateful to the dramatists for being able to point himself to atone for his exploits. It can be said that he obeyed his words.

With a smile, he looked at Gao Gan, who was shaking all the time. He replied, "this man is yuan Benchu's favorite nephew. If you save him, he will be useful in the future."

XiahouDun nodded and ordered the sergeant on one side to drag the high official down. Then he turned his head and asked, "Mr. Xi, now that Qinghe County has been obtained, what should we do next?"

Xi Zhicai still said with a smile: "now Yuan Shao leads his troops to fight Gongsun Zan in the north of Jizhou, and the southern part of Jizhou is empty, which is a great opportunity. Other counties are not as good as Qinghe County, which is about 3000 garrisons at most, so they can be ignored. Only the capital of Jizhou, Xindu, is the goal of our trip to Jizhou. There are at least 10000 soldiers from Sun Shao County, and there should be at least 10000 soldiers from other counties. Our army is also 30000 this time, but after all, the capital city of Xindu has a solid wall, and the other side has a city to rely on. It is quite difficult for us to attack this city by force! "

When he saw that he was still smiling, he knew that he had a plan in mind and said, "Mr. Xi doesn't have to play tricks on me. If you have any tricks, please tell us!" Xia Houyuan and lejin are also looking forward to Xi Zhicai. After all, what Xi Zhicai just said is true. They also want to know how Xi Zhicai can transform corruption into magic and conquer Xindu.

Looking at the three men's expectations, Xi Zhicai was overjoyed and replied, "in fact, this is the reason why I asked all generals to pay attention not to let the news leak when attacking Qinghe County. According to previous information, Yuan Tan, the eldest son of Yuan Shao, left behind to keep his word, was Yuan Tan, the eldest son of Yuan Shao. In recent years, Yuan Shao dotes on his young son, Yuan Shang, and wants to abolish Chang Li Yong. Yuan Tan's temperament has also become more irritable. Therefore, if our army wants to win the trust, it will fall on Yuan Tan! "